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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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You get some perspective on this demonstration by thinking about the eqivalent happening in an advanced democracy like London , Washington or Berlin; the military/police elites would act forcefully to remove these people especially following a death toll of circa 25 people including policemen and citizens. This would have to be done because in democracies the rule of law is there to protect citizens and avoid anarchy. It seems incredible that this affair has been allowed to run so many days

On the contrary. Security forces are often an extension of the misuse of the law to protect the status quo/elites/business and certainly not to protect the common man/woman. One could even argue that a truer form of democracy is being witnessed. Not that I am arguing this of course :)

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Trust me I'm in no hurry. Just checking to find out if it's actually happening. I know it will happen eventually and it has to happen, but with the likely outcome I can't honestly say I want it to happen.

ditto.... ditto.... ditto....

inasmuch as the thai court sanctioned that the current govt has the constitutional rights to issue orders, to arrest any unlawful gathering.... some two weeks ago....

apisit has been like before.... pussy footing around like a true gentleman.... which in all honesty emboldened the redshirts and its 4 coreleaders even more exponentially....

as is evidential to everyone around the world.... the 4 redshirt leaders including almost all former tuksin's senator friends were lining up on the podiem to openly supporting the redshirt unlawful gathering, movement and open intimidation and incitement of hatred between and among thais....

which under the current emergency laws.... they were all required to personally report to the investigative unit.... and more than half have obediently submitted with vengence in their hearts....

with the new chief in charge.... the end is insight....

the unlawful gathering with all its supporters, together with its 4 self-interest and self-enriched leaders who proclaim equality for all--in public.... but in-private.... choose to sleep in comfort in hotel rooms....;

will very soon be uprooted and disbanded by the new chief in charge--anupong....

and i personally hope and pray that.... the enforcement of the emergency laws and orders.... will be done with reserve, consideration and mercy, especially for all those common redshirts from esaan.... many come without adequate understanding of what democracy is.... i and many others would say that they are wrongly led to believe that they are fighting for democracy and social equality for everyone.... including their thai brothers and sisters in bangkok as well....

anupong and soldiers of the land.... have mercy please.... they are also your thai brothers and sisters....

if you must shoot.... fire at their lower limbs to disable.... but not to kill.... please....

8<--------Snip, snip, yawn--------8<

The constitution and laws dictate an orderly, timely, schedule of elections and the current gov't has given every indication they will follow those laws. Yet the Red Shirts want to demonstrate and struggle(fight?) as if there will never be elections again and we actually have a dictator.

8<--------Snip, snip, yawn--------8<

Why were these laws not followed in 2008 then?

You get some perspective on this demonstration by thinking about the eqivalent happening in an advanced democracy like London , Washington or Berlin; the military/police elites would act forcefully to remove these people especially following a death toll of circa 25 people including policemen and citizens. This would have to be done because in democracies the rule of law is there to protect citizens and avoid anarchy. It seems incredible that this affair has been allowed to run so many days

On the contrary. Security forces are often an extension of the misuse of the law to protect the status quo/elites/business and certainly not to protect the common man/woman. One could even argue that a truer form of democracy is being witnessed. Not that I am arguing this of course :)

We have witness how people breaks the law day after day. This is not a peaceful demonstration anymore. Now it includes guerilla soldiers within the red ranks. this have nothing to do with common man/woman anymore.

Trust me I'm in no hurry. Just checking to find out if it's actually happening. I know it will happen eventually and it has to happen, but with the likely outcome I can't honestly say I want it to happen.

ditto.... ditto.... ditto....

inasmuch as the thai court sanctioned that the current govt has the constitutional rights to issue orders, to arrest any unlawful gathering.... some two weeks ago....

apisit has been like before.... pussy footing around like a true gentleman.... which in all honesty emboldened the redshirts and its 4 coreleaders even more exponentially....

as is evidential to everyone around the world.... the 4 redshirt leaders including almost all former tuksin's senator friends were lining up on the podiem to openly supporting the redshirt unlawful gathering, movement and open intimidation and incitement of hatred between and among thais....

which under the current emergency laws.... they were all required to personally report to the investigative unit.... and more than half have obediently submitted with vengence in their hearts....

with the new chief in charge.... the end is insight....

the unlawful gathering with all its supporters, together with its 4 self-interest and self-enriched leaders who proclaim equality for all--in public.... but in-private.... choose to sleep in comfort in hotel rooms....;

will very soon be uprooted and disbanded by the new chief in charge--anupong....

and i personally hope and pray that.... the enforcement of the emergency laws and orders.... will be done with reserve, consideration and mercy, especially for all those common redshirts from esaan.... many come without adequate understanding of what democracy is.... i and many others would say that they are wrongly led to believe that they are fighting for democracy and social equality for everyone.... including their thai brothers and sisters in bangkok as well....

anupong and soldiers of the land.... have mercy please.... they are also your thai brothers and sisters....

if you must shoot.... fire at their lower limbs to disable.... but not to kill.... please....

when one is in an urban combat enviroment, you don't have the luxary of 'firing at their lower limbs'. when you are a twenty year old draftee, you 'blow and go'.

]"There will be an effort to retake the area. We can't allow protests there because it damages the country," army spokesman Sunsern Kaewkumnerd told reporters.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that he was replacing his deputy as head of security operations in the capital, giving army chief Anupong Paojinda broader powers to tackle "terrorism".[/i]

You couldn't make it up! :) The army spokesman is worried about Thailand's image after the horse has bolted and the PM wades in to tell everyone that Bangkok is crawling with terrorists! It's just too funny... :D

So the headline at the top, saying Government ready for more talks with Reds means the machine guns will do the talking?

It is the red leadership under instructions from Thaksin who prefer petrol bombs to negotiations.

Yes grenades launched from the beginning, using automatic weapons, grenades, and firebombs against unarmed troops, the redshirts and their militia (and it is theirs) hhave proved the validity of P.M. Abhisit's description of the situation.

The red shirts dug themselves into this. I hope the innocents, who are probably the majority of the demonstrators, go home to their families. But if they provide cover for the terrorists who murdered troops last weekend they bear responsibility. Putting Anupong in charge is a good thing. It will allow the military to use whatever is necessary.

And they should not neglect to identify and deal appropriately with those foreigners who participated in the red shirt rallies and actively supported their terrorist activities. Abhisit's designation of elements within the red shirts is supported by their actions and evidence from the hotel raid.

P.M. Abhisit is a good man. He tried to avoid casualties, he tried to avoid this, but the red shirts pushed it beyond the pale last Saturday, led by deceitful, black-hearted individuals... The military should have conducted this mornings raid from the start.

You get some perspective on this demonstration by thinking about the eqivalent happening in an advanced democracy like London , Washington or Berlin; the military/police elites would act forcefully to remove these people especially following a death toll of circa 25 people including policemen and citizens. This would have to be done because in democracies the rule of law is there to protect citizens and avoid anarchy. It seems incredible that this affair has been allowed to run so many days

On the contrary. Security forces are often an extension of the misuse of the law to protect the status quo/elites/business and certainly not to protect the common man/woman. One could even argue that a truer form of democracy is being witnessed. Not that I am arguing this of course :)

We have witness how people breaks the law day after day. This is not a peaceful demonstration anymore. Now it includes guerilla soldiers within the red ranks. this have nothing to do with common man/woman anymore.

I don't completely disagee. However, that was not what i was commenting on Wolf. Also it is still absolutely about the common people, that is why they are there - whether you/we agree or not!

it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

It wasn't the army it was the police, and it's well known that the police support thaksin - they support him because he was once a policeman, and therefore their 'brother' can absolutely and totally do no wrong, even though he's massively corrupt, and should be on trial in the world courts for massive human rights abuses.

Unfortunately PM Abhisit has inherited a 'police' force which is about about as capable as a wheel on a walking stick and has no morals, and the sooner he reorganizes them and brings capable, sincere and honest people to the top of the police the better.

Just another one of the minefield factors which PM Abhisit didn't create but must work through to try to get Thailand back onto a steady path.

Absoultely correct, you cannot get more red than the police. The Thai police make the Keystone cops look like Delta Force. The top brass or something that rhymes with brass have been flying to both Dubai and Hong Kong countless times over the past couple years to help organize this current malay (you cannot really believe the farmers could arrange all this).

To try and count on the police to actually arrest their own hench men is a complete exercise in futility.

Thailand has proven itself to be nothing more than absolute clowns on the wolrd stage.

We have all known for years now that there is no accountability for your actions here (if you are in any sort of position of power on any side). If your father is in the government you can shoot a cop in the face in a crowdeed night club and get away with it, you can threaten the life of the PM on the air, or even attack him directly in public with no repercussions.

I am sure there could be hundreds of threads to this that can give countless examples of people skating free when they should be locked up for life or much worse (on either side from any color you which to bitch about).

This is an ugly situation that now only has one way to go and that is uglier. If there is an end to this that will end things in our life time so that this backwards country ever has a chance a moving forward, sadly it has to be the military stepping in and doing whatever it takes to restore order (as would be done in any country no matter how messed up).

With this in mind and referring back to accountability, any and all, police or military chiefs of higher ranks that are obviously treasonous and have their own agenda should and need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

If Thailand ever wants to start tackling corruption it needs to be done all day every day without exception. It is time to s$%t or get off the pot !!

Trust me I'm in no hurry. Just checking to find out if it's actually happening. I know it will happen eventually and it has to happen, but with the likely outcome I can't honestly say I want it to happen.

Actually the thing that makes me sad is the innocent people likely to be caught in the middle because of the greed of one man and his lackeys. But at this point the government - the legitimate government of P.M. Abhisit - has no choice unless the leaders of the red shirts act responsibly and rationally, turning themselves end and providing the names of armed individuals using force to change things.

8<--------Snip, snip, yawn--------8<

The constitution and laws dictate an orderly, timely, schedule of elections and the current gov't has given every indication they will follow those laws. Yet the Red Shirts want to demonstrate and struggle(fight?) as if there will never be elections again and we actually have a dictator.

8<--------Snip, snip, yawn--------8<

Why were these laws not followed in 2008 then?

Ask Taksin and his hench men to answer that as it was on their watch that this happened. Please stop blaming taksin's decisions on people who were not in power at the time to make those decisions. If you are not happy the way the goverment dealt with the yellow shirt crisis (and almost everybody was not happy with that fiasco too) then look no further than the red shirts as Taksin was pulling all the strings then too.

i don't like yellow or red or any color thinking they can disrupt the lives of the average citizen for their own gain. Black white red yellow, you pick the color. Bottom line, it is civil disobedience and should not be tolerated and should be squashed for the benefit of the whole.

Via Twitter..

A BIG BOMB JUST WENT OFF. I HEARD IT. I'm at SUKHUMVIT.. someone tell me what the heck is happening?

Tell him to notice the thunder and lightning in the cloudy sky. There's some yelling I can hear all the way in Ari, but the big booms are the post-Songkran rains rolling in. It rained a little even yesterday morning around the same time.

Maybe there was a bomb too, but the only explosions I hear are the ones in the sky. Given the reliability of all the amateur reporters who show up every time there's so much as a boom, I'm guessing it's the weather.

Via Twitter..

A BIG BOMB JUST WENT OFF. I HEARD IT. I'm at SUKHUMVIT.. someone tell me what the heck is happening?

it's called thunder, you can do a google search or look out the window and match it with the lightning !!! Songkran worked again this year, right on schedule woohoo here come the rain, too hot anyway.

Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

Yeah, it's raining - right on cue...

RedPhanFa's blog seems to think an attack will kick off at 4am (12 minutes ago, but this is Thailand, no-one's punctual). Anyone got confirmation either way about tanks being seen etc? http://redphanfa2day.wordpress.com/2010/04...-ratchaprasong/ for those who are interested.

Seems as if the government is preparing for what it tried to avoid, but what most governments would have done before this much time had elapsed.

Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

Hey A hole, according to your earlier post you said and I quote " A BOMB JUST WENT OFF IN BKK, i AM ON SUKHUMVIT AND I HEARD IT" now you say you are not in Thailand ??? &lt;deleted&gt; idiot !!!


Slapstick Comedy for sure. Its a shame they will never have a credible police force who afterall should really be dealing with this situation. The Army should be playing Golf or something there good at.

More bloodshed I fear. This farce will end this week one way or the other.


Color me unsurprised if the invasion doesn't start 46 minutes ago like your link said, as well. They have those rumors daily. Eventually they'll be right, but it's irrelevant because it's propaganda on all sides. Totally useless.

I'm curious whether they might cut the internet if/when they start an offensive, in order to disrupt communications. Got a lot of work to do, which is a selfish concern, but a problem all the same!

Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

Hey A hole, according to your earlier post you said and I quote " A BOMB JUST WENT OFF IN BKK, i AM ON SUKHUMVIT AND I HEARD IT" now you say you are not in Thailand ??? &lt;deleted&gt; idiot !!!

Why the abuse and why the inability to read? It's a clear quote, from Twitter. Did I say I wasn't in Thailand? No. I said I wasnt in BKK right now. I'm in Thailand. Finally, would you like to consider your language and not post like a 12 year old on 4chan (or a 4 year old on 12 chan.. let's not go there)?

Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

Hey A hole, according to your earlier post you said and I quote " A BOMB JUST WENT OFF IN BKK, i AM ON SUKHUMVIT AND I HEARD IT" now you say you are not in Thailand ??? &lt;deleted&gt; idiot !!!

Hey A hole... he said "via twitter" - can you read that well...

Sorry just passing stuff on as it comes. I'm not in BKK right now so don't know about weather conditions.

Hey A hole, according to your earlier post you said and I quote " A BOMB JUST WENT OFF IN BKK, i AM ON SUKHUMVIT AND I HEARD IT" now you say you are not in Thailand ??? &lt;deleted&gt; idiot !!!

Why the abuse and why the inability to read? It's a clear quote, from Twitter. Did I say I wasn't in Thailand? No. I said I wasnt in BKK right now. I'm in Thailand. Finally, would you like to consider your language and not post like a 12 year old on 4chan (or a 4 year old on 12 chan.. let's not go there)?

Yes, I did slightly miss quote, but i think it is a little bit less irresponsible on my part to misprint and say thailand when I should have said Bkk, as for you to hit the panic button on a bomb scare that is clearly Thunder. i am sure even a 12 year old would know the difference.


i'm just looking at all there websites :)


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CNN reporting the army have surrounded the red shirts.

If you mean their website I think it's referring to the earlier arrest attempt. Not got CNN on tv so can't comment on that.

Not the website. It was about 20 mins ago and I don't think they were referring to the arrest attempt. It was one of those headlines they flash across the bottom of the screen.

you actually believe the cr*p reporting on that politically motivated 'news' channel....they have about as much research and depth as a tomato skin.. :)


Most news is poor to be honest, reporters usually lack in-depth on-the-ground knowledge. I usually hear stuff on twitter before it hits the mainstream media though there's the odd occasional bit of crapness like the post above. Mostly it's very very useful though.


Man, someone has really cranked up the music. I'm over by Ari, but I assume I'm hearing Ratchaprasong here. Good lord.

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