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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

Another 'no little' armchair general who would most probably run a mile if he had to take part in it himself instead of just passing stupid comments.

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Oh give over. But I suppose that there is nothing else that you can say when faced with irrefutable facts like the chronology of events.

You dismiss as irrelevant the fact that your PAD yellow heroes did indeed start this whole mob rule thing. I assume you knwo what the word 'start' means - just in case you don't, it means that the yellows took to the streets before the reds even existed. The yellows overthrew a democratically elected civilian government, and they were allowed to get away with it. People on the other side detest them for that, a hatred which is manifested in what is happening on the streets of Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand at the moment.

Why doesn't Abhisit hold an election, get a legitimate public mandate, and then use it to confound the reds? I'll tell you why - he would lose an election, because people simply don't like him enough for him to keep his job democratically. He is seen by the majority (i.e. the whole country - not just Bangkok) as not understanding them and failing to represent their best interests, and they think he sucks for that.

The only way that Abhisit can keep the seat that he stole is by hiding like a craven-hearted coward, while killing his own people and splittig the country in half. I look forward to seeing him pay for it.

The PAD didn't overthrow any government.

The PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud. So they were disbanded.

But that didn't even lead to the overthrow of the government. The PTP (where all the ex-PPP MPs went) were still in government.

The smaller parties that helped the PPP come to power stopped supporting them and that is the one and only reason why they are not in government now.

The PPP/PTP became the minority. Minorities don't get to run government.

Majorities get to run government. And they don't need to call elections whenever a minority mob comes out to protest.


Okay what are the likely scenario(s) over the next few days?

A. multi-colored protesters and red shirts clash and all hel_l breaks loose

B. government troops and red shirts clash and fight till red shirts are dispersed

C. government troops and red shirts clash, but red shirts prevail and remain

D. Abhisit dissolve Parliament and abandons ship

E. Thaksin dies of cancer and everyone returns to their senses

F. nothing happens and we are either bored to death or die of old age

Ooh thats a Hard one

Mhhhhh Mhh ahhh

Wife says easy


Government run by Woman B

Government run by Men F

I will take a back seat


PART TWO (Edited)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban So you read the profile. Now read on to see how it impacts today and why he is in such a powerful position.

Thaksin when he was in power ordered an investigation into this scandal and sent down a team in helicopters to survey the land. It was a sort of "Get foreigners off our land" type thing, but we all knew (all Thais certainly knew) who the targets were.

These very powerful people who own this land (am sure you have googled this, unless you are just o nhere to snipe) then saw Thaksin as a threat to their position. It was part of a wider campain on Thaksins part to dismatle this elite system of Army, coucillors, courts, etc.

This land is still there and any potential buyers only have to do a bit of due dilligence (it is a lot of land and they will do it) and hey presto, it still cannot be sold.

So, until they establish full control over everything in Thailand, there are areas where they (the elites) are scuppered. Land and assets they cannot realise or dispose of. Phuket was but a part of it, but I was there at the time and remember it well.

Don't wish for the end of the Reds until you are sure you know your yellows. Believe me, this man is the man in charge now and it is him pushing the other generals to act independelty of Anupong.

The Air Force cheif also pipped in today which was a shot accross the bows of the Army chief in the OP!!

Remember also, and learn you newbies about FBA2 which the elite tried to push through after the coup and just before the rigged election. That would have rid Thailand of most of us and had our homes repossessd.

If you only read TV, look at those old posts on here.

I often right, even if you think I am only right when I post in other sections. Believe me, I am right on this.

I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

Another 'no little' armchair general who would most probably run a mile if he had to take part in it himself instead of just passing stupid comments.

Unlike YOUR witty replies....

Grandpa; You obviously have little understanding of the UN. (Or anything else for that matter). Please return put on your slippers and take your medicine.

Last warning

If you keep talking to my dad like that

I will release his 2 big Issan boys

so they can come over from the protest and teach you manners


Where I was born, 50 army troops can dislodge 20000 angry students in hours. They were called mad dogs and do not need gun or knives, just bare hands and horsewhips.

They went to Liberia and Freetown and kicked rebel <deleted> till they gave up.

Then they were dragged in to tame the militants with guns in the delta, the rag tag team of water ruffians still giving them bloody noses till date.

whats the thread about again?

"The easiest way (to resolve the crisis) is to dissolve parliament and then we will all go home."


Hello, I thought Governments are meant to Govern and not capitulate to whoever (or whatever colour) shouts the loundest!

Am I right in thinking that Abhisit's latest offer is to dissolve Parliament in three months time, so that in the interim period they can get the outstanding expenditure for the Country approved by Parliament and then go to the polls? If that is the case, why are the Red Shirts demanding to have Parliament dissolved now? Could it be that they can see Departments in the Government suing their leader, thereby diminishing his "piggy bank of ill gotten gains"? After all, three months out of ones three score years and ten is a relatively small period of time to wait and if it saves lives then it is the Red Shirts who should pick up the accolades for achieving a new election, yet doing so without putting anymore lives at risk. It was the same as when they decided to throw blood around the City - it disgusted most people and drew very adverse publicity to the Red Shirts. On the other hand, if they had donated the blood to the Red Cross and said this was a token of their blood letting, people around the Country would have instead said, "wow, what a wonderful and meaningful gesture". Some of them might also have found out for the first time that they are suffering from hepatitis and aids and could be receiving treatment for these terrible diseases. Does anyone have any idea why it has to be dissolve Parliament now, now, now apart from my somewhat cynical view of things? :D

I have to walk through these red animals every day, currently they have piles of car tyres, soaked in petrol (i saw this with my own eyes), reinforced with sharpened bamboo sticks, piles of bamboo spears stacked near by. The red guards are now carrying pistols (cant confirm if its all of them or just a few - but i saw at least 2 guards armed with firearms) i tried to take a photo but they chased me off.

Still convinced the reds are the good guys?

From my own personal vantage point having spent the last 3 weeks going through their camp twice a day every day i can say, hand on my heart, these guys are pure and simply thugs. The military need to act and soon, yes people will get hurt, and yes people will die, but these reds have been warned multiple times already, if its red blood in the streets they have nobody to blame but themselves. Simple as that.

I would sooner not be a Goooner. Or Gun or Atilloid. Calling these people 'animals', thugs, and inviting military to spill 'Red blood'.

Don't know why, but the gut feeling is you are a Yank. And if I am wrong, you sure as hel_l are Stupid.

1. Thai army is not supposed to fight, kill, maim or disperse Thai people. It is supposed to protect Thailand from external enemies.

2. Thai politics are for Thais to sort out. Any Farang, you included, should refrain from being too outspoken. Especially in a bloodthirsty hysterical tones.

3. Thaksin issue aside (and to hel_l with him!), like them or hate them, these people do have a few issues and human rights to vent them. If provoked or attacked, they will naturally try to fight back. If you do not get it, try to live on 5,000bt/month. If this is not enough, how about I kill your friend, wife, father or brother, and see if you reach for a gun?

4. Beware! Army is not the Generals. I wouldn't want to see rank and file disobeying immoral orders. Or shooting the wrong way. Such things must not allowed to happen in this country, because the result is too costly and ugly. I have seen it...

5. Therefore, - shut up and pray to your God, that the guys you wanted to photograph only chased you away... The prudent ones would have shot you. :)

I just knew god would turn up sooner or later. At least none of the protagonists claim that god is on their side!


Okay what are the likely scenario(s) over the next few days?

A. multi-colored protesters and red shirts clash and all hel_l breaks loose

B. government troops and red shirts clash and fight till red shirts are dispersed

C. government troops and red shirts clash, but red shirts prevail and remain

D. Abhisit dissolve Parliament and abandons ship

E. Thaksin dies of cancer and everyone returns to their senses

F. nothing happens and we are either bored to death or die of old age

G. Red shirt leaders are arrested

H. Hillary Clinton offers to bring both parties to the table - for dinner

I. Liverpool offers free unsold Champions League 2010-11 kits to everyone who goes home

J. At this Sundays RBSC pony up, one jumps the fence and onto the red stage and declares himself not an ass.

I prefer K already given on another topic

Bar owner's will feel happy and give free bar fines for 3 months

Has a better chance of happening than your choices

" The United States urged both sides to seek a peaceful resolution to the weeks-long crisis, which has shut down the Thai capital's retail and hotel heartland, worsening the damage to the economy of the tourist destination."

The Americans trying to control the world again !!

KEEP OUT of Thailands affairs and put you own house in order first This is not your country


becareful what you say

They may send the marines an start of Pattaya City 2

one more thing when evaluating the reported numbers of red shirts, beyond the suspiciously low numbers reported in the press.

walk among the reds manning the barricades on one side of sala daeng, then walk among the multicolors marching in their demonstrations on the other side of the intersection. you will never see a more different group of rivals in the same country.

the multicolours are obviously middle class.

now look at the reds in their straw hats and ruddy faces.

what i see in the faces of the multicolors is fear; in the faces of the reds, anger.

an angry you man is worth three scared ones.

Actually, you are quite wrong. It is perfectly natural to be afraid in a conflict situation; overcoming that fear is called courage. Anger on the other hand prevents rational thought.

And an angry young man with a bamboo spear attacking a soldier holding a M-16 or auto shotgun is just a statistic waiting to be counted.

There is no Thailand if the government can't disperse a mob of 6000 armed rebels occupying an important district of the capital. No, it is not a game. It is about the very existence of Thailand as a nation. This is civilization vs. anarchy. Would the red thugs be tolerated for weeks in your country? You say yes? I don't believe you.

Good Point Jingthing, how would this be handled in let's say Holland?

It would never be necessary in Holland- people are enfranchised, well-educated, they have removed the priviledges of title and inheritance, they receive sufficient pay for their work, have more than adequate health care and welfare provision and have plenty of Heineken.

What do you know? You must be red. Ever heard Holland has a queen? Talking about privileges, of title and inheritance

Never though of it that way

In Sydney Australia they have a place called OXFORD St

Hundreds of QUEENS there

Oh give over. But I suppose that there is nothing else that you can say when faced with irrefutable facts like the chronology of events.

You dismiss as irrelevant the fact that your PAD yellow heroes did indeed start this whole mob rule thing. I assume you knwo what the word 'start' means - just in case you don't, it means that the yellows took to the streets before the reds even existed. The yellows overthrew a democratically elected civilian government, and they were allowed to get away with it. People on the other side detest them for that, a hatred which is manifested in what is happening on the streets of Bangkok and elsewhere in Thailand at the moment.

Why doesn't Abhisit hold an election, get a legitimate public mandate, and then use it to confound the reds? I'll tell you why - he would lose an election, because people simply don't like him enough for him to keep his job democratically. He is seen by the majority (i.e. the whole country - not just Bangkok) as not understanding them and failing to represent their best interests, and they think he sucks for that.

The only way that Abhisit can keep the seat that he stole is by hiding like a craven-hearted coward, while killing his own people and splittig the country in half. I look forward to seeing him pay for it.

The PAD didn't overthrow any government.

The PPP got caught red handed committing electoral fraud. So they were disbanded.

But that didn't even lead to the overthrow of the government. The PTP (where all the ex-PPP MPs went) were still in government.

The smaller parties that helped the PPP come to power stopped supporting them and that is the one and only reason why they are not in government now.

The PPP/PTP became the minority. Minorities don't get to run government.

Majorities get to run government. And they don't need to call elections whenever a minority mob comes out to protest.

Well said Sir the truth has to be out. Strange how many people have selective memories and then fabricate their own stories to suit their own political leaning. :)

The problem here is one of perception, jingthing. As an exercise, let's assume you are right - I know I am right, I can hear you saying...but bear with me. Assuming you are right and there are many many people of the same opinion, there are equally many many of the opinion that something is rotten in the "State of Denmark" - both on a national and dare I say it, international stage. For those that do not have the unique wisdom of the posters here on this forum, the perception is that the Abhisit government has arrived at this point following a coup, international airport closures that resulted in literally tens of thousands of stranded foreigners and a few other shenanigans besides, those probably more of relevance here in Thailand, disqualifed parties, red cards, yellow cards etc etc. If I was to sit down with my father or brother or my mates from the pub and say the present government is legal, they would say "get out of here, there the ones who did this this and this......leaving my Aunt Mo not able to get back for little Johnny's christening"...So, whilst I might agree with you, it is equally good reasoning to see the other side of the coin too...

It is part of the reason why one cannot see this problem just fading away if they all packed up and went home this evening... :)

I would ask one simple question. The TWO gov't before the current one obtained their power under the exact same rules. I did not see the REDS crying then about democracy. Did you?

Regardless of whether you believe those two were ousted via the courts or political games, it does not change that they STARTED in exactly the same way AFTER elections AFTER the coup... so why pray tell did the REDs not complain then???

One the reasons why this forum is either frustrating or fun - my point was one of perception and how things can be seen differently. Your point, whilst I am sure valid, does not further the discussion on the issue raised but simply takes it down an avenue of red vs yellows, negating any attempt at a neutral discussion of the perception of the crisis today outside of taking sides. I am not saying your are wrong just seeing if there is room for a more mature debate.; Oh well, I tried :D

The problem here is one of perception, jingthing. As an exercise, let's assume you are right - I know I am right, I can hear you saying...but bear with me. Assuming you are right and there are many many people of the same opinion, there are equally many many of the opinion that something is rotten in the "State of Denmark" - both on a national and dare I say it, international stage. For those that do not have the unique wisdom of the posters here on this forum, the perception is that the Abhisit government has arrived at this point following a coup, international airport closures that resulted in literally tens of thousands of stranded foreigners and a few other shenanigans besides, those probably more of relevance here in Thailand, disqualifed parties, red cards, yellow cards etc etc. If I was to sit down with my father or brother or my mates from the pub and say the present government is legal, they would say "get out of here, there the ones who did this this and this......leaving my Aunt Mo not able to get back for little Johnny's christening"...So, whilst I might agree with you, it is equally good reasoning to see the other side of the coin too...

It is part of the reason why one cannot see this problem just fading away if they all packed up and went home this evening... :)

I would ask one simple question. The TWO gov't before the current one obtained their power under the exact same rules. I did not see the REDS crying then about democracy. Did you?

Regardless of whether you believe those two were ousted via the courts or political games, it does not change that they STARTED in exactly the same way AFTER elections AFTER the coup... so why pray tell did the REDs not complain then???

Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.


True story:

Local election

Family goes to vote for Number 2, because Number 1 didn't build the road he promised

Family goes to the house from Number 2 to pick up the 250baht for each vote

Number 1 wins the election because he paid 500 Baht per vote

Family says: not fair!


Thai people are not ready for a democracy, maybe they'd be better off with someone like Chavez, some who cares about the people and just tells them what to do.


I do not know who lives next to my friend in a moo baan at phutamonton sai 2, it now looks like camp Bora Bora, overrun by gun totting men in green camo.

I think the Reds don't like Suthep that much.

The PAD didn't overthrow any government.

That's not true. The PAD aligned generals overthrew the democratically elected civilian government in the coup of September 2006. Take a look at a calender, and you will note that September 2006 was before the red lot existed.

The majority of Thais (i.e. not just Bangkok), and the international community, saw that this led to a chain of events that led to the installation of Abhisit. Thais are fair people, and they see Abhisit as nothing more than a hypocritical puppet because of the way that he got his job. It appears that he stole his seat, then made all sorts of feeble excuses as to why he should keep it, then set the army against itself and his own people. Abhisit is hated and despised him for that, and as long as he stays it is difficult to envisage an end to this crisis that does not divide the country even further, even dividing the army which is a very frightening thought.

Now if Abhisit called an election and proved all these reds wrong by getting elected fair and square, how stupid would the reds look then? They would loose face big time, and Abhisit would transform his image from one of a dictator in the making into a pillar of integrity and strength.

The trouble is that Abhisit won't call an election because he is too much of a weak coward to put his popularity to the acid test. He lacks integrity.

Actually, the best hope is for the government to enforce its lawful powers to maintain civil order against the reds. The more other colors get involved, the greater the chance this will become a real civil war.

just let the thais spray different color paints on each other and watch who the military will shoot at......

then only talks between opposing parties will resume then??????????? :):D:D:D:D:D:D

yes, fill the water canons with red water instead of waste water........

then place your bets wheteher parliament will be dissolved in red blood immediately..... :D

I seems as if EVERY thread about current events gets hijacked back to the yellow airport incident. I think this should be a mod issue. ONE thread to talk about that. It shouldn't be acceptable for this done to the death aspect of it to dominate EVERY other topic, especially now, that Thailand is possibly on the verge of civil war.

I do have a proposal about this. I suggest people in future ignore all references to the airport incident. We all know about it ALREADY. We all know the red rationale about that, that they claim they are now excused of ALL crimes because of that past. Nothing new. Why ever reply to this gambit?

Jing...I find myself in agreement with you at last. Yes constantly bring up the airport incident is completely redundant, but if you are calling on the moderators to banish

people who constantly bring it up...how about the people who keep calling the reds "animals" "morons" "thugs"....and also those who respond to any post even remotely

sympathetic to their cause similarly unpleasant names. That to me would seem a much appropriate reason for kicking ass off the forum than boring statements about long past incidences. These reds are people....like it or not. Just because some of us may strongly disagree with their views or some of their actions should not be license for this kind of behavior. We are supposed to be civilized observers but some of the posts on here make even the worst of the red leaders look good. Hijacking goes both ways.


The US should keep the He++ out of this. Things keep on the way they're going US is going to have their own hands full getting rid of corrupt politicains.


No I just think that ONE thread is adequate for discussion of the historic airport incident. It is clearly a pro red propaganda tactic to bring it up on every thread and harp on it endlessly, to prevent people from actually discussing the current events. I never said banish people, I clearly expressed a desire that the threads be moderated in such a way that the efforts to make ALL threads about the airport be prevented. It really isn't fair to people who want to talk about current events.

As we can't control what the mods do, we CAN control what WE do. Given the yellow airport incident thread hijacking is endless, I propose again, why not simply stop responding to that tactic, and then they might stop, and then we can discuss the CURRENT topics of the day.


If you must be Thai politician, you must have dual nationalities in case you say or do any wrong thing at the wrong time.

Seems no one forgets and are out to even out scores, even after so many years.

The PAD didn't overthrow any government.

That's not true. The PAD aligned generals overthrew the democratically elected civilian government in the coup of September 2006. Take a look at a calender, and you will note that September 2006 was before the red lot existed.

The majority of Thais (i.e. not just Bangkok), and the international community, saw that this led to a chain of events that led to the installation of Abhisit. Thais are fair people, and they see Abhisit as nothing more than a hypocritical puppet because of the way that he got his job. It appears that he stole his seat, then made all sorts of feeble excuses as to why he should keep it, then set the army against itself and his own people. Abhisit is hated and despised him for that, and as long as he stays it is difficult to envisage an end to this crisis that does not divide the country even further, even dividing the army which is a very frightening thought.

Now if Abhisit called an election and proved all these reds wrong by getting elected fair and square, how stupid would the reds look then? They would loose face big time, and Abhisit would transform his image from one of a dictator in the making into a pillar of integrity and strength.

The trouble is that Abhisit won't call an election because he is too much of a weak coward to put his popularity to the acid test. He lacks integrity.

This forum is full of political know it alls

who know nothing

"The trouble is that Abhisit won't call an election because he is too much of a weak coward to put his popularity to the acid test"

you must have gone to school in Issan, the PM is not voted in

MP's are voted in

then they vote for he PM

Gee if only I could get a $1 for ever person that need this explained to them

Sorry back to my box


Nutthawut to Allow Soldiers to Proceed to Southern Border Provinces

BANGKOK: -- Key red-shirt leader Nutthawut Saigua has ordered, via a telephone-link, the red-shirt protesters who are gathering at Khon Kaen train station to allow the train carrying soldiers, military equipment and supplies to pass through to the southern border provinces.

However, Nutthawut demanded that a number of red-shirt protesters be allowed to accompany the train to ensure that the soldiers were not going to be sent as reinforcement for military forces that are being assembled to allegedly prepare to disperse the red-shirt protesters in Bangkok.

Unbelievable! What kind Commander in Chief would allow a two bit tin horn like Nutthawut dictate to the army where their troups can go and under what conditions? Try this in any other contry and sit back and watch what happens.

Totally wrong. The two governments before this one were voted into power by the people. This government (Abhisit) was installed by the Military and the Amartaya when they bought forty Phuea Thai MPs, The Friends of Newin. The forty MPs then supported Abhisit and later formed the Bhumjaithai Party. Bhumjaithai are the largest member of the coalition but are a party that has never stood for election.

Those forty MPs sold the votes of their electorate and made themselves rich but are now too scared to go home and face that electorate. The purchase of those forty Phuea Thai MPs and the millions of votes that they represent must be the largest proven example of vote buying in history. Corruption is rampant in the Democrat Party - take for instance the Ministry of Health scandal or the billion(s) baht Dust Free Roads scam that Bhumjaithai Party nearly pulled off - and Abhisit has the cheek to try and claim the moral high ground. The sooner the Democrat Party is disolved the better for all.

You get who you vote for.

Just because they changed sides (for whatever reason) doesn't change the fact that they were MPs that were voted for by the people.

After the PPP was disbanded, this group of MPs formed their own party. Much the same as all the other PPP MPs went to the PTP (which hasn't stood for election either).

They decided that they didn't like what the PPP/PTP were doing, so they no longer supported them? What's wrong with that?

They decided that they no longer wanted to support an inept government, that was only about one thing - Getting Thaksin back.

And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

What utter Nonsense Sir.

And how would you know,are you there amongst them or just on the side lines watching one sided news broadcasts,the sooner the red shirts get what they want, the sooner we can all get back to what is called normal in Thailand,the people in the uk dont like Mr Brown and Co,and the rest of the thieves running the government, but you do not see the army taking over,the people elected Thaskin and the people should have been allowed to vote him out,Thailand calls its self democratic,yet the government shuts down the reds telly station because they do not like what it says,There,s a party in the uk called The BNP and i havent yet read a half decent piece about them in the papers, even though they have elected people in councils etc,its called freedom of info, which obviously they have here but only if you toe the governments line.

Unfortunately the UK is another country that will probably require anarchy to remove its corrupt politicians sometime in the next generation

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