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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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If this is not all about Thaksin the why not make other demands than simply dissolve the house? Why not talk about those points?

I do agree that the latest coup was illegal and should never have happened. Thaksin did need to go for all of his terrible abuses of power and its a shame that the normal legal channels to get rid of him were ineffective (partially Thaksin's own doing) and not explored well enough when they were tested.

To claim however that a house dissolution will solve all the woes that are present today is overly ambitious at best. It will only take Thailand back to the point in time before the last coup, in that space which followed the one before that, but I suppose that one was okay, right?

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<snip for brevity>

Its an outrageous slur and simply not true - I know many reds (I'm not one but sympathetic) and they are decent, largely University educated, and not dumb at all - they just want a better Thailand and want to CHOOSE their Prime Minister.

Much as they had a voice in choosing former-PM Somchai, perhaps ? :)

Funny how many Red-Shirts didn't call for an election, let alone riot on the streets of Bangkok to get it, when that decision was handed-down from upon high (aka Dubai ?). Obviously I don't understand their 'true democracy' well enough yet, perhaps I should sign-up for a course of re-education at a Red-School. :D

Agreed... it's ridiculous - let's stick to the topics

Agreed. Let's stick to topics.

You get something wrong. Being ridiculous is not the topic.


Geez. BIG coincidence that this judgment came back now. So now what? Quick, everyone! Start your own party and get into this corruption game! Get yours now!

Just another turn in the this Thai circle of so called governance and rule of law. Ridiculous. What a waste of time and continual waste of taxpayers' money. The poor souls died in vain these past few days.


Many of the problems presently being addressed by the Reds, Yellows, present government (made up of both) and that part of the population who appear color blind, seem to have originated due to corruption by people of authority. Thailand has a history as do all other countries of the world, past and present of this malignancy. Many countries have approached this problem as unacceptable and are working to find and penalize everyone involved, whereas Thailand seems quite selective in even approaching the problem. With exception of the present PM this seems to be a non issue. I hear a lot of noise about what is wanted as far as individual groups are concerned but this topic seems to be left out of the desires (some say solutions) for change. With a mindset like this, , the only change that seems immanent is slight rearrangement of those at the trough and the possible replacement of a few, by relative newcomers. The old school of thought of 'check the simple/stupid things before tearing the machine/system apart' may have a application here.

Or, in this case, throw out the whole machine or blow up the dam_n building that houses the machine and start over.

Pol Pot tried that. It gets very ugly.

Or, in this case, throw out the whole machine or blow up the dam_n building that houses the machine and start over.

Pol Pot tried that. It gets very ugly.

Yes, a significant faction (the Maoists) of the reds are talking that way, and yet we STILL have westerners showing support for that movement. It boggles the mind.

Or, in this case, throw out the whole machine or blow up the dam_n building that houses the machine and start over.

Pol Pot tried that. It gets very ugly.

Yes, a significant faction (the Maoists) of the reds are talking that way, and yet we STILL have westerners showing support for that movement. It boggles the mind.

Yes Jingthing, however I prefer to call that particular faction of the Red Shirts Naxalites - it has a more contemporary ring and better fits their rhetoric and, now, their tactics also.


That's where this whole re-education thing falls apart. For instance, the wife here is 'red'

Admittedly she isn't the sharpest tool in the box, her village is a few km away from Thaksin's village. Her son goes to a school that has a room labelled 'Shinawatra' or similar... for when they visit.

My point is, she is quite close to the 'hub' of the red shirts, by accident of birth.

If i asked her tonight about the 'republic' thing, she would be HORRIFIED!

I guess because the press is not free here, these things can't be brought up on mainstream media, and thus dont penetrate the minds of those that just follow the crowd (in between Thai Soap operas).

If they really wanted to re-educate against Maoism, the R word etc.. they need to write a soap opera featuring of course ghosts, communists, maoists, politicans, etc..

Maybe a cheerful drama set on the Cambodia/Thai border during Pol Pot's reign. The Handsome Thai soldier rescues a poor bank managers daughter from the reds, dodging the ghosts of the recently executed... Thai ghosts could fight Cambodian ghosts. Much magic and naff pyrotechnics involved.

That's what happens when you illegally accept a donation of B29 Million from a single entity, in this case TPI Poline.

Them's the rules folks.

smartelexess et al,

if you had time to read the full story at TPI Polene.com,Then you would be enlightened.

Its just a start in court and can stretch a year or more,passing the hot potatoe from one agency to another.

That case of (shady distribution of money) paid by TPI Polene -Prachai Leophaitana the founder of TPI and later CEO of TPI Polene.

I guess the money was paid to let the sacked CEO off the hook.

Alleged the money was paid for a advertising company for ads in the south:

the companys name :Messiah Business and Creation Co.

The shareholders...??

Maybe the Lords own company??

Was a case of one hand washing the other.

As for Abhsits smug defiance, even a pro-goverment newspaper, The Nation, referred to him in these terms.

Russell Hantz... now there's a smug man...

Dear, oh dear! You're starting to lose it now, rixalex. Just because your side has been exposed as being just as corrupt as the other, there's no excuse for descending to personal abuse. :D

Oh dear lord, give me strength. :)

Russell Hantz is a TV reality star. The member who has chosen this name and chosen the picture of the same man as his avatar, i think we can safely assume is not the man himself. Why he has chosen this name and this avatar i have no idea. My "smug man" comment was directed at Russell Hantz the man, not Russell Hantz the Thaivisa member. If you've ever watched Survivor, not that i particularly recommend it, you would know why i said it. Can we possibly move on now?

Just because your side has been exposed as being just as corrupt as the other

I don't have a side, unless you count disliking Thaksin as being a side. He is by no means the only Thai politician i dislike, but he is one of the few with an army of internet supporters like yourself. You are easy to distinguish as you all immediately conclude anyone anti-Thaksin must therefore be yellow/PAD/Dem.


[/i]I don't have a side, unless you count disliking Thaksin as being a side. He is by no means the only Thai politician i dislike, but he is one of the few with an army of internet supporters like yourself. You are easy to distinguish as you all immediately conclude anyone anti-Thaksin must therefore be yellow/PAD/Dem.

Same, if you disagree with Yoshiwara or Jdinasia, you are immediately classified as an ugly Thaksinist.....


[/i]I don't have a side, unless you count disliking Thaksin as being a side. He is by no means the only Thai politician i dislike, but he is one of the few with an army of internet supporters like yourself. You are easy to distinguish as you all immediately conclude anyone anti-Thaksin must therefore be yellow/PAD/Dem.

Same, if you disagree with Yoshiwara or Jdinasia, you are immediately classified as an ugly Thaksinist.....

Happy Songkran Yoshiwara....without you I am bored...this forum needs yellowish salt (and pepper).



Oh well, it seems to be our destiny now :)

Funny how it's now unravelling, it seems more support is growing from da establishment to oust the Gov than say compared to last week. Suppose it's the Thai way. Well, if it brings about peace then so be it, but IMHO it won't :D

Or, in this case, throw out the whole machine or blow up the dam_n building that houses the machine and start over.

Pol Pot tried that. It gets very ugly.

Yes, a significant faction (the Maoists) of the reds are talking that way, and yet we STILL have westerners showing support for that movement. It boggles the mind.

not back to the Maoists surely? jeeze...

^Jing loves Mao!! :) As many times as he repeats that over/over - def think so. :D

Not as much as I fancy you, BM.

Seriously, the reds have Maoist leaders, its a fact.

^Jing loves Mao!! :) As many times as he repeats that over/over - def think so. :D

Not as much as I fancy you, BM.

Has this become a Gay thing? what's going on? this has lot's to do with the EC decision right? - Mao? what are you on?

^Jing loves Mao!! :D As many times as he repeats that over/over - def think so. :D

Not as much as I fancy you, BM.

:D Ta for the interest Jing, but I prefer ladies, and well Ms. Brit might become jealous with all these flattering words you bestow on me. :)

It is my personal opinion that Thaksin is becoming more irrelevant to the red movement. The red movement are demanding fresh elections and an end to elite meddling in politics - which can have as much or as little to do with Thaksin as you want.

The crucial bit you missed out which reveals exactly how deeply and inextricably linked they are to Thaksin is that it's not simply fresh elections they have been demanding, which obviously would have been coming anyway, but government dissolved in 15 days and elections to follow soon after. On this point they have been completely non-negotiable. Why? We know why.


Yes they were made a better offer than before today, 6 months, and the red shirts rejected it. They refuse to negotiate, numerous times now. They are bringing this country to civil war. How can foreigners support the reds anymore? Remember all the red fellow travelers here who claimed they were non-violent protests and Thaksin was like Gandhi? Do you still believe that?


^things were pretty non-violent until Abhisit decided to shut down red tv. I quite imagine he wishes he could do that one over again and probably will do so the rest of his life.


Well it's not really all about Thaksin now is it?

There are significant segments of the police and military who support Thaksin directly or indirectly. There are businessmen whose businesses prospered during the Thaksin years. There are many powerful and influential people who benefited from their association with Thaksin. And then there are the banned TRT and PTP politicians. Thaksin and his colleagues were in power for many years. They built up a loyal following from various elements of society at all levels. They also managed to win favor with the common man in the north and northeast, and in other regions in smaller numbers. Not all of these groups share the same interests, but they are united under the red shirt cause. It is clear by now that there is only one immediate goal that all redshirts share - eliminate this government at all costs.

So it's really kind of a yes and no thing I suppose.

The crucial bit you missed out which reveals exactly how deeply and inextricably linked they are to Thaksin is that it's not simply fresh elections they have been demanding, which obviously would have been coming anyway, but government dissolved in 15 days and elections to follow soon after. On this point they have been completely non-negotiable. Why? We know why.

I wonder if you do, and if you think that it is something other than (short term) the nomination date for a new Army chief and (long term) re-writing the constitution so that the "revised" election process effectively disenfranchises those without professonal qualifications, degrees, directorships or commissioned rank (by pure co-incidence those who happen to oppose the Democrats).

Maybe you would let us in on just what you "know".

..... Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

Thinking of one possibly, but "advocating" one? Can you give a single instance of anything he has said to support your claim?

..... Thaksin is advocating a republic. That's what this fight is about, didn't you know?

Thinking of one possibly, but "advocating" one? Can you give a single instance of anything he has said to support your claim?

Methinks the man doth prostrate too much.

Why do you think Kasit made these extremely brave comments today? The "good guys" want to own this issue.


Samak was disqualified not taken down. He could have returned to the position of PM the very next day. He didn't as Thaksin preferred his brother in law Somchai to take over the PM role.

You're quite sure that his having just been diagnosed with cancer and given (correctly) months to live had nothing to do with his decision? Or was Thaksin responsible for that too?

... the 80,000 baht Samak received for his 4 tv cooking shows are quite comparable to the 258,000,000 baht TPIPL paid to the Democrat Party ... :)

A minor point, but actually it was 8,000 baht.

^things were pretty non-violent until Abhisit decided to shut down red tv. I quite imagine he wishes he could do that one over again and probably will do so the rest of his life.

You're either a non-violent protest movement or not. Just like you can't be half pregnant. Anyone who was paying attention knows for a fact that the reds were poking the government for a month to provoke a reaction, and that the reds were ready with lethal weapons the entire time. Your innocent act has worn out its welcome. Face the facts.

^things were pretty non-violent until Abhisit decided to shut down red tv. I quite imagine he wishes he could do that one over again and probably will do so the rest of his life.

You're either a non-violent protest movement or not. Just like you can't be half pregnant. Anyone who was paying attention knows for a fact that the reds were poking the government for a month to provoke a reaction, and that the reds were ready with lethal weapons the entire time. Your innocent act has worn out its welcome. Face the facts.

JT, you have claimed in the past that you aren't pro-yellow. So just for a bit of balance, and as a nice tonic for your fellow sparring partners, would you kindly produce a criticism of anything to do with yellows/dems at all, ever. Please, just once....

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