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Pigeons On My Roof


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Have over a 100 pigeons a day on my roof.

Have used fishermans netting before which does work somewhat but it rips and gets tatty very easily.

So guys does anyone have experience in getting rid of these noisy and terribly dirty birds.

Scarecrows, horns ???

Any help greatly appreciated...

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Have you seen the micheal caine film, "Harry Brown"

He has a novel way of dealing with the vermin.

I had a similar problem with the pigeons on the roof and the cats in the plant pots.

I bought wire netting, I then snipped alternate strands to stand horizontal. The birds will not settle on it, the cats cannot disturb the soil to crap.

Give it a try as wire mesh is very cheap and available.


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Our condo has a hundred or so pigeons around the place and they make a terrible mess. Don't know which is worse the bird crap or the nest they build. We got some rubber snakes and put them in obvious places. They worked for a while but after a couple of months I went and checked and one had bird crap on it and a bird next to it. Worked for a while. I agree with the idea of a stuffed owl, that would work but shift it's position once in a while or you may find them sitting on it.

Our final solution was to install net so they could not get in, works great.

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Get rid of the food source(s). Someone is feeding them or there is garbage in close proximity.

You would be surprised. There is always some well meaning person that you least suspect that feeds these things.

Another option is to go to the nests if there are any and to destroy the eggs. Not nice, but if they are freshly laid, you are not killing hatchlings, just undeveloped embryos.

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