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Southern Thai Shadow Plays


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Here's an attempt i made at a translation. I don't know how much of it is correct, if much at all. Any suggestions welcome. I got particularly stuck at หนังควน as i couldn't find any translation for ควน, and am thinking it's maybe a spelling mistake but not sure. The photo is the thai version, the word document is my translation.




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In fact it's easier just to add my translation.

Shadow (Talung) Plays from South Thailand

These plays are believed to have originated from the shadow plays of Java, Indonesia, which were called ‘Wangwayo’. Later these plays became well known and spread to Malaysia. The Malaysians called them ‘Walangulit’. Thai people were then able to see these plays in ‘Yahor’ and so could bring improved and amended versions that were suitable to Thai people’s tastes.

The people who brought the ‘Wayangulit’ plays and adapted them into the Thai form of ‘Talung’ plays were, Ta Hnagtong (Grandfather Goldplay), Ta Nuy (Grandfather Chubby), Nay Tongchang (Mr Elephant Gold) and Ta Gontong (Grandfather Goldpiece) who all came from Patalung. They opened the first plays at Coconut Kuan House in the city of Patalung and so named them Kuan plays. These shadow plays became popular during the reign of His Majesty, King Rama III.

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