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Thai Foreign Minister Slams International Community Over Crisis


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Anyway yes - Thailand can speak for itself and is doing so with the red protests which will lead to this government falling

Actually it will probably end with more innocent Red Supporters being sacrificed by their so called leaders. Very sad.

BreakingNews: Thai protest leader vows no more talks with government, says ‘red shirts’ will establish single new base for ‘final battleground’ - Reuters

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Anyway yes - Thailand can speak for itself and is doing so with the red protests which will lead to this government falling

Actually it will probably end with more innocent Red Supporters being sacrificed by their so called leaders. Very sad.

BreakingNews: Thai protest leader vows no more talks with government, says 'red shirts' will establish single new base for 'final battleground' - Reuters

No one wants that Eclipse - Abhisit should show real leadership and call elections - anyway this thread is about the Thai Foreign Minister showing great displays of loyalty to the government by blaming the international community for just about everything - his rhetoric was a superb display of ignorance.

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So the FM likens Thaksin to other "elected" officials? He neglects to mention that Hitler Stalin and company were not elected in any sort of General Election. Hitler burned down the Reichstag.

The FM forgets that the military overthrew Thaksin, illegally and against the constitution, then they created a new constitution.

He makes some weak arguments and seems more frustrated than factual. But, they have a bit of a mess in the LOS. I do wish they could stabilize it more.

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Some 500 facebook's anti-red page gather at Victory Monument

BANGKOK: -- Some 500 fans of the anti-early House dissolution and anti-red shirts page of facebook gathered at the Victory Monument at 2:10 pm Tuesday.

The fans of the page organised the gathering at through the page to show their support for the government and oppose the red-shirt movement's call for early House dissolution.

During the gathering a group of red-shirt motorcyclists rode past the group and the two sides hurled abusive words against each other with no violence.


-- The Nation 2010-04-14



THE NATION: Facebook fans of anti-House dissolution page will gather at Victory monument again at 2 pm.

This could turn nasty ...

It would be a rout. Computer facebook nerds versus country farm boys :)

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It all comes down to corruption and double standards.

The house of cards is built on a foundation of lies and corruption.

It is simply being occupied by different colors or groups at different times. It really doesn't seem to matter who is in charge from one govt to the next

when the foundation is still wobbling on corruption.

The only way out is to look for a long term solution. One that is fair and eliminates corruption as the means for holding up the house.

If the house is being eaten by termites, then it really doesn't matter who is living in the house. The house will eventually fall. Small attempts at extermination won't work because the house is infested with termites and it is too late to save this house. So, knock down the entire house and start over.

Eliminating one leader or another won't end this crisis. Blaming foreign governments certainly won't help at all. Taking a closer look in the mirror and

being willing to make the painful changes is the only way out.

The way things seem to go in Lack of Sanctions is so so slow a new house of this eloquence will take Thai's a/b 100 years to build. Shame I won't be here to experience it.

Good luck.

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Anyway yes - Thailand can speak for itself and is doing so with the red protests which will lead to this government falling

Were the yellows also speaking for Thailand when they sat at the airport? No they weren't. Just as the reds aren't speaking for a nation now. That you support a minority group on the streets using violence and the threat of it to force its own wishes on an entire nation shows how little regard you have for democracy and how hypocritical you are to have ever expressed disagreement at the actions of the yellows. You've made it clear that in your eyes, mob rule is ok, just providing it's your side that benefits from it.

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So the FM likens Thaksin to other "elected" officials? He neglects to mention that Hitler Stalin and company were not elected in any sort of General Election. Hitler burned down the Reichstag.

The FM forgets that the military overthrew Thaksin, illegally and against the constitution, then they created a new constitution.

He makes some weak arguments and seems more frustrated than factual. But, they have a bit of a mess in the LOS. I do wish they could stabilize it more.

With rare exception, the only countries Thaksin can enter are Third World tyrannies or notorious dictatorships, African blood diamond countries and the like. Russia is not an example of democracy. Sweden is so embarrassed Thaksin was out of there on day three. Germany is still living down its Thaksin faux pas. The UK kicked Thaksin out as did Hong Kong; the PRChina allowed Thaksin (Tak Hsin) transit from prison in Thailand never to return there either.

Get back to me when Thaksin can enter the US, Canada, Mexico, an EU country that doesn't regret or backtrack on admittance;, Japan, Singapore (ha ha), S Korea (even N Korea), Australia, NZ etc etc.

The guy is toxic to developed or advanced democracies. Who would give a maniac a base from which he could interminibly work to overthrow the government of his native country and continually raise havoc there for his own anti-democratic self interested purposes? Thaksin is forever diplomatically radioactive, nay, explosive.

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Well, another foreign minister in Thailand who just has no idea about what a foreign minister job is.

I do not even pity him. He does not deserve it.

I do admit to feeling embarrassed for the Thais

But maybe if and only if/when the Thai people become embarrassed by their leaders ineptness will then DEMAND something different. One only hopes.

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Anyway yes - Thailand can speak for itself and is doing so with the red protests which will lead to this government falling

Were the yellows also speaking for Thailand when they sat at the airport? No they weren't. Just as the reds aren't speaking for a nation now. That you support a minority group on the streets using violence and the threat of it to force its own wishes on an entire nation shows how little regard you have for democracy and how hypocritical you are to have ever expressed disagreement at the actions of the yellows. You've made it clear that in your eyes, mob rule is ok, just providing it's your side that benefits from it.

Only an election will tell if the reds are a 'minority group' - I am against all violence as I have stated in many posts - without those wicked 'blacks' firing bullets maybe the protest would have stayed peaceful.

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Kasit is the most stup*d guy I have ever seen.. I saw his interview on the aussie ABC channel last year when the red were on the street. He called the red terrorist then and when the interviewer asked what he was doing at the air-port with yellow.. he simply had no answer and simply ignore the question. Ch*cken! It is a shame that thailand has such a foreign minister. :)

Well hel_l does any high ranking official in politics/army/police "need" brains or ability????? LOL

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Only an election will tell if the reds are a 'minority group' - I am against all violence as I have stated in many posts - without those wicked 'blacks' firing bullets maybe the protest would have stayed peaceful.

If you were truly against violent measures you would have ended you support of the reds sometime around Songkran last year.

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Kasit is the most stup*d guy I have ever seen.. I saw his interview on the aussie ABC channel last year when the red were on the street. He called the red terrorist then and when the interviewer asked what he was doing at the air-port with yellow.. he simply had no answer and simply ignore the question. Ch*cken! It is a shame that thailand has such a foreign minister. :)

Well hel_l does any high ranking official in politics/army/police "need" brains or ability????? LOL

He should be careful what he wishes for.

Just think, he could push through a treaty to have renegage Thai Politicians rounded up and shipped back to Bangkok....... just as he is leaving the country with Abhisit and a ton of warrents in pursuit of them.

Is it possible he could be the first to be deported under his own agreement? Darwinian award anybody!

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Geriatrickid's comments about the straw polls on this forum are realistic. The comments and near-hysteria of a number of TV members on the red-shirt/yellow-shirt or Thaksin/Abhisit issue do not make for a poll result that any sensible person can put faith in. Better to ask MORI to perform a poll than rely on the views of extremists.

I'm one of those long-standing TV members who does not waste his time in commenting on these political threads. I have better things to do than fight with keyboard warriors.


I almost forgot about your wise lessons Simon...!

Thanks, will try to get off the keyboard more often.

Hope you and your Lady are doing fine!



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It would be a rout. Computer facebook nerds versus country farm boys :D

Or the plot for a gay romance soap opera.

C'mon now. How many times have we seen the soap on TV where the "alternative" artsie boy working at the 7-11 falls in love with the girl customer only to have his heart broken as she hangs out with the hi so rich kid with the Ferrari?

His heart triumphs though as she leaves Mr. Hi so for the true love of 7-11 boy with the weird hairdo and lots of skin whitening creme and perfect teeth and mandatory earring.

In respect to the gay scenario, we would see alot of shirtless males and a computer whiz falling for the rough and tumble farm boy with a killer smile. Computer boy in an effort to show farm boy his sincerity of love hacks into the evil rogue segment and exposes them bringing peace. Farm boy and computer geek hold hands and run off to "do it" in Surin. :D

Is it wrong to admit, that I have watched a few Thai soaps in my day? :)

Can't watch the zombie films. they bring back too many memories of a girl I once dated. Always thought she'd roll over and devour my eyeballs at night. Thankfully, the cat kept guard on the pillow.

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Some 500 facebook's anti-red page gather at Victory Monument

BANGKOK: -- Some 500 fans of the anti-early House dissolution and anti-red shirts page of facebook gathered at the Victory Monument at 2:10 pm Tuesday.

The fans of the page organised the gathering at through the page to show their support for the government and oppose the red-shirt movement's call for early House dissolution.

During the gathering a group of red-shirt motorcyclists rode past the group and the two sides hurled abusive words against each other with no violence.


-- The Nation 2010-04-14



THE NATION: Facebook fans of anti-House dissolution page will gather at Victory monument again at 2 pm.

This could turn nasty ...

I can't get away from the idea of 500 Dwayne Dibblies!! Now where is that pic?


Edited by grandpops
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1. I was REALLY hoping the Abhisit could pull the country together and thought there was a good chance for the democrats to actually win an election. Those hopes were smashed when he rewarded the yellow shirts by appointing a lunatic to the foreign minister post. Wasn't it quite obvious to you experts that appointment was a payback?

2. It is also a shame that the government has seen fit to concentrate on trashing Thaksin rather than going to work and getting something done. They may as well have a toothless caretaker government. Thai politics is just a joke and that becomes more obvious every day.

3. The bigger joke is the number of rabid farangs here who think they can have an affect on the outcome of this mess. Just sit back, relax, study the history of Thailand and try to keep your erroneous opinions to yourselves rather than make inaccurate opinionated statements.

Wise observations Gary A!

1. I was, amongst many others, thinking the same but on the other hand we all knew he was just a puppet-on-a-THAI-string; the strings of the elite and military.

This topic is about this idiotic Thai foreign minister and he's not even worth discussing. What a blamage on the stages of international politics :)

2. I fully agree; Maybe Abhisit would have had a chance if he would have sent all of his Ministers and himself into the rural areas and talk and listen to the majority of people; the poor people. They should have done so month-after-month in the first period of his administration, after December 2008.

Good chance he would have won the hearts of many but his elite UK education prevented that, together with the the unwilling elite and same military who do not listen to the voices of the poor*

After all, it's about existing powers which are and will be defended by all means.

* :DThe poor majority: 12.3 % of Thailand's GDP is created by an astonishing 44% of the total Thai Labor force; some 17 million workers out of the total of 38.2 million workers.

And all of those 17 million have families, children, parents and grandparents who are also poor...

3. wise words


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1. I was REALLY hoping the Abhisit could pull the country together and thought there was a good chance for the democrats to actually win an election. Those hopes were smashed when he rewarded the yellow shirts by appointing a lunatic to the foreign minister post. Wasn't it quite obvious to you experts that appointment was a payback?

2. It is also a shame that the government has seen fit to concentrate on trashing Thaksin rather than going to work and getting something done. They may as well have a toothless caretaker government. Thai politics is just a joke and that becomes more obvious every day.

3. The bigger joke is the number of rabid farangs here who think they can have an affect on the outcome of this mess. Just sit back, relax, study the history of Thailand and try to keep your erroneous opinions to yourselves rather than make inaccurate opinionated statements.

Wise observations Gary A!

1. I was, amongst many others, thinking the same but on the other hand we all knew he was just a puppet-on-a-THAI-string; the strings of the elite and military.

This topic is about this idiotic Thai foreign minister and he's not even worth discussing. What a blamage on the stages of international politics :)

2. I fully agree; Maybe Abhisit would have had a chance if he would have sent all of his Ministers and himself into the rural areas and talk and listen to the majority of people; the poor people. They should have done so month-after-month in the first period of his administration, after December 2008.

Good chance he would have won the hearts of many but his elite UK education prevented that, together with the the unwilling elite and same military who do not listen to the voices of the poor*

After all, it's about existing powers which are and will be defended by all means.

* :DThe poor majority: 12.3 % of Thailand's GDP is created by an astonishing 44% of the total Thai Labor force; some 17 million workers out of the total of 38.2 million workers.

And all of those 17 million have families, children, parents and grandparents who are also poor...

3. wise words


The poor are not a class.

But then the red apologists do not understand or do not want to have any class analysis.

It might inconvenience the northern landowners who support Thaksin.

Thaksin wouldn't like that.

And the last thing Thaksin wants is an overthrow of capitalism.

But he doesn't mind fake ying and yang merchants witter on about the poor.

Meaningless waffle to Thaksin's power play.

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You have to understand Journalism in Australia and the biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting they enjoy. This was not a story about the situation in Thailand, it was about Eric Campbell.

The ABC channel is held in very low regard by the Australian public because of it poor quality, biased journalism.

Have you seen the report yet? I don't think it has even been shown yet. I think your bias is showing.

The commercial channels in Aus are certainly known for their "biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting", and the ABC is often anti-government, but their international reporting, particularly their investigative reporting, is often some of the best in the world.

The general public will not see it until tonight. ABC reporting amongst the best in world? Who are you trying to kid.


Who are you trying to kid? You sound like a Johnny Howard wet dreamer.

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1. I was REALLY hoping the Abhisit could pull the country together and thought there was a good chance for the democrats to actually win an election. Those hopes were smashed when he rewarded the yellow shirts by appointing a lunatic to the foreign minister post. Wasn't it quite obvious to you experts that appointment was a payback?

2. It is also a shame that the government has seen fit to concentrate on trashing Thaksin rather than going to work and getting something done. They may as well have a toothless caretaker government. Thai politics is just a joke and that becomes more obvious every day.

3. The bigger joke is the number of rabid farangs here who think they can have an affect on the outcome of this mess. Just sit back, relax, study the history of Thailand and try to keep your erroneous opinions to yourselves rather than make inaccurate opinionated statements.

Wise observations Gary A!

1. I was, amongst many others, thinking the same but on the other hand we all knew he was just a puppet-on-a-THAI-string; the strings of the elite and military.

This topic is about this idiotic Thai foreign minister and he's not even worth discussing. What a blamage on the stages of international politics :)

2. I fully agree; Maybe Abhisit would have had a chance if he would have sent all of his Ministers and himself into the rural areas and talk and listen to the majority of people; the poor people. They should have done so month-after-month in the first period of his administration, after December 2008.

Good chance he would have won the hearts of many but his elite UK education prevented that, together with the the unwilling elite and same military who do not listen to the voices of the poor*

After all, it's about existing powers which are and will be defended by all means.

* :DThe poor majority: 12.3 % of Thailand's GDP is created by an astonishing 44% of the total Thai Labor force; some 17 million workers out of the total of 38.2 million workers.

And all of those 17 million have families, children, parents and grandparents who are also poor...

3. wise words


The poor are not a class.

But then the red apologists do not understand or do not want to have any class analysis.

It might inconvenience the northern landowners who support Thaksin.

Thaksin wouldn't like that.

And the last thing Thaksin wants is an overthrow of capitalism.

But he doesn't mind fake ying and yang merchants witter on about the poor.

Meaningless waffle to Thaksin's power play.

Indeed, as I've posted previously Thaksin and the Redshirts wittering on about the poor of Thailand is like certain posters similarly wittering on about the poor who have been left behind here and elsewhere - the People's Republic of China in particular.

I point out the analysis of the Hong Kong based journalist Philip Bowring in the South China Morning Post of Sunday, April 11th who wrote of some striking resemblances between present Thailand and the future of the PRC. Recalling that Thaksin first sought to make Hong Kong his base of operations against Thailand but was consequently expelled from the Territory, I quote some of Bowring's observations:

"There is much that is worrying about the demagogic and often contradictory rhetoric of 'red shirt' leaders. Many who sympathise with their goals loathe their tactics, and their links with former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. There are fears events may lead to a Latin American-style dictatorship of left or right. Economic and educational development do not necessarily lead to liberal democracy.

"As for China, its political structure may be stronger, its military more ruthless. But, sooner or later, rising expectations of the deprived classes, rural and urban, will create just the stresses that Thailand is experiencing. Indeed, they may be worse because the gaps are even larger [in China] and the political system more inflexible - Thailand has never had the equivalent of China's Communist Party, but has had decades of on-and-off democracy and a freewheeling media. That experience provides the best hope that the turmoil will end with little bloodshed and real political effort to address real grievances."

Bowring references the 700,000,000 Chinese who live on less than USD $2 a day as a similar socioeconomic group who are in the same or similar position as the mass of Thais who, as with the 700m Chinese, contribute so little to the GDP of either country, which is why the PRC Communist Party leadership is paying close attention to developments in Thailand. However, the Party in China attributes the troubles in Thailand to the country's democracy rather than to the greedy and power hungry leadership of both Beijing and Bangkok.

Thailand's inequalities and entrenched elites are the yin and yang problem of the Communist Party of China as well but in far greater proportions and numbers in the PRC- a precursor indeed.

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Kudos to Kasit for trying to tell it like it is, at least a little. Thaksin is now a terrorist indeed, and Thais do need to prepare for HM's death.

But poor Kasit is in a tough position, as FM for a coup-enabled gov't., and a yellowshirt airport closer to boot. That's a tough sell to the outside world.

The non-Thai world doesn't give the coup-makers the credit they deserve for deposing Thaksin, without any blood, violence, injuries, or deaths, just in time to save Thailand; or so I thought at the time.

It's easy for con artist Thaksin to fool not only his redshirt cannon fodder, but also the world.

The redshirts believe that Thaksin will return to give them all 10,000 baht (from his own pocket?) according to some TV posters in the know (?)

The world believes that Thaksin will return to restore democracy to Thailand.

How can Thaksin possibly lose? He's already conned some of the reds into dying for him, and celebrating their death with their corpses and coffins.

The world doesn't care much.

Or is this celebration of death and hatred in Thailand a reflection of his own imminent demise?

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There are some blokes from Australia who call countries like Thailand, 'B.A.C's.' This stands for Busted Arse Country.

Alexander Downer (then Foreign Minister) was the last 'bloke' to be hauled over the coals for mentioning such a thing (in parliament).

Nonetheless, I agree with him. Thailand is a BAC!

I'm sure that if other countries decide to 'summarily' hold a Thai National for any reason that does not pertain to the law of the country in which they are in, the Thai Embassy may not be happy. What does Kasit want...besides the unlawful & impossible?

Edited by elkangorito
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^even mentioning is pretty stupid on Kasit's part. Mind you def not the brightest and tends to run his gob too much.

Like Kasit or not both he and Downer have a great deal in common as each he and Downer, while Downer was FM or presently, call the shots as they see them. While Downer comes from a civilization in which he never occupied an airport, either can access or gain admittance to any advanced or developed democracy anytime or anywhere which is more than can be said of Thaksin or any of his Redshirts commandants.

Neither Downer nor Kasit however has been seen in the African blood diamond countries Thaksin frequents and where Thaksin hob nobs. Thaksin is welcomed in the blood diamond countries by the tyrant and murderous heads of government and businesses who enslave, exploit and slaughter their own populations, something the Redshirt commandants don't mention or seem to pay much attention to, not to mention their defenders and apologists at TVF. Thaksin the economic advisor to African blood diamond country populations in their enslaved condition and status? Not quite. Thaksin the exploiter of the misery of the populations of the African blood diamond countries is the fact of the matter, the reality and the truth.

It's more than callous to defend or ignore Thaksin the ruthless exploiter of the enslaved African blood diamond populations. It also takes a pretty dim bulb in the brain to pretend, ignore or deny this Thaksin doesn't exist either in Africa or in Thailand.

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^even mentioning is pretty stupid on Kasit's part. Mind you def not the brightest and tends to run his gob too much.

Actually his statements regarding the opening of a national dialogue are worthy of high praise. This country needs to be prepared for the inevitable and that cannot happen if all discussions are held behind closed. All segments of society need to be included so that the nation as a whole can understand the issues and then make rational decisions.

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Only an election will tell if the reds are a 'minority group' - I am against all violence as I have stated in many posts - without those wicked 'blacks' firing bullets maybe the protest would have stayed peaceful.

If you were truly against violent measures you would have ended you support of the reds sometime around Songkran last year.

Nonsense - I am sympathetic to the reds but not a 'supporter' please refrain from using emotive prose which is not true

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Only an election will tell if the reds are a 'minority group' - I am against all violence as I have stated in many posts - without those wicked 'blacks' firing bullets maybe the protest would have stayed peaceful.

If you were truly against violent measures you would have ended you support of the reds sometime around Songkran last year.

Nonsense - I am sympathetic to the reds but not a 'supporter' please refrain from using emotive prose which is not true

This is a highly emotional issue, many of the actions taken are based more on emotion than on facts.

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