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Thai 'Red Shirts' Rule Out Talks Despite Looming Crackdown

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This is local people and they are angry, because som stupid red people are ruin their lives. It is no pink shirts or multicoloar shirts. It is just angry people that have had enough now.

FINALLY someone that gets it.

The so called "massive" support for the REDS in BKK is getting smaller every day. I base this on my personal day to day activities... hard to find someone outside the core that supports them openly anymore.. pretty telling if you ask me

So unruly mobs committing acts of violence are OK now? Just as long as they don't wear matching shirts?

Yes what right do Bangkok people have to stand up to us Red shirts

we are here to save you

so we must have 100% commitment

assimulate assimulte for the Greater Red Shirt Good

What was that double standards red shirt can do it

Please read the Red Shirt Rule book

Double standards can only be used when reffering to things the Yellow shirt have done

all other references please go to chapter 4

assimulate assimulte for the Greater Red Shirt Good

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((((Here in Thailand, the reds are asking for basic civil rights that are recognized in Europe, and North America, Australia, New Zealand and even Japan.

While none of these nations is perfect, they do attempt to allow for real democratic rule. Thailand clearly does not.)))

Okay you have my interest

Please list all the civil rights Red Shirts do not have that lets say Bangkokians have

Which rights are these?

The right to perform illegal searches on fellow citizens

The right to stab soldiers with pointy sticks

The right to keep fellow citizens from their jobs

The right to intimidate journalists and the media

The right to impede the flow of traffic and commerce

The right to throw grenades at public buildings

The right to seize weapons from the police and army

I Object

How did you get a copy of the Red Shirt Rule book

must be a Fake Red

I Object I Object I Object

assimulate assimulate for the Greater Red Shirt Good



50 fortified tractors with armored cabs - accompanied by armed troops who do as they're told. Move forward at steady slow speed. Tell drivers to not get commandeered, and don't be squeamish. If Thais can't do the job, hire some outsiders who can.

At several places, at the other end of the sweep, buses standing ready to load those who choose to leave.

Knock out electric power to the stages, one way or another. If Royal Thai security can't figure out a way to do it, they can call me for suggestions.

Try to keep pinks and no-colors out of the mix when push comes to shove.

Oh, and send some real soldiers up to get the soldiers who wimped out of the train in Kon Kaen or wherever it was. But don't take the wimp soldiers down to Bangkok. Put them all in lockdown, including officers, and discipline them later, after the smoke clears. Probably best to kick them out of the military altogether.


50 fortified tractors with armored cabs - accompanied by armed troops who do as they're told. Move forward at steady slow speed. Tell drivers to not get commandeered, and don't be squeamish. If Thais can't do the job, hire some outsiders who can.

At several places, at the other end of the sweep, buses standing ready to load those who choose to leave.

Knock out electric power to the stages, one way or another. If Royal Thai security can't figure out a way to do it, they can call me for suggestions. 084 173 2757

Try to keep pinks and no-colors out of the mix when push comes to shove.

Oh, and send some real soldiers up to get the soldiers who wimped out of the train in Kon Kaen or wherever it was. But don't take the wimp soldiers down to Bangkok. Put them all in lockdown, including officers, and discipline them later, after the smoke clears. Probably best to kick them out of the military altogether.

Just finished talking to an army friend who is an officer in the Australia forces

He replied if this happened in Australia there would be a few soldiers doing a 20 klm hike with full Pack on, for 3 days in a row


This can not be true

Red shirts represent the Thai People

The people love them

This is all Government false information


Another person winding people up on the forum. The reds are a fascist movement. Full stop.

If you know anything at all about the rise of fascism in Germany prewar, then you would see the exact parallels here.

Do you really condone fascisim?


Shawn Crispin at his news site reports that domestic and foreign military and intelligence sources, to include foreign diplomats, believe the bombings that occurred earlier were coordinated with Redshirt activities in the streets. The Thaksin and Redshirt idea, according to Crispin and his sources, was to cause the government to loose security forces in a crackdown that would bring international condemnation which would force Abhisit and his government to quit office. This shows how stupid and simple minded Thaksin and his Redshirt captains are, to think Abhisit, Suthep, Anupong would fall for such an obvious stunt - no injuries in the bombings done at night - and play into the idiot Thaksin's hands. Woe be Thaksin's sad and sorry mental and emotional state that he would judge the present government by the fascist thinking and actions that he himself would do.

veen_NT: RT @jin_nation: (translating) Two injured persons are tourists who got hit by stray sling shot. via NNA news

Thu Apr 22 2010 01:23:46 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

According to The Nation article, the pink shirts were the ones using slingshots. Great way to go pinkies, demonstrate for peace and injuring tourists.

According to the same article the REDS were throwing Molotov cocktails soooo ummmm that's better in your world?

After the pinks were using slingshots. Do you suggest they let themselves be killed by the slingshots? Slingshots do happen to be deadly weapons.

And you suggest they NOT use the slingshots and get hit with a Molotov cocktail instead?????


According to The Nation article, the pink shirts were the ones using slingshots. Great way to go pinkies, demonstrate for peace and injuring tourists.

According to the same article the REDS were throwing Molotov cocktails soooo ummmm that's better in your world?

After the pinks were using slingshots. Do you suggest they let themselves be killed by the slingshots? Slingshots do happen to be deadly weapons.

And you suggest they NOT use the slingshots and get hit with a Molotov cocktail instead?????

But, just a sec. The reds CAN NOT have thrown molotov cocktails!!! Their leaders said yesterday that they didn't have any weapons!

Heck this guy is seriously colour blind?

The point is the tourists were alledgedly injured by so called peace protesters, that's the point. What part of that irony don't you understand?

Hahaha, you don't find it ironic that the Peace protesters are there in the first place fighting the first batch of peace protesters? Come on man grow up...

Plus lets ask what in the world would tourists with half a brain be doing there anyway???

How about YOU looking at the big picture you can see one right?

So now it's the tourists fault that they're injured? You're struggling with both arms and both feet against the fact that your "peaceful" pink shirts have just injured innocent tourists and have done more damage to Thailand in 1 day than the red shirts could have done in 1 month.


Yes it is greatly the 'tourists' fault.

With all the warnings to stay away from these place, they still went there.

Maybe to get some excitement and see what it's all about etc yada yada yada.

It was a VERY stupid place to be, and THEY know it.

And it isn't OUR Pink shirts, it is Pink shirts.

They are their own movers, we have nothing to do with them,

and where does it say pink shirts.

And this caused more damage to Thailand than red rallies? In your dreams in your dreams!

But whatever. It was foolish at best for the 'tourists to be there'

And you suggest they NOT use the slingshots and get hit with a Molotov cocktail instead?????

I didn't get one thrown at me.... because, I WAS NOT THERE!!! the cretins moved to the area to inflame the situation. Am surprised at you backing this. I won't say you didn't notice it because I know you read a lot and I know you can see what is happening at CRES overruling Army and Abhisit. You obvisouly still back them despite their trying to escalate the crisis.

This on the day when third party talks were mooted. The PAD masters don't want this to end any other way but in bloodshed. It's the only thing that might keep them in power long enough to get their next great white hope shoed in, who will be Newin. Prefer him to Thaksin? Up to you, but thats who is their next man, and you will not get him out with PAD, Grannies or Army. Promise you that as they will be dead before ASTV could say boo. Assuming they let ASTV run anyway.

Careful guys when you think my enemy's enemy is my friend. Not true, espescially here

There is a SOE in the area. The CRES has screamed again for it to be inforced IMMEDIATELY, by the increasingly shrill minister for propoganda and shoring up the Elite. He meant against the reds though so obviously the PAD were allowed free reign to attack.

That is until 2 molotovs were thrown at them and they ran off. Bet Thuagsabum wishes the reds would turn tail so easily. Anyway, its clear to see that the powers have decided that he should be given free reign to get up a mob as large as he needs.


(((But, just a sec. The reds CAN NOT have thrown molotov cocktails!!! Their leaders said yesterday that they didn't have any weapons!)))

It twas not me

It was my Dolly

Comedy Company

And you suggest they NOT use the slingshots and get hit with a Molotov cocktail instead?????

I didn't get one thrown at me.... because, I WAS NOT THERE!!! the cretins moved to the area to inflame the situation. Am surprised at you backing this. I won't say you didn't notice it because I know you read a lot and I know you can see what is happening at CRES overruling Army and Abhisit. You obvisouly still back them despite their trying to escalate the crisis.

This on the day when third party talks were mooted. The PAD masters don't want this to end any other way but in bloodshed. It's the only thing that might keep them in power long enough to get their next great white hope shoed in, who will be Newin. Prefer him to Thaksin? Up to you

There is a SOE in the area. The CRES has screamed again for it to be inforced IMMEDIATELY, by the increasingly shrill minister for propoganda and shoring up the Elite. He meant against the reds though so obviously the PAD were allowed free reign to attack.

That is until 2 molotovs were thrown at them and they ran off. Bet Thuagsabum wishes the reds would turn tail so easily. Anyway, its clear to see that the powers have decided that he should be given free reign to get up a mob as large as he needs.

Isn't confrontation what the red shirts are after?

I agree, the PAD should get back in their box for now, but sooner or later people (not related to the PAD) are going to come out against the red shirts.

Just because the PAD have come out to demonstrate against the red shirts, you can't say everyone that disagrees with the red shirts are with the PAD.

And the red shirts shouldn't complain. They are the ones demanding freedom of speech and right to protest.

There ARE people out there (like quite a few on TVF) that are anti-red shirt AND anti-yellow shirt. Just like you say you are pro-red shirt, but not pro-Thaksin (I don't know how that works given how pro-Thaksin all the red protestors and leaders are).

This is local people and they are angry, because som stupid red people are ruin their lives. It is no pink shirts or multicoloar shirts. It is just angry people that have had enough now.

If the army and police continue to fail to do their jobs we can only expect more clashes. The reds are a dangerous mob and a threat to anyone around them. The people from Silom are showing that not all Thais are cowards and that some will not be intimidated by the reds.

Propagating lynch justice by the angry mob? Hoping for a civil war?

This is clearly not the way to solve the problem.

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

ask yourself the question again... the answer is obvious unfortunately - the elite in the Police and Army are yellow

[quote name='cheguevara' post='3526794' date='2010-04-22 02:14:07'

So now it's the tourists fault that they're injured? You're struggling with both arms and both feet against the fact that your "peaceful" pink shirts have just injured innocent tourists and have done more damage to Thailand in 1 day than the red shirts could have done in 1 month.

Yes it is greatly the 'tourists' fault.

With all the warnings to stay away from these place, they still went there.

Maybe to get some excitement and see what it's all about etc yada yada yada.

It was a VERY stupid place to be, and THEY know it.

But whatever. It was foolish at best for the 'tourists to be there'

I agree entirely that it is the tourists own fault if they are injured. Visiting this area, for what can only be idle/morbid curiosity gets what it deserves. There have been enough embassy warnings.

This is Thai problem, let them sort it out. Stay away !

[quote name='cheguevara' post='3526794' date='2010-04-22 02:14:07'

So now it's the tourists fault that they're injured? You're struggling with both arms and both feet against the fact that your "peaceful" pink shirts have just injured innocent tourists and have done more damage to Thailand in 1 day than the red shirts could have done in 1 month.

Yes it is greatly the 'tourists' fault.

With all the warnings to stay away from these place, they still went there.

Maybe to get some excitement and see what it's all about etc yada yada yada.

It was a VERY stupid place to be, and THEY know it.

But whatever. It was foolish at best for the 'tourists to be there'

I agree entirely that it is the tourists own fault if they are injured. Visiting this area, for what can only be idle/morbid curiosity gets what it deserves. There have been enough embassy warnings.

This is Thai problem, let them sort it out. Stay away !

Who were the pinks fighting with? Oh yeah it was the Reds. Another case of provoking a confrontation and then blaming the other side for any injuries. Come on, it takes two sides to fight and they both deserve some blame, there is plenty to go round. When you turn a city into a war zone there are lots of innocent bystanders. Some of whom are standing too close, but others who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are lots of Thais who don't wear t shirts of any color who also are in danger and deserve the protection of the police. Stop the protests before more of the real innocent people get hurt or killed.

[quote name='cheguevara' post='3526794' date='2010-04-22 02:14:07'

So now it's the tourists fault that they're injured? You're struggling with both arms and both feet against the fact that your "peaceful" pink shirts have just injured innocent tourists and have done more damage to Thailand in 1 day than the red shirts could have done in 1 month.

Yes it is greatly the 'tourists' fault.

With all the warnings to stay away from these place, they still went there.

Maybe to get some excitement and see what it's all about etc yada yada yada.

It was a VERY stupid place to be, and THEY know it.

But whatever. It was foolish at best for the 'tourists to be there'

I agree entirely that it is the tourists own fault if they are injured. Visiting this area, for what can only be idle/morbid curiosity gets what it deserves. There have been enough embassy warnings.

This is Thai problem, let them sort it out. Stay away !

Who were the pinks fighting with? Oh yeah it was the Reds. Another case of provoking a confrontation and then blaming the other side for any injuries. Come on, it takes two sides to fight and they both deserve some blame, there is plenty to go round. When you turn a city into a war zone there are lots of innocent bystanders. Some of whom are standing too close, but others who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are lots of Thais who don't wear t shirts of any color who also are in danger and deserve the protection of the police. Stop the protests before more of the real innocent people get hurt or killed.

To show a clear distinction between the reds, multicoloreds and those who just want peace may I propose a new Topless People for Peace movement, just saying might be fun.


50 fortified tractors with armored cabs - accompanied by armed troops who do as they're told. Move forward at steady slow speed. Tell drivers to not get commandeered, and don't be squeamish. If Thais can't do the job, hire some outsiders who can.

At several places, at the other end of the sweep, buses standing ready to load those who choose to leave.

Knock out electric power to the stages, one way or another. If Royal Thai security can't figure out a way to do it, they can call me for suggestions.

Try to keep pinks and no-colors out of the mix when push comes to shove.

Oh, and send some real soldiers up to get the soldiers who wimped out of the train in Kon Kaen or wherever it was. But don't take the wimp soldiers down to Bangkok. Put them all in lockdown, including officers, and discipline them later, after the smoke clears. Probably best to kick them out of the military altogether.

Save your trouble, drop a nuke in the middle of Rajpasong intersection (not sure how to spell) from a black hawk.

Job done.

I am just joking, because Thailand cannot afford a nuke from one of those ex-USSR countries.

And you suggest they NOT use the slingshots and get hit with a Molotov cocktail instead?????

I didn't get one thrown at me.... because, I WAS NOT THERE!!! the cretins moved to the area to inflame the situation. Am surprised at you backing this. I won't say you didn't notice it because I know you read a lot and I know you can see what is happening at CRES overruling Army and Abhisit. You obvisouly still back them despite their trying to escalate the crisis.

This on the day when third party talks were mooted. The PAD masters don't want this to end any other way but in bloodshed. It's the only thing that might keep them in power long enough to get their next great white hope shoed in, who will be Newin. Prefer him to Thaksin? Up to you, but thats who is their next man, and you will not get him out with PAD, Grannies or Army. Promise you that as they will be dead before ASTV could say boo. Assuming they let ASTV run anyway.

Careful guys when you think my enemy's enemy is my friend. Not true, espescially here

There is a SOE in the area. The CRES has screamed again for it to be inforced IMMEDIATELY, by the increasingly shrill minister for propoganda and shoring up the Elite. He meant against the reds though so obviously the PAD were allowed free reign to attack.

That is until 2 molotovs were thrown at them and they ran off. Bet Thuagsabum wishes the reds would turn tail so easily. Anyway, its clear to see that the powers have decided that he should be given free reign to get up a mob as large as he needs.

Your whole argument is it was pink shirts and not local residents as reported.

And unlike Din Daeng last year I would expect locals coming out to say get out of my neighborhood

to NOT come out with no possible self defense capability.

I have said in other threads:

if the PAD comes out in force and moves towards Red camps as they said they would if this isn't stopped in a week,

then hammer them back down too. The army will have enough trouble wit the Reds alone, let alone two fronts to deal with.

And you can stop you blanket attacks on those opposing unlimited Red rallies and public trouble making.


50 fortified tractors with armored cabs - accompanied by armed troops who do as they're told. Move forward at steady slow speed. Tell drivers to not get commandeered, and don't be squeamish. If Thais can't do the job, hire some outsiders who can.

At several places, at the other end of the sweep, buses standing ready to load those who choose to leave.

Knock out electric power to the stages, one way or another. If Royal Thai security can't figure out a way to do it, they can call me for suggestions.

Try to keep pinks and no-colors out of the mix when push comes to shove.

Oh, and send some real soldiers up to get the soldiers who wimped out of the train in Kon Kaen or wherever it was. But don't take the wimp soldiers down to Bangkok. Put them all in lockdown, including officers, and discipline them later, after the smoke clears. Probably best to kick them out of the military altogether.

Save your trouble, drop a nuke in the middle of Rajpasong intersection (not sure how to spell) from a black hawk.

Job done.

I am just joking, because Thailand cannot afford a nuke from one of those ex-USSR countries.

Not to mention the glass bill for Central and Paragon... :)


The Silom gang is not the multi-coloured gang. Please do not mix them up. The Silom gang is also not the YELLOW gang. The newspaper say that this gang is from Silom, Klongtoey & Thanon Tok (Chareon Krung / Rama3)

I was there last night. Both side were booing at each others for hours. The RED were mostly within their fort (about 3-4m tall), most of them not knowing when happen outside. They were flooded with loud country music. The RED guards were holding back those few red shirt gang that is on the road (infront of the fort)

There was no guards on the SILOM gang side. They get the protection of the police and army because they gather lots of donation from passerby to buy them food and drinks. Things get out of control afew times to unlucky innocent individuals (including foreigners & press) who cross the road back to silom side after a sightseeing trip on the RED side. It only took some idot to shout "I saw this mother fcuker on the otherside", and lots of people there throw in a freebie punch / kick etc. The police/army have to protect the injured by dragging them at great speed all the way to the BTS station where most of the army and press hide out.

As cars turn into the cawing Silom Road, the SILOM gang stop the cars to check if the drivers were wearing RED, or have a RED sticker on. Most are allowed to leave after the RED sticker is peel off or spray painted the wordings. A few driver tried to resist, and have their vehicle vandalize by the gang. It was not a pretty sight. The police & army did not stop them. PLEASE AVOID DRIVING TO SILOM IF YOU WEAR RED OR HAVE ANY RED STICKER ON YOUR CAR.

At about 11pm, the SILOM side start throwing glass bottle across to the RED side. The RED side fought back, and tension escalated for about an hour. I can confirm that this particular incident was started by the SILOM side. The whole junction was covered with broken glasses and other sling-shot bullets. The RED guard immediately close off the Henri Dunant junction to stop cars from getting into the war zone. However there was no one on the Silom side stopping car coming from Sathorn junction, hence many cars were damaged from the battle.

The Silom gang is not the multi-coloured gang. Please do not mix them up. The Silom gang is also not the YELLOW gang. The newspaper say that this gang is from Silom, Klongtoey & Thanon Tok (Chareon Krung / Rama3)

I was there last night. Both side were booing at each others for hours. The RED were mostly within their fort (about 3-4m tall), most of them not knowing when happen outside. They were flooded with loud country music. The RED guards were holding back those few red shirt gang that is on the road (infront of the fort)

There was no guards on the SILOM gang side. They get the protection of the police and army because they gather lots of donation from passerby to buy them food and drinks. Things get out of control afew times to unlucky innocent individuals (including foreigners & press) who cross the road back to silom side after a sightseeing trip on the RED side. It only took some idot to shout "I saw this mother fcuker on the otherside", and lots of people there throw in a freebie punch / kick etc. The police/army have to protect the injured by dragging them at great speed all the way to the BTS station where most of the army and press hide out.

As cars turn into the cawing Silom Road, the SILOM gang stop the cars to check if the drivers were wearing RED, or have a RED sticker on. Most are allowed to leave after the RED sticker is peel off or spray painted the wordings. A few driver tried to resist, and have their vehicle vandalize by the gang. It was not a pretty sight. The police & army did not stop them. PLEASE AVOID DRIVING TO SILOM IF YOU WEAR RED OR HAVE ANY RED STICKER ON YOUR CAR.

At about 11pm, the SILOM side start throwing glass bottle across to the RED side. The RED side fought back, and tension escalated for about an hour. I can confirm that this particular incident was started by the SILOM side. The whole junction was covered with broken glasses and other sling-shot bullets. The RED guard immediately close off the Henri Dunant junction to stop cars from getting into the war zone. However there was no one on the Silom side stopping car coming from Sathorn junction, hence many cars were damaged from the battle.

This was really started by the red side, who have blocked off all the roads in the area, and are playing loud music 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that the locals get pissed off with them?

The Silom gang is not the multi-coloured gang. Please do not mix them up. The Silom gang is also not the YELLOW gang. The newspaper say that this gang is from Silom, Klongtoey & Thanon Tok (Chareon Krung / Rama3)

I was there last night. Both side were booing at each others for hours. The RED were mostly within their fort (about 3-4m tall), most of them not knowing when happen outside. They were flooded with loud country music. The RED guards were holding back those few red shirt gang that is on the road (infront of the fort)

There was no guards on the SILOM gang side. They get the protection of the police and army because they gather lots of donation from passerby to buy them food and drinks. Things get out of control afew times to unlucky innocent individuals (including foreigners & press) who cross the road back to silom side after a sightseeing trip on the RED side. It only took some idot to shout "I saw this mother fcuker on the otherside", and lots of people there throw in a freebie punch / kick etc. The police/army have to protect the injured by dragging them at great speed all the way to the BTS station where most of the army and press hide out.

As cars turn into the cawing Silom Road, the SILOM gang stop the cars to check if the drivers were wearing RED, or have a RED sticker on. Most are allowed to leave after the RED sticker is peel off or spray painted the wordings. A few driver tried to resist, and have their vehicle vandalize by the gang. It was not a pretty sight. The police & army did not stop them. PLEASE AVOID DRIVING TO SILOM IF YOU WEAR RED OR HAVE ANY RED STICKER ON YOUR CAR.

At about 11pm, the SILOM side start throwing glass bottle across to the RED side. The RED side fought back, and tension escalated for about an hour. I can confirm that this particular incident was started by the SILOM side. The whole junction was covered with broken glasses and other sling-shot bullets. The RED guard immediately close off the Henri Dunant junction to stop cars from getting into the war zone. However there was no one on the Silom side stopping car coming from Sathorn junction, hence many cars were damaged from the battle.

This was really started by the red side, who have blocked off all the roads in the area, and are playing loud music 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that the locals get pissed off with them?

More ridiculous spin from the red shirts.

There's a reason the taxi drivers have started removing the red flags. They still may believe in the cause, but their customers certainly don't.

The Silom gang is not the multi-coloured gang. Please do not mix them up. The Silom gang is also not the YELLOW gang. The newspaper say that this gang is from Silom, Klongtoey & Thanon Tok (Chareon Krung / Rama3)

I was there last night. Both side were booing at each others for hours. The RED were mostly within their fort (about 3-4m tall), most of them not knowing when happen outside. They were flooded with loud country music. The RED guards were holding back those few red shirt gang that is on the road (infront of the fort)

There was no guards on the SILOM gang side. They get the protection of the police and army because they gather lots of donation from passerby to buy them food and drinks. Things get out of control afew times to unlucky innocent individuals (including foreigners & press) who cross the road back to silom side after a sightseeing trip on the RED side. It only took some idot to shout "I saw this mother fcuker on the otherside", and lots of people there throw in a freebie punch / kick etc. The police/army have to protect the injured by dragging them at great speed all the way to the BTS station where most of the army and press hide out.

As cars turn into the cawing Silom Road, the SILOM gang stop the cars to check if the drivers were wearing RED, or have a RED sticker on. Most are allowed to leave after the RED sticker is peel off or spray painted the wordings. A few driver tried to resist, and have their vehicle vandalize by the gang. It was not a pretty sight. The police & army did not stop them. PLEASE AVOID DRIVING TO SILOM IF YOU WEAR RED OR HAVE ANY RED STICKER ON YOUR CAR.

At about 11pm, the SILOM side start throwing glass bottle across to the RED side. The RED side fought back, and tension escalated for about an hour. I can confirm that this particular incident was started by the SILOM side. The whole junction was covered with broken glasses and other sling-shot bullets. The RED guard immediately close off the Henri Dunant junction to stop cars from getting into the war zone. However there was no one on the Silom side stopping car coming from Sathorn junction, hence many cars were damaged from the battle.

This was really started by the red side, who have blocked off all the roads in the area, and are playing loud music 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that the locals get pissed off with them?

More ridiculous spin from the red shirts.

There's a reason the taxi drivers have started removing the red flags. They still may believe in the cause, but their customers certainly don't.

Please visit Silom / Rama 4 junction yourself tonight to witness. 9pm to midnight is ideal. And PLEASE REPORT BACK tomorrow. I shall be waiting for it.

And do not lie to your wife that you are going shopping in Patpong. You will be caught. All the stalls in Patpong are not set up (eg empty street whereby cars can pass in BOTH directions). However the go go bars are still opens.

Please visit Silom / Rama 4 junction yourself tonight to witness. 9pm to midnight is ideal. And PLEASE REPORT BACK tomorrow. I shall be waiting for it.

And do not lie to your wife that you are going shopping in Patpong. You will be caught. All the stalls in Patpong are not set up (eg empty street whereby cars can pass in BOTH directions). However the go go bars are still opens.

Think I'm going to risk getting killed by some psychotic peace-loving red shirts just to satisfy a fragment of somebody's imagination?

The opinions of people in this office will do me just fine, thanks. Why don't you turn up here and have a chat with them?

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

I agree with you. In other threads I have made posts saying that the UDD were copying PAD's successful tactics. The general response was that two wrongs don't make a right. Maybe, but that does not explain the differential treatment of the two goups. The general response to that was that two wrongs don't make a right; and so, it became a circular argument.

This topic has polarized opinions. Regretably, some PAD apologists, Thaksin haters, "red shirt" dislikers and keyboard generals on this forum cannot recognize that others may hold differing views to their own. It became impossible to have a sensible debate long ago. A small number are so bigoted that they will jump on this post as being pro-UDD. It is not, but that will not stop them; so, I am content for them to have their fun. However, we all should recognize that whatever our opinion on the subject may be, and no matter how strongly it is held, it is irrelevant.

As always, I hope for a peaceful end to this problem. It is a political problem requiring a political solution. One ray of hope is that although the UDD will not negotiate directly with Khun Abhisit, they say they will neotiate through a respected intermediary. Plea to all parties: start talking!

The moderators must be happy, because at least it keeps the forum vibrant - and that is what will keep it alive, even if the main source of its news content is heavily biased. When this particular topic has died down we will be back to critcizing the journalistic standards and wondering how many trees were pulped to print that particular newspaper.


Oh, my head's spinning now :) Wasn't the topic about talks respectively the lack of? Talk about mental defficiencies in society, I'm sure this forum is becoming fast a dream for any shrink doing case studies.

On the side, news had it that the Red Shirts through one of the sub-leaders (sorry missed out on the name but wasn't a familiar face) confirmed that they might be ready for further talks, provided it is with an acceptable 3rd party, and that they could imagine to agree to a 3months deadline. However there will be no negotiations with "illegitimate" government. The wording apart from the last sentence was very vague though.

Channel 3 update this morning.

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