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Overweight Farangs


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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in  a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old  ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

Yes, all my customers call me a fat,ugly, useless, bastard. And I'm not useless.

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From my experience thais don't really consider it rude to say what comes into their mind. Other women frequently tell my wife "how come you can find a farang husband when you're so fat". My wife is 51k's and was always asked in the UK why she was so thin. I don't understand, but there's lots about thais I don't understand :o

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Having seen other posts from you, it sounds like you appear to be very intollerant to people and Asian people perceive this.

Believe me, the feel that you're not a positive guy and they look down on your weak points to defeat you.

Probably, since you are declaring that you would like other cultures to get used to the English culture in UK (that's fair and true), you should start trying to understand the Asian culture as well.

What is pissing them is a Brit (famous or infamous) sense of humour, just use it against them!!!

"You're fat" they say? Just answer that you have a 8 inch di ck, showing them the size with the hands, they will get ashamed (in the public) and never turn to you again ..... or may be ...... for the ugly old lady, you will find some free funny sex for the night (may be also with the hubby in a beautiful MENAGE A TRUA.


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I am shall we say, on the pudgy side, and I usually hear the fat comment spoken between Thais, in Thai, and also of course to my face.

I think it is complex subject and it is not entirely not rude, but what are you gonna do?

I have heard that it is not uncommon for Thais who move overseas and get fat to be afraid to come back to Thailand because of all the ridicule they are sure to receive especially from their old friends and family.

You can't change the culture. The best response I can think of is to say Thank You and smile.

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another thing:

you fight 10 times in England = you go to hospital 3 times stabbed

you fight 10 times in Brazil = hospital 3 times cemetery 2 times

you fight 10 times in Thailand = cemetery 5 times!!!!

Pay attention, this is not an easy country where you can win a fight and humiliate a Thai, if you make an Asian losing his face in the public, just pray he has no friends nearby .................

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I have some farang mates who are overweight and when we go out and meet some Thais, be it friends or co-workers they always comment about my mates being fat or fatter than when they last saw them. I think for Thai's, they dont consider this a rude comment or statement...much in the same way that they think asking someones salary is ok.

Questions or comments we would not make in front of the person if in a western country.

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I see your point.

If someone calls you fat, and then you reply calling them fat old and ugly is this wrong?

She certainly seemed to find in very insulting. So I can say that it is fair to call me fat because I am a farang but not her because she is Thai?

So in this way I am expected not to behave in the same way as them and act differently because I am a foriegner?

I would certainly not call someone a fat old ugly lady unless that had said something similar to me. I have better ways of winding Thais up and making them lose face if its justified - is a fun game.

Having seen other posts from you, it sounds like you appear to be very intollerant to people and Asian people perceive this.

Believe me, the feel that you're not a positive guy and they look down on your weak points to defeat you.

Probably, since you are declaring that you would like other cultures to get used to the English culture in UK (that's fair and true), you should start trying to understand the Asian culture as well.

What is pissing them is a Brit (famous or infamous) sense of humour, just use it against them!!!

"You're fat" they say? Just answer that you have a 8 inch di ck, showing them the size with the hands, they will get ashamed (in the public) and never turn to you again ..... or may be ......  for the ugly old lady, you will find some free funny sex for the night (may be also with the hubby in a beautiful MENAGE A TRUA.


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I am not scared of Thais. I usually find displaying arrogance but keeping quiet at the right time gets me out of trouble (touch wood eh).

another thing:

you fight 10 times in England = you go to hospital 3 times stabbed

you fight 10 times in Brazil = hospital 3 times cemetery 2 times

you fight 10 times in Thailand = cemetery 5 times!!!!

Pay attention, this is not an easy country where you can win a fight and humiliate a Thai, if you make an Asian losing his face in the public, just pray he has no friends nearby .................

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I see your point.

If someone calls you fat, and then you reply calling them fat old and ugly is this wrong?

She certainly seemed to find in very insulting. So I can say that it is fair to call me fat because I am a farang but not her because she is Thai?

It's the way you tell her not what you tell her!!!

If you smile (as she was smiling to you in saying "you're fat") and reply: "Yes lady I want to reduce some weight, because I'm still young and I do not want to be like you when old". With a big smile, you put her in a situation where she cannot be angry with you but she will drop any discussion with you immediatly.

Regarding the Macho Attitude: believe me, keep low profile in Thailand. If not we will read about you on a newspaper.

I lived 3 years in Cartagena and I know what low profile means ....... and sometimes you have to eat a drop of s hit and you do!

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I don't have a single Thai friend who has a nerve to say "you're fat" straight in the face or blunt enough to ask somebody's income (even in a close, long time relationship). I know there are Thais like that but to me it's just a matter of choosing a right friend.

My ex-GF (Japanese) told me when she visited her sister in Thailand who at the time was studying at Thammasat, everyone in the Thai host family the sisters were staying with was saying my ex is more beautiful (or cuter, naarak kwaa) than her sis, openly in her sister's presence. They didn't take offence and thought it was funny though.

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I see your point.

If someone calls you fat, and then you reply calling them fat old and ugly is this wrong?

She certainly seemed to find in very insulting. So I can say that it is fair to call me fat because I am a farang but not her because she is Thai?

So in this way I am expected not to behave in the same way as them and act differently because I am a foriegner?

I would certainly not call someone a fat old ugly lady unless that had said something similar to me. I have better ways of winding Thais up and making them lose face if its justified - is a fun game.

Yes it is wrong. This is Thailand, and it is wrong and impolite.

Nothing to do with your being a farang.

If you try to wind up Thais and make them lose face, you will either have no Thai friends or end up finding out the hard way. I have been put in hospital half a dozen times with this attitude, I am a slow learner but now do not have that attitude. I strongly suggest that you try to respect their way of talking ie calling someone fat is ok. Accept this or spend your energy and time trying to change their thinking, which, IMO, doesn't work. Don't be so obsessed with your self being right. Chill out and don't be so paranoid.

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My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

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My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

OMG, there is a ban on the word H E L L on this site?...that is so lame...

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My TW always mentions when someone is 'pompui', whether it be someone on the street or on TV, ###### even me... She doesn't do it to be rude or mean, she just points it out verbally. It may have something to do with the fact they don't see many fat people in the small villages - like black people / arabs / white guys :o

OMG, there is a ban on the word H E L L on this site?...that is so lame...

yes there is a BAN, just write h e l l or write CAZZO, FIGA, MERDA, SCHEISEN, SCHVULE, MERD, ......


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Listen , I'm among the fattest farang in Thailand, and no Thai has ever said, done, or intimidated anything rude. Fascination, shock, pity, turned-on, maybe, but never rudeness.

20 years. Never. Not once, Ever... To my face, anyway :D

I truly feel Thais are simply more gracious and thoughtful, generaly, regarding personal issues, but some thinking is different here, and many farangs need to get their fragile egos in check sometimes. Nobody is trying to wound you by smiling and saying 'Uan maak!!', in my experience, so just roll with it.. :o

Otherwise, if people want to think stupid shit about you, let them. Some people are happier with thinking stupid shit. You're unlikely to change that.

Life goes on, and so do you.... :D

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I must be strange, well yes I know that im strange :D but when a Thai tells me im fat it becomes an opportunity for some playful banter.


Your fat (in English)

Me {the fat Farang}

pom mi ooun, pom pun pooe (im not fat, im presently plump)

Then tell the Thai that they are fat. With a smile. :o

It has always been fun and never got out of hand.

When I was new to Thailand a small child said to me that I was fat!

Yes I got annoyed.

I asked him why he said such a hurtful thing

He was very confused but eventually replied

‘’I wish I was fat, you are very lucky, if your fat you must never be hungry and have a good life!’’ :D

It was not a put down as it would be in the west; it was a point of envy.

It was the first tine I learnt to not jump at a perceived insult but to sit back

And look at it from a Thai point of view, its not always what you first think.

Jai yin yin. :D

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Boy, this is a major case of cultural misunderstanding.

Conversation wise, for a Thai to comment directly on someone’s weight is the equivalent of talking about the weather. My Thai friends and relatives have no problem in telling me if I have gained/lost weight. It’s only an observation, and not meant to be offensive.

Remember, Thai’s a big time into Kreng Jai, and keeping up appearances. They won’t admit that prostitution is rife, that Thaksin’s and idiot or anything else what would mean that someone would lose face. As such, you should recognise that commenting on weight is not meant to be offensive, and hence, shouldn’t be taken as such.

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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in  a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old  ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

Hmmmmm - only 7KG overweight ? Come on - tell the truth.

How much do you weigh ?

How tall are you ?

What's your waist size ?

I'm guessing you are a real fat boy & your doctor is fill of <deleted>.

Also - I'd get the blood pressure checked - getting into fights with the managers wife at a restaurant... does this kind of thing happen to you a lot ???

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If Thais comment on your size and weight, it is, IMHO only out of curiosity.

On the other hand, if farangs do, it often disguises an insecurity and vindictiveness, of major proportions.*

Cross 'em off your Christmas card list straight away.


TM (a hundred kilos of burning love)

*this attitude is explored in the UK TV series "Little Britain" – try and see it – and learn to ridicule all farangs who criticise us beefy bouncers.

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It was not a put down as it would be in the west.

Nail is hit on the head.

It's difficult but it's what we have to tell ourselves and it's US that has to lose face in some ways.

Like I've already stated - political correctness is something that doesn't really exist here and perhaps the reason you get upset for being called fat is because you're not used to this brand of honesty.

But would you really trade that for the PC madness we have back home?

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Listen , I'm among the fattest farang in Thailand, and no Thai has ever said, done, or intimidated anything rude. Fascination, shock, pity, turned-on, maybe, but never rudeness.

20 years. Never. Not once, Ever... To my face, anyway  :D

I truly feel Thais are simply more gracious and thoughtful, generaly, regarding personal issues, but some thinking is different here, and many farangs need to get their fragile egos in check sometimes. Nobody is trying to wound you by smiling and saying 'Uan maak!!', in my experience, so just roll with it..  :o

Otherwise, if people want to think stupid shit about you, let them. Some people are happier with thinking stupid shit. You're unlikely to change that.

Life goes on, and so do you.... :D

I find this hard to believe even if it was in a friendly way . They have called me fat as well but jokingly , when they keep saying it it becomes rude . 1or 2 times ok but joke can only go so far . They have common courtesy and are very polite ut as you say never see alot of people :D

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I am what you would class as fat at 150kg or 21stone but i am also 6 feet 8 inches tall, i find it funny and always have when Thais call me fat because they dont mean it in the hurtful way that say someone in the U.K would say it if you know what i mean. Thais say it with a smile on their face and with no sound of scorn in their voice. I have had women and men come up to me in the street and rub my belly and give me the thunbs up.

Correct me if i am wrong but i was sure the fatter you are the richer you are? well according to my wife who said if you are fat then you can eat well therefore you must be well off, from what i have seen of Thais, the overweight ones always seem to be the ones driving the big flash foreign cars, or the kid on the skytrain with the expensive mobile and the flash bag going to the posh school.

In Thailand i feel less concious about my weight than i do in the U.K but i feel more concious about my height, with everyone in Thailand being so much smaller than me.

I was given the name ich que san (spelling?) :o which apparently is some cartoon character who is a small fat bald monk. Apart from the small bit i have seen this cartoon and he does look a bit like me i guess, when i introduce myself with my nickname Thais both young and old find it highly amusing, but hey who cares if they are laughing with me or at me because i know in my heart they are just being playful and no hurt is intended.

Unlike the U.K where i have found over the years that the English can say the most hurtful things and you can see in their eyes that they actually mean it.

IMHO you should stop worrying about these comments and get on with enjoying Thailand and all that great food :D

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I am a bit overweight.

I keep getting people I don't even know saying things to me like "you very fat" and other comments I consider pretty rude.

The thing is I dont think I am that fat, my doctor said I am about 7kg overweight which certainly doesnt make me obese. Its not like I sit around eating pork scratchings in  a string vest.

The strange thing is a lot of these people who suddenly fell the need to tell me I am "very fat" are usually middle age women who I would consider to be more overweight than I.

I nearly got in a fight with an old  ladys husband. She starting telling me how fat I was, so I told her "You fat same me, and you very old and ugly" I thought this was a fair come-back. But then I get a VERY dissaproving look from her and then her husband. As a customer in the restaurant I asked him why was he looking at me like that, and did he think saying "you very fat" was a proper way to talk to the customers. Asking if he was the boss (he obviously was) I would like to complain about the womans (his wifes) attitude towards me.

I then got asked to leave immediatley. Having not finished my meal I didnt feel it proper that I should have to pay the bill - which I didnt. This nearly resulted in a fist fight.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of rudeness in Thailand?

Hmmmmm - only 7KG overweight ? Come on - tell the truth.

How much do you weigh ?

How tall are you ?

What's your waist size ?

I'm guessing you are a real fat boy & your doctor is fill of <deleted>.

Also - I'd get the blood pressure checked - getting into fights with the managers wife at a restaurant... does this kind of thing happen to you a lot ???



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It was not a put down as it would be in the west.

Nail is hit on the head.

It's difficult but it's what we have to tell ourselves and it's US that has to lose face in some ways.

Like I've already stated - political correctness is something that doesn't really exist here and perhaps the reason you get upset for being called fat is because you're not used to this brand of honesty.

But would you really trade that for the PC madness we have back home?

No I certainly wouldnt! I fell less of a foriegner here than I do back home in the UK!

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