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How Many Of Your Male Friends Cheat On Their Spouses?


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I live in Chiang Mai, and have 12 male friends and acquaintances.

the breakup is: 7 british, 2 australians, 1 german, 1 swiss, 1 french.

out of them, 5 are serial cheaters (with bar girls and massage parlour

girls), 2 are occasional cheaters (after they are drunk), and 2 have admitted

to one or two on the side flings, when they could get away with it.

almost all of these people are either married, or have girlfriends, some have

kids, some do not. 1 is single, hence doesnt cheat per se. if you cheat on the

girlfriend, the other girl is called a gig, if you cheat on the wife, the other girl

is either a mia noi or gig, depending on the relationship and $ sums involved.

thats 9/12 = 75%

interested in other people's statistics...

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Don't care either way - at the end of the day it's their business. But I do think why be in a serious relationship if you want to shag around?

Bcoz they'r selfish and have no respect for the person they' r in relationship with..!!

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

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The funny bit is, that they are all to stupid and arrogant, to realise their bar girl wives never stopped behaving like bar girls either, and they're most definetaly at it as well.

The really funny bit though, is when it all goes tits up and the bar girl ends up with everything and the Farang, just enough for a plane ticket home.

bon voyage.

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When I lived in the UK, I had noticed (in the small biased scale of my fiend network) that practically none of the unmixed UK couples I knew (mostly white or Indian and a few black couples) cheated; of the mix couples I would say about 50% of the women cheated on their husbands and about 30% of the white men did (didn't know any black or Indian with Thai spouses) - the women cheated with younger men in the UK and the guys mostly when they went to Thailand on holiday (sometimes alone of with other men); Of the Thai/Thai couples living in the UK, all of them seemed to cheat, both males and females.

In Thailand, of the Thais I know here they all seem to cheat when they are out of site of their respective spouses - though the men are more blatant and tend to use hookers, while the women seem to have gik's (longer term relationships with other men). Where both people in the couple are expats, they seem to be either very good at hiding it, or do not seem to cheat (though this is a pretty small catchment I admit). With mixed couples here, I would say its less than in the UK. Seems to me that the guys who butterfly are not really in full time relationships, and the ones that are only tend to stray on the odd occasion usually when rat-arsed. Some of the Thai girls certainly flirt a lot, and I have seen some of them out without their western halves disappearing with another guy (usually also a farang).

I sat in my local before xmas with a Thai guy who was distraught because his wife sat in the bar with a farang (quite portly and much older than her). He had followed her from his village. Apparently her sister had talked her into a relationship with the farang while he was here on holiday to raise some money. They had had an argument about it and she had walked out. The police had been called when he went for the farang, and they did a great job of cooling things down. He just sat despondent watching her from the other side of the room. He spoke almost no English, and as it was an expat pub, I sat with him chatting about it (really stretched my Thai that night!). I really felt for him She was treating it like a job and told the police she would 'probably' go home afterwards (the waitress told me this as it was far too fast for me to catch). This obviously didn't make him feel much better about it.

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

You really seem to have a problem with the British (note the capital letter) don't you. Much easier to say after a bragger has sat down and ordered a beer he will brag about it. I'm British (with a capital 'B'), and am far too boring to have anything to brag about - and 1 or 2 beers would certainly not loosen my lips to give evidence to the contrary, otherwise I'd be jabbering all day long!

By the way there is no such thing as a British man. While the nationality is British, we are English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish men.

//edit: Used the wrong 'There' - hate that! //

Edited by wolf5370
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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

And some British/English/Irish/Scots/Welsh men have a saying, "hear all, see all and say nothing" meaning we don't stick our noses into other peoples "affairs", pun intended. :):D

By the way I'm Yorkshire and we say NOWT.

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

Nothing like tarring a whole nation.

I think it's fair to say that "Most British men in my experience have a habit of....", but I bet if you think about it that wouldn't even be the case and if it is; maybe you need to evaluate the watering holes you frequent if the clientele are such an annoyance.

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whose business is it anyway ?

certainly not that of this forum !

many people think that others cheat but actually they dont..

its the ones who you think dont, that probably do !!

but its between them and their partner............

the Scotsman... (not British man)

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

You really seem to have a problem with the British (note the capital letter) don't you. Much easier to say after a bragger has sat down and ordered a beer he will brag about it. I'm British (with a capital 'B'), and am far too boring to have anything to brag about - and 1 or 2 beers would certainly not loosen my lips to give evidence to the contrary, otherwise I'd be jabbering all day long!

By the way there is no such thing as a British man. While the nationality is British, we are English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish men.

//edit: Used the wrong 'There' - hate that! //

thanks for clearing that up, so its english not british, an important distinction i am sure.

so where do you tell the girlies you come from, and do they care: england? britain? great britain?

UK? or my favorite, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland?

so many distinctions to remember, no wonder most are on the piss all day long.

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

You really seem to have a problem with the British (note the capital letter) don't you. Much easier to say after a bragger has sat down and ordered a beer he will brag about it. I'm British (with a capital 'B'), and am far too boring to have anything to brag about - and 1 or 2 beers would certainly not loosen my lips to give evidence to the contrary, otherwise I'd be jabbering all day long!

By the way there is no such thing as a British man. While the nationality is British, we are English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish men.

//edit: Used the wrong 'There' - hate that! //

thanks for clearing that up, so its english not british, an important distinction i am sure.

so where do you tell the girlies you come from, and do they care: england? britain? great britain?

UK? or my favorite, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland?

so many distinctions to remember, no wonder most are on the piss all day long.

Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

after a british man drinks 1 or 2 beers, its very hard to stop him bragging,

and since british men are drinking from dawn till dusk, they never shut up.

You really seem to have a problem with the British (note the capital letter) don't you. Much easier to say after a bragger has sat down and ordered a beer he will brag about it. I'm British (with a capital 'B'), and am far too boring to have anything to brag about - and 1 or 2 beers would certainly not loosen my lips to give evidence to the contrary, otherwise I'd be jabbering all day long!

By the way there is no such thing as a British man. While the nationality is British, we are English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish men.

//edit: Used the wrong 'There' - hate that! //

thanks for clearing that up, so its english not british, an important distinction i am sure.

so where do you tell the girlies you come from, and do they care: england? britain? great britain?

UK? or my favorite, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland?

so many distinctions to remember, no wonder most are on the piss all day long.

No its Englishman not British man (or Welshman, Scotsman, Northern Irishman) - the shift key is on the left and the right of the keyboard, its not hard to find. Which 'girlies' are you referring to? I tell people, who ask, that I'm from England. Not being a bigot, I do not refer to woman as 'girlies', so I can answer that question specifically as I can not be sure of your definition.

It really is not difficult. The UK is a union of four countries (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland). Each is a country in their own right. United Kingdom. Great Britain comes from the Roman's name for the landmass as a whole "Britannia". It refers to the mainland only - England, Wales and Scotland. You also missed out The British Isles which includes all the islands that are not part of the UK.

However, there is absolutely no reason for you to remember this - wouldn't want to over tax you! If you ask a Scot where he comes from he will say Scotland, a Welshman will say Wales, and so on.

PS: Just because 1 or 2 beers is obviously some kind on milestone for you (perhaps you can handle more when hair starts to appear in all your naughty places), it isn't for the adults amongst us. Having a few beers does not make us "on the piss all day".

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Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

thank you for the geography lesson, it will take a while to sink in though, alot of information there.

i am actually from australia, but have spent many years working in america, but dont see what

that has anything to do with the proliferation of english men (that i know here in CM) cheating.

we are all from one planet, these small distinctions of which area you come from really are not

that important.. england, scotland, ireland, its all up there in the same general location.

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PS: Just because 1 or 2 beers is obviously some kind on milestone for you (perhaps you can handle more when hair starts to appear in all your naughty places), it isn't for the adults amongst us. Having a few beers does not make us "on the piss all day".

wow, touched a raw nerve there! holy cow dude, you are so sensitive...relax!!

have a beer, its almost 2am, sleep well.

england, britain, ireland, scotland, its all around the same general area, relax!

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Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

I don't think he knows where he's from, if you read the posting history of this new member/returning banned member/aka troll IMO, he says in a post..

I have been educating her for several years, and she has become more intelligent, but will take several more years

to bring her up to western standards. She can clearly see the deficiencies in the thai education system, and we will

be returning to america this year, so our daughter can start a proper school education. I could never accept my daughter

receiving a lo-so education, and not knowing great literature, art, science....

Forum: General topics · Post Preview: #3500763 · Replies: 91 · Views: 2,442

And in other posts says he'll be returning to Melbourne and says he's an Aussie.... :)

Only been here a few days and can't remember where he's from, but he don't belong here IMO...maybe he's escaped from a padded cell.

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Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

I don't think he knows where he's from, if you read the posting history of this new member/returning banned member/aka troll IMO, he says in a post..

I have been educating her for several years, and she has become more intelligent, but will take several more years

to bring her up to western standards. She can clearly see the deficiencies in the thai education system, and we will

be returning to america this year, so our daughter can start a proper school education. I could never accept my daughter

receiving a lo-so education, and not knowing great literature, art, science....

Forum: General topics · Post Preview: #3500763 · Replies: 91 · Views: 2,442

And in other posts says he'll be returning to Melbourne and says he's an Aussie.... :)

Only been here a few days and can't remember where he's from, but he don't belong here IMO...maybe he's escaped from a padded cell.

wow, nothing better to do at 2am?? yes i am australian, i do contract work in america and thailand, and

have a home base in melbourne, which is where i am returning, one of the main reasons is education for the baby. however, i will be required to travel to the US regularly for work. whats the problem? you ppl are so sensitive, all that was asked is a simple question, and everyone gets their undies knotted up...

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Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

I don't think he knows where he's from, if you read the posting history of this new member/returning banned member/aka troll IMO, he says in a post..

I have been educating her for several years, and she has become more intelligent, but will take several more years

to bring her up to western standards. She can clearly see the deficiencies in the thai education system, and we will

be returning to america this year, so our daughter can start a proper school education. I could never accept my daughter

receiving a lo-so education, and not knowing great literature, art, science....

Forum: General topics · Post Preview: #3500763 · Replies: 91 · Views: 2,442

And in other posts says he'll be returning to Melbourne and says he's an Aussie.... :)

Only been here a few days and can't remember where he's from, but he don't belong here IMO...maybe he's escaped from a padded cell.

wow, nothing better to do at 2am?? yes i am australian, i do contract work in america and thailand, and

have a home base in melbourne, which is where i am returning, one of the main reasons is education for the baby. however, i will be required to travel to the US regularly for work. whats the problem? you ppl are so sensitive, all that was asked is a simple question, and everyone gets their undies knotted up...

I wish I had time to feed you but aint so get back under your bridge whilst I change my undies, night troll. :D:D

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Englishmen are from England, Scotsmen are from Scotland, Irishmen are from Ireland, and Welshmen are from Wales...

Not so complicated really, they are all different countries !! you know ? or are you American ?

thank you for the geography lesson, it will take a while to sink in though, alot of information there.

i am actually from australia, but have spent many years working in america, but dont see what

that has anything to do with the proliferation of english men (that i know here in CM) cheating.

we are all from one planet, these small distinctions of which area you come from really are not

that important.. england, scotland, ireland, its all up there in the same general location.

well youve left yourself open there,,,,

and australias down under somewhere - ? right / the place WE BRITISH sent all the convicts too..isnt it..


Good movie by the way. Australia - that is..

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I don't know anyone who is cheating on their wife or g/f.

Then again I don't go sticking my nose into other peoples personal affairs.

I fully agree & nor do I know of anybody 'cheating' on their partner!!!

People who who indulge in knowing such things are bored & may have 'relationship' problems themselves. :)

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well youve left yourself open there,,,,

and australias down under somewhere - ? right / the place WE BRITISH sent all the convicts too..isnt it..


Good movie by the way. Australia - that is..

australia is one country out of many, if i was born in greece, i would be greek, same for spanish,

mexican, chinese, or anything else on the planet, makes no difference really... not sure why

the english guys get so tense... is there some truth in my opening question?

and to the other poster i do not indulge in this information, to give you an example i was having

lunch in bangkok after finishing an aviation medical, and one of my fellow british students was there.

there was a girl working who had big nom - so he blurts out, that he met a girl last night when he got

in from phuket, who had the biggest nom he ever saw, and he did her, and after we finish there, he is

going back to meet her, and he has a wife and new baby daughter in Phuket - I dont ask, many people

just like to brag

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well youve left yourself open there,,,,

and australias down under somewhere - ? right / the place WE BRITISH sent all the convicts too..isnt it..


Good movie by the way. Australia - that is..

australia is one country out of many, if i was born in greece, i would be greek, same for spanish,

mexican, chinese, or anything else on the planet, makes no difference really... not sure why

the english guys get so tense... is there some truth in my opening question?

i am Scottish, not English.

how is it you can get your geography right about oz being "one country of many" but you dont get the fact that UK of GB and NI is made up of 4 different countries..

You guys dont like being asked if your New Zealand do you ??? same thing...

or are just taking the p**s now ?

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I answered your question in post #9. It was you that decided to single out one nation, and make insinuating and inflammatory remarks such as "so where do you tell the girlies you come from, and do they care...:" and "so many distinctions to remember, no wonder most are on the piss all day long". When we try to help you over come you ignorance.

How many English men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?

How many American men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?

How many Australian men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?


Are the percentages of cheating to non cheating per nation that different? I suggest not. If you happen to know more English men here than others (though I can not see why that would be the case given you attitude towards them), then it stands to reason you will know more that cheat. Statistics 101.

Personally, in Chiang Mai I know more cheating Americans and Australians than I do English, but that's mostly because the English I do know here are mostly unmarried so can hardly be called cheats. However, by far most of the married farangs I know here do not seem to cheat and are happy with their lot. Perhaps your 'experience' is due to your catchment area - try a better class of establishment (Foxy Lady and Spicey's probably aren't going to give an unbiased slant on things)?

Most cheaters I see here are tourists on lads or lasses holidays.

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how is it you can get your geography right about oz being "one country of many" but you dont get the fact that UK of GB and NI is made up of 4 different countries..

You guys dont like being asked if your New Zealand do you ??? same thing...

or are just taking the p**s now ?

sometimes people do think NZ is the same as Oz, its no big deal, i have a relaxed view about

these issues - before i lived in melbourne, so i was in australia, i lived in chicago, so i was in

america, now i live in thailand, its all cool.... you can say I am from NZ does not bother me

one bit, its not important.

all these borders and nationalistic identities create such divisions and anger between people,

and caused countless wars...

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Wallhigh, you are pathetic. If this is an attempt to increase your posts, you will no doubt do well but it may cost you 'integrity'.

Your whole thread reeks of a bias against certain nationalities.

Also, it may indicate a preoccupation that you currently have regarding other people & their relationships, compared to your relationship (if you have one). Should this be the case, you may find a councellor to be of some help instead of starting silly threads here.

Have a lovely millenium. :)

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I answered your question in post #9. It was you that decided to single out one nation, and make insinuating and inflammatory remarks such as "so where do you tell the girlies you come from, and do they care...:" and "so many distinctions to remember, no wonder most are on the piss all day long". When we try to help you over come you ignorance.

How many English men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?

How many American men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?

How many Australian men with Thai wives here that you know? How many are cheating?


Are the percentages of cheating to non cheating per nation that different? I suggest not. If you happen to know more English men here than others (though I can not see why that would be the case given you attitude towards them), then it stands to reason you will know more that cheat. Statistics 101.

Personally, in Chiang Mai I know more cheating Americans and Australians than I do English, but that's mostly because the English I do know here are mostly unmarried so can hardly be called cheats. However, by far most of the married farangs I know here do not seem to cheat and are happy with their lot. Perhaps your 'experience' is due to your catchment area - try a better class of establishment (Foxy Lady and Spicey's probably aren't going to give an unbiased slant on things)?

Most cheaters I see here are tourists on lads or lasses holidays.

Sorry never been to Foxy Ladies, but unfortunately have been to Spicy once, 5 minutes was

too long, and only because a friend insisted on going. Never again.

Most of the people I know here are through CMU and other associated hi-ed institutions, not bars. I

dont drink alcohol, and I dont go to bars or pubs, hence am not part of a "catchment area", although

i really like that term!

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