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Sorry no more info. I am not an expert so can't really define the sounds - like loud firecrackers. And not high enough up to see anything. Nor adventurous/crazy enough to go looking...!

stay safe! It may get ugly from now on in that area.


to people in that area? Any mobile signals intercepted yet? I'm far away from that area but noticed something happened and prompted me to insert the sim card again. They were probably trying something or shut it down in selected locations.

to people in that area? Any mobile signals intercepted yet? I'm far away from that area but noticed something happened and prompted me to insert the sim card again. They were probably trying something or shut it down in selected locations.

Well I am the idiot outside... no luck with trying to take a photo as it's too low light and chopper far too high to take a photo of in any reasonable quality.

However - the chopper is gone after what looked like green laser lights were pointed at it and a few fireworks shot towards it... One exploded like the fireworks, with a colourful display, another didn't so I imagine it was something else.

Regardless, I've only seen 2 of them and heard 2 more. They look like they were shot from Rajaprasong intersection or somewhere very near.

The direction of shooting rockets looked from my perspective to be towards the east at about 75-80 degree angle.

Best I can tell there was only 1 chopper, and it looked very much like the one 2 days ago, which means it has no weapons on board.

EDIT: fixed the plural blunder

Thanks for the updates. Looks like they made assessments with night goggles and special cameras.

after all it's near to the American Embassy too.


Thanks commons - glad to see the reality of red shirt intimidation being brought to light. Many on this forum who support reds either don't know it or for some blind reason want to pretend it doesn't exist.

Thans also for pointing out that Abhisit has been trying to implement policies for the less well-off, including the oft un-mentioned fact that he has increased free-schooling for the entire curriculum up to M6.

Also, for you 'reds are peaceloving protesters' bunch, note the title of the other thread going on here 'Reds rule out talks' - what exactly are they doing to reach a compromise? I see compromise on the part of the gov't to the point of weakness, and then you call them 'murderers'. I don't know what drive such blind stupidity.

I'm neither red nor yellow, or whatever, but I can see the legitimacy of what the reds are doing, and if I might say how come people like you are so blind to the vagueries of the yellow, Govt, and army, and so blase about a staus quo that beats down on the poor and denies democracy.

I guess some will call them thugs others freedom fighters.

What particular freedom are they fighting for; all I hear is 'disolve the lower house now!'?


> Also, for you 'reds are peaceloving protesters' bunch, note the title of the other thread going on here 'Reds rule out talks'

Sir, it's selective reporting / malicious propaganda by The Nation (yet again) which is getting quite tiresome. Reuters (yes) reported UDD as being very open to negotiations. This was also communicated directly from UDD channels.. Some news media don't seem to like a peaceful solution, I wonder why. :)

This is out there for everyone to see.. ( Well, everyone except people/places that staunchly stick to getting their 'information' from The Nation and other establishment mouthpieces.)

> Also, for you 'reds are peaceloving protesters' bunch, note the title of the other thread going on here 'Reds rule out talks'

Sir, it's selective reporting / malicious propaganda by The Nation (yet again) which is getting quite tiresome. Reuters (yes) reported UDD as being very open to negotiations. This was also communicated directly from UDD channels.. Some news media don't seem to like a peaceful solution, I wonder why. :)

This is out there for everyone to see.. ( Well, everyone except people/places that staunchly stick to getting their 'information' from The Nation and other establishment mouthpieces.)

by their fruits we know, by their fruits.

Saying all and anything doesn't mean that it is the real intention to continue on the negotiation table.

It were the reds who ran away. .... so please ...


Resent away.

Clearly red apologists would like Thaksin to have a green light for party open electoral corruption in order to succeed.

At least you don't peddle the lie that a government was overthrown.

Radical welfare reform? The reds have a zero economic programme about anything.

Only the return of Thaksin is on demand from the reds.


Just because you happen to lack the ability to understand the rules of parliamentary democracy doesn't mean that the current government is unelected. They don't have to call elections until 2011. Democracy exists in Thailand, people have the opportunity to vote. However some citizens misuse that opportunity and sell their votes (or have their votes sold by the village head). Using violence and intimidation to prompt new elections is undemocratic. But it just shows you how they intend to win the next election if they get their way.

I know that if you want to demonize the other side calling them Nazis is an easy way to provoke an emotional response. It isn't original, and it doesn't make you look intelligent. Would the reds have support for a form of socialism that is to provide for the nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honour for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation. Would they, rejected class conflict-based socialism and economic egalitarianism, favouring instead a stratified economy with classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property, and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction. Because if you agree with that you've just agreed to the political ideology of the Nazi party.

Well to my mind they are not terrorists and they want free elections, elections that their parties seem to win again and again. What other agends is needed, and how can anyone question their mandate? As to what they do? Well what else can be done?

Again I am not against the Democrats, (although I must admit I can't stand those PAD nazis) but it appears to me we have an unelected government with no mandate, that's done nothing of any good ,and seems to be at the whim of the military?

Do you live in Thailand? Seriously.. there are no such thing as 100% free elections here haven't been for some time. But the REDS are just as much to blame for that as anyone else. I wonder in their quest for free elections are they willing to allow NON-RED candidates to freely canvas in their areas? They never have in the past so will that change?

Do their parties win again and again? You need to brush up on your Thai history and perhaps if you do live here need to spend a little more time learning from sources OTHER than TV.

You do NOT have an unelected gov't and if you are calling this one that, then the previous two RED gov't were unelected as well, odd how they did not protest those two.

If you honestly believe that the DEMS have done NOTHING of any good then you really can't live here or you are in a cave somewhere. Take off the blinders stop spouting the same rhetoric over and over and learn the facts, NOT from TV or the mainstream media...

Yes I live here. No I would not expect anything other than vote buying, rigging, corruption and dirty deals, on both sides.. But fact is fact the parties that represented the red shirts were deposed by a junta.

The present government has hardly embarked on radical welfare reform much needed in this country IMHO.

You are a militant fool and I resent your attitude.

Thailand is one of those wonderful places where time finds a solution

The poor in Thailand have always been poor, but in their memories have always been happy

The US introduced the almighty U S dollar with R&R and Issan found a new life

But where still happy

It was under Taskin who was to be their savior that the learn debt,

You talk of intorducing radical welfare reform to Thailand an already currupt system, maybe be said in good intention but from what part of your body are you thinking

Even in the Aust and US countries welfare has created more curruption and welfare cheats than the government can control, what chance has Thailand

Thailand has found ways to do there own welfare for hundreds of years

What Thailand really needs is better education and ways to make money if they work

Infact Thailand can teach the west in many ways

For Example

How much better would Aust citisens be if they had the same policy as Thailand

only Australian can buy land

another subject another time

Just because you happen to lack the ability to understand the rules of parliamentary democracy doesn't mean that the current government is unelected. They don't have to call elections until 2011. Democracy exists in Thailand, people have the opportunity to vote. However some citizens misuse that opportunity and sell their votes (or have their votes sold by the village head). Using violence and intimidation to prompt new elections is undemocratic. But it just shows you how they intend to win the next election if they get their way.

I know that if you want to demonize the other side calling them Nazis is an easy way to provoke an emotional response. It isn't original, and it doesn't make you look intelligent. Would the reds have support for a form of socialism that is to provide for the nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honour for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation. Would they, rejected class conflict-based socialism and economic egalitarianism, favouring instead a stratified economy with classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property, and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction. Because if you agree with that you've just agreed to the political ideology of the Nazi party.

Sorry my friend what you say is true

But the truth is just to hard to understand for some people on this site

for that reason I want people to read your post again

maybe if only 1% gets in


Democrats are the only non-voting buying party in Thailand.

If you believe that I have some beach front land in Roi Et to sell you.

Is your property currently occupied by red shirt protesters, or will the owner be able to use it? Silly poster there are no beaches in Roi Et. Democrats don't buy votes, they lease.


I noticed in a news report yesterday that a red shirt leader said that they had no weapons behind their lines (ie sharpened sticks, grenades, acid, petrol bombs etc).

Yet, last night, in their discussions with this group of locals there was a couple of petrol bombs thrown.

They were thrown by "fake" red shirts, weren't they?


Come Jane, come and see.

See Dick, see Dick Protest.

Look Spot, look at Dick.

See Dick fight with soldiers.

Oh look, look and see.

See Dick throw a grenade.

Come Jane, Come and see.

See Dick, see Dick make a barricade.

Look Spot, look at Dick.

See Dick get shot.


I noticed in a news report yesterday that a red shirt leader said that they had no weapons behind their lines (ie sharpened sticks, grenades, acid, petrol bombs etc).

Yet, last night, in their discussions with this group of locals there was a couple of petrol bombs thrown.

They were thrown by "fake" red shirts, weren't they?


You mean the illegally gathering terrorists that Thaugsabum and PAD have put their to inflame the situation.

The red camp is static, so any idiots there have GONE to the problem.

Wake up man and stop appologising.

I noticed in a news report yesterday that a red shirt leader said that they had no weapons behind their lines (ie sharpened sticks, grenades, acid, petrol bombs etc).

Yet, last night, in their discussions with this group of locals there was a couple of petrol bombs thrown.

They were thrown by "fake" red shirts, weren't they?


You mean the illegally gathering terrorists that Thaugsabum and PAD have put their to inflame the situation.

The red camp is static, so any idiots there have GONE to the problem.

Wake up man and stop appologising.

You can't accept that locals might not like Thaksin's red shirts causing havoc every day?

But, anyway, the point was, the red leader said they didn't have any petrol bombs. And lo and behold, a couple of hours after he said that, out come the petrol bombs.

"such big news at the time"???

Can't blame ChiangMaiFun for not knowing it. Sounds like typical yellow press journalism. A gossip story, such 'news' don't reach all people. The Sun readers will have different topics of conversation than readers ofThe Times irrespective of whether they might vote for the same political party or not.

So what was it actually what Thaksin son had said/screamed at people in a Chiang Mai bar/nightclub a couple of years ago? How relevant and important to know is it? Care to explain?

You start by telling us that the story is obviously well below your intellectual interest and also conclude that it must be biased (impressive insight for someone who knows none of the details) and finish up by requesting more information. :)

"such big news at the time"???

Can't blame ChiangMaiFun for not knowing it. Sounds like typical yellow press journalism. A gossip story, such 'news' don't reach all people. The Sun readers will have different topics of conversation than readers ofThe Times irrespective of whether they might vote for the same political party or not.

So what was it actually what Thaksin son had said/screamed at people in a Chiang Mai bar/nightclub a couple of years ago? How relevant and important to know is it? Care to explain?

You start by telling us that the story is obviously well below your intellectual interest and also conclude that it must be biased (impressive insight for someone who knows none of the details) and finish up by requesting more information. :)

That was an honest question - what did he say? I don't know - my Thai friends don't know - I have found NO ONE who knows - pray tell us... I await with interest - also be useful to name the publication who 'revealed' this comment from Thaksins son - who reported it? a 'dancer' who was nearby? who?

Seriously - know one knows here in Chiang Mai - at least I canot find anyone... which club was it? (I know them all), when? details please before I am critisised for not knowing something 'I should know'.

There have been a few silly posts on here about the reds here where I live - yellow exagerations and propoganda - details and evidence please - not just isolated incidents and CMU being 'invaded' a FEW YEARS ago.

Democrats are the only non-voting buying party in Thailand.

If you believe that I have some beach front land in Roi Et to sell you.

Obviously incorrect, since Democrat-MPs have in the past been yellow-carded (or even red-carded ?), by the E.C., in their steady war to reduce electoral-corruption here.

And many thanks for the offer to sell us land, you may perhaps not know, we farangs aren't allowed to buy land here, whether in Roi Et or any other province. :)

Come Jane, come and see.

See Dick, see Dick Protest.

Look Spot, look at Dick.

See Dick fight with soldiers.

Oh look, look and see.

See Dick throw a grenade.

Come Jane, Come and see.

See Dick, see Dick make a barricade.

Look Spot, look at Dick.

See Dick get shot.


That would be

Don't be a Big Swinging Dick.

"Macho macho man,

I want to be a macho man...."

No, just wondering why the Abhisit government doesn't want clashes investigated that have killed 25 people and injured some 800. The red shirts called for an independent investigation and the Abhisit government declined it. Why? If the red shirts are responsible for the deaths as the Abhisit government has claimed for days now ...why not allow an independent investigation to verify it?

Can you explain what the Phua Thai debacle in parliament was about yesterday?


The Nation

"The Bangkok residents tried to break through the line of police to clash with the red-shirt protesters who surged towards the Silom people as well.

The red-shirt people then threw two Molotov cocktails at Silomp people, prompting them to retreat."

The Straits Times

"Only about 20 or so were involved, but it was enough to create tremendous chaos. Glass shattered on the street and rocks cracked and bounced as they went for the Reds – who retaliated with rocks and slingshots of their own but held their line and did not come charging out."

The Nation

"About 30 policemen tried to separate the two sides but the two sides kept on firing slingshots at each other, prompting police themseles to retreat to be stationed in the compound of the hotel."

The Straits Times

"All the while, police deployed on the ground, and soldiers on the pedestrian overpass above, did absolutely nothing to stop or separate the two sides. In fact the police even moved one of their trucks out of the way of the rampaging pro-government men. "

The Nation

"The red-shirt people then threw two Molotov cocktails at Silomp people, prompting them to retreat."

The Straits Times

They certainly tried at Sala Daeng, though not in force. But the Reds were fairly disciplined and thankfully the riot did not escalate into a full-blown fight. At least twice, the Red Shirts fired firecrackers at the pro-government men who ran helter skelter, but returned to pelt them with stones.

Just an example of the propaganda being pumped out by the Nation everyday.


The multicoloured group later provoked the other side by setting aflame a piece of red cloth,

while the red-shirt protesters shook their sharpened bamboo sticks to show their anger.

Anthropologically, it so resembles primate threat display posturing as to be a caricature.

Not calling Thais primates, but the methodology does have direct parallels.

A study worthy of a Jane Goodall I fear.

Guerrillas in our midst.

"such big news at the time"???

Can't blame ChiangMaiFun for not knowing it. Sounds like typical yellow press journalism. A gossip story, such 'news' don't reach all people. The Sun readers will have different topics of conversation than readers ofThe Times irrespective of whether they might vote for the same political party or not.

So what was it actually what Thaksin son had said/screamed at people in a Chiang Mai bar/nightclub a couple of years ago? How relevant and important to know is it? Care to explain?

You start by telling us that the story is obviously well below your intellectual interest and also conclude that it must be biased (impressive insight for someone who knows none of the details) and finish up by requesting more information. :)

That was an honest question - what did he say? I don't know - my Thai friends don't know - I have found NO ONE who knows - pray tell us... I await with interest - also be useful to name the publication who 'revealed' this comment from Thaksins son - who reported it? a 'dancer' who was nearby? who?

Seriously - know one knows here in Chiang Mai - at least I canot find anyone... which club was it? (I know them all), when? details please before I am critisised for not knowing something 'I should know'.

There have been a few silly posts on here about the reds here where I live - yellow exagerations and propoganda - details and evidence please - not just isolated incidents and CMU being 'invaded' a FEW YEARS ago.

You have the wrong friends . I live in Chiang mai and I and many of my friends and many Thai I know have not so nice experiences with the red but they are afraid to talk because of the reds aggression. I personally have been stuck in one of there demonstrations and it was no fun and scary. There are nice reds(they believe the red propaganda) but the aggressive ones are thugs.

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