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General Questions About Thailand


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First post on the forum and I have some general questions about living in Thailand.

I will be doing study abroad at Webster University in Thailand and have a few questions.

1. Is it easy to find power hook-ups for Western electronics (I have my laptop, ipod and a few other things)? Is it possible to hook up an Xbox 360 (with Red, White and Yellow hook ups) to a Thai Television?

2. What type of legit (not pirated etc) electronics are available in Thailand?

3. What would you suggest for traveling from Florida to Thailand in regards to plane tickets?

4. Suggested items to bring and items to leave at home?


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Since your coming from the USA leave all your electronics there, they will not work in Thailand. US = 120 volts AC. Thailand = 220 volts AC. Or make sure you have a convertor.

Edited by gotlost
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Thailand is not Somalia or some place on the far side of the moon. You should have really looked at these issues before signing up to study at a University that could for all you know be located in the middle of the jungle. It's very clear from your questions you have done very little research about Thailand. Fortunately Thailand and Bangkok is a fantastic place (IMO) once you get to grips with things.

1. - Yes. There are numerous malls selling all kinds of adapters and cables you may need.

2. - Yes. There are local and world class shopping centres selling games.

3. - Don't know. Do your own research, this is normally automated when you search a from/to destination on a flight website such as expedia

4. - You can buy anything essential here that you can be buy back home albeit cheaper or more expensive.

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1) You won't have any problems finding a TV in Thailand with the "red, white, and yellow hook-ups"

2) You can find pretty much anything here on the electronics side of things - legally. The exceptions would be things that are brand new - ie the iPAD is not here yet. That being said on the whole I would say legally purchased electronics are cheaper in the US than they are here in Thailand.

3) For air tickets shop around on the web - discount web-site, airline web-sites, ticket brokers etc. I don't think there is one source out there that always has the best/ lowest prices.

4) About the only thing(s) that I miss from living in the US (as it relates to things that I could fit into a travel bag) are food items - and I have learned to do without. If there are any particular things that you feel you will not be able to do without then post asking how easy those items are to obtain here in Thailand.

I have been living in Asia for over 10 years now. Generally with one trip back to the US every year. The main thing I end up bringing back every year is clothes and shoes. I find I get the better value for the money on these items in the US as compared to Thailand. You can get similar quality here - and pay more, or you get get things for less here - but of lower quality.

As for Xbox games and the like - someone else will have to address that as I am not a gamer.

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Jeez....What is the world coming to...moving many thousands of miles to a new country and worrying about a bl**dy X-box.

I remember the days before the internet was freely availible and my boss phoning and telling me to grab a bag and get my ar*e to the airport there are tickets waiting and you are going to "X" country.....No "research, No planning.....get your ar*e on plan and get there, that was the only information we were given...LOL

Got it too easy these days

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I have done a substantial amount of research regarding Thailand but in several areas I was lacking concrete information. Thanks for the help for people who responded.

Edit - fyi. the Uni is located near Hua-Hin/Cha-am.

One more thing, xbox is fun, so why not? lol, might as well take something interesting with me since I will have down time.

Edited by mconstant
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I'm sure it was better in the "olden" days for many of you but the youth of today use technology as much as many of you would have used personal tape stereos & sent letters home. He will likely be posting the same to some kid in 30 years time about how he only traveled with his ipod, laptop & xbox :) Give the lad a break will you.

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One more quick question...

Are updated xbox 360 games available? (Im a gamer XD)

probably not, based on ps experience. everything is a crap pirate copy it seems. just my experience. becase of gta, I stayed with ps vs. xbox especially with all the issues at 1st., besides i always liked my controller.

u will like hua hin area. pervs go elsewhere. it will be sort of like visiting the grandparents in boca raton or sarasota. :)

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I have done a substantial amount of research ...

Wow! A substantial amount of research, and you haven't found the answers to such basic questions?

Maybe consider heading back to school in the States (try to find a good school, obviously better than what you might not have actually spent time at already) to learn how to do basic research, let alone something substantial.

If the result of your substantial research is the questions you're now asking, and your concerns, maybe stay away from anything calling itself a university, even in Thailand!

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I have done a substantial amount of research ...

Wow! A substantial amount of research, and you haven't found the answers to such basic questions?

Maybe consider heading back to school in the States (try to find a good school, obviously better than what you might not have actually spent time at already) to learn how to do basic research, let alone something substantial.

If the result of your substantial research is the questions you're now asking, and your concerns, maybe stay away from anything calling itself a university, even in Thailand!

Dear College Boy,

Look at the chargeing cable for your lap top.... u will probably see something that says "INPUT: 100 - 240V"

This means your computer is good to go.... no need for a "step down" etc. A lot of electronics have the ability already. U just need to read the "input" levels.

No need for "a lot of research" just read the fine print on your electronics.

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I'm sure it was better in the "olden" days for many of you but the youth of today use technology as much as many of you would have used personal tape stereos & sent letters home. He will likely be posting the same to some kid in 30 years time about how he only traveled with his ipod, laptop & xbox :D Give the lad a break will you.

I dont things were better in the "olden days" far from it, and the internet is a wonderful thing, but cant help feeling these days a lot of the adventure related to travelling the world has gone.

People go on holiday somewhere, research things extensively and the holiday/ trip just becomes a "tick box"..."seen this on the internet to visit"...tick....seen that.... tick.... :)

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Pkus a lot of pallys from School are on Xbox Live and thats a good way to chat besides texting, skype, facebook and email XD

You could try the old fashioned way. you know going out and meeting/conversing with people face to face.

Kind of difficult when I am going to be in Thailand and they will still be in the US.

I have done a substantial amount of research ...

Wow! A substantial amount of research, and you haven't found the answers to such basic questions?

Maybe consider heading back to school in the States (try to find a good school, obviously better than what you might not have actually spent time at already) to learn how to do basic research, let alone something substantial.

If the result of your substantial research is the questions you're now asking, and your concerns, maybe stay away from anything calling itself a university, even in Thailand!

Its part of study abroad for UNC...thanks for being positive none the less!

Never know this would become a flame fest...kind of terrible I come asking some simple questions regarding things I could not find answers to and come here looking for some help only to be criticized...I thank the people who were constructive in helping me find answers to the questions I was having difficulty answering myself. Guess there can be trolls even when someone looks for help :/

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