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Why Do Thais Have A Mob Mentality?


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:) I have been a member of TV for quite a while, lived in Thailand for 7 years. I have a Thai wife and a daughter. I don't normally reply to too many posts as my record will indicate. I have thought about this Thai mob mentality as well. The Thais are for the most part insecure,uneducated people. They are very xenophobic and ethnocentric,this a trait for most traditional cultures. As in regards to Farangs. My opinoin only, is that most thais are a little bit afraid of Farangs. We are usually larger,stronger and as the Thai's perceive a bit crazy. This is mostly due to cultural differences as Falangs are generally more "reactionary" in certain situations,myself included. Even though the mob mentality is also directed toward their own people, it is more so when Farang's are involved. I managed in 7 years living and working,travelling to almost every part of Thailand and other parts of Asia, had managed to avoid any major conflicts. I believe in part to my street smarts and confident demeanor.


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a little harsh-the individual is not really to blame, but the ruling elite throughout history

they say thailand was never a colony, well, that because of several reason, mainly, the west did not want it

i hope nobody doubt otherwise, they needed a buffer state

plus, the ruling elite was smart, the Thai's has just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line by the brits and told to behave- they did

the ruling elite them seeing that the west might take over decided that this would not be in the best interests of them- the people would have benefited for sure

I do not really approve of colonialism, but in this case

1- Thailand is a colony in so many way's anyway.Ruled and dictated to by the west.

2-Look at malaya, s'pore, hong-kong. The brits did do some good.

3-It has got to be better than this surely?

somethings are a joke.....and who suffers- the poor downtrodden who have never been given a chance to improve their lot

you cannot buy beer at certain times, but can buy a woman, or man for that matter-its 2010, women still have to sell themselves to eat!

You know, all this can be avoided, get the crooks out of government/police/military,


i would, hand the whole country over to to the UN to sort thiungs out, shame we cannot invite the brits back( actually they never left and like the yanks, still control the place) there are some good ones- the current chap is quite good

what they need is strong moral dictator,

make certain drugs legal,change certain laws, give autonomy to the south ,if not, years of bloodshed ,huge expense-

put the money wasted from silly laws that only cost us, looks into EVERYONE bank accounts... i mean everyone

stop wasting money on arms,

the Thai military is useless anyway, has never done a single thing other than waste billions and have the brits bomb the crap out of bkok as punishment, and managed to keep secret a few of it disastrous op.s, and the yanks would, as they do, step in if necessary

build better school where children are taught to think for themselves and question EVERYTHING

Only the truth leads to real progress

the west could help here


I present you with the award for the "Most Poorly Conceived, Rambling, & Poorly Written Post Of The Thread".

Individuals of each nation are collectively responsible for the government they have. Some are responsible because of decisions they made and things they did. Others are responsible for taking no action. Blaming everything on the "ruling elite throughout history" is just a little simplistic and a short-cut for real thinking. If you look at Thai history, while some of the Kings and other military leaders were simply the children of the elite, others were born in quite poor and un-influential surroundings. Internationally, as well, there are just enough examples of where individuals or small groups changed the destiny of a nation or the world...and they were not always part of the "ruling elite throughout history".

I've read several historical accounts of Thailand, and I think you are right in that it served very well as a buffer state...something most people seem to acknowledge. As it did, its territory shrank a bit, so I guess somebody must have wanted it. There's a difference between the colonial powers deciding to let it be a buffer zone and not wanting it. The buffer zone concept served a need for the colonial powers.

First you say that the Thai "ruling elite was smart", and in the same sentence you say "the Thai's has just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line by the brits and told to behave". So were they smart or had they just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line"? And what exactly was this grand butt kicking that you think the Brits did? Oh, and by the way, you said that you're not usually in favor of colonialism, but your post reeks of it. You are very much into we western whities know best.

You believe the Brits colonialism "has got to be better than this surely". I suggest you go back and study the long-term effects on populations and nations. Perhaps take a look at what Gandhi and the Indians went through, just for starters.

"and who suffers- the poor downtrodden"...well, maybe some truth there, but then you cheapen the same sentence but comparing it to not being able to not being able to buy bear at certain times. And by the way women do not still have to sell themselves to eat. Millions of poor women in this country do not. Some women CHOOSE to take up the profession. Perhaps you ought get out into the villages and meet some poor people who lead very moral lives despite their poverty. I have this feeling that you spend too much of your time down on Soi Cowboy.

Hand the whole country over to the U.N. Perhaps you'd share with us what countries the UN has just taken and rebuilt? I wasn't aware that was their role or that they had done so. And if they did, they would probably start with places like Darfur, rather than with a nation like Thailand.

First, you clearly are in favor of colonialism, but then you are also in favor of a dictator. Of course then you also seem to equate morality with making drugs legal. Back to Soi Cowboy.

And then your grand finale: "have the brits bomb the crap out of bkok as punishment".

Oh, brother!

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Possibly all of the above


It doesn't, but as Thais don't practice Buddhism ( when did you last meet a vegetarian Thai? ) any more than followers of other religions practice theirs ( thou shalt not kill etc ) it's irrelevant.

Point taken but vegetarianism was never a focal point of Buddhism, at least not for my Thai Buddhist friends. It seems to me that Thai culture and Buddhism are closely intertwined the same way Islam is for Muslims and Christianity is for their believers. Their, Thai Buddhist, behavior is in jarring contrast to their alleged beliefs.

Why bitch about those stale crosants you where served ? What will it accomplish ? Any time I get treated unfairly I never bitch, I just never go to that place again.

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there are many terms for the " mob" mentality

most mobs are cowards

show them a little color and they will run away

actually in some ways it is natural, as is racism ,according to some theory's

people feel more comfortable when with their own

basically, the the higher level races/cultures have the least mob mentality-and visa versa

Thai men many suffer from an inferiority complex ,especially the men because

1- they have small penises

2- they are short, and weaker, in a very general one to one, a westerner would outweigh a local,

and westerns seem overly aggressive, which makes locals think the worst and then call for help, that's very natural.

3- they , because of propaganda may think the westerners are to blame for many of their troubles

4- they are poorer in general than most westerners

5- with all due respect they have they little to be proud about is ,unless one wishes to be proud of the being one of the worlds biggest meet markets, no middle class, the 11th most corrupt country, a far from efficient police/military, a human right history from hel_l , censorship stalin would be proud of

6- obviously being a 3rd world country, look how hard it is for thais to get visa's for anywhere, the qualifications issued here are questioned.

7- their education level is far lower

It is a very telling fact that Thailand is worlds biggest importer of that cream that makes ones skin white.And that so many books are banned.

Thai's are not really a race, it more of a culture. And in so many way a very lovely one. And there is a lot of domestic racism here

Thais people are also hampered by being taught and not allowed not to think.

The "religion" here is accountable for so much, yet, it has so very little to do with the real teaching, which was NOT a religion but philosophy

and a very nice one too .

What Thailand needs to do is get a good government, be honest with itself.There are some very good people here and there is hope.

I don't agree with much of your points about Thai males. If you where talking about the same age farang for comparison then yes but look at the farangs that they see in Thailand. I don't think many Thai males aspire to be your average 60 year old pot bellied alcoholic moron getting fleeced by a Thai lady.

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:) I have been a member of TV for quite a while, lived in Thailand for 7 years. I have a Thai wife and a daughter. I don't normally reply to too many posts as my record will indicate. I have thought about this Thai mob mentality as well. The Thais are for the most part insecure,uneducated people. They are very xenophobic and ethnocentric,this a trait for most traditional cultures. As in regards to Farangs. My opinoin only, is that most thais are a little bit afraid of Farangs. We are usually larger,stronger and as the Thai's perceive a bit crazy. This is mostly due to cultural differences as Falangs are generally more "reactionary" in certain situations,myself included. Even though the mob mentality is also directed toward their own people, it is more so when Farang's are involved. I managed in 7 years living and working,travelling to almost every part of Thailand and other parts of Asia, had managed to avoid any major conflicts. I believe in part to my street smarts and confident demeanor.


Bigger and stronger ? Maybe a group of young english or Aussie guys out on a trip but not your average farang you see in Thailand. Bigger yes, but clumsy fat and out of shape, hardly a threat to a Thai guy in my opinion. I have told many Thai people that they get a bad representation of farang people.

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"I hope that proves my point. Now on to my question to everyone and their Thai spouses. WHY in the world do Thais gang up on people? Do they feel weak and insecure going it alone? Are they paranoid and see danger where none is imminent? Is it insular thinking? Is it a superiority complex among Thais ["We are better than anyone else"]? A sense of entitlement to treat visitors and expat workers any way they want because this is their country? Is it revenge, then?"

it's none of it but your crooked mind which you think entitles you, based on some incidences you experienced, to issue a generalising but invalid verdict.

p.s. any thread that starts "why... Thais...?" is in my [not so] humble view evidence that the OP is a self-righteous and arrogant clown who is not fit to live as a guest in Thailand :)

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Agree. The unintelligent morons in ANY society will form a mob given an excuse. :)

Unnecessary word deleted.

Morons are just that, education and a good upbringing do not change behaviour.

Bigger and stronger ? Maybe a group of young english or Aussie guys out on a trip but not your average farang you see in Thailand. Bigger yes, but clumsy fat and out of shape, hardly a threat to a Thai guy in my opinion. I have told many Thai people that they get a bad representation of farang people.

But they make sure of it by attacking mob handed or tooled up (armed).

Think about the situation as the Thais do. We westerners mostly come from a multicultural background where it's impossible to judge whether a person is a fellow national or not by looks alone and then even speaking isn't a sure sign. How would us Brits, for example, react if our country had been kept for the pure bred Britons and we saw an altercation between one of our own and a Pakistani? You can bet your life balanced judgement would be straight out of the window.

So we are the same, just 100 years time difference.

PS yes I know racism is alive and kicking even today with our multicultural society but perhaps that only serves to reinforce the point.

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Hardly surprising that Thai men gang up on falangs when their inhibitions are down. We are overpaid, oversexed and over here! All economically superior (that's not a value judgment) groups become detested - sometimes to the point of genocide

This kind of behaviour is hardly unique to Thailand.

I have participated in a multiple on one beating in the US as a strip club doorman. Not my finest hour to be sure, but street cred had to maintained in that situation or the tables can get turned. I have also seen several examples, and of course there is the latest Western kiddie fad to take cell phone videos of group beatings.

While staying in Newport Wales once, there was a news story about two Frenchmen getting the living <deleted> kicked out of them by a group drunk and rowdy Taffies. When asked why it happened, the one French guy who could still talk said it was only because they were French.

The important point is to be congnizant of who you are, where you are, and who and what is going on around you. Most potentially bad situations can be avoided.

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Another thread filled with sweeping generalizations and stereotypes about both Thais and westerners (a generalization in its own right). Not to say that things like this don't happen, at least this is the way they're perceived to happen, but you've observed it, you've vented, and now what? Is it too much for you to tolerate? Will you return to your country of origin? Will you go on a crusade to teach them how to be more like westerners? Just relax, recognize and be prepared for the differences, and deal with it while maintaining your best composure.


Why bitch about those stale crosants you where served ? What will it accomplish ? Any time I get treated unfairly I never bitch, I just never go to that place again.

Exactamundo. Since there is very little litigation in Thailand for food poisoning and other situations, the best way to tell if you want to eat at a restaurant is by noting the number of customers inside. If their food, service, etc. are not up to par, Thais usually won't eat there either. No scene. No tip. No return.

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It's simple........they grow up in large families, and those that don't, acquire a group mentality from classmates. And that is what I'd call it.....not a "mob" mentality. They do things TOGETHER, rather than separately. Taiwanese Chinese are the same, and they don't have any of the negative traits mentioned here.

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a little harsh-the individual is not really to blame, but the ruling elite throughout history

they say thailand was never a colony, well, that because of several reason, mainly, the west did not want it

i hope nobody doubt otherwise, they needed a buffer state

plus, the ruling elite was smart, the Thai's has just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line by the brits and told to behave- they did

the ruling elite them seeing that the west might take over decided that this would not be in the best interests of them- the people would have benefited for sure

I do not really approve of colonialism, but in this case

1- Thailand is a colony in so many way's anyway.Ruled and dictated to by the west.

2-Look at malaya, s'pore, hong-kong. The brits did do some good.

3-It has got to be better than this surely?

somethings are a joke.....and who suffers- the poor downtrodden who have never been given a chance to improve their lot

you cannot buy beer at certain times, but can buy a woman, or man for that matter-its 2010, women still have to sell themselves to eat!

You know, all this can be avoided, get the crooks out of government/police/military,


i would, hand the whole country over to to the UN to sort thiungs out, shame we cannot invite the brits back( actually they never left and like the yanks, still control the place) there are some good ones- the current chap is quite good

what they need is strong moral dictator,

make certain drugs legal,change certain laws, give autonomy to the south ,if not, years of bloodshed ,huge expense-

put the money wasted from silly laws that only cost us, looks into EVERYONE bank accounts... i mean everyone

stop wasting money on arms,

the Thai military is useless anyway, has never done a single thing other than waste billions and have the brits bomb the crap out of bkok as punishment, and managed to keep secret a few of it disastrous op.s, and the yanks would, as they do, step in if necessary

build better school where children are taught to think for themselves and question EVERYTHING

Only the truth leads to real progress

the west could help here


I present you with the award for the "Most Poorly Conceived, Rambling, & Poorly Written Post Of The Thread".

Individuals of each nation are collectively responsible for the government they have. Some are responsible because of decisions they made and things they did. Others are responsible for taking no action. Blaming everything on the "ruling elite throughout history" is just a little simplistic and a short-cut for real thinking. If you look at Thai history, while some of the Kings and other military leaders were simply the children of the elite, others were born in quite poor and un-influential surroundings. Internationally, as well, there are just enough examples of where individuals or small groups changed the destiny of a nation or the world...and they were not always part of the "ruling elite throughout history".

I've read several historical accounts of Thailand, and I think you are right in that it served very well as a buffer state...something most people seem to acknowledge. As it did, its territory shrank a bit, so I guess somebody must have wanted it. There's a difference between the colonial powers deciding to let it be a buffer zone and not wanting it. The buffer zone concept served a need for the colonial powers.

First you say that the Thai "ruling elite was smart", and in the same sentence you say "the Thai's has just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line by the brits and told to behave". So were they smart or had they just had their bottoms well and truly kicked into line"? And what exactly was this grand butt kicking that you think the Brits did? Oh, and by the way, you said that you're not usually in favor of colonialism, but your post reeks of it. You are very much into we western whities know best.

You believe the Brits colonialism "has got to be better than this surely". I suggest you go back and study the long-term effects on populations and nations. Perhaps take a look at what Gandhi and the Indians went through, just for starters.

"and who suffers- the poor downtrodden"...well, maybe some truth there, but then you cheapen the same sentence but comparing it to not being able to not being able to buy bear at certain times. And by the way women do not still have to sell themselves to eat. Millions of poor women in this country do not. Some women CHOOSE to take up the profession. Perhaps you ought get out into the villages and meet some poor people who lead very moral lives despite their poverty. I have this feeling that you spend too much of your time down on Soi Cowboy.

Hand the whole country over to the U.N. Perhaps you'd share with us what countries the UN has just taken and rebuilt? I wasn't aware that was their role or that they had done so. And if they did, they would probably start with places like Darfur, rather than with a nation like Thailand.

First, you clearly are in favor of colonialism, but then you are also in favor of a dictator. Of course then you also seem to equate morality with making drugs legal. Back to Soi Cowboy.

And then your grand finale: "have the brits bomb the crap out of bkok as punishment".

Oh, brother!

thai's are not a race- but a culture- yuo first mistake

the brits bombed bkok as punishment

the kings, well, i do not want to get banned

to me colonialism is the same as dictator

i loved ghandi, but look how he died, and did he progress his country? How many died straight after- oh, thats great thinkingt ahead that is...

i never go to soi cowboy,

i do a lot of other work, in jails, hospidals, i have worked with anti slavery,child abduction

i agree about it being a choose, i remember a man approaching me in the north asking me if i'd like his daughter for the night

making drugs legal would save so much money,plus, and heres the best part make the mobs poor

what the brits did was not good-is what we have here " good"?

my thai chinese girlfriend says girls from issan are primates-she is not thai, but chinese!

in indian when they gave a low cast lady on Indian airline a promotion- the whole airline went on strike

5 ladys are burnt alive each day for not paying dowry's

the brits would not allow such nonsense

why so many banned books?

and i said, the brits have already bombed Bangkok, another mistake on your part, do you know your history? another little secret, sorry , english is not my first

that was their butts kicked and the king army being trashed by the gurka and the brits sending a message- do not ask for anymore tribute from the sultan- we own them

any more questions, i hope you understand what i mean by butts being kicked

they also nicked phucket, but, for some reason gave it back!

some of the thai ruling elite are very smart, they care only about themselves

well, no need to apologies, my english not so good either

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"I hope that proves my point. Now on to my question to everyone and their Thai spouses. WHY in the world do Thais gang up on people? Do they feel weak and insecure going it alone? Are they paranoid and see danger where none is imminent? Is it insular thinking? Is it a superiority complex among Thais ["We are better than anyone else"]? A sense of entitlement to treat visitors and expat workers any way they want because this is their country? Is it revenge, then?"

it's none of it but your crooked mind which you think entitles you, based on some incidences you experienced, to issue a generalising but invalid verdict.

p.s. any thread that starts "why... Thais...?" is in my [not so] humble view evidence that the OP is a self-righteous and arrogant clown who is not fit to live as a guest in Thailand :)

nobody is really a guest here, a guest can be asked to leave- that can ahppen here, and one can just walk straight back in!

a guest does not own the house in which he is a guest

have more say, more power, more influence

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there are many terms for the " mob" mentality

most mobs are cowards

show them a little color and they will run away

actually in some ways it is natural, as is racism ,according to some theory's

people feel more comfortable when with their own

basically, the the higher level races/cultures have the least mob mentality-and visa versa

Thai men many suffer from an inferiority complex ,especially the men because

1- they have small penises

2- they are short, and weaker, in a very general one to one, a westerner would outweigh a local,

and westerns seem overly aggressive, which makes locals think the worst and then call for help, that's very natural.

3- they , because of propaganda may think the westerners are to blame for many of their troubles

4- they are poorer in general than most westerners

5- with all due respect they have they little to be proud about is ,unless one wishes to be proud of the being one of the worlds biggest meet markets, no middle class, the 11th most corrupt country, a far from efficient police/military, a human right history from hel_l , censorship stalin would be proud of

6- obviously being a 3rd world country, look how hard it is for thais to get visa's for anywhere, the qualifications issued here are questioned.

7- their education level is far lower

It is a very telling fact that Thailand is worlds biggest importer of that cream that makes ones skin white.And that so many books are banned.

Thai's are not really a race, it more of a culture. And in so many way a very lovely one. And there is a lot of domestic racism here

Thais people are also hampered by being taught and not allowed not to think.

The "religion" here is accountable for so much, yet, it has so very little to do with the real teaching, which was NOT a religion but philosophy

and a very nice one too .

What Thailand needs to do is get a good government, be honest with itself.There are some very good people here and there is hope.

I don't agree with much of your points about Thai males. If you where talking about the same age farang for comparison then yes but look at the farangs that they see in Thailand. I don't think many Thai males aspire to be your average 60 year old pot bellied alcoholic moron getting fleeced by a Thai lady.

of course not, they life expectancy is almost over anyway- they achieve this by apx 40

who is to blame for what some farangs see in Thailand?

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The core of mob mentality is the disolution of responsability, thats is the more people that are involved the less responsable you are for your actions. The more people that participate the more socially acceptable your actions are.

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Thais do not have a 'mob mentality'. What they do have is fear...fear of the unknown. Where does this fear come from?

From birth, Thai people are 'taught' many things. One of these things is 'how to think'. Conversely, this also equates with 'how not to think'.

If one wishes to understand the words of both Thai anthems, a clue about such a fear will become obvious. These things are drummed into the brains of Thai citizens from 'day one'. The thing called 'Thainess' is very strong. Without 'Thainess', there is no 'unity'.

So now, the whole deal comes down to a few words...'unity, morality & Thainess'. These three words effectively isolate Thai people from the rest of the world.

The tragedy of Thailand is that so many people are far too conditioned to take responsibility for their own actions. Everything &/or anything they do can be blamed upon anything that is not Thai.

Fear of the 'unknown' as well as fear of any kind of 'change' is a big factor in Thai mentality. Don't blame the 'everyday' Thais, blame the 'elite' who dogedly maintain such a repressive culture.

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are there really so many people here who do not realise that Thailand is STILL an aristocratic society ? and has 'classes' just like India does, only its not made so obvious to outsiders ????????????

well, except when they start with the colored shirt thing !!

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thai's are not a race- but a culture- yuo first mistake

the brits bombed bkok as punishment

the kings, well, i do not want to get banned

to me colonialism is the same as dictator

i loved ghandi, but look how he died, and did he progress his country? How many died straight after- oh, thats great thinkingt ahead that is...

i never go to soi cowboy,

i do a lot of other work, in jails, hospidals, i have worked with anti slavery,child abduction

i agree about it being a choose, i remember a man approaching me in the north asking me if i'd like his daughter for the night

making drugs legal would save so much money,plus, and heres the best part make the mobs poor

what the brits did was not good-is what we have here " good"?

my thai chinese girlfriend says girls from issan are primates-she is not thai, but chinese!

in indian when they gave a low cast lady on Indian airline a promotion- the whole airline went on strike

5 ladys are burnt alive each day for not paying dowry's

the brits would not allow such nonsense

why so many banned books?

and i said, the brits have already bombed Bangkok, another mistake on your part, do you know your history? another little secret, sorry , english is not my first

that was their butts kicked and the king army being trashed by the gurka and the brits sending a message- do not ask for anymore tribute from the sultan- we own them

any more questions, i hope you understand what i mean by butts being kicked

they also nicked phucket, but, for some reason gave it back!

some of the thai ruling elite are very smart, they care only about themselves

well, no need to apologies, my english not so good either

I can find no place where I said Thais are a "race". Perhaps in your ramblings you're confusing me with other posters.

Please tell me exactly when the Brits bombed Bangkok in order to kick the butts of the Thais. Are you talking about the bombing raids of WWII where the Brits were attacking strategic locations that were in the hands of the Japanese who were occupying Thailand?

Did Gandhi advance his country?????????????????? He's the father of a free India.

You're just a pro-drug person who grasps at straws to make it look like a noble idea.

In fact, with that...I'm though bothering to talk to you.

But you can keep the award!

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Even though it's 'off topic', the British did bomb Bangkok. In the past, I have read a great piece about this on the internet but I forget where. The below link is all I can find;


I do not believe that this has much to do with the perceived Thai 'mob' mentality.

it is not- i just had to educate someone who chooses not to know history to illustrate who really is in power- i have not read the link, but the brits did so with full american support- and they objected to targeting one certain place which is obvious, but i will not mention

can you also send any link of the letter sent to the Thai King by the British warning them to behave or loose his country- its all in the achieves ( i asked one British diplomat and he said it was something best forgotten)

or a list of all the banned books-

or how the one certain institution requested protection from the west-

i am showing the reasons why "mob" mentality , a country dictated to, mind controlled, not much to be proud off (unless one considers the obvious), bad education

see my point

i know it sounds awful- but understanding this is the way to progress-truth is that way

put aside ones ego

understanding where one really is, and why

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Thais do not have a 'mob mentality'. What they do have is fear...fear of the unknown. Where does this fear come from?

From birth, Thai people are 'taught' many things. One of these things is 'how to think'. Conversely, this also equates with 'how not to think'.

If one wishes to understand the words of both Thai anthems, a clue about such a fear will become obvious. These things are drummed into the brains of Thai citizens from 'day one'. The thing called 'Thainess' is very strong. Without 'Thainess', there is no 'unity'.

So now, the whole deal comes down to a few words...'unity, morality & Thainess'. These three words effectively isolate Thai people from the rest of the world.

The tragedy of Thailand is that so many people are far too conditioned to take responsibility for their own actions. Everything &/or anything they do can be blamed upon anything that is not Thai.

Fear of the 'unknown' as well as fear of any kind of 'change' is a big factor in Thai mentality. Don't blame the 'everyday' Thais, blame the 'elite' who dogedly maintain such a repressive culture.

so so true

i do blame the elite- i was born into wealth,I was lucky, at school i was told i was different and better simply because of money-

for a while i choose to believe this,it was great to honestly think i was better,to have a car pick me up and take me to school, to look at the poor boys and make fun

as many of the elite do here that they are better than others

but this is WRONG, we all know it

then and saw the pure double standard's. I did become a Quaker-or rather aspire to be one and the socialist. A true one- again, i hope.

its always the ruling classes that send their young beautiful boys out to die to keep them well feed

which American president dodged service, who in power is at the front of the trouble they cause- and why do they cause it- for the good of their people, or their good

as karl marx once said ' a bayonet is the only weapon with a worker on each end"

who exercise mind control to keep the masses in their place

here it is the order of the day- the people here deserve much better than what they are getting

actually, as one great priest said " we are all one,we just do not know it"

I use the terms thai and brits, as word labels, would't it be nice if we could see that we're all brothers and sisters

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thai's are not a race- but a culture- yuo first mistake

the brits bombed bkok as punishment

the kings, well, i do not want to get banned

to me colonialism is the same as dictator

i loved ghandi, but look how he died, and did he progress his country? How many died straight after- oh, thats great thinkingt ahead that is...

i never go to soi cowboy,

i do a lot of other work, in jails, hospidals, i have worked with anti slavery,child abduction

i agree about it being a choose, i remember a man approaching me in the north asking me if i'd like his daughter for the night

making drugs legal would save so much money,plus, and heres the best part make the mobs poor

what the brits did was not good-is what we have here " good"?

my thai chinese girlfriend says girls from issan are primates-she is not thai, but chinese!

in indian when they gave a low cast lady on Indian airline a promotion- the whole airline went on strike

5 ladys are burnt alive each day for not paying dowry's

the brits would not allow such nonsense

why so many banned books?

and i said, the brits have already bombed Bangkok, another mistake on your part, do you know your history? another little secret, sorry , english is not my first

that was their butts kicked and the king army being trashed by the gurka and the brits sending a message- do not ask for anymore tribute from the sultan- we own them

any more questions, i hope you understand what i mean by butts being kicked

they also nicked phucket, but, for some reason gave it back!

some of the thai ruling elite are very smart, they care only about themselves

well, no need to apologies, my english not so good either

I can find no place where I said Thais are a "race". Perhaps in your ramblings you're confusing me with other posters.

Please tell me exactly when the Brits bombed Bangkok in order to kick the butts of the Thais. Are you talking about the bombing raids of WWII where the Brits were attacking strategic locations that were in the hands of the Japanese who were occupying Thailand?

Did Gandhi advance his country?????????????????? He's the father of a free India.

You're just a pro-drug person who grasps at straws to make it look like a noble idea.

In fact, with that...I'm though bothering to talk to you.

But you can keep the award!

you have been shown the evidence- you do not like it do you? i am sorry if i thought it was you who said thai werea race, but lets keep civil

although you do not like to be corrected have an open mind please

yes, ghandi freed india, where the wheel of progress has gone in reverse,

which then went to war with pakastan ,killing so many, much to be proud of- and by the way, is indian free? Who controls it?

I will keep the award. Awards from you are like compliments.

I am not pro drugs( do you drink, smoke, take any form of medication?- if so, you are pro drugs too), just anti making criminals and enlightening people like you, i am anti rich and wasting money on policy's that can and have never worked

i do not need to grasp at anything-expet that award

many thanks

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First, to the OP:

I've only lived here about a year, and this ganging up on attitude is something I've never experienced either personally or as a witness. But I've heard of it enough to know that it does indeed happen.

I'm not so sure it's related only to negative interactions, however. The other day I went into a drug store at the Emporium to buy one of my blood pressure medicines. Since I have to take it multiple times a day, there's no reason to buy one strip...only makes sense to buy a full box (100 tabs). I should have charged admission. All 7 girls in the store came over to be involved. It was nothing about unpleasantness. A couple of weeks ago I was having a little difficulty finding a pair of shoes to fit, and at Central Chidlom we suddenly had 4 clerks all helping. Even take a look at Songkram. Across from my condo development is a 7/11. Several people have been there for 3 almost full days throwing water at people. What is this compulsion to be in that little group, the characters of which have stayed basically the same for 3 days, and as a group act so goofy. It's nothing unpleasant. I have some foot problems right now and have had some foot therapy on several different occasions. It's definitely a 1 person job. It only takes one person to use the ultrasound "paddle". It only take 1 person to wrap your foot in a hot towel. But all that was always done by 2-3 people at a time. One Sunday, just out of curiosity I counted the number of clerks in the cosmetics department of the Emporium. Would you believe 123 clerks...and 7 customers? All these are non-aggressive situations.

But, this group mentality then does translate to negative situations, as well.

In re your restaurant situation...are you sure it was an unpleasant situation? Same for the shipping managers? Could it have been because of a perceived language problem?

If you had been farang, I'd say that...well, they've probably experienced the ugly America before and are prepared to deal with it again. That I have seen...but the unpleasantness was all on the ugly American's side. As to the auto accident situation, well, as you say, they were drunk.

How does the above tie-in with Buddhism which preach nothing but peace and kindness, unlike some other religions I can mention?

It doesn't, but as Thais don't practice Buddhism ( when did you last meet a vegetarian Thai? ) any more than followers of other religions practice theirs ( thou shalt not kill etc ) it's irrelevant.

Now, in regard to TBL's comment. First, and who made you an arbiter of what is defined as "real" Buddhism? If you know much about Buddhism, you know that there's long been a debate within Buddhist circles about whether or not it's all right to eat meat. And, Thai Buddhists, as a group, are just as Buddhist and most Christians are Christian, or most Muslims are Islamic, and so forth.

Buddha really wasn't that obscure in his teachings.

Few people would argue that he said eating meat and killing animals was OK.

Many years ago in Bangkok (as a tourist) I was shocked to see a monk looking at some sort of amulet he was thinking of buying. He had a cigarette dangling out of his mouth and, once he'd decided to buy the amulet, pulled out an enormous wad of notes.

I thought he was an odd case, but living here I've realised that the 'religion' is entirely pragmatic.

The 'buddhists' here think they can buy their way to good fortune. Not exactly something Buddha would have endorsed.....

Sorry, off-topic I know, but the comment "who made you an arbiter of what is defined as real Buddhism?" directed at a previous poster, could not be ignored.

Thai Buddhism is not even sees as real Buddhism by other practicing countries. The Chinese strains of Buddhism do not even recognized what is practiced here as Buddhism. I was astonished when I first went to temple here after studying in America and China. To see a monk talking on his new cell phone while he smoked a cigarette was surprising. As was the first of many times I have watched monks here kick their dogs. As for eating meat, you need to look at that a little closer. The ones debating whether you can eat meat are the new wave of Buddhists. The Buddha was pretty clear about eating meat and harming living creatures.


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Even though it's 'off topic', the British did bomb Bangkok. In the past, I have read a great piece about this on the internet but I forget where. The below link is all I can find;


I do not believe that this has much to do with the perceived Thai 'mob' mentality.

My point earlier was that the British bombed a Thailand that was occupied by the Japanese. The British were not doing it to kick the Thai's butts.

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It's pretty simple really..if you can't hold back your own contempt and prejudices against Thais like some of the posters here harbor then they will see through it in your body language, facial expression, and tone of voice. If you are relaxed, smile, and know how to deal with problems in a calm intelligent manner then you won't have issues.

Also, Thais generally don't nitpick everything service related. If they get shafted over they generally shrug and walk away reminding themselves not to do business next time with the same people. The farang in Thailand way of doing things is to shout and work themselves up into a cardiac arrest state drawing attention and making everyone (including themselves) lose face.

Believe it or not there are plenty of well meaning Thai people but i'm guessing a lot of expats only experience the "bad" Thais because well..birds of a feather flock together. Bad elements attract bad elements as a general rule of thumb.

People here can pontificate all they want about how much more superior their education level is, marvel over the length of their own penis, and talk up how bad ass they are but if you present yourself as a dirtbag you will get treated like one.

Oh, and from what i've seen very very few farang in Thailand come even close to the upper "average" in a western country. It's really the dregs.

Edited by wintermute
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First, to the OP:

I've only lived here about a year, and this ganging up on attitude is something I've never experienced either personally or as a witness. But I've heard of it enough to know that it does indeed happen.

I'm not so sure it's related only to negative interactions, however. The other day I went into a drug store at the Emporium to buy one of my blood pressure medicines. Since I have to take it multiple times a day, there's no reason to buy one strip...only makes sense to buy a full box (100 tabs). I should have charged admission. All 7 girls in the store came over to be involved. It was nothing about unpleasantness. A couple of weeks ago I was having a little difficulty finding a pair of shoes to fit, and at Central Chidlom we suddenly had 4 clerks all helping. Even take a look at Songkram. Across from my condo development is a 7/11. Several people have been there for 3 almost full days throwing water at people. What is this compulsion to be in that little group, the characters of which have stayed basically the same for 3 days, and as a group act so goofy. It's nothing unpleasant. I have some foot problems right now and have had some foot therapy on several different occasions. It's definitely a 1 person job. It only takes one person to use the ultrasound "paddle". It only take 1 person to wrap your foot in a hot towel. But all that was always done by 2-3 people at a time. One Sunday, just out of curiosity I counted the number of clerks in the cosmetics department of the Emporium. Would you believe 123 clerks...and 7 customers? All these are non-aggressive situations.

But, this group mentality then does translate to negative situations, as well.

In re your restaurant situation...are you sure it was an unpleasant situation? Same for the shipping managers? Could it have been because of a perceived language problem?

If you had been farang, I'd say that...well, they've probably experienced the ugly America before and are prepared to deal with it again. That I have seen...but the unpleasantness was all on the ugly American's side. As to the auto accident situation, well, as you say, they were drunk.

How does the above tie-in with Buddhism which preach nothing but peace and kindness, unlike some other religions I can mention?

It doesn't, but as Thais don't practice Buddhism ( when did you last meet a vegetarian Thai? ) any more than followers of other religions practice theirs ( thou shalt not kill etc ) it's irrelevant.

Now, in regard to TBL's comment. First, and who made you an arbiter of what is defined as "real" Buddhism? If you know much about Buddhism, you know that there's long been a debate within Buddhist circles about whether or not it's all right to eat meat. And, Thai Buddhists, as a group, are just as Buddhist and most Christians are Christian, or most Muslims are Islamic, and so forth.

Buddha really wasn't that obscure in his teachings.

Few people would argue that he said eating meat and killing animals was OK.

Many years ago in Bangkok (as a tourist) I was shocked to see a monk looking at some sort of amulet he was thinking of buying. He had a cigarette dangling out of his mouth and, once he'd decided to buy the amulet, pulled out an enormous wad of notes.

I thought he was an odd case, but living here I've realised that the 'religion' is entirely pragmatic.

The 'buddhists' here think they can buy their way to good fortune. Not exactly something Buddha would have endorsed.....

Sorry, off-topic I know, but the comment "who made you an arbiter of what is defined as real Buddhism?" directed at a previous poster, could not be ignored.

Thai Buddhism is not even sees as real Buddhism by other practicing countries. The Chinese strains of Buddhism do not even recognized what is practiced here as Buddhism. I was astonished when I first went to temple here after studying in America and China. To see a monk talking on his new cell phone while he smoked a cigarette was surprising. As was the first of many times I have watched monks here kick their dogs. As for eating meat, you need to look at that a little closer. The ones debating whether you can eat meat are the new wave of Buddhists. The Buddha was pretty clear about eating meat and harming living creatures.


I do believe you're correct on many points although, in my understandings, in Buddha's teachings, there was no good or bad, right or wrong. A 'conscience' man (or woman) would not eat animals, not because it was a sin or against religious beliefs, but because a person of higher conscientiousness knows we are one with 'all', but no sin in eating meat, pork, etc.and a conscience person will not join a mob, he's is an individual and unique, not special, just unique and many living people have found their uniqueness, a gift that each of us have that's yet to be discovered.....many great one's in every aspect and corner of the world.....musicians, artists, golfers, you name it, there are many people who have reached very high plateaus either naturally, or through much effort.

Personally, I think relaxing is an art that needs time to develop. I've spent many years practicing. I know many people who can't sit down for five minutes and believe an empty mind is the devils workshop? The idea behind enlightenment is being detached from the mind and just being a witness to it all, getting out of your own way and allowing things to happen.

Buddha's teachings, as well as those of other Enlightened Beings did not include or preach 'sin' as there was no sin.....(except perhaps, unconsciousness or unawareness) sin was something fabricated by the priests, rabbis and religious leaders. ....Higher conscience/awareness was the core (and apple) of Buddha's teachings....being here, in the moment, totally, and no where else, in body & mind.....this is how I understand it.

Edited by Tomissan
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Joe, a little bit of what you wrote is factual and could be called "evidence" (although I didn't realize anyone was on trial). But much of what you wrote was opinion. And there's nothing wrong with you having your opinion and stating it. But please don't call your opinions, facts.

For example, whether India has progressed or gone in reverse could be up for debate. But owning another country and its culture is simply wrong and immoral. It's sort of like some child abuse -- "I'm going to beat you for your own good." Well, it's never good or right.

To answer your question, I do not drink or smoke, or take illegal drugs. Is taking blood pressure and heart medicine so I don't have a stroke or heart attack being a druggy?

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I do believe you're correct on many points although, in my understandings, in Buddha's teachings, there was no good or bad, right or wrong. A 'conscience' man (or woman) would not eat animals.

His teachings, as well as those of other Enlightened Beings did not include or preach 'sin' as there was no sin.....something fabricated by the priests, rabbis and religious leaders. ....Higher conscience/awareness was the core (and apple) of their teachings....as I understand.

There is sin in Buddhism that roughly translates out how to how much you disrupt the natural order of things. Murder, stealing, etc.. is all disruptive and considered bad karma. The difference is Buddhism places more responsibility on a person's actions on their own spiritual development. In Christianity there's this belief in a magical sky wizard who will throw you into a pit of fire if you misbehave. In this sense Buddhism is a much more mature religion that requires self discipline which is why there are very few true adherents.

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