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Skype/voip Problems With Dtac Iphone


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I have recently bought a 3GS 16GB iPhone from DTAC together with a contract. The phone is great all in all, with some reservations, but having installed both Skype and Nimbuzz, I have a major problem - when I make an internet call, the other end can hear me clearly but all I get on my iPhone is a kind of feint muffled voice in reply. Could this be my (useless) wireless internet connection at my home or is it a problem with the iPhone or indeed DTAC itself? All advice much appreciated !

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I have skype installed on my iPhone 3GS/16gb fw 3.1.3 using DTAC (with the internet plan) and I've called U.S many times both SKYPE to SKYPE and SKYPE to Landline (via wifi at home) since of course Apple (Meglomaniac Jobs) like to control us idiots who purchase thier products and wont allow you to use skype to make phone calls (skype-skype or skyp-land line) on Edge/3G.

Iam using the iPhone/skype on my 3BB (formerly Maxnet preimere Internet svc) and the quality is perfect no complaints.

I would think your problems is whatever internet svc WIFI you are using that is the cause of your bad quality call, the iPhone and skype both can so this minimal task your bad connection is for sure the fault here.

Try to use some the speedtest apps on the iPhone or you PC for that matter and see what UP/Down speed you get, since you say you cant hear your connections voice well you would think its your DOWNSTREAM that is lagging but chances are its your UPSTREAM is even worse since Downstream is usually at LEAST 512k or better and that is plenty for a voice call, UPSTREAM on the other hand its a crap shoot what your provider may give you. If your ISP has everyone in your whole village sharing the same DSL trunk line, and god knows these cheap ass bastards will squeeze as many users as they can on a single trunk (a perfect example is the low voice quality you get on AIS/DTAC cell wireless they shove as many callers on by downgrading your QOS) then you might want to try the call at very late hours when there is typically less people sharing your line.

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Skype works great for me as well. Used on WiFi. It would work great on True 3G too if that were allowed - I just made a call yesterday from my computer tethered over the iPhone on True 3G - perfect call quality, and that was with video too.

That they don't allow skype over 3G on the iPhone itself is of course idiotic, they're just unable to think outside the USA. It's because AT&T in the US simply cannot cope with the number of iPhone users using - *shock, horror* - their 3G data network. Their solution is then to cripple the phone. Letting Skype compete directly with AT&T long distance service is maybe another concern though I don't see how if the iPhone plans are as expensive as they already are in the US.

Let me illustrate the absurdity of this policy - I can't make skype calls on the phone, but I can tether and make skype calls from the computer over the same connection. I can also downloads GBs of torrents over the 3G line.

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Skype works great for me as well. Used on WiFi. It would work great on True 3G too if that were allowed - I just made a call yesterday from my computer tethered over the iPhone on True 3G - perfect call quality, and that was with video too.

That they don't allow skype over 3G on the iPhone itself is of course idiotic, they're just unable to think outside the USA. It's because AT&T in the US simply cannot cope with the number of iPhone users using - *shock, horror* - their 3G data network. Their solution is then to cripple the phone. Letting Skype compete directly with AT&T long distance service is maybe another concern though I don't see how if the iPhone plans are as expensive as they already are in the US.

Let me illustrate the absurdity of this policy - I can't make skype calls on the phone, but I can tether and make skype calls from the computer over the same connection. I can also downloads GBs of torrents over the 3G line.

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