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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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Take to mind these facts and then let's talk.

Their are at least two sides, maybe more, in this fight.

They are not being careless or foolish but are instead acting on behalf of their very differing views.

Inside the reds are more than one side.

Radicals, centrists, royalists, democratic, Marxist

All of it is there.

Inside the Current regime are the landholders and super rich of Thailand (OLD MONEY)

Their group includes the Chinese business men of Bangkok, Large land holders, Old money, upper class, and of course includes those who spit on any democratic rule, those who will never accept rights for the workers, those who have many times enjoys privilege.

Thailand has laws but the laws are quite different depending upon what class you are a member of, as we all know.

For example, super rich are never arrested. Even Thaksan's family was not arrested nor was Thaksan.

Poor people are indentured servants and peasants in many places in Thailand.

OK--facts are facts

But now so what?

Well the reds are clearly the majority party,. This explains the last two coups (2nd done with the puppet court) that was ordered by the ruling elite.

Thailand has been able to carry on the farce of saying it is working toward democracy and so just give us more time. The world has looked and not taken action in the way of sanctions as of yet. BUT---if the current Thai regime were to kill a few thousand on video here for the world to see, you can be sure severe trade sanctions would occur against eh regime and thus Thailand. now given that Thailand is mainly an export economy, trade sanctions would be crushing.

How do farangs play into this?

You have the ones who are logical and see that the reds, no matter how flawed, are on the moral high ground asking for rights for the poor.

Then you have the large group here in Thailand who like things just the way they were under the regime in the past. They like poor women, cheap beer, and a legal system that allows a little money to take care of most problems. Their biggest fear is that if the Reds come back into power, the bars will be closed earlier or all together.

So this group, when it hears the poor are out of bread, says----Let them eat Cake.

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Hmmm apparently you missed a few things .. like the PAD leadership actually did turn themselves in. The cases are ongoing.


apparently YOU missed a lot of things.

The RED leaders were in one room with the PM.

It was easy to arrest them as they had already arrest warrants hanging on.

Second, the RED leaders have promised a long time ago to turn themselves in in MAY (only a week apart).

The Yellow's started their protests "peacefully" and with only their clappers.

But everywhere they went. a masked militia, armed to the teeth, was surrounding them and everyone who was not "inivited" at their rallies was killed on the spot.

Care to show us the evidence of this claim? As far as I know there is only one death directly attributable to the PAD and that was on Sep2nd when the reds attacked them at government house.

The PAD weren't angels but they did respond with force when attacked. They were grenaded almost nightly at the end (Somchai's government couldn't or wouldn't prevent Sae Daeng's thugs.) and yet the PAD didn't respond with violence.


Thus that would clear them from being criminals as YOU are turning the discussion now in the AMOUNT of casualties instead of the CRIMINAL ACTIVITY itself.

Come on, JD, even you can do better than that.

About the "evidences" you are asking for, I'm not at all interested to dig now in all the rotten archives of your yellow scum.

But if you care to do a google, you will have more evidences that you asked for.

Even one from a few months ago where the yellow mob went to protest at the Thai-Cambodian border against the advice of the government and killed a poor guy who was a-political and just was earning his bread for his family.

Thai protest against "red shirts"

Thousands of Thai government supporters hold a counter-protest against the "red shirt" movement which is demanding a dissolution of parliament.

-- Reuters 2010-04-17

Interesting video, Maestro.

I wonder who is financing that "anti-red" demo? Looks a very middle-class affair!

Of more interest is the closing footage of Thai army soldiers clearly firing live rounds from assault rifles. So much for yet another one of this Government's lies about troops not being armed. Oh sorry, they had to retract that claim when video evidence like this emerged! :)

look at the nation's pic. there is a green van at the back. ok, now look at the before pic. the green van is still there. look at the after and it has been covered up with photoshop!!!!!!!

Where are these pictures, can't find them.


the others are on pages of the forum - called before and after

Thanks. Well, I spent some time to try and investigate these "fake" images.

The image on the right posted on page 15 here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thai-Army-Pl...html&st=365 definitely fake (extra people filled in), but now, who did it?

When I follow some links I come to a website http://www.pantip.com/cafe/rajdumnern/topi...0/P9134000.html that has a full page study on various fake images. A red site I assume. Some of their points seem a bit dubious to me.

The fact that they have the before and after images is quite suspicious. I also note various images were taken at different times of the day. Particularly the images that have umbrellas were earlier in the morning perhaps when there was still some rain.

Comparing images with umbrellas with later images that have a lot of people can be very deceptive simply because umbrellas and peoples heads are very different in size, thus the sense of high density and low density are very different.

I also note that the image on pantip.com of a large crowd (said to be fake) is different than the one in the nation.

The image posted here on page 15 are early morning pictures that have umbrellas and few people (the one of the right being the fake one). I'm also suspicious why anyone would want to fake the early morning picture that has fewer people, and of course how do they have the before and after of the same image if they did not make the fake??????????

They also make some claims about the photo shop version name "CS3" being shown in one of the images (i.e. on a handrail and on an umbrella), which makes little sense to me.

So, who did it? My guess is the red shirt supporters are making the fakes, OR (get this one) maybe BOTH!

Anyway, the case can be settled if anyone can find the fake right image on page 15 on an actual nation webpage. If not, then I think this is just more fake red propaganda.

No need, all your chums will have p_ssed off back to China. Mind you, those that are left would probably benefit from a few months hard graft in the rice fields! :)

Go Khmer Rouge!

How does military checking cars translate to you thinking you think they are gonna use real ammunition?

Real ammunition on what?

Any real grounds to base this on?


Go check their arms yourself and bring us a photo of the "rubber bullets".

I served it the army myself, and I can tell you when a military is completely armed with REAL ammunition or just "rubber bullets".

I wanted to take my mobile and shoot some pictures, but was wisely discouraged ....

More hyperbole from Jerry ---- The PAD leadership have cases that are ongoing. The difference between them and your Red leadership is that they never preached armed insurrection from their stages etc. To call them terrorists has already been dealt with officially on the forum. It is a non starter as they did not terrorize anyone.

It is nice to see that Jerry is standing up with the red leadership apparently, and doesn't think that the rule of law need be followed!

I love mathematics y=1/X is my favourite equation.

May I suggest a nice reading: my posts.

You will discover that I support the Red Shirt PEOPLE, not the leaders (they can support themselves - they are not my "cheer Leaders"), that I am not a "Thaksinist", that I have explained that LAWS are rules that a society gives to itself and that a law can lost its credibility and pertinence and even become "unlawful". Also there is a second degree which is the application of the law (no double standard particularly) and then a third degree: the interpretation of LAWs (which is a juicy domain for an army of Lawyers)

You cannot shout "it is the LAW, you have to apply". I will reply this law must be accepted by the society not by a band of law-makers twisting everything in their own interests and representing a minority. The current Thai Laws have been so maltreated that nobody has legitimacy in refering to them because they are no more trusted after so many cheatings. Today, a serious cleaning is required.

If some freedom (like Press, Media) are confiscated by the laws, it is even normal than all lovers of democracy fight and not respect it, because in the hierarchy of Laws, International ones should supersede National one. This is what the International Community try to implement with some successes (The Hague Court) and some blockages. The French Resistance was not respecting the LAWS established by VICHY and NAZIS, hopefully.

LAWS are a result of the will of a society, as Society varies, it is a variable reference in time: Law-makers, Unionists, politicians are the soldiers whose mission is to modify the Laws and if it appears that one Law is unfair, it is their Honour of not respecting this Law.

At the end, History is the judge.

This is the standard University introduction when you start studies in Laws....

Sure. 35 years later. On the corpses of how many people, do you reckon? Cambodia also an "interesting" example of what can happen when totalitarian "red" movements prevail.

Such a fair example of your open mind:

You choose to open the discussion on Viet Cong, then realising it is not the good example you jump to Cambodia!!!!

Concerning the vietnam, French and US we have lost the war there because they were fighting for their Country.

French we have started the war particularly under the lobbying of capitalists like Michelin (Rubber plantations), at the end of the French Vietnamese war....we have discovered that those capitalists have sold most of their vietnamese assets for reinvesting in South America, Our soldiers were continuing to fight and are dead believing they were protecting their interests.....This is one facet of Capitalism. Sharks!!!

Careful, Jerry, or Jingthing will start complaining that we are harrassing him yet again.

Seriously, though, Jingthing, did you really support the American involvement in Viet Nam? Did you really believe that the succession of corrupt scumbags that masqueraded as the Govt. of South Viet Nam were worth so many innocent lives lost?

In Nam, more American officers lost their lives at the hands of their own troops than at the hands of the VC. Maybe that might give a clue as to who shot the Thai field commander last Saturday?


A post containing a link to an article criticizing the Monarchy has been deleted. Along with the answers to it.

Please take the time to read some of these articles before posting links to them.

That might be fair as the Lao (later Isaanites) dug the canals for Bangkok. Here's the thing though. While it seems like a good idea to build canals to the Mekong for water for that area, most Thai agriculture academics say it won't work because of the salt deposits. Local puyai of course favor it because it's a big budget to skim. Maybe research it a little more.

Here's a good starting point:


Right -- pipeline the stuff then!

Not exactly. The studies say that there are an important layer of salt rocks at 100 to 200 meters underground, particularly in the region of Tha Phanom. Consequently the underground waters are not suitable for irrigation. The same studies suggest to utilise the surface water or the Mekong. I do not have the reference but some Thai Visa Forumers in Farming have already worked on that.

That might be fair as the Lao (later Isaanites) dug the canals for Bangkok. Here's the thing though. While it seems like a good idea to build canals to the Mekong for water for that area, most Thai agriculture academics say it won't work because of the salt deposits. Local puyai of course favor it because it's a big budget to skim. Maybe research it a little more.

Here's a good starting point:


Right -- pipeline the stuff then!

Yeah I thought about that too... but I don't think that the salt effects rice. But then again the canals that have to cut through the salt could be lined... there is no shortage of cement in Thailand?

Well the reds are clearly the majority party,. This explains the last two coups (2nd done with the puppet court) that was ordered by the ruling elite.

They may be 30% but they are not the majority.

The first coup was done against an unelected care-taker PM. The "second coup" was done by a change of support by smaller parties. The PTP (ex-PPP) could have still formed government if they had the support of the smaller parties.

Thailand has been able to carry on the farce of saying it is working toward democracy and so just give us more time. The world has looked and not taken action in the way of sanctions as of yet. BUT---if the current Thai regime were to kill a few thousand on video here for the world to see, you can be sure severe trade sanctions would occur against eh regime and thus Thailand. now given that Thailand is mainly an export economy, trade sanctions would be crushing.

It is VERY UNLIKELY that thousands will be killed during the current protests. So unlikely that it's not worth commenting on what anyone would do if it happened.

How do farangs play into this?

You have the ones who are logical and see that the reds, no matter how flawed, are on the moral high ground asking for rights for the poor.

If the reds had any plans to help the poor, or negotiated in any way with the government to help the poor, then they may have the moral high ground.

At the moment their only demand is the dissolution of a democratically elected government. That doesn't give them the moral high ground.

Hmmm apparently you missed a few things .. like the PAD leadership actually did turn themselves in. The cases are ongoing.


apparently YOU missed a lot of things.

The RED leaders were in one room with the PM.

It was easy to arrest them as they had already arrest warrants hanging on.

Second, the RED leaders have promised a long time ago to turn themselves in in MAY (only a week apart).

The Yellow's started their protests "peacefully" and with only their clappers.

But everywhere they went. a masked militia, armed to the teeth, was surrounding them and everyone who was not "inivited" at their rallies was killed on the spot.

Care to show us the evidence of this claim? As far as I know there is only one death directly attributable to the PAD and that was on Sep2nd when the reds attacked them at government house.

The PAD weren't angels but they did respond with force when attacked. They were grenaded almost nightly at the end (Somchai's government couldn't or wouldn't prevent Sae Daeng's thugs.) and yet the PAD didn't respond with violence.


Thus that would clear them from being criminals as YOU are turning the discussion now in the AMOUNT of casualties instead of the CRIMINAL ACTIVITY itself.

Come on, JD, even you can do better than that.

About the "evidences" you are asking for, I'm not at all interested to dig now in all the rotten archives of your yellow scum.

But if you care to do a google, you will have more evidences that you asked for.

Even one from a few months ago where the yellow mob went to protest at the Thai-Cambodian border against the advice of the government and killed a poor guy who was a-political and just was earning his bread for his family.

And so why hasn't the local courts dealt out warrants?

Or has it and it's just too bloody slow for you...?

And lets talk about alleging PAD caused deaths...

Lets try Sept 2nd 2008 1 am

Even the PPP tacitly acknowledged when they dropped their attempted lawsuit against PAD,

that there was no proof who did it. And who started it was their side.

There was abundant proof PAD lines were quite violently attacked by Red Shirts,

who were seen walking towards the riot site with PPP MPs, minutes before hand,

and were whipped up to anti-PAD frenzy by PPP MPs on stage within the hour before,

and large quantities of free beer bought by PPP MPs was being drank to loosen them up for a brawl.

In other words it would have made PPP itself look VERY bad, even legally culpable

for fomenting the attack by red shirts that culminated in this poor mans death,

if they had pursued this court case.

The Red Shirts have a long long history of using violence against all they oppose.

Stifling all debate and trying at all times to gain control of government.

Even when in control of government they STILL try the violence.

Fascism in a word.

This point you are trying to make is most certainly lost.

"who's sh@gg1ng my buffalo now" ... the 'country people' in the city do not seem to be too bothered. We have already seen quotes in the press from guys who left their 'wife' at home to look after the 'farm' ... but it failed ... and they are OK about it because THIS is what they REALLY want to do.

Good for them ! The wife and buffalo are probably in 'better hands' by now, so to speak.

Even if the 'reds' all go home peacefully there will be an amount of 'change' that they will need to get used to at home. That will probably result in more deaths than occurred last Saturday.

ALL people take advantage of 'situations'.

Utter drivel, but a perfect example of the smug arrogance of you yellow bellies. Posts like yours make me realise why I could never ally myself to your side. Thank you.



In Nam, more American officers lost their lives at the hands of their own troops than at the hands of the VC. Maybe that might give a clue as to who shot the Thai field commander last Saturday?


Can you document that claim?

Although there were some shot by their own men, I'm willing to bet it wasn't even 10% of those killed in combat with the NVA, Viet Cong, NPLA....or whatever you want to call them.

I'm not crticising, but you shouldn't get carried away with your emotions and say things you can't (I beleve) possibly verify.



By the way cat, yellow bellies means cowards and is often fighting words,

but not anything to do with civil discourse and discussion.

Maybe it sounds like a nice canned line to use,

but people have been killed with bare hands for saying it in someones face.


For closing this story of salt. It is a study on the lower NAM KAM basin (Tha Phanom) and tis is the reference:



Prof. Dr. Tsutomu Ichikawa1, Dr. Phattaporn Mekpruksawong2, Yayee Trinetra3, Prof. Dr. Shojiro

Aramaki4, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Muhtar Qong5, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Sombat Chuenchooklin6

"who's sh@gg1ng my buffalo now" ... the 'country people' in the city do not seem to be too bothered. We have already seen quotes in the press from guys who left their 'wife' at home to look after the 'farm' ... but it failed ... and they are OK about it because THIS is what they REALLY want to do.

Good for them ! The wife and buffalo are probably in 'better hands' by now, so to speak.

Even if the 'reds' all go home peacefully there will be an amount of 'change' that they will need to get used to at home. That will probably result in more deaths than occurred last Saturday.

ALL people take advantage of 'situations'.

Utter drivel, but a perfect example of the smug arrogance of you yellow bellies. Posts like yours make me realise why I could never ally myself to your side. Thank you.

The majority of the middle-ground Thais probably don't have much room for the hard core red or yellow either. They just want this sh!t to be over with.

Most of them can survive in conditions that would kill most of us and still maintain a fair degree of civility and unity. They are tough and fearless. They will prevail in the long run and all the oracles on TV here will wonder, why did we not understand them better.

They sound rather like the Viet Cong.

And like the Viet Cong, they will win in the end.

And what exactly did the Vietnamese rice farmer win ?

More grinding poverty.

The comparison to Vietnam is an interesting one, particularly since there have been frequent references to the country along the lines of; If Thailand doesn't shape up tourists will pick Vietnam or Businesses will move to Vietnam etc. etc. These comments are usually made by people that are unhappy with the state of affairs in Thailand. And now we see a statement that Vietnam is bad, and Thailand is good when it suits these people's purpose. Make up your <deleted> minds please.

It is a shame some people do not bother to read history. The French misread the desire of the people to throw out the colonial forces and it ended with the French fleeing. The US government misread the North Vietnamese, and the Viet Cong dismissing them as pajama clad peasants that could be bought with billions of dollars in aid and military investment. The saddest part of the Vietnam war, is that the US intelligence community including experienced asiain diplomats told the US government to come to an arrangement with the Vietnamese. The fears of communism pushed the recommendations of the military and diplomats that had served in that region aside. Sound familiar? A similar situation is unfolding in Thailand. No it will not be a communist revolution, but it will be a misreading of the actual political positions. It will be due to the need to define everything as Red, Yellow, loyalist, terrorist etc.

Populist movements like the one we see before us today have always been rooted in have vs. have not. We can come up with all sorts of explanations as to why they are have not, but does that really change the have nots perceptions? It might make us feel better and give us reassurances, but how does it solve the problem? It all gets down to the perceptions of inequality. When a large part of the population feels marginalized it will rise up. What is so hard to understand about that? The key then is to deal with those perceptions. Maybe we cannot eliminate unfairness and inequity but positive steps can be taken.

And please do not say it is impossible. There have been African and Carribean nations in worse shape that have pulled it off.

Ever wonder why Scandanavians, Australians and Canadians with their high taxes and pockets of poverty rarely if ever go into the streets to protest as they do in the UK or USA? It is because the perceived injustices are not seen to merit such a reaction. Yes there are problems, but theese populations believe the government is trying, even if the governments are inept. In Thailand, a large part of the population sincerely believes it has been ignored and exploited. Nothing will be solved until that perception is quashed.

Utter drivel, but a perfect example of the smug arrogance of you yellow bellies. Posts like yours make me realise why I could never ally myself to your side. Thank you.

Well ... lets find the worst red post and blame all you Thaksin loving reds for that.

In reality, there are some stupid posts from all sides - Yellows, Reds, anti-reds (not yellows), Poor helpers (not reds), Thaksinites (super reds).

But some you just have to ignore for their stupidity.

Hmmm apparently you missed a few things .. like the PAD leadership actually did turn themselves in. The cases are ongoing.


apparently YOU missed a lot of things.

The RED leaders were in one room with the PM.

It was easy to arrest them as they had already arrest warrants hanging on.

Second, the RED leaders have promised a long time ago to turn themselves in in MAY (only a week apart).

The Yellow's started their protests "peacefully" and with only their clappers.

But everywhere they went. a masked militia, armed to the teeth, was surrounding them and everyone who was not "inivited" at their rallies was killed on the spot.

Care to show us the evidence of this claim? As far as I know there is only one death directly attributable to the PAD and that was on Sep2nd when the reds attacked them at government house.

The PAD weren't angels but they did respond with force when attacked. They were grenaded almost nightly at the end (Somchai's government couldn't or wouldn't prevent Sae Daeng's thugs.) and yet the PAD didn't respond with violence.


Thus that would clear them from being criminals as YOU are turning the discussion now in the AMOUNT of casualties instead of the CRIMINAL ACTIVITY itself.

Come on, JD, even you can do better than that.

About the "evidences" you are asking for, I'm not at all interested to dig now in all the rotten archives of your yellow scum.

But if you care to do a google, you will have more evidences that you asked for.

Even one from a few months ago where the yellow mob went to protest at the Thai-Cambodian border against the advice of the government and killed a poor guy who was a-political and just was earning his bread for his family.

So what you are saying is that you cannot support your lie about everyone not invited being killed on the spot. .... got it!

Edit --- You apparently would have supported the rightful PM arresting 3 of the Red leaders at a negotiation? Yes, they have incited insurrection but even in a case like this you cannot act in bad faith during a negotiation by arresting a couple of their leaders.

I don't think many will doubt the exceptional quality of analysis in the always well-researched, well-informed and fearless Economist magazine. An interesting article was published a couple of days ago that draws some interesting conclusions. It is here:


The article certainly does not hold the redshirts blameless and points out the seriousness of its misteps. But a couple of the key quotes from the article that were spot on included these:

"The origins of the bloodshed can be disputed. But the underlying causes of political deadlock are not: they lie in the persistent refusal of Thailand's elites to accept electoral defeat"

The cobbling together of a coalition when a majority is not sufficiently established is a cornerstone of DEMOCRACY and not an " electoral defeat"



Police want PEACE and is quite pleased by the operation at the SC PARK Hotel

Can Anupong choose also PEACE?

Thank you.

"MCOT: Arrest attempt against UDD leaders at SC Park Hotel on Friday was not considered failure: Metropolitan Police Bureau"

Police want PEACE and is quite pleased by the operation at the SC PARK Hotel

Can Anupong choose also PEACE?

Thank you.

"MCOT: Arrest attempt against UDD leaders at SC Park Hotel on Friday was not considered failure: Metropolitan Police Bureau"

But sadly the redshirt leadership only wants violence.

OK--facts are facts

You might want to look up the word fact and understand it's meaning.

But now so what?

Well the reds are clearly the majority party,. This explains the last two coups (2nd done with the puppet court) that was ordered by the ruling elite.

A majority of 100 would be 50.1% at the very least and as the "RED party" did not win even 40% in the last election I am not sure how they are the majority party. Explain please

How do farangs play into this?

You have the ones who are logical and see that the reds, no matter how flawed, are on the moral high ground asking for rights for the poor.

Moral high ground? Threatening to burn down a city, throwing blood on peoples homes, kidnapping... rights for the poor? Perhaps you should talk the local village elders that cheat and steal from all these mainstream RED members on a daily basis...

I suggest in the future you make sure you are fully awake before you post...

Abhisit's Facebook page is about to hit 200k fans.


I am so glad he moved to Facebook from Hi5

Right now he needs all the friends he needs.

I guess Suthep took him off his list the other day though.

LOL .. no doubt but am truly amazed at how fast this number has gone up and seems to be going up exponentially as more people join. I may be mistaken but I think the page was created in the last month. I am a supporter of his and believe his offers have been fair. I am not saying his rise to power was fair but I am of the mind of what is done is done and we have to look forward. Everything I have seen and heard from him seems to reflect this notion of moving forward.

I mention my support of him in full disclosure of wondering why Thaksin's page has so few users (20k) (http://www.facebook.com/thaksinlives) . It has been there just as long, if not longer. I am guessing a small reason might be the poor up north are not Facebook users but isn't he supposed to have a majority in Thailand that support him?

:) going mad to read all this stuff, most of you US guys, you came from a free country, Thailand is not a fancy video-game, it is real, the reds are real too. Nobody wants to start the talks first, that is "kindergarten".
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