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Isn't Water Playing Shoild Be Finished After Sunset?


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It was a fun day so wft people are complaining????

With that remark you qualify as one of the braindead westerners displaying the maturity level of a retarded five-year-old. Naturally you also lack even the slightest form of empathy and consideration that not everyone might find your childish behaviour the star event of the day. You think that Maha Songkhran is a water festival arranged for you and your mates to throw water around. Surprisingly it is not. But I have no hope that you would be able to understand. Because it is part of Thai religion, background and culture and that is all well beyond your very limited grasp. So, whenever you go back to where you came from, do not come back.

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Hundreds of people are killed each year by your "fun". The idea that moving vehicles are included is the cause of this. Throwing water at a speeding motorcycle with the intent to cause harm would result in jail time in any civilized country.

Hundreds of people. I don't doubt your number(s), but do you have details? Like where, nationality, causes, etc. From your post, it would look mainly like mo-si accidents. No one said people dying was funny.

"Maybe farangs are more obvious in Pattaya." Now that's funny.

After two days of Songkhran, Monday and Tuesday, 114 people are dead and hundreds hospitalized. I have not yet see figures from today Wednesday. Most of these victims were on motorbikes. Why do you want to know details about the "accidents"? But you can try contact Bangkok Post.

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After two days of Songkhran, Monday and Tuesday, 114 people are dead and hundreds hospitalized. I have not yet see figures from today Wednesday. Most of these victims were on motorbikes. Why do you want to know details about the "accidents"? But you can try contact Bangkok Post.

I somehow doubt these accidents are because of water throwing. More like the drunk too much.

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<br />
After two days of Songkhran, Monday and Tuesday, 114 people are dead and hundreds hospitalized. I have not yet see figures from today Wednesday. Most of these victims were on motorbikes. Why do you want to know details about the "accidents"? But you can try contact Bangkok Post.
<br /><br />I somehow doubt these accidents are because of water throwing. More like the drunk too much.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You must not ride a motorcycle.

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Geez...same topic every year. You want to stay dry 100 %, then you stay home. You like to have some fun, then go out.

Love it or hate it, you won't change it. And to me it's a very relaxing time to forget about Thai politics.


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Geez...same topic every year. You want to stay dry 100 %, then you stay home. You like to have some fun, then go out.

Love it or hate it, you won't change it. And to me it's a very relaxing time to forget about Thai politics.


If you like it so much, why bother posting here? You should be out throwing water and having fun. This thread is where Songkran-haters have a relaxing time releasing their Songkran stress.

This morning at 2am (Thursday) there were drunken idiots throwing water on 2nd Road/Soi 13-1.

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last year in pattaya

it was dry out after dark

except on the last day/night sunday the 19

i am expecting this monday the 19th to be crazy

i hope sunday night the 18th isn't too bad

in general the thais wont drench if you show your disdain, are eating or talking on the phone etc...

in general the farang use the time to assault you no matter what you are doing

just from my own experience

results may vary


Fantastic, I will pretend to be on my mobile phone until after the 19th!


That won't work. I've seen people ( Thais as well as farangs ) deliberately soak people's mobiles. I had some Thais deliberately throw water at me when I was taking photos.

This attitude that it's all just the idiot farang causing mayhem is just BS. Just as many Thais doing the same. Remember who is providing the water in the first place. Wouldn't last long if everyone had to carry all their own water supplies.

In any event, there's usually so much water flying around you can't avoid it anyway.

If you don't want to get wet, just wear a raincoat or poncho. Works for me everytime.

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After two days of Songkhran, Monday and Tuesday, 114 people are dead and hundreds hospitalized. I have not yet see figures from today Wednesday. Most of these victims were on motorbikes. Why do you want to know details about the "accidents"? But you can try contact Bangkok Post.

I somehow doubt these accidents are because of water throwing. More like the drunk too much.

I agree. Plus driving with far too many people on one bike.

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Geez...same topic every year. You want to stay dry 100 %, then you stay home. You like to have some fun, then go out.

Love it or hate it, you won't change it. And to me it's a very relaxing time to forget about Thai politics.


If you like it so much, why bother posting here? You should be out throwing water and having fun. This thread is where Songkran-haters have a relaxing time releasing their Songkran stress.

This morning at 2am (Thursday) there were drunken idiots throwing water on 2nd Road/Soi 13-1.

songkran stress? :)

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Baht buses are also, shall we say, vulnerable targets. I got hit bad in one last year after 10 PM and it was a white paste bath as well. What a fashion statement for the evening. Its ridiculous that people are still doing this that late at night. It ought to be legal to retaliate with "non-violent" Gandhi style weapons (spears, clubs, Molotov cocktails, grenades, etc.) such as the red shirt use.

You might be right there. I don't get ANYTHING out of this funny game. My complaint is why so long.

Why not have them drown one another in one day and get it over and done with.

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songkran stress? :)

Thanks for the YouTube video. Great song.

Start of rant:

Songkran stress only gets to normal people who don't find squirting people 24/7 for 8 days is fun. People who have a normal life.

If you read the title of this thread it's about water throwing after sunset. I would never think to soak anyone who wasn't playing but these idiots only enjoy soaking people who don't want to be soaked. They don't enjoy it much in the daytime because everyone is already wet.

How abnormal is that?

Usually normal people can get along ok with the abnormal people in Pattaya because they can keep their distance, but at Songkran they clash. The rules of normal, decent behaviour break down completely.

Today I saw this "playing" at 2 am and even 6:30 am on the way to the gym.

End of rant.

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Up in Buriram, some kids started on the 11th (mild throwing on side road in villages but nothing heavy). Yesterday we drove to Surin and it was pretty wild in the high streets, though we had to go looking for the action unlike Pattaya where its in your face 24/7. By 7pm everyone had pretty much gone home and stopped water throwing, ive noticed up Country and Bangkok after sunset people stop for the night unlike Pattaya....

In Prakhon Chai last night the water throwing stopped at sunset - it was replaced by a pitched battle with bricks, wood and bottles being thrown instead. Youthful Thai boisterousness, no doubt.

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If you don't want to get wet, just wear a raincoat or poncho. Works for me everytime.

MUCH too hot this time of year. You'll end up just as wet from sweat. But mainly it's too uncomfortable, burning up under that poncho or rainsuit.

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I noticed a few closed bars and restaurants last night, because farang where still throwing water outside, nobody wants to get wet when they are eating or drinking so they had to close. I would be interested to hear if businesses in Pattaya do make money from this, all the bars looked very empty last night, could be the politics but they look less busy then they did a week ago

Edited by rafval
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I noticed a few closed bars and restaurants last night, because farang where still throwing water outside, nobody wants to get wet when they are eating or drinking so they had to close. I would be interested to hear if businesses in Pattaya do make money from this, all the bars looked very empty last night, could be the politics but they look less busy then they did a week ago

be a different story come the weekend, the whole city will be chokka

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be a different story come the weekend, the whole city will be chokka

Yes, it will be "chokka" with every Thai water thrower on the Eastern Seaboard and Bangkok. The "chokka" will not help Tourist type businesses one bit.

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Remember years ago some AH (falang) came up behind me late at night on Walking Street and threw water from a bottle straight out the chiller at a nearby 7/11 at me.

I was so annoyed I pushed him up against the nearest wall, my girl was shocked, his girls was begging me to stop when I started to pour all the remaining contents of the bottle all over his head both ladies and onlookers burst out laughing.

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At 5 am (19th) I witnessed a terrible bike smash as a direct result of people (Thais) throwing water. It happened on 3rd Road near Soi Lengkee about 30m in front of me and it was shocking.

A guy on a motorcyle swerved to avoid getting wet and smashed head on into another motorcycle with 3 girls. There were 4 bodies on the road with motorcycle parts strewn all over. I hope they're going to be ok but the guy was on his back and not moving.

Just maybe the revellers will learn something from this. Who knows. Perhaps they went straight back to water throwing after the road was cleared. If I was one of the water throwers I certainly wouldn't be in the mood to continue and would be doing everything I could to help the victims.

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8pm they still do &lt;deleted&gt;?

Obviously you have a problem. Get into the spirit. :D

No I don't agree. The idea was that after playing water all day you could clean up, dry off and go out for a meal or whatever. Nothing to do with having a problem or not nor anything to do with getting into the spirit.

It is a great fun day but like all good things it has to end sometime and sundown was always taken to be that time.

I think it's called "having a good time." Maybe you both should try it sometime :)

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I think it's called "having a good time." Maybe you both should try it sometime :)

If you consider a week of water throwing is "having a good time" then you're easily amused. Good for you, you've had a fun week.

Don't assume that others who don't appreciate getting wet all week by idiots throwing water don't know how to have a good time. I'll start "having a good time" tomorrow.

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I think it's called "having a good time." Maybe you both should try it sometime :D

If you consider a week of water throwing is "having a good time" then you're easily amused. Good for you, you've had a fun week.

Don't assume that others who don't appreciate getting wet all week by idiots throwing water don't know how to have a good time. I'll start "having a good time" tomorrow.

Wow...you sound almost feline in your aversion to water...tell me, do you ever bath :)

Sorry to disappoint you but I've been dry all week...but I have been out driving in my SUV and seeing other Thais and foreigners having a good time. It's been especially nice seeing the children out enjoying themselves.

I don't know what people expect if they live in a tourist town, especially if one choses to live in the tourist part of town. Out here in East Pattaya, the waterworks only really get going this weekend and today (3 days). Only problems have been some traffic backups due to revelers but again, keep a smile on, windows up, doors locked, and no problems :D

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Just got back from a most enjoyable fun Songkran day with the locals absolutely brilliant.

You know until the very day I die I will always be me and never change for anyone, ever. Myself im pretty easy going and enjoy the company of my mates and missus who has the same sense of humor or as we say back in the UK "likes to have the crack" a down to earth witty personality which i thrive off.

Now you have others and like some of the posters here i get an incline into the type that they are. They are the type that would drive around with their missus hardly speaking to each other, other than the occasional critisism that passes them by now and then. No fun, no enjoyment being around and hel_l for the woman but we all know why she puts up with it.

If you are a nightmare to live with, miserable and don't do anything with the kids, if you have any, one day you will have a serious wake up call, and that day will come, eventually.

So when tomorrow comes and you start "having a good time" remember that its not just about you and maybe you should ask others around you what they would like to do especially ask your missus next year as ALL Thais love Songkran and if they tell you they don't its because they are only pacifying you.

And a big thank you to the thousands of Thais today out enjoying themselves that made today a most memorable one, cheers and see you next year!

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Just got back from a most enjoyable fun Songkran day with the locals absolutely brilliant.

You know until the very day I die I will always be me and never change for anyone, ever. Myself im pretty easy going and enjoy the company of my mates and missus who has the same sense of humor or as we say back in the UK "likes to have the crack" a down to earth witty personality which i thrive off.

Now you have others and like some of the posters here i get an incline into the type that they are. They are the type that would drive around with their missus hardly speaking to each other, other than the occasional critisism that passes them by now and then. No fun, no enjoyment being around and hel_l for the woman but we all know why she puts up with it.

If you are a nightmare to live with, miserable and don't do anything with the kids, if you have any, one day you will have a serious wake up call, and that day will come, eventually.

So when tomorrow comes and you start "having a good time" remember that its not just about you and maybe you should ask others around you what they would like to do especially ask your missus next year as ALL Thais love Songkran and if they tell you they don't its because they are only pacifying you.

And a big thank you to the thousands of Thais today out enjoying themselves that made today a most memorable one, cheers and see you next year!

Do you mean that next year will be your second time in Thailand. :)

Make sure you don't forget to bring your rose tinted glasses again.

Edited by basjke
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Just got back from a most enjoyable fun Songkran day with the locals absolutely brilliant.

You know until the very day I die I will always be me and never change for anyone, ever. Myself im pretty easy going and enjoy the company of my mates and missus who has the same sense of humor or as we say back in the UK "likes to have the crack" a down to earth witty personality which i thrive off.

Now you have others and like some of the posters here i get an incline into the type that they are. They are the type that would drive around with their missus hardly speaking to each other, other than the occasional critisism that passes them by now and then. No fun, no enjoyment being around and hel_l for the woman but we all know why she puts up with it.

If you are a nightmare to live with, miserable and don't do anything with the kids, if you have any, one day you will have a serious wake up call, and that day will come, eventually.

So when tomorrow comes and you start "having a good time" remember that its not just about you and maybe you should ask others around you what they would like to do especially ask your missus next year as ALL Thais love Songkran and if they tell you they don't its because they are only pacifying you.

And a big thank you to the thousands of Thais today out enjoying themselves that made today a most memorable one, cheers and see you next year!

Don't you have to be aged sixteen years of age or older to post on Thai Visa?

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I think it's called "having a good time." Maybe you both should try it sometime :D

If you consider a week of water throwing is "having a good time" then you're easily amused. Good for you, you've had a fun week.

Don't assume that others who don't appreciate getting wet all week by idiots throwing water don't know how to have a good time. I'll start "having a good time" tomorrow.

Wow...you sound almost feline in your aversion to water...tell me, do you ever bath :)

Sorry to disappoint you but I've been dry all week...but I have been out driving in my SUV and seeing other Thais and foreigners having a good time. It's been especially nice seeing the children out enjoying themselves.

I don't know what people expect if they live in a tourist town, especially if one choses to live in the tourist part of town. Out here in East Pattaya, the waterworks only really get going this weekend and today (3 days). Only problems have been some traffic backups due to revelers but again, keep a smile on, windows up, doors locked, and no problems :D

Are you retarded? You're waffling on about how people should enjoy being soaked for 8 days and you're not even getting wet yourself, don't live in Pattaya Central and drive around in an SUV.

Until you ride around on a motorcycle in the main tourist areas of Pattaya you don't know S**.

This thread was about getting soaked AFTER sunset. No one enjoys that.

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And a big thank you to the thousands of Thais today out enjoying themselves that made today a most memorable one, cheers and see you next year!

If you're going to post here, please keep up.

This thread has nothing to do with SONGRAN DAY. Nobody minds a day of water mayhem. It's the nonsense that goes on for a full 8 days and all hours of the night which annoys normal people.

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Just as this thread is about 'Water Playing Should Be Finished After Sunset', maybe now this thread will fade into a glorious sunset and we can all recover until next year when we can start all over again.

I gotta say though, dunno which was worse trying to mod this thread or riding a motorbike along Beach Road after dark :)

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Just as this thread is about 'Water Playing Should Be Finished After Sunset', maybe now this thread will fade into a glorious sunset and we can all recover until next year when we can start all over again.

I gotta say though, dunno which was worse trying to mod this thread or riding a motorbike along Beach Road after dark :D


Maybe you should not drive a Motorbike at all, I have the impression that you have at least one eye on the forum 24/7 :D

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