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Older Men, Younger Women


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This is my post pasted from a closed topic to reiterate my point of view.

Personally I couldn't care less about what others think about my lifestyle and that of others who are doing nothing outside the law.

Sadly there are too many prudes in the world who are more interested in others lives than their own. They are the sad cases in my opinion and in desperate need of a reason to live.

One low life on this forum made the comment on the prementioned closed thread that he wished one of the posters would die (the post was removed). How sick is that?

I came to Chiang Mai back in 1983 on a Thai Government project whilst married to my Australian wife who was the same age as me, I got "ensnared" by a local lady who was also the same age as me at the time (and still is), got divorced from the 1st, married the 2nd (not sure in what order).

Then a little later in life something similar happened re the ensnaring bit but this time she was 15 years younger than me, so once again got divorced and got married (again not too sure in what order).

And oddly enough some years later that old familiar feeling happened yet again. This time she was 18 yrs younger than me. Been quite a few years now but still married to number 4. No number 5 but there may be a few "friends" along the way.

Good on ya, Ian. Boogie till ya bounce!! (That's an old skydiving term we used many years ago)

Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

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Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Don't worry, Venturalaw, by the time your lovely daughter looks like her mom, Bill will be too old to participate in what us old letchers like to enjoy. :)

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Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Don't worry, Venturalaw, by the time your lovely daughter looks like her mom, Bill will be too old to participate in what us old letchers like to enjoy. :)

I think you mean lechers. its not a nice admonishment. You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

lecher: a person whose behaviour deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behaviour.

Notice how many females are contributing to this thread. Hmmm none.

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You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

Ian's really got an admirer here! Although I imagine he gets more insightful conversation from his regulars.

I consulted my grand father who has been around for a while aged 96. been involved in two major conflicts etc. Completely compos mentis. He thinks the IF character is a total fool and an aberration to masculinity. A slobbering dauphin(e). Pick the bones out of that cow BOY. I tend to agree. :)

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Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Don't worry, Venturalaw, by the time your lovely daughter looks like her mom, Bill will be too old to participate in what us old letchers like to enjoy. :)

I think you mean lechers. its not a nice admonishment. You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

lecher: a person whose behaviour deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behaviour.

Notice how many females are contributing to this thread. Hmmm none.

Thanks for correcting my spelling... which MIGHT have been a "typo". I notice YOU also made a typo, or at least I THINK it's a typo... "similrarity"

I joke around all the time and live life to the fullest. I seldom make fun of others but often make fun of myself. But, one thing I'm NOT is a hypocrite. Any hererosexual man who says he would rather make love to a dried up old woman who is no longer interested in sex, rather than with a young beautiful woman who DOES enjoy sex, is either a liar, a hypocrite or both for saying so.

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Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Don't worry, Venturalaw, by the time your lovely daughter looks like her mom, Bill will be too old to participate in what us old letchers like to enjoy. :)

I think you mean lechers. its not a nice admonishment. You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

lecher: a person whose behaviour deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behaviour.

Notice how many females are contributing to this thread. Hmmm none.

Thanks for correcting my spelling... which MIGHT have been a "typo". I notice YOU also made a typo, or at least I THINK it's a typo... "similrarity"

I joke around all the time and live life to the fullest. I seldom make fun of others but often make fun of myself. But, one thing I'm NOT is a hypocrite. Any hererosexual man who says he would rather make love to a dried up old woman who is no longer interested in sex, rather than with a young beautiful woman who DOES enjoy sex, is either a liar, a hypocrite or both for saying so.

dont "joke" around you are the joke. You are sick, sad and delusional.

dried up old woman

sometimes what you write discredits yourself so much it doesnt need any more comment.


actually i havent quite finished, all those pics of various hilltribe girls that you were a tupping. None of them young ladies were a enjoying themselves. they wre just a earning money yipee yai yoh cowboy. Non eof your sybaritic sycophants awake now mr big.

Edited by cerbera
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You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

Ian's really got an admirer here! Although I imagine he gets more insightful conversation from his regulars.

I consulted my grand father who has been around for a while aged 96. been involved in two major conflicts etc. Completely compos mentis. He thinks the IF character is a total fool and an aberration to masculinity. A slobbering dauphin(e). Pick the bones out of that cow BOY. I tend to agree. :)

Grandpa may be compos mentis, cerbera. Pity his grandson isn't. :D

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You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

Ian's really got an admirer here! Although I imagine he gets more insightful conversation from his regulars.

I consulted my grand father who has been around for a while aged 96. been involved in two major conflicts etc. Completely compos mentis. He thinks the IF character is a total fool and an aberration to masculinity. A slobbering dauphin(e). Pick the bones out of that cow BOY. I tend to agree. :)

Grandpa may be compos mentis, cerbera. Pity his grandson isn't. :D

No need to get in a pissing contest, Bill, he's entitled to his opinion. But, back on topic, it is interesting that Sean O'Connery was voted one of the world's sexiest men at age 69.

quote Wickapedia... "

Connery has been polled as the "greatest living Scot"[4] and was knighted in July 2000.[5] In 1989, he was proclaimed the Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine, and in 1999, at the age of 69, he was voted the Sexiest Man of the Century."

I'm certainly not saying I'm anywhere near in the league with O'Connery, but it does show that even young women take notice of older men who have style.

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Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Don't worry, Venturalaw, by the time your lovely daughter looks like her mom, Bill will be too old to participate in what us old letchers like to enjoy. :)

I think you mean lechers. its not a nice admonishment. You are a lech. Do you see any similrarity with leech.

lecher: a person whose behaviour deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behaviour.

Notice how many females are contributing to this thread. Hmmm none.

I joke around all the time and live life to the fullest.

It should go without saying, but I was joking too. I have met Blinky and admire him.

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I came to Chiang Mai back in 1983 on a Thai Government project whilst married to my Australian wife who was the same age as me, I got "ensnared" by a local lady who was also the same age as me at the time (and still is), got divorced from the 1st, married the 2nd (not sure in what order).

Then a little later in life something similar happened re the ensnaring bit but this time she was 15 years younger than me, so once again got divorced and got married (again not too sure in what order).

And oddly enough some years later that old familiar feeling happened yet again. This time she was 18 yrs younger than me. Been quite a few years now but still married to number 4. No number 5 but there may be a few "friends" along the way.

Good on ya, Ian. Boogie till ya bounce!! (That's an old skydiving term we used many years ago)

Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Given your previous career, VL, I thought you'd be somewhat interested in this little tale.

This little girl, who is now 18, is one of my favourites in Chiang Mai. When she was a bit younger I'd regularly pick her up from school and take her home with me. Strangely, her mother was very happy for me to do this. I still see her very regularly.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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I came to Chiang Mai back in 1983 on a Thai Government project whilst married to my Australian wife who was the same age as me, I got "ensnared" by a local lady who was also the same age as me at the time (and still is), got divorced from the 1st, married the 2nd (not sure in what order).

Then a little later in life something similar happened re the ensnaring bit but this time she was 15 years younger than me, so once again got divorced and got married (again not too sure in what order).

And oddly enough some years later that old familiar feeling happened yet again. This time she was 18 yrs younger than me. Been quite a few years now but still married to number 4. No number 5 but there may be a few "friends" along the way.

Good on ya, Ian. Boogie till ya bounce!! (That's an old skydiving term we used many years ago)

Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Given your previous career, VL, I thought you'd be somewhat interested in this little tale.

This little girl, who is now 18, is one of my favourites in Chiang Mai. When she was a bit younger I'd regularly pick her up from school and take her home with me. Strangely, her mother was very happy for me to do this. I still see her very regularly.

I'm not sure I got this right... she is your daughter? or you had sex with an under 18?

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Maybe I am at fault and have missed something here - and I will be very swift to apologise if I have got it wrong (likely I hope!).

No one is really advocating picking up school girls from class and having sex with them are they? below 18... with or without 'Mothers' consent?

I am not seeking mischief here and hope I have got this wrong - Thai Law under 18 has a 'caveat' which is VERY dangerous for anyone thinking along this route.

I love women more than most - and have had much more than my fair share... but school children?

say it ain't so

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Yea..... the world really looks down on it....... that is having an involvement with an underage student, with the mother's permission........ especially if its your daughter.....

I think he pulled one over on many of you..... that is one of the main reasons for ole blinkers to be alive..... soft spot in his heart for children......

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I came to Chiang Mai back in 1983 on a Thai Government project whilst married to my Australian wife who was the same age as me, I got "ensnared" by a local lady who was also the same age as me at the time (and still is), got divorced from the 1st, married the 2nd (not sure in what order).

Then a little later in life something similar happened re the ensnaring bit but this time she was 15 years younger than me, so once again got divorced and got married (again not too sure in what order).

And oddly enough some years later that old familiar feeling happened yet again. This time she was 18 yrs younger than me. Been quite a few years now but still married to number 4. No number 5 but there may be a few "friends" along the way.

Good on ya, Ian. Boogie till ya bounce!! (That's an old skydiving term we used many years ago)

Interesting story Blinky - remind me never to bring my daughter over to your house.

Given your previous career, VL, I thought you'd be somewhat interested in this little tale.

This little girl, who is now 18, is one of my favourites in Chiang Mai. When she was a bit younger I'd regularly pick her up from school and take her home with me. Strangely, her mother was very happy for me to do this. I still see her very regularly.

As I said BB, I admire you.

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Bugger... feel stupid now... sorry BB :D but my concern was well meant... :)

You just made my day. Thanks.

well... alot of it goes on believe me

I do find it rather amusing (and sometimes disturbing) to see the looks on peoples faces when I walk with my daughter in public places in Chiang Mai. The offenders are not Thai's but farangs, both expats who don't know me and tourists. They see an older guy with a pretty young girl and immediately assume that there is something nefarious going on without any thought that this may be family.

Sure, CMF, there are some characters who do behave in an improper manner with young boys and girls in Chiang Mai and many other places in Thailand (and the rest of the world for that matter). Posting a pic of my daughter and myself was a little experiment to see the reaction. I appreciate your concern but never jump to conclusions until you are 100% sure of the facts.

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Posting a pic of my daughter and myself was a little experiment to see the reaction. I appreciate your concern but never jump to conclusions until you are 100% sure of the facts.

And that, Bill, is precisely my point with many pictures I've posted. All sorts of people make totally false assumptions because they look at life through filth smeared glasses... and possibly from their own miserable life experiences. I knew instantly that the lovely gal was either your daughter or the daughter of a very good friend who trusted you. I've got lots of friends who have beautiful teenage (and older) daughters that I wouldn't even consider flirting with... other than saying (in front of their parents) that they looked nice that day. I always give compliments where compliments are due... no matter where I am or what country I'm in. However, some young woman who has CHOSEN to work in a Thai bar is an entirely different situation. I'll always treat them with respect, but I'll flirt outrageously with them once we know each other. I won't treat anyone like a piece of meat and I don't like it when I see others do it either.

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Bugger... feel stupid now... sorry BB :D but my concern was well meant... :)

You just made my day. Thanks.

well... alot of it goes on believe me

I do find it rather amusing (and sometimes disturbing) to see the looks on peoples faces when I walk with my daughter in public places in Chiang Mai. The offenders are not Thai's but farangs, both expats who don't know me and tourists. They see an older guy with a pretty young girl and immediately assume that there is something nefarious going on without any thought that this may be family.

Sure, CMF, there are some characters who do behave in an improper manner with young boys and girls in Chiang Mai and many other places in Thailand (and the rest of the world for that matter). Posting a pic of my daughter and myself was a little experiment to see the reaction. I appreciate your concern but never jump to conclusions until you are 100% sure of the facts.

That's slightly unfair - because you not only posted the photo but you 'alluded' to wrongdoing by saying what you did - any reasonable person would 'jump to that conclusion' if you put it as you did by 'hinting' as you did - so I don't think that's right... underage sex is a very REAL problem and should not be 'played' with - IMHO - and I was clear in my post that I was not 100% sure - please re-read.

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Posting a pic of my daughter and myself was a little experiment to see the reaction. I appreciate your concern but never jump to conclusions until you are 100% sure of the facts.

And that, Bill, is precisely my point with many pictures I've posted. All sorts of people make totally false assumptions because they look at life through filth smeared glasses... and possibly from their own miserable life experiences. I knew instantly that the lovely gal was either your daughter or the daughter of a very good friend who trusted you. I've got lots of friends who have beautiful teenage (and older) daughters that I wouldn't even consider flirting with... other than saying (in front of their parents) that they looked nice that day. I always give compliments where compliments are due... no matter where I am or what country I'm in. However, some young woman who has CHOSEN to work in a Thai bar is an entirely different situation. I'll always treat them with respect, but I'll flirt outrageously with them once we know each other. I won't treat anyone like a piece of meat and I don't like it when I see others do it either.

Ian - I hope that was NOT aimed at me? did you read my post? I said 'is this your daughter'? and Bill posted:

This little girl, who is now 18, is one of my favourites in Chiang Mai. When she was a bit younger I'd regularly pick her up from school and take her home with me.

Hinting, very strongly, in a thread about 'older men, younger women' that she was something more - I do not think I can be blamed for having a natural concern - rather than 'jumping to conclusions' I very carefully raised it in my post saying I was probably wrong but asking the question.

My friend has an 11 year old who I regularly take out shopping etc. and she holds my hand - I am well aware of the, sometimes, strange looks which are quite without foundation - but I do not 'allude' that she is anything else than my 'lansow'.

Girls in bars etc. are a very different matter as you say.

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