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I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now in Thailand and the pre-war period in Germany.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of his psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to as Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned as a mass, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls was another illusion. Were they all drug dealers? Some of the victims were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres, others were political opponents and (perhaps) others were chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land. For the first time Thailand has a prime minister who understands these issues - and although he may be surrounded by people who are not carved from the same stone, he's got a fighting chance to turn the nation around. The fascists know this so they had to act fast and the seizure of Thaksin's stolen assets was just the catalyst needed, not because of the event, but because psychologically it was the opportune time.

I ain't afraid of no ghost! :)

The PM listened and offered elections in 9 months from Now which was very fair. If the minority red shirt protestors had just accepted it. It would have been over last month.

But NO that was not good enough they must have elections within days. Well that's not quite how it works in politics and the agreement for elections in 9 months was fair.

Got to the live ammunition stage now. Well "Som Num Na"

You missed out the fact that the coalition parties have asked for elections in 6 months.

You also missed out the fact that the Democrat party are facing very serious corruption charges and the EC have called for their dissolution. The Democrat party spokesman said in a television interview that the Democrats would fight the charges. When asked how long that fight/appeal would take he said "9 months."

I believe both TRT and PPP took over a year. :)

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now and the pre-war period.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of the psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls. Drug dealers? Another illusion when some of the people were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres and political opponents and (perhaps) others chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land.

No comparison can be made between the Red Shirt movement and National Socialism. If you want to equate them to a European movement it should be to one of the European Peasant revolts because that's what it is all about - double standards. Your description of the Thai people as simple people perhaps gives a glimpse of your own political leanings.

What the Reds need is an intellectual leadership... all they have at the moment is rhetoric. So in that respect... he's spot on.

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now and the pre-war period.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of the psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls. Drug dealers? Another illusion when some of the people were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres and political opponents and (perhaps) others chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land.

No comparison can be made between the Red Shirt movement and National Socialism. If you want to equate them to a European movement it should be to one of the European Peasant revolts because that's what it is all about - double standards. Your description of the Thai people as simple people perhaps gives a glimpse of your own political leanings.

Double standards- such as Thaksin escaping a 5 year ban from politics for hiding his assets, an identical offence, except on a much larger scale to Prayuth and Sanan's cases which saw them banned for 5 years.

Surayuth handing back his holiday home in a conserved area- Thaksin not prosecuted for buying and selling temple land.

Thaksin likes to promote himself as a national saviour, talking nonsense how nobody will be poor if he comes back but more and more Issan people are simply fed up with the red shirts.


Umm, I have never heard of anyone actually dying from outdoor exposure to teargas. I have, however, heard of people suffocating by placing plastic bags over their heads. usually children who don't know better.

You're wrong. When using tear gas you do not lay it down in dense clouds the way the troops were shown on TV as doing. In that concentration in can bring on a heart attack after spasms through being unable to breath correctly.

Ok, i guess the plastic bags over the head is a good idea then. My bad. :)

It's a shame really that those bags aren't embossed with the child warnings (Do not put over your head) that they have in the West. Apparently, they don't know any better.


No comparison can be made between the Red Shirt movement and National Socialism. If you want to equate them to a European movement it should be to one of the European Peasant revolts because that's what it is all about - double standards. Your description of the Thai people as simple people perhaps gives a glimpse of your own political leanings.

If that is what you truly think, then you do not understand the nature of fascism, neither have you explored the rise of the national socialist movement. I stand by what I say as a pretty accurate socio-analysis of where we are today. And yes 'simple' was a carefully chosen word. I spend a long time in the Thai countryside and I think that the mass of people lead a simple life? Or do they not|? If you are to dismiss my argument then I think you should do so with a little depth! I reiterate - this is a very very dangerous movement.

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now and the pre-war period.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of the psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls. Drug dealers? Another illusion when some of the people were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres and political opponents and (perhaps) others chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land.

No comparison can be made between the Red Shirt movement and National Socialism. If you want to equate them to a European movement it should be to one of the European Peasant revolts because that's what it is all about - double standards. Your description of the Thai people as simple people perhaps gives a glimpse of your own political leanings.

Right you are Termad. Far more of a Khmer Rouge-like flavor than National Socialist (being as you want to compare to a peasant revolt.)

Given the MP's which previously supported the redz jumped ship to the Demz side garnering them a majority of MP's in the Lower House, and thereby the mandate to form and run the government; I guess it's "cry foul", "the people didn't get to vote for PM", "it's not fair" or "insert your lame argument here". :)

Firstly, the tone of your response amounts to little more than childish mocking, as if that somehow makes your argument in any way more valid.

Then, in a long and rambling way, you are saying that you agree with a bunch of corrupt generals kicking out a government that was elected, and replacing it with one that wasn't.

Then, you go on to deny the fact that the reds may actually have a majority, as was proven in two successive elections. Why are you people so afraid to put it to the test - hold an election and then respect the wishes of the people by allowing the people they elect to rule.

If Abhisit is so popular like you seem to think that he is, then what is he afraid of? He can get elected, keep his job, and confound teh reds argument that his position is illegitimate.

What part of elected don't you understand? All the MPs were elected.

After the election, MPs from smaller supported the PPP, which put them into government.

Later, these MPs supported the Democrats, which put them into government.

No difference. Just a change in support. No elections required.

It could have happened straight after the election, but it took a bit longer for the MPs from smaller parties to decide that what the PPP/PTP were doing didn't suit them.

Abhisit currently has the support of the majority of elected MPs.

So he doesn't need to prove anything. Certainly not to a *minority* group of protestors.

He just needs to govern the country until elections are due in Dec 2011, or until the smaller parties decide not to support him.

Every time you post you come out with the same load of drivel and silly little word games.

OK let's do it again. Yes, all the MPs were elected and the Goverment was a Phuea Thai Goverment. However, it didn't take a little time for the smaller parties to decide that PTP didn't suit them it took until the Elite/Military, with Abhisit's full knowledge and approval, bought 40 Phue Thai MPs who were part of a faction controlled by Newin Chidbob. These 40 MPs then promised to support Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. This might be OK as far as the moral standard of somebody who was educated at Eton and Oxford goes, or even your own moral standard, but it is not acceptable to the majority of the Thai electorate which is why Abhisit knows that he will lose the election. For a start the 40 Bhumjaithai MPs, who by the way are scared to visit their constituencies and face the electorate, haven't got a cat in hells chance of being re-elected. In the meantime, Bhumjaithai Party (the largest party in the coalition) has never stood in an election.

You have often talked about vote buying in your posts but you have always coyly avoided the above because you surely know buying those forty MPs and the millions of votes they represent is the biggest (and the only provable case of vote buying) in Thailand.

Abhisit was installed as PM - it's as plain and simple as that. The sooner the Democrats are dissolved the better.

Now I am totally confused.

Just a couple of hours ago red shirts were saying they want to negotiate. "But not with the government" was added a moment later.

Then this just got published:

Thai 'Red Shirts' rule out talks despite looming crackdown

So another u-turn.

If there was a light at the end of the tunnel to see a ... well, nearly bloodless way out of it, then this turn of events and the yellows' planned march on Friday finally caved the roof in.

As I said earlier. Creating illusions. Creating emotional turmoil amongst supporters. Creating more issues with which to bond the mass. Dangerous stuff. Its not a u-turn, it's the psychological result of where these people are at.

Now I am totally confused.

Just a couple of hours ago red shirts were saying they want to negotiate. "But not with the government" was added a moment later.

Then this just got published:

Thai 'Red Shirts' rule out talks despite looming crackdown

So another u-turn.

If there was a light at the end of the tunnel to see a ... well, nearly bloodless way out of it, then this turn of events and the yellows' planned march on Friday finally caved the roof in.

Jatuporn sounds increasingly like Jim Jones - and his 'no negotiation' stance is leading inexorably to a situation where the Ratchprasong followers will end up likes Jones' also.

Now I am totally confused.

Just a couple of hours ago red shirts were saying they want to negotiate. "But not with the government" was added a moment later.

Then this just got published:

Thai 'Red Shirts' rule out talks despite looming crackdown

So another u-turn.

If there was a light at the end of the tunnel to see a ... well, nearly bloodless way out of it, then this turn of events and the yellows' planned march on Friday finally caved the roof in.

They got the phone call from Dear Leader.

I am amazed that there are still some farangs about who believe that this is "not about Thaksin", that this about "red v Yellows", that this is about a fight for democracy and a larger share of the cake for the rural poor. I just don't understand where you are coming from.

This movement is not dissimilar to the National Socialism that prevailed in pre-war Germany from 1928 to 1933. Any analysis of the rise of fascism makes it, to me anyhow, quite obvious that there are huge parallels between now and the pre-war period.

The National Socialists were very skilled in playing upon the emotions of the participants at their rallies. In doing so they avoided the necessity of logical argument or the presentation of issues which would form the basis of a political programme that would benefit the mass of the people. Hitler's Mein Kampf explains that mass psychological manipulation must dispense with argumentation and at the same time he never explained what the shape of society would look like after the imposition of national socialism. He was pretty adept at camouflaging defeats and covering important facts with illusions and these were the psychological skills that bought him to power - they were then reinforced with terror and brutality, which he was able to get away with at the time because of the psychological conditioning of the masses.

This is why I oppose this movement. The reds are akin to the national socialists and Thaksin is their 'Hitler'. What people have referred here to Thaksin's 'lies' is really about the illusions - including self delusion - that he creates. He is too transparent for some whilst others, who have been psychologically conditioned, do not see any contradiction.

I have spent my life as a human rights activist and have been employed by Amnesty International in the 1970s. I have witnessed, rarely at first hand I must say, the terror wreaked upon the innocent masses by Idi Amin, Marcos, Mugabe, Sadam Hussein, Pinochet and many more. To me, Thaksin is no different. He comes from the same breed of individuals who can only deal with their own personal inadequacies through the lust for power, through greed and ultimately through brutality.

Thaksin's so called war on drugs which resulted in the extra-judicial killings of more than 2,500 souls. Drug dealers? Another illusion when some of the people were drug users dragged out of drop-in centres and political opponents and (perhaps) others chosen at random. The killing of your own people within a rally of your own supporters would not be out of the question for one so ruthless.

I ask all of you who are prone to support the reds, or who believe in the illusionary calls for democracy, to think again. Thailand is a land of simple people, easily manipulated as a mass and what they need is a government who understands democracy, who can truly educate the nation's children and who can create a land that fits the peaceful buddhist images that are associated with this land.

No comparison can be made between the Red Shirt movement and National Socialism. If you want to equate them to a European movement it should be to one of the European Peasant revolts because that's what it is all about - double standards. Your description of the Thai people as simple people perhaps gives a glimpse of your own political leanings.

Double standards- such as Thaksin escaping a 5 year ban from politics for hiding his assets, an identical offence, except on a much larger scale to Prayuth and Sanan's cases which saw them banned for 5 years.

Surayuth handing back his holiday home in a conserved area- Thaksin not prosecuted for buying and selling temple land.

Thaksin likes to promote himself as a national saviour, talking nonsense how nobody will be poor if he comes back but more and more Issan people are simply fed up with the red shirts.

Thaksin escaped a 5 year ban from politics?

The PM listened and offered elections in 9 months from Now which was very fair. If the minority red shirt protestors had just accepted it. It would have been over last month.

But NO that was not good enough they must have elections within days. Well that's not quite how it works in politics and the agreement for elections in 9 months was fair.

Got to the live ammunition stage now. Well "Som Num Na"

You missed out the fact that the coalition parties have asked for elections in 6 months.

You also missed out the fact that the Democrat party are facing very serious corruption charges and the EC have called for their dissolution. The Democrat party spokesman said in a television interview that the Democrats would fight the charges. When asked how long that fight/appeal would take he said "9 months."

I believe both TRT and PPP took over a year. :)

You believe wrongly.


Every time you post you come out with the same load of drivel and silly little word games.

OK let's do it again. Yes, all the MPs were elected and the Goverment was a Phuea Thai Goverment. However, it didn't take a little time for the smaller parties to decide that PTP didn't suit them it took until the Elite/Military, with Abhisit's full knowledge and approval, bought 40 Phue Thai MPs who were part of a faction controlled by Newin Chidbob. These 40 MPs then promised to support Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. This might be OK as far as the moral standard of somebody who was educated at Eton and Oxford goes, or even your own moral standard, but it is not acceptable to the majority of the Thai electorate which is why Abhisit knows that he will lose the election. For a start the 40 Bhumjaithai MPs, who by the way are scared to visit their constituencies and face the electorate, haven't got a cat in hells chance of being re-elected. In the meantime, Bhumjaithai Party (the largest party in the coalition) has never stood in an election.

You have often talked about vote buying in your posts but you have always coyly avoided the above because you surely know buying those forty MPs and the millions of votes they represent is the biggest (and the only provable case of vote buying) in Thailand.

Abhisit was installed as PM - it's as plain and simple as that. The sooner the Democrats are dissolved the better.

It's a shame that you cannot see what a good person Abhisit is compared (I stress compared) to the leaders of the other parties. The reds are not concerned with democracy, this word is simply used as a flag behind which to create a mass movement without a goal. God! This is so blinkin' obvious, even my 10-year old understands. This is the Thaksin movement. Thaksin is NOT a democrat. Thaksin is a dictator. Thaksin does not have a political programme. Thaksin was never elected. Thaksin is an opportunist. Thaksin stands for himself. Can you really imagine a government controlled by the 24 red goons who have not made one effective policy statement since setting up their stage in Bangkok? Look behind the colour .............. this is NOT a communist 'power to the people' uprising! This is a crisis created by a cheat, a liar, a criminal even who has used clever psychology to align some big mouths behind him. What would the country look like with them in charge? I shudder to think. How many more extra judicial killings? 100; 1000; 100000 or more than a million? Think guys think. And now I've posted this, I'll be one of the million!!!

It's a shame that you cannot see what a good person Abhisit is compared (I stress compared) to the leaders of the other parties. The reds are not concerned with democracy, this word is simply used as a flag behind which to create a mass movement without a goal. God! This is so blinkin' obvious, even my 10-year old understands. This is the Thaksin movement. Thaksin is NOT a democrat. Thaksin is a dictator. Thaksin does not have a political programme. Thaksin was never elected. Thaksin is an opportunist. Thaksin stands for himself. Can you really imagine a government controlled by the 24 red goons who have not made one effective policy statement since setting up their stage in Bangkok? Look behind the colour .............. this is NOT a communist 'power to the people' uprising! This is a crisis created by a cheat, a liar, a criminal even who has used clever psychology to align some big mouths behind him. What would the country look like with them in charge? I shudder to think. How many more extra judicial killings? 100; 1000; 100000 or more than a million? Think guys think. And now I've posted this, I'll be one of the million!!!

I think you might be overexcited?

Before I read this one, I thought I finally cracked the case of what's going on.

Both Yellow and Red want violence and both are trying to provoke the army to show them as victims of police and army brutality for their political gain and clearing of the police/armed forces favourable to the "other" side.

Well that is what I thought might be the case, before reading this:

Be patience, crisis almost over: Air Force chief

The predicament related to the red-shirt rally is close to be resolved, Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Itthiporn Supawong said on Wednesday.

"The majority of the people have started to step out to show that Thailand does not belong to one colour but every colour," he said, in reference to the emerging multi-coloured banner opposing the reds.

The Nation

.... Now I'm at square one. Confused as ever.

PR game

It's a shame that you cannot see what a good person Abhisit is compared (I stress compared) to the leaders of the other parties. The reds are not concerned with democracy, this word is simply used as a flag behind which to create a mass movement without a goal. God! This is so blinkin' obvious, even my 10-year old understands. This is the Thaksin movement. Thaksin is NOT a democrat. Thaksin is a dictator. Thaksin does not have a political programme. Thaksin was never elected. Thaksin is an opportunist. Thaksin stands for himself. Can you really imagine a government controlled by the 24 red goons who have not made one effective policy statement since setting up their stage in Bangkok? Look behind the colour .............. this is NOT a communist 'power to the people' uprising! This is a crisis created by a cheat, a liar, a criminal even who has used clever psychology to align some big mouths behind him. What would the country look like with them in charge? I shudder to think. How many more extra judicial killings? 100; 1000; 100000 or more than a million? Think guys think. And now I've posted this, I'll be one of the million!!!

I think you might be overexcited?

Realistic may be a better word.

It's a shame that you cannot see what a good person Abhisit is compared (I stress compared) to the leaders of the other parties. The reds are not concerned with democracy, this word is simply used as a flag behind which to create a mass movement without a goal. God! This is so blinkin' obvious, even my 10-year old understands. This is the Thaksin movement. Thaksin is NOT a democrat. Thaksin is a dictator. Thaksin does not have a political programme. Thaksin was never elected. Thaksin is an opportunist. Thaksin stands for himself. Can you really imagine a government controlled by the 24 red goons who have not made one effective policy statement since setting up their stage in Bangkok? Look behind the colour .............. this is NOT a communist 'power to the people' uprising! This is a crisis created by a cheat, a liar, a criminal even who has used clever psychology to align some big mouths behind him. What would the country look like with them in charge? I shudder to think. How many more extra judicial killings? 100; 1000; 100000 or more than a million? Think guys think. And now I've posted this, I'll be one of the million!!!

I think you might be overexcited?

Realistic may be a better word.

I'm pretty sure that Thaksin was elected.

It's a shame that you cannot see what a good person Abhisit is compared (I stress compared) to the leaders of the other parties. The reds are not concerned with democracy, this word is simply used as a flag behind which to create a mass movement without a goal. God! This is so blinkin' obvious, even my 10-year old understands. This is the Thaksin movement. Thaksin is NOT a democrat. Thaksin is a dictator. Thaksin does not have a political programme. Thaksin was never elected. Thaksin is an opportunist. Thaksin stands for himself. Can you really imagine a government controlled by the 24 red goons who have not made one effective policy statement since setting up their stage in Bangkok? Look behind the colour .............. this is NOT a communist 'power to the people' uprising! This is a crisis created by a cheat, a liar, a criminal even who has used clever psychology to align some big mouths behind him. What would the country look like with them in charge? I shudder to think. How many more extra judicial killings? 100; 1000; 100000 or more than a million? Think guys think. And now I've posted this, I'll be one of the million!!!

I think you might be overexcited?

Realistic may be a better word.

I'm pretty sure that Thaksin was elected.

I believe that Thaksin has never won an election personally. He once stood for local election in Sankhampaeng and was defeated. Other than that his ride to power was through appointment. Correct me if this information is incorrect.

I hear guns shooting in Silom. Does anyone know what's going on?

Most likely some device is being used to generate a short but loud sound.

Sound is transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. Through solids, however, it can be transmitted as both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. Longitudinal sound waves are waves of alternating pressure deviations from the equilibrium pressure, causing local regions of compression and rarefaction, while transverse waves (in solids) are waves of alternating shear stress at right angle to the direction of propagation.

Matter in the medium is periodically displaced by a sound wave, and thus oscillates. The energy carried by the sound wave converts back and forth between the potential energy of the extra compression (in case of longitudinal waves) or lateral displacement strain (in case of transverse waves) of the matter and the kinetic energy of the oscillations of the medium.

Hope it helped.

I hear guns shooting in Silom. Does anyone know what's going on?

Most likely some device is being used to generate a short but loud sound.

Sound is transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. Through solids, however, it can be transmitted as both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. Longitudinal sound waves are waves of alternating pressure deviations from the equilibrium pressure, causing local regions of compression and rarefaction, while transverse waves (in solids) are waves of alternating shear stress at right angle to the direction of propagation.

Matter in the medium is periodically displaced by a sound wave, and thus oscillates. The energy carried by the sound wave converts back and forth between the potential energy of the extra compression (in case of longitudinal waves) or lateral displacement strain (in case of transverse waves) of the matter and the kinetic energy of the oscillations of the medium.

Hope it helped.

Goodness gratious, you forgot surface acoustic phonons and Brillouin zone scattering. Must have caused some delay because the sounds were first reported yesterday. :)

Do a search on "Chiang Mai gay parade".

There was a demo by crazy red protestors (who I don't agree with) - no beatings - no killings - I live here and trust me it was blown out of all proportion. To say in a blanket way 'reds in CM kill and beat farmers and gays' is just NOT TRUE - to say there are some nutcases who hold views against gays is CORRECT - they are everywhere not just here - Please try and be FAIR.

funny, a lot of posters live in cm - & rare are the ones who agree with your perception.

i live in red rural country-side. as i've stated again & again i understand their grievances. but, to your surprise, i _see_ abhisit government actually implementing policies to ease these grievances.

anyhow, "chiang mai rak 51" is a group of thugs.

first you state: "no, no-one ever killed". posters give you a link. you just ignore.

i want get into it: do your own research, plenty of material available online.

one last thing: day abhisit came to cm, last year, to announce gov policy & investment plans for "rose of the north"... there had been a guy, a well-known radio moderator, who incited people. he was arrested at airport with a gun in his car. never heard about that, right?

later that day, there were scuffles at convention center. red shirts trying to break through security lines.

later that day, during night time, riots occured when red shirts attacked police station.

etc etc etc

i forgot: you ever heard of the "don't buy yellow" campaign? intimidation of shop-owners? etc etc etc


funny, _you_ ask for "fairness" ;-)

Do a search on "Chiang Mai gay parade".

There was a demo by crazy red protestors (who I don't agree with) - no beatings - no killings - I live here and trust me it was blown out of all proportion. To say in a blanket way 'reds in CM kill and beat farmers and gays' is just NOT TRUE - to say there are some nutcases who hold views against gays is CORRECT - they are everywhere not just here - Please try and be FAIR.

funny, a lot of posters live in cm - & rare are the ones who agree with your perception.

i live in red rural country-side. as i've stated again & again i understand their grievances. but, to your surprise, i _see_ abhisit government actually implementing policies to ease these grievances.

anyhow, "chiang mai rak 51" is a group of thugs.

first you state: "no, no-one ever killed". posters give you a link. you just ignore.

i want get into it: do your own research, plenty of material available online.

one last thing: day abhisit came to cm, last year, to announce gov policy & investment plans for "rose of the north"... there had been a guy, a well-known radio moderator, who incited people. he was arrested at airport with a gun in his car. never heard about that, right?

later that day, there were scuffles at convention center. red shirts trying to break through security lines.

later that day, during night time, riots occured when red shirts attacked police station.

etc etc etc

i forgot: you ever heard of the "don't buy yellow" campaign? intimidation of shop-owners? etc etc etc


funny, _you_ ask for "fairness" ;-)

Keep us updated M8.

Cheers, Hummy

Do a search on "Chiang Mai gay parade".

There was a demo by crazy red protestors (who I don't agree with) - no beatings - no killings - I live here and trust me it was blown out of all proportion. To say in a blanket way 'reds in CM kill and beat farmers and gays' is just NOT TRUE - to say there are some nutcases who hold views against gays is CORRECT - they are everywhere not just here - Please try and be FAIR.

funny, a lot of posters live in cm - & rare are the ones who agree with your perception.

i live in red rural country-side. as i've stated again & again i understand their grievances. but, to your surprise, i _see_ abhisit government actually implementing policies to ease these grievances.

anyhow, "chiang mai rak 51" is a group of thugs.

first you state: "no, no-one ever killed". posters give you a link. you just ignore.

i want get into it: do your own research, plenty of material available online.

one last thing: day abhisit came to cm, last year, to announce gov policy & investment plans for "rose of the north"... there had been a guy, a well-known radio moderator, who incited people. he was arrested at airport with a gun in his car. never heard about that, right?

later that day, there were scuffles at convention center. red shirts trying to break through security lines.

later that day, during night time, riots occured when red shirts attacked police station.

etc etc etc

i forgot: you ever heard of the "don't buy yellow" campaign? intimidation of shop-owners? etc etc etc


funny, _you_ ask for "fairness" ;-)

well that's true... but being on the 'majority' side has never bothered me - I say it as I find it. I suspect that we agree on many things (anti-violence etc.) but I find many farang posters 'naturally' like Abhisit because he was educated in England and speaks perfect English and therefore there is a 'natural' empathy. I am for the respressed and undertrod - anyone who helps those gets my support - I hate all this red vs. yellow - and I have grave concerns about the system that allows this mayhem.

Now I am totally confused.

Just a couple of hours ago red shirts were saying they want to negotiate. "But not with the government" was added a moment later.

Then this just got published:

Thai 'Red Shirts' rule out talks despite looming crackdown

So another u-turn.

If there was a light at the end of the tunnel to see a ... well, nearly bloodless way out of it, then this turn of events and the yellows' planned march on Friday finally caved the roof in.

As I said earlier. Creating illusions. Creating emotional turmoil amongst supporters. Creating more issues with which to bond the mass. Dangerous stuff. Its not a u-turn, it's the psychological result of where these people are at.

i read your earlier post & i agree with your analysis.

i also saw the pics of the plastic-bags. not to mention the pics of "building a fortress".

now you say, "As I said earlier. Creating illusions. Creating emotional turmoil amongst supporters. Creating more issues with which to bond the mass. Dangerous stuff. Its not a u-turn, it's the psychological result of where these people are at."

a lot of the rituals, the enticement, the internal crowd control, the denial of any critical voice or evidence, etc - all that... reminds me of "jonestown", anyone remember?

Bit of a face off down at Silom right now between the reds and multicoloureds. Hard characters it seems at the front of both sides

If they fight are they fake reds and fake multicoloreds? It's just so hard to keep track. I suggest the reds take their fake bamboo spears and shove them up their own a***** if they can pull their heads out first.

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