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Red Whiskered Bulbul


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just went to check the CITES status:

Several animals listed as injurious species under the Lacey Act are sold as pets overseas. These species are listed as injurious in the United States because they could cause harm to agricultural crops, native ecosystems, or to people, if they escape from captivity. Snakeheads (family Channidae), walking catfish (family Claridae), Java sparrow (Padda oryzivora), red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), brushtailed possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), and mongooses (any species of the genera Atilax, Cynictis, Helogale, Herpestes, Ichneumia, Mungos, and Suricata) are some of the animals considered injurious. An injurious wildlife permit is needed to import, transport, or acquire these species. These permits cannot be issued for pet purposes.

but a native thai bird... why keep as pet??

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Red Whiskers along with all native species are unable to be kept as pets legally in Thailand despite there being a magazine entirely dedicated to keeping this bird as a pet. My mate has the pet shop in Buriram and used to deal in Mynahs, Bulbuls and various Jays (all native). Raided and the lot confiscated - nearly got a fine too! Not a case of police singling out a farang - he is Thai. I was also warned about my Alexandrine Parakeets which are also native. Huge moves recently at the CITES office to appease world animal trade watchers in high places. Ever thought about keeping Red Crested Cardinals - very similar in manner, appearance, diet etc but non-native and therefore ok.

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can u not get a licesnse for breeding/releasing to the wild for instance?? for all our native species we must have a license usually called 'educational purpose', and your place must meet certain conditions etc (no sales, but! u can trade, for an other licensed animal provide u have a license for it: i.e. a myna for a porcupine ....

or u can do a breeding/releasing/ program for falcons (all the 'found' baby falcons get handed over to mini zoos etc, then if they are unable to meet criteria for release, u keep it w/license of course....)

plus certain species, like the bulbul, are considered pariah species in other countries as i posted from the CITES and not permitted to keep them because if they are released, they cause damamge to the area: jays, mynas, ring necked parrakeets are great examples of this btw.

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But I did see the contest being shown in the news sometime back but don't know what are they saying. Anyone know any bird shop in my area? I can only find pet shop but none specialise in birds, I am willing to do a bit of travel to get them though. :o

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Btw where to get the magazine? I can only find those on pet chickens.

Red Whiskers along with all native species are unable to be kept as pets legally in Thailand despite there being a magazine entirely dedicated to keeping this bird as a pet. My mate has the pet shop in Buriram and used to deal in Mynahs, Bulbuls and various Jays (all native). Raided and the lot confiscated - nearly got a fine too! Not a case of police singling out a farang - he is Thai. I was also warned about my Alexandrine Parakeets which are also native. Huge moves recently at the CITES office to appease world animal trade watchers in high places. Ever thought about keeping Red Crested Cardinals - very similar in manner, appearance, diet etc but non-native and therefore ok.

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