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tb86 quote

how is that the governments fault they dont set the world rice market prices, hel_l they could set it at 1,000,000 baht per kilo... but if the WORLD market wont bear it they will not reach their price point... And for someone that supports che, well shouldnt the rice be distributed to all the people at a minimum cost? last i checked rice sold in thailand is going for between 25-45 baht per kilo....so 6,200 per ton isnt bad.. do the math


This poster has demonstrated a lamentable ignorance of rice production and obviously cant manage primary school maths himself.

Yes supermarket prices for rice are around 25 to 45/kg depending on the grade. 6200/tonne equates to 6.2B/kg of paddy rice. That barely covers the production cost for the farmer, he needs a minimum of 10B to live and feed his family - albeit at subsistance level

Take a typical isaan farmer with say 10 rai. With reasonable soil he can expect about 7 gasop (thats the standard rice sack) which weighs in around 80kgs. So he gets 7x80x10 = 5.6tonnes. With a net profit of 3.800B/tonne gives about 21,000B for one year or 400B/week for him and his family

you can quibble about my figures but they are based on personal experience up north. A typical farmer makes a pittance, few reach 50,000 per year

just ask isaan bar girls (if they have enough sense to understand these figures)

The daily wage for labour is 150B for men and 120B for women when they can get work - which btw is roughly twice the rate in cambodia and they still pay the same for rice.

The real fuel stoking this fire is the decades of neglect of 60% of the population by the country's elite. The rural people are poorly educated, kept in complete ignorance, fed on propaganda and openly cheated by the much feared authorities.

Free schooling - thats a sick joke. It costs 3 to 5000 to send a child to school, exorbitant cost of uniforms school books and other donations. If you want anything approaching a decent education (still way below western standards) you have to go private costing 150,000 to 400,000 per year at one of these so called international schools

30B health scheme - well they call it Doctor Para (meaning paracetamol) - you dont get much health care and kids often have to be taken to private clinics costing 300b a pop

It has always amazed me how these people can remain so cheerful under such a burdensome life

The first thing square head did was set a farmers price of 10B/kg

So you're suggesting that the government should subsidize rice production in the way that the US subsidizes corn production? Not a flame, just asking.

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Reds deny distributing stickers promoting Thaksin as president

BANGKOK: -- The red shirts had no involvement in the stickers with a message to promote "New Thai State under President Thaksin Shinawatra", their leader Natthawut Saikua said on Tuesday.

The stickers, with white message on red background, were distributed in public places along Silom Road.

Natthawut urged police to look into the matter and arrest the distributors.

Freedom of speech? Not under the Reds. :)

Can you please provide a link to the source of your post to verify the article?

Reds deny distributing stickers promoting Thaksin as president

BANGKOK: -- The red shirts had no involvement in the stickers with a message to promote "New Thai State under President Thaksin Shinawatra", their leader Natthawut Saikua said on Tuesday.

The stickers, with white message on red background, were distributed in public places along Silom Road.

Natthawut urged police to look into the matter and arrest the distributors.


-- The Nation 2010-04-20

No surprises here, Thaksins political opponents playing dirty as usual.

Russell, do you know who tried to off Sondhi? It was quite the operation.

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

There has been a lot of analysis of the different groups and their agendas that make up the Reds. One of the groups would do just this.

BTW, I am pulling for Russell on Survivor.

Then, you go on to deny the fact that the reds may actually have a majority, as was proven in two successive elections.

You need to check your "facts". TRT only won a majority once.

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it.

Thaksin has denied it so it can't possibly be true. He is a man of his word. :)

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it.

Thaksin has denied it so it can't possibly be true. He is a man of his word. :)

Could have been an honest accident like when he accidentally forgot that he'd placed THB 1,000,000 in the cake box that was accidentally taken to the judges. Stuff happens.

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it.

Thaksin has denied it so it can't possibly be true. He is a man of his word. :)

Almost certainly a crude smear - anyhow it is not important and is designed to put some people off the scent - bit like this thread

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it.

Thaksin has denied it so it can't possibly be true. He is a man of his word. :)

Almost certainly a crude smear - anyhow it is not important and is designed to put some people off the scent - bit like this thread

Trouble is lots of non yellow and non red peopel believe it is the aim and that has not been helped by a recent red article in one of their newspapers and naerly any Thai person can tell you about this. Smear maybe but crude no and gaining traction yes. Real politik

Chavalit is also running into a right mess which the red shiorts and Thaksin will probably not thank him for


What was it that Oak was reported to have screamed at people up here in a bar in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago? ...............................

Abhisit has made a complete and utter fool of himself.

The danger is that his refusal to hold an election for fear of getting voted out may result in a split in the army with potentially disatrous consequences.

To te contrary. Abhisit has so far managed to come out of this mess with least egg on his face. Considering the appalling levels of loyalty shown by certain senior members of the armed forces and police,then he has handled the situation extremely well up to now, and not giving into the totally unreasonable demands by the Reds to dissolve the parliament in 15 days is to his credit. It has little to do with fear of "getting voted out", asyou imagine and far more to do with doing what's best for the country under exceptional circumstances. He needs to do a whole lot of sacking of army personnel, if the Thai system would allow........ elections can wait for at least 9 months now.

The PM has a lot to answer for

Sending the army into an area and closing all the beer bars

seems all the party eyed lady fanciers, are having to spend their time on TV

PM please reopen the bars so we can get back to serious postings

ozzieman05 I love reading your posts! Hahaha... way to go man! :)

Unlike many TV posters I am married to a Thai lady and have a beautiful Thai daughter (50/50 Aussie/Thai)

I love Thailand and I do not support Yellow or Thai, hate all politicians because all the laws are biased again me as a westener, and many red shirts put my wife down because she is lucky enough to have a Farang husband

I am like all you other Farang but a visitor in Thailand so have no right of say, but as I have a Thai daughter and support a Thai family, have the right to an opinion

Would love to see how many other can say the same

My posts try to see the funny side, these are sad times, but the country has to be allowed to grow through it growing pains, and it is a sad fact that when you have cancer you have to cut it off, or it will attack the whole body and eventually all will die

I agree Thai killing Thai is bad, because they are brothers

Now imagine having to cut of your leg because of cancer

Are you not more attached to your leg that the man who lives next door

some times hard decisions must be made, at least the red shirts have a choice and can go home

with cancer there is no choice


the stickers are close to the truth.

Remember, Thaksin copied air-force one and the regular announcements like the American president did. He's got nothing to hide. He also tried to take control of the royal funds short after his reign started.

What was it that Oak was reported to have screamed at people up here in a bar in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago? ...............................

missed that one... care to explain?

The PM has a lot to answer for

Sending the army into an area and closing all the beer bars

seems all the party eyed lady fanciers, are having to spend their time on TV

PM please reopen the bars so we can get back to serious postings

ozzieman05 I love reading your posts! Hahaha... way to go man! :)

Unlike many TV posters I am married to a Thai lady and have a beautiful Thai daughter (50/50 Aussie/Thai)

I love Thailand and I do not support Yellow or Thai, hate all politicians because all the laws are biased again me as a westener, and many red shirts put my wife down because she is lucky enough to have a Farang husband

I am like all you other Farang but a visitor in Thailand so have no right of say, but as I have a Thai daughter and support a Thai family, have the right to an opinion

Would love to see how many other can say the same

My posts try to see the funny side, these are sad times, but the country has to be allowed to grow through it growing pains, and it is a sad fact that when you have cancer you have to cut it off, or it will attack the whole body and eventually all will die

I agree Thai killing Thai is bad, because they are brothers

Now imagine having to cut of your leg because of cancer

Are you not more attached to your leg that the man who lives next door

some times hard decisions must be made, at least the red shirts have a choice and can go home

with cancer there is no choice

Well said!

Reds deny distributing stickers promoting Thaksin as president

BANGKOK: -- The red shirts had no involvement in the stickers with a message to promote "New Thai State under President Thaksin Shinawatra", their leader Natthawut Saikua said on Tuesday.

The stickers, with white message on red background, were distributed in public places along Silom Road.

Natthawut urged police to look into the matter and arrest the distributors.

Freedom of speech? Not under the Reds. :)

Can you please provide a link to the source of your post to verify the article?

Reds deny distributing stickers promoting Thaksin as president

BANGKOK: -- The red shirts had no involvement in the stickers with a message to promote "New Thai State under President Thaksin Shinawatra", their leader Natthawut Saikua said on Tuesday.

The stickers, with white message on red background, were distributed in public places along Silom Road.

Natthawut urged police to look into the matter and arrest the distributors.


-- The Nation 2010-04-20

No surprises here, Thaksins political opponents playing dirty as usual.

My wife says the Red Shirts ARE that stupid to distribute these stickers as they've been distributing similar materials amongst their followers for months now. I saw they couldn't possibly be that stupid and it was brilliant ploy by someone to do it and then show how it ties in so neatly to the "Taksin" magazine and similar periodicals. 10 out of 10 for imagination, effort and execution.

My wifw says the Red Shirts ARE that stupid to distribute these stickers as they've been distributing similar materials amongst their followers for months now. I saw they couldn't possibly be that stupid and it was brilliant ploy by someone to do it and then show how it ties in so neatly to the "Taksin" magazine and similar periodicals. 10 out of 10 for imagination, effort and execution.

You and your wife get it. It isnt about the stickers. It is about people believe that is what the reds want

My wifw says the Red Shirts ARE that stupid to distribute these stickers as they've been distributing similar materials amongst their followers for months now. I saw they couldn't possibly be that stupid and it was brilliant ploy by someone to do it and then show how it ties in so neatly to the "Taksin" magazine and similar periodicals. 10 out of 10 for imagination, effort and execution.

You and your wife get it. It isnt about the stickers. It is about people believe that is what the reds want

Sorry it is not about what the reds want

The Reds have shown them selves to be nothing more than a mob

This is all about what the Red leaders want the Reds to want

and we have had so many examples of the trickery and lies they have used and there abiity to think of what's best for the Thai people

So it could be said that it might be the Red leaders what to make people think that it is the Yellows trying to make people think it is the reds, doing what the yellow want the people to think that the reds want them to think

Gee even I'm confused, and a wrote it

What was the question again ????

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

It must be true then.

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

:D Thanks for the coffee all over my screen dude. :)

My wife says the Red Shirts ARE that stupid to distribute these stickers as they've been distributing similar materials amongst their followers for months now. I saw they couldn't possibly be that stupid and it was brilliant ploy by someone to do it and then show how it ties in so neatly to the "Taksin" magazine and similar periodicals. 10 out of 10 for imagination, effort and execution.

Actually I am in favour of the idea itself but one needs to be subtle about it.

As for the actual red stickers, there is no use going up to a buffalo and waving a red flag in its face, the buffalo will go crazy and attack you.

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

The stickers are not the issue. That many non-red and non-yellow people beleve that is the aim of the reds is the issue. Many people are terrified of the violent red mob, as it is seen by many non-yellow and non-red apoltical people justy living a life, but increasingly find their (hidden) intentions are not palatable which means they are less likely to be quiet and cowed as they have been up to now

Set up maybe. Reality maybe but poltics is about perceptions and beliefs and not reality. This is the current game. Real politik


There is more than one of these self-serving hypocrites in the Drama

The read Leaders and Thaksin to name a few...

I had to inform 25 of my casual staff today that there contracts will not be renewed because of the red s*hit protesters camping outside our hotel and the huge loss the hotel has endured...

Now you tell me these people give a Shi*t about he working Thais?

NO they are here to line there pockets and the "red masses" are just paid pawns ...nothing more...

In the last month my staff have put up with reds leering and making comments as they made there way to work every day through the crowds of so called ( paid ) Protesters while they camp out with there market stalls, carnival side shows, street Bars and massage shops..

Our Hotel owners have done everything in there power to to avoid having to do what I did today and these are the so called Elite that the reds are apparently fighting...

"All we want is Democracy"

These people would not know what Democracy was because they are too busy making sure they are getting paid..

What a JOKE The Reds are greedy parasites from the top down...nothing more nothing less..

Here is another example of how the Abhisit government is exploiting Thailand's poor people:
Representatives of the Thai Farmers Association had today sent a letter to the prime minister again asking the government to help solve the problem of low rice prices, association chairman Wichian Puanglamjiak said on Tuesday.

The letter was submitted via the Commerce Ministry,

Mr Wichian said although the government had set the guaranteed price for rice at 10,000 baht a tonne, farmers could still get only 6,100 to 6,200 baht a tonne due low rice prices on the world market.

"We want the government to help raise the price of rice to 10,000 baht per tonne as announced.

"If our demand is ignored, farmers from Chachoengsao, Lopburi, Ang Thong, Chainat, Suphan Buri and Ayutthaya will rally at the Ministry of Commerce," he said on Tuesday.

If the ministry fails to provide the needed assistance, the farmers might have to gather in front of the 11th Infantry Regiment base on Phahon Yothin road to ask for help from Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Ayutthaya governor Witthaya Piewpong said he had learned of the problem and had ordered the provincial internal trade office to send a letter outlining the difficulties the farmers are facing to the government via the Ministry of Commerce.

He called on leaders of the group not to lead farmers to rally in Bangkok at the moment.

The red-shirts were still protesting against the government and it would be unsafe for farmers to rally in the capital now.

how is that the governments fault they dont set the world rice market prices, hel_l they could set it at 1,000,000 baht per kilo... but if the WORLD market wont bear it they will not reach their price point... And for someone that supports che, well shouldnt the rice be distributed to all the people at a minimum cost? last i checked rice sold in thailand is going for between 25-45 baht per kilo....so 6,200 per ton isnt bad.. do the math

You clearly don't know how rice sales work in Thailand. The government sets the prices, not the farmers. And in this case, the government has promised them 10,000 Baht per ton, but ends up paying them only 6,000 Baht per ton. Laughable if you check the price of an Uncle Ben's 100gr. rice pack in your home country.

My wife says the Red Shirts ARE that stupid to distribute these stickers as they've been distributing similar materials amongst their followers for months now. I saw they couldn't possibly be that stupid and it was brilliant ploy by someone to do it and then show how it ties in so neatly to the "Taksin" magazine and similar periodicals. 10 out of 10 for imagination, effort and execution.

Does your wife know that the government has been distributing stickers too? And just a few days after the red shirts gave out CDs of the April 10 clashes, the government stated that they had made 500,000 CDs about the clashes as well and would hand them out in Bangkok.

So assuming your wife is correct, that would make the government just as 'stupid', wouldn't it?

And how do you know who handed them out? Or are you another colour coded apologist of red or yellow on here?

All I know is a lot of people who are neither red or yellow believe that aim. Who handeed them out I will leave to the conspiuracy theorists and red and yellow cheerleaders of whom there are enough on here

I doubt Red shirts handed the stickers out. Thaksin has forcefully denied it. Nor do I believe this is the real issue at hand.

Dont see how it could be anything else but a political smear tactic.

It must be true then.

Has Thaksin ever admitted to anything he has been accused of?

Has Thaksin ever admitted to anything he has been convicted of?

Abhisit has made a complete and utter fool of himself.

The danger is that his refusal to hold an election for fear of getting voted out may result in a split in the army with potentially disatrous consequences.

I don't think you are reading this situation correctly.

Here is another example of how the Abhisit government is exploiting Thailand's poor people:
Representatives of the Thai Farmers Association had today sent a letter to the prime minister again asking the government to help solve the problem of low rice prices, association chairman Wichian Puanglamjiak said on Tuesday.

The letter was submitted via the Commerce Ministry,

Mr Wichian said although the government had set the guaranteed price for rice at 10,000 baht a tonne, farmers could still get only 6,100 to 6,200 baht a tonne due low rice prices on the world market.

"We want the government to help raise the price of rice to 10,000 baht per tonne as announced.

"If our demand is ignored, farmers from Chachoengsao, Lopburi, Ang Thong, Chainat, Suphan Buri and Ayutthaya will rally at the Ministry of Commerce," he said on Tuesday.

If the ministry fails to provide the needed assistance, the farmers might have to gather in front of the 11th Infantry Regiment base on Phahon Yothin road to ask for help from Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

Ayutthaya governor Witthaya Piewpong said he had learned of the problem and had ordered the provincial internal trade office to send a letter outlining the difficulties the farmers are facing to the government via the Ministry of Commerce.

He called on leaders of the group not to lead farmers to rally in Bangkok at the moment.

The red-shirts were still protesting against the government and it would be unsafe for farmers to rally in the capital now.

how is that the governments fault they dont set the world rice market prices, hel_l they could set it at 1,000,000 baht per kilo... but if the WORLD market wont bear it they will not reach their price point... And for someone that supports che, well shouldnt the rice be distributed to all the people at a minimum cost? last i checked rice sold in thailand is going for between 25-45 baht per kilo....so 6,200 per ton isnt bad.. do the math

You clearly don't know how rice sales work in Thailand. The government sets the prices, not the farmers. And in this case, the government has promised them 10,000 Baht per ton, but ends up paying them only 6,000 Baht per ton. Laughable if you check the price of an Uncle Ben's 100gr. rice pack in your home country.

Anybody complaning in 2008? Commodities are volatile, particularly since the grain to gasahol schemes began. If oil goes back up I doubt the farmers will be complaining.

I know Thai rice isn't exactly the same as some other global markets but it won't be too different. About $USD250/ST


Anybody complaning in 2008? Commodities are volatile, particularly since the grain to gasahol schemes began. If oil goes back up I doubt the farmers will be complaining.

I know Thai rice isn't exactly the same as some other global markets but it won't be too different. About $USD250/ST


Care to explain why the government has promised the farmers 10,000 Baht per ton and then only gives them 6,100 or 6,200 Baht? Seems a little fraudulent to me, to say the least.

I'm sorry to ask a potentially very "blond" question, but is someone able to explain to me why the protestors are free to roam around as they please, why people, food, water etc. can be brought to Rajprasong intersection without problem at all? Why are the protestors controlling road blocks around this are rather than the police? Why aren't the protestors cut off any supply incl. the freedom to come and go as they please? I still can't get my head around this… :)

I can explain it. Thai's are very peaceful people and they hate confrontation. Haven't you read the guidebooks?

bullshit,with a big B,

you havnt' been married to a Thai,Beauty,for 16 years,and going through the intriques and dedceival I suffered,AND I am not the only one.

I am not awife beater,but sometimes you have to show her who is the master and breadwinner inthe house.

Kick her Butts sometimes,it works wonder.

was she yellow or red? Jeeze...

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