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Top Army, Navy Units Readied For Red-Shirts Dispersal


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Thaksin and the Red Shirt Brigade leaders are nothing but common violent self serving megalomaniac thugs lusting for power and money at any price, they are the true enemies of DEMO(NO)CRACY and the common man and woman in Thailand. Gullible people being milked dry of their future for a few thousand baht.

Abhisit is to be congratulated on the soft approach, sadly some 24 fatalities on his watch, however they pale into insignificance when compared to the reign of terror and the number of exterminations caused by the policies that Thaksin and his henchmen pursued on innocent people.

Indeed a very large body count number, well those we know about of course, how many people were exterminated that we didn't nor ever will know about ?

How can these blind fools posting in this forum be so overwhelmed by their own gullibility and so vociferous in their fanatical support for the Red Shirt Brigade and Thaksin ?

Empty vessels make the most sound !!

if the 25 fatalities pales into insignificance what do you think of the two that occured when the previous Primeminister asked the police to take back government house after the Yellow shirts had camped there for months. I seem to remember PAD supports on this forum saying it was the height of terrorism by the government?

Somchai Wongsawat has now being charged by the courts for this (asking the police to remove the protesters)

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From the Breaking News Update...

"THE NATION: Arisman has threatened that red "army" will carry out "special ops" tonite, seizing ambulances and military vehicles"

Interesting development.

You know what, I do have a little sympathy with the red shirts, personally I think they absolutely do deserve to see elections...although perhaps not in the ridiculous timeframe they proposed for house dissolution. But......Arisman, he pretty much seems to take away the credibility they may have with those folk who are not one or the other....IMO. Loose cannon. If I was one of the other top boys there I'd be hoping for a stray bullet to shut him up perhaps?........

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MCOT: Arisman threatens to blockade, disarm troops at Silom Rd; Reds may widen protest to Yaowarat or Sukhumvit pending discussion with leaders

Well let them try they have been warned a thousand times , they will have rifle sights on themselves at every move they make, and some will get killed.

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All the reds want is a fair election - with as many outside observers, UN etc etc. as anyone wants- and they will not complain.

Really? Where has that been mentioned?

Mr "The UN is not my father" will permit that will he?

And would you find this an acceptable way to go forward? why not ask Abhist why he doesn't immediatly ask for this if he agrees to dissolve the house

There will be an election. PM said at the negotinations 9 month. Reds said no 15 days, end of talk. The certainly don´t know what it means to negotiate. PM was prepard for more talks, that´s means he maybe had more to offer. So maybe be it could have been 6 month, but even that is to long time, because Takki needs to but his cronies in position before the reshuffle.

Every day that the calendar moves forward makes the red position look more and more unreal.

That is why they have to dishonestly paint the picture as election Vs no election.

The real Clausewitz, not the pretend one, said:

"The bloody solution of the crisis, the effort for the destruction of the enemy's forces, is the first-born son of war."

Sounds like an accurate reflection of what the reds are really on about.

Edited by yoshiwara
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You red supporters just can't get your stories straight can you?

First you say Abhisit is a stooge of the "elite" PAD, then you say the PAD are doing something for their masters.

First you say Abhisit is being controlled by the army, then you say that everything is his fault because he's controlling the army.

And you really should try and stop watching Red TV and read a little bit.

- The PAD do have a party - NPP.

- They don't have a mandate yet, because they haven't been in an election, and therefore no votes. That shouldn't stop them from saying what they want.

- If you do some research, you'll find they have policies.

- And they have just come out with a resolution. Hopefully they will get back in their box and not cause any trouble.

Now, as for the reds, they have a party of sorts, the PTP, who did very little while in government (as PPP) and have done even less in opposition. They have said they are on the sidelines of this protest, so they are hardly a party of the reds either.

With 40% of the country's votes, they don't have a mandate.

Their only resolution is to bring back Thaksin.

And although they talk about being for democracy, for the poor and against corruption, they have absolutely no policies on how to do this, and these are the ones that are actually in parliament.

The red democracy is "We want our government and if anyone protests against us, then watch out". They think that their party should be in power because they got 40% of the vote.

News for you reds! That doesn't give you the right to be in government.

Not normally a fan of your posts, but this is a very good one. :)

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Even if Abhisit promised general elections in 6 months how much can he be trusted ?

a- He change his mind all the time . First army no live ammo , then have live ammo but only shoot in the air , then now we know for a fact some shot live bullets at innocent reds rank and file

b- He is not even in control himself . He reports to the army . he owes his job to them

Abhisit has made no promises on either the dissolution of the government or for a timeframe when new elections might be held, beyond those regularly scheduled for end of 2011 that is. He has made offers to radically cut the term of his government and move new elections well forward. All these concilliatory offers have been rejected outright. They are no longer on the table. The only thing curtailing his running out his full term is that his coalition partners are making vague rumblings about 6 months till new elections. Who knows what that means and who knows if they will feel the same way next week or next month. The Red Shirts should have taken the deal offered. Now they look pretty stupid and bloodthirsty and their motives for being so are easy to question.

vague rumblings? even his Boss Anupong says elections must be soon - it's not over yet

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Even if Abhisit promised general elections in 6 months how much can he be trusted ?

a- He change his mind all the time . First army no live ammo , then have live ammo but only shoot in the air , then now we know for a fact some shot live bullets at innocent reds rank and file

b- He is not even in control himself . He reports to the army . he owes his job to them

Abhisit has made no promises on either the dissolution of the government or for a timeframe when new elections might be held, beyond those regularly scheduled for end of 2011 that is. He has made offers to radically cut the term of his government and move new elections well forward. All these concilliatory offers have been rejected outright. They are no longer on the table. The only thing curtailing his running out his full term is that his coalition partners are making vague rumblings about 6 months till new elections. Who knows what that means and who knows if they will feel the same way next week or next month. The Red Shirts should have taken the deal offered. Now they look pretty stupid and bloodthirsty and their motives for being so are easy to question.

vague rumblings? even his Boss Anupong says elections must be soon - it's not over yet

Then the reds must come to the negotiation table!

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Even if Abhisit promised general elections in 6 months how much can he be trusted ?

a- He change his mind all the time . First army no live ammo , then have live ammo but only shoot in the air , then now we know for a fact some shot live bullets at innocent reds rank and file

b- He is not even in control himself . He reports to the army . he owes his job to them

Abhisit has made no promises on either the dissolution of the government or for a timeframe when new elections might be held, beyond those regularly scheduled for end of 2011 that is. He has made offers to radically cut the term of his government and move new elections well forward. All these concilliatory offers have been rejected outright. They are no longer on the table. The only thing curtailing his running out his full term is that his coalition partners are making vague rumblings about 6 months till new elections. Who knows what that means and who knows if they will feel the same way next week or next month. The Red Shirts should have taken the deal offered. Now they look pretty stupid and bloodthirsty and their motives for being so are easy to question.

vague rumblings? even his Boss Anupong says elections must be soon - it's not over yet

If Anupong were his boss, do you think he'd have given himself the job he has now? Are you familiar with the plot device, good cop/bad cop ?

Edited by lannarebirth
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MCOT: Arisman threatens to blockade, disarm troops at Silom Rd; Reds may widen protest to Yaowarat or Sukhumvit pending discussion with leaders

I do hope someone has told this desperate-to-die hero that the young lads with shotguns I saw yesterday round Silom were definitely not of Northern stock.

Still, you've gotta suppose that immediately after shouting 'once more unto the breach', he'll be off to have a nice shower and massage in one of Thaksin's hotels and watch the outcome on TV.

Where was he, by the way, on Saturday the 10th??

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The world is not all black and white... or in this case red and yellow.

I believe a vast majority of people are neither and just want this mess to end one way or another.

The vast majority of people where want it to end? The vast majority of people in Bangkok, right? And the vast majority of people in Bangkok are on which side? Would the Yellows go to protest in Chiang Mai or Isaan? No, they wouldn't and they wouldn't need to. Why not? Because the seat of government is here in Bangkok. Silly thinking by some people.

Do I read this as that vast majority of people do NOT want this to ever end? They want to be protesting forever? Good, fine with me. If they can afford it...

The vast majority of people in Bangkok want it to end because they are the repressors or the brainwashed servants of the repressors. Also, they don't want to see the people they repress every time they go out. It scares them and brings the truth of their repressive actions home to them.

LOL ... let's get this straight ... are you honestly stating that "the vast majority" of BKKers are of the elite ruling class or are brainwashed? LOL

Your ideas go from wierd to wierder! First you want Isaan to secede and now you think that the average guy in BKK is something more than a first or second generation immigrant from the countryside! You were recently saying that BKKians were for the reds ... now you say the vast majority are against them .... hmmmm

Please tell me, how is the average employee of a SME in BKK a 'repressor"? LOL Those 7-11 clerks are holding the people down I say!!!

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MCOT: Arisman threatens to blockade, disarm troops at Silom Rd; Reds may widen protest to Yaowarat or Sukhumvit pending discussion with leaders

I do hope someone has told this desperate-to-die hero that the young lads with shotguns I saw yesterday round Silom were definitely not of Northern stock.

Still, you've gotta suppose that immediately after shouting 'once more unto the breach', he'll be off to have a nice shower and massage in one of Thaksin's hotels and watch the outcome on TV.

Where was he, by the way, on Saturday the 10th??

Those Peace-loving red leaders ---- It should make the reds on this board proud to know that Arisaman is planning on more violence so soon!

Arisman has threatened that red "army" will carry out "special ops" tonite, seizing ambulances and military vehicles.
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LOL ... let's get this straight ... are you honestly stating that "the vast majority" of BKKers are of the elite ruling class or are brainwashed? LOL

Your ideas go from wierd to wierder! First you want Isaan to secede and now you think that the average guy in BKK is something more than a first or second generation immigrant from the countryside! You were recently saying that BKKians were for the reds ... now you say the vast majority are against them .... hmmmm

Please tell me, how is the average employee of a SME in BKK a 'repressor"? LOL Those 7-11 clerks are holding the people down I say!!!

toke and pass my man, toke and pass

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LOL ... let's get this straight ... are you honestly stating that "the vast majority" of BKKers are of the elite ruling class or are brainwashed? LOL

Your ideas go from wierd to wierder! First you want Isaan to secede and now you think that the average guy in BKK is something more than a first or second generation immigrant from the countryside! You were recently saying that BKKians were for the reds ... now you say the vast majority are against them .... hmmmm

Please tell me, how is the average employee of a SME in BKK a 'repressor"? LOL Those 7-11 clerks are holding the people down I say!!!

It's the 7/11 clerks who keep the price of rice paddy low. If it wasn't for them the government would buy all the paddy at THB80,000/tonne and then sell it on the domestic market at THB5/kilo.

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Even if Abhisit promised general elections in 6 months how much can he be trusted ?

a- He change his mind all the time . First army no live ammo , then have live ammo but only shoot in the air , then now we know for a fact some shot live bullets at innocent reds rank and file

b- He is not even in control himself . He reports to the army . he owes his job to them

Abhisit has made no promises on either the dissolution of the government or for a timeframe when new elections might be held, beyond those regularly scheduled for end of 2011 that is. He has made offers to radically cut the term of his government and move new elections well forward. All these concilliatory offers have been rejected outright. They are no longer on the table. The only thing curtailing his running out his full term is that his coalition partners are making vague rumblings about 6 months till new elections. Who knows what that means and who knows if they will feel the same way next week or next month. The Red Shirts should have taken the deal offered. Now they look pretty stupid and bloodthirsty and their motives for being so are easy to question.

vague rumblings? even his Boss Anupong says elections must be soon - it's not over yet

Then the reds must come to the negotiation table!

You might find it surprising but I actually do not disagree - I think it a strategic error that they refuse to talk - but Abhisit is PM and should rise above that and declare (via a national address on TV) a roadmap - it would be over despite the reds foolishness not to talk and Abhisit would gain credit for standing tall - but he does nothing but fiddle while Rome burns.

Even if the Army move in and move the reds out - you really think it's over? the only thing which will end it is an election (with international observers etc.) - whoever wins would get majority support and backing - I, for one, would then be against ALL attempts to unseat the elected government no matter what the colour - job done.

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It's the 7/11 clerks who keep the price of rice paddy low. If it wasn't for them the government would buy all the paddy at THB80,000/tonne and then sell it on the domestic market at THB5/kilo.

I can rest better tonight, knowing that the 7/11 clerks are the ones who really run the Illuminati and the Trilateralists :)

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I have noticed a large swing in sentiment here in the villages.

It seems that the redshirts V the Goverment was one thing but now it is the redshirts V the army and that is a different thing altogether.

Maybe it is the fact that huge numbers of ordinary Thai families here in Isaan have family members in the Armed Forces

Just my observations from the boondocks.

Thai wife after a phone call home to village tells me things are getting hot in the north

They are no longer being asked to help, but told what they must do or else

She also tells me a new force called the Orange shirts is building in numbers, for what ??????

She also was told monies from an unknown source has been bput in her families bank account and also hers as she owns land, for what reason Unknown

Can confirm this. Gf's family got carrot and stick to donate B5000 - it would be better for you if you do so, then the carrot of B100,000 when T returns. Now luke-warm supporters (half hoping the nung san might come), were not amused by picture of big-nosed farang mercenarie.

I will repeat what I have seen earlier, did not see 1 building or vehicle (except at roadblock outside Sara Buri) flying red flags or anything to indicate support.

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I seriously suspect the reds are going to try and throw it all at the fan tonight, going on what has been posted in the updates thread on here alone.

Will be heading straight home after leaving the office shortly.

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Abhisit has made no promises on either the dissolution of the government or for a timeframe when new elections might be held, beyond those regularly scheduled for end of 2011 that is. He has made offers to radically cut the term of his government and move new elections well forward. All these concilliatory offers have been rejected outright. They are no longer on the table. The only thing curtailing his running out his full term is that his coalition partners are making vague rumblings about 6 months till new elections. Who knows what that means and who knows if they will feel the same way next week or next month. The Red Shirts should have taken the deal offered. Now they look pretty stupid and bloodthirsty and their motives for being so are easy to question.

vague rumblings? even his Boss Anupong says elections must be soon - it's not over yet

Then the reds must come to the negotiation table!

You might find it surprising but I actually do not disagree - I think it a strategic error that they refuse to talk - but Abhisit is PM and should rise above that and declare (via a national address on TV) a roadmap - it would be over despite the reds foolishness not to talk and Abhisit would gain credit for standing tall - but he does nothing but fiddle while Rome burns.

Even if the Army move in and move the reds out - you really think it's over? the only thing which will end it is an election (with international observers etc.) - whoever wins would get majority support and backing - I, for one, would then be against ALL attempts to unseat the elected government no matter what the colour - job done.

He has alreaqdy stated a roadmap and I think that map can be changed from 9 to 6 month. But he will not give in to a violant mob on the street. But I think we all agree on a fare election as soon as possible.

I think the biggest issue is the reshuffle for the red learders and dear Learder.

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On the post with the photo above, that the Rajaprasong was blocked from Indra to Petchaburi Road, there's half truth in it, that I wasn't aware before.

SOME buses are allowed to pass, some must turn around.

SOME cars/buses are stopped and harrassed right in front of Indra hotel, yet others are not.

After checking which are allowed to pass and which are turned back, it looks like all government buses are turned back while private buses are allowed to pass.

The way from Petchburi to Indra is less clear. From time to time a car or a bus is pulled over by clads in red, and stopped there for several minutes, before allowed to pass. Haven't figured out any patterns as to which are stopped and which arent.

The Bangkok police are up here in Chiang Mai on the superhighway... checking all inbound traffic. looking for redshirts from the countryside i guess.

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There's a no colour rally on Silom apparently.

NO COLOUR = ANTI RED = PRO YELLOW. It's simple. They are also the messengers of the elite. These are the people creating further distractions.

Or you could put it


Rather simplistic isn't it? I see why you support the uneducated being involved in politics. I hope that doesn't hurt TW's sensibilities. :)

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I hear choppers over my head for the past 10 minutes (Rajaprasong area)... what's going on, anyone?

EDIT: Added photos. Apologies for crappy quality, used 30+ times zoom as it's flying VERY high, in circles around the area.

Heh heh heh heh heh

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There's a no colour rally on Silom apparently.

NO COLOUR = ANTI RED = PRO YELLOW. It's simple. They are also the messengers of the elite. These are the people creating further distractions.

Or you could put it


Rather simplistic isn't it? I see why you support the uneducated being involved in politics. I hope that doesn't hurt TW's sensibilities. :)

Reds and yellows both use single source indcotrination techniques at their rallies to generate hatred. Guess that is facist and a real shmae as it uytterly undermines the real grievances bioth have: reds over the poor and elections and yellows over no checks and balances.

Still if you stay away from the lunatic groups you hear lots of sensible and reasonable stuff so there is hope yet thjat the lunaticsd wont take control of the asylum

Waits for the red and yellow drones to attack

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The Bangkok police are up here in Chiang Mai on the superhighway... checking all inbound traffic. looking for redshirts from the countryside i guess.

I don't think police would be checking those that they side with.

Looking out for yellow shirts en route to cause chaos in Chiang Mai is more plausible.

But this is Thailand. You never know...

Yup... but these were bangkok police... in chiang mai.. most peculiar.

not enough yellow shirts up here to worry about! - only teeny bopper students, and calm middle class yellows, with too much to lose!

Edited by whiterussian
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Yup... but these were bangkok police... in chiang mai.. most peculiar.

not enough yellow shirts up here to worry about! - only teeny bopper students, and calm middle class yellows, with too much to lose!

They came to check the teenybopper students. You know how having a light skinned northern Thai wife is THE thing to have :)


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:D I've been 4 years in China and got one lesson, NEVER loose face !

If the reds are wrong, if they even know it, they can not move out, would loose face :)

Abhisit has nothing to moove, would loose face :D

the army can not move, we have cellphones, twitter and facebook, bad pic's are round the globe in seconds

US is watching and would loose face :D

it is the Asian way

so talks with the King even from hospital

no face loss :D

the Asian way,

no hurry, asian watches are different :D

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The world is not all black and white... or in this case red and yellow.

I believe a vast majority of people are neither and just want this mess to end one way or another.

The vast majority of people where want it to end? The vast majority of people in Bangkok, right? And the vast majority of people in Bangkok are on which side? Would the Yellows go to protest in Chiang Mai or Isaan? No, they wouldn't and they wouldn't need to. Why not? Because the seat of government is here in Bangkok. Silly thinking by some people.

Do I read this as that vast majority of people do NOT want this to ever end? They want to be protesting forever? Good, fine with me. If they can afford it...

The vast majority of people in Bangkok want it to end because they are the repressors or the brainwashed servants of the repressors. Also, they don't want to see the people they repress every time they go out. It scares them and brings the truth of their repressive actions home to them.

Are you trying to say "oppress", or maybe even "suppress"? Re-press is something they do at a laundry, unless of course you are abbreviating re-pressurise. It's all rather depressing, don't you think?

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It's the 7/11 clerks who keep the price of rice paddy low. If it wasn't for them the government would buy all the paddy at THB80,000/tonne and then sell it on the domestic market at THB5/kilo.

I can rest better tonight, knowing that the 7/11 clerks are the ones who really run the Illuminati and the Trilateralists :D

Yeah, have you noticed that they wear GREEN :)

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LOL ... let's get this straight ... are you honestly stating that "the vast majority" of BKKers are of the elite ruling class or are brainwashed? LOL

Your ideas go from wierd to wierder! First you want Isaan to secede and now you think that the average guy in BKK is something more than a first or second generation immigrant from the countryside! You were recently saying that BKKians were for the reds ... now you say the vast majority are against them .... hmmmm

Please tell me, how is the average employee of a SME in BKK a 'repressor"? LOL Those 7-11 clerks are holding the people down I say!!!

It's the 7/11 clerks who keep the price of rice paddy low. If it wasn't for them the government would buy all the paddy at THB80,000/tonne and then sell it on the domestic market at THB5/kilo.

You seem to be advocating the govt using tax dollars to subsidize the income of rice farmers rather than build roads, schools, hospitals, etc.

What about the melon and pineapple growers, in fact all non-rice-growing agricultural workers? Have you done a rough costing on this? :D And what in god's name have 7/11 clerks got to do with it? :)

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