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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station

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Two of the four were foreigners while the rest were Thais.

Just a question, what are foreigners doing there if they know it's dangerous???

Song nam naa!!!!

What do you mean som nam na you dingbat?

They, like I, may work in the area. Who knows? Whatever their reason their plight deserves some sympathy.

They, like all the other non-protagonists (innocent bystanders or passers-by) have the right to go about their life and not expect to get hit by a bomb on a railway station.

Gosh..I was just gonna let this one go (it stinks of trollpoop REAL bad), but it was buggin me so much.. so;

I'm no expert in Thai language, but as I've learned about Thai culture (and therefore, common use of Thai language), I can tell you that in addition to Barky's statement, I would like to conservatively suggest that the average Thai would NEVER think of using the "Som Nam Naa (สมน้ำหน้า)" expression (which means a gentle "deservedly"; regarding someone receiving minor setbacks involving poor judgement or some level of moderate greediness that causes a small to moderate loss of property, face, etc) about someone who's befallen serious or permanent bodily harm, especially if it's certainly possible that in fact, they became injured while NOT knowing that they were falling into harms way.

"Som Nam Naa" is hardly ever used in a genuinely mean-spirited way. And if it were, it would be whispered cautiously, confidentially into a "closest friend's" ear; never meant for the intended recipient's own ear. (I'm afraid a public forum would NOT fall into that category)

Losing a game of chess, because you were ogling the incredibly sexy Thai girl at the next table instead of the pieces on the board, is a fair application of someone lightheartedly "Som Nam Naa"-ing you.

Making a cash bet with a rival about something you should know about, then acting smug about your likeliness to win it, but then massively losing the bet, and face, and having to pay up bigtime might garner an appropriate "Som Nam Naa!" for your smugness.

Stealing your best friend's girlfriend, only to have her stolen from you 2 months later by someone better looking but of lesser stature than you, would be a sterner "Som Nam Naa" on you.

Someone blowing a tire on their pickup truck while out on the highway because they were so greedy as to far, far, FAR overload it, is a good example of the right time to use "Som Nam Naa" about the greedy driver.... but ONLY with a big smile, and probably only if you were about to help him change his tire.

However, if that same truck were to have swerved out of control, and then toppled over on top of another pickup coming the other way with three people in the bed, at highway speed, spilling both vehicles over and killing the people; flinging "Som Nam Naa" at the mangled bodies of the victims, or the (now indebted to take care of the next of kin for life) truck driver, would NOT be appropriate.

Any Thai that uttered that expression in that situation would be considered "ใจดำ (black-hearted)", and "คนเลว (evil person)".

To the topic; Innocent people have been murdered while waiting for a train, in the process of going through their daily lives. Whether they knew they were in harms way, or not, (unless they were knowingly/intentionally, by their actions of standing still on an elevated platform, endangering the lives of the persons that then might have then defensively launched the grenades at them {which of course, they weren't}), there is no morally or socially decent precedent (in Thai, or other cultures) for using an expression that means they deserved to be hurt and killed.

Perhaps a little sympathy, and a deeper study of the Thai expressions that you're borrowing and callously using would be in order? I don't know your personal story, but I will just say that just because you might have overheard a half-drunk, half-naked bargirl scream "Som Nam Naa" at you, one of your mates, or one of her mates doesn't mean you should use the same expression ad infinitum, without understanding it, first.

Thank you. :)

Thank you for explaining the expression so well.

Excellent Post

Thank you


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Thaksin down to his last US$500 million?

Interesting article that may explain a lot.

this why he plays SIM City in Saudi :)

from the article ...

"Also, I was told by Adnan Khashoggi's people in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that the huge investment in new condo buildings in the Gulf is at risk of being wiped out since it was loaded with bank debt. Total outlay is in excess of US$1.2 billion, though the loss (if materialised) will probably be about US$250 - US$300 million," said the international financier.

Further to the above, below is the YouTube link. This was a Red attack on defenseless people.


If you look, there is what appears to be a foreign cameraman (0.56) in the red lines, looking back towards the camera with a still camera.

I would imagine he would have had a clear view of the reds if there was a grenade launcher. We talked about this clip before. I don't see where it shows a grenade. It shows a smoke trajectory which someone mentioned probably wouldn't be from a grenade.

When I look at it, it looks like the projectile goes bang over the road, but perspective is hard to tell.

As someone who has fired an M79 (please don't ask me when and where), I would definitely say the incident at approx 1:01 on that video is consistent with a grenade shot from an M79 (or equivalent).

Don't want to get involved in reds, yellows, pinks or politics, I'm just a mere tourist who visits Thailand regularly, but thought I would share my knowledge with you.

Thaksin down to his last US$500 million?

Interesting article that may explain a lot.

this why he plays SIM City in Saudi :)

from the article ...

"Also, I was told by Adnan Khashoggi's people in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that the huge investment in new condo buildings in the Gulf is at risk of being wiped out since it was loaded with bank debt. Total outlay is in excess of US$1.2 billion, though the loss (if materialised) will probably be about US$250 - US$300 million," said the international financier.

I read an article that sounded similar or even the same definitely over a year ago.

Can't remember where it was published, but reading this I remembered large chunks of the text.

Deja Vu...

Thaksin is a crook of the finest. Time has changed. He didn't. He doesn't even feel sorry for the victims he caused.


Talking about Thai culture, there is the concept of ga-boht (กบฏ). This is a very old Sanskrit word. This means to revolt, stage a coup, being anti Thai, trying to overthrow the government to bring in a new regime or new way of doing things (like the president of Taksin stickers). This is how the red shirts are perceived by most Thais now. Its a stigma meaning that you are not a united Thai with the people and taints the whole of your family if you go this way. Hence the reduced number of red shirts and the general downward demise of the movement. Since the black shirt army kicked in; and in the modern day world of mass communications, this was hard to hide, most Thais have turned against the red shirts. Writing is on the wall now, so to speak. Being Thai is very a very strong concept with Thais. Watch the demise of the red shirts...

Talking about Thai culture, there is the concept of ga-boht (กบฏ). This is a very old Sanskrit word. This means to revolt, stage a coup, being anti Thai, trying to overthrow the government to bring in a new regime or new way of doing things (like the president of Taksin stickers). This is how the red shirts are perceived by most Thais now. Its a stigma meaning that you are not a united Thai with the people and taints the whole of your family if you go this way. Hence the reduced number of red shirts and the general downward demise of the movement. Since the black shirt army kicked in; and in the modern day world of mass communications, this was hard to hide, most Thais have turned against the red shirts. Writing is on the wall now, so to speak. Being Thai is very a very strong concept with Thais. Watch the demise of the red shirts...

You have struck on the "mot juste" As my wife says "I've never seen any "ga-boht" as stupid as this group. The government doesn't have to destroy them, they will destroy themselves".


And Taksin is not really Thai; he is meow (แม้ว) or chao dowy (ชาวดอย). Explains his square head. Hay, but maybe that is just Thai people being racist :)

And Taksin is not really Thai; he is meow (แม้ว) or chao dowy (ชาวดอย). Explains his square head. Hay, but maybe that is just Thai people being racist :)

he hates Thailand more than anything else.

Thaksin down to his last US$500 million?

Interesting article that may explain a lot.

this why he plays SIM City in Saudi :)

from the article ...

"Also, I was told by Adnan Khashoggi's people in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that the huge investment in new condo buildings in the Gulf is at risk of being wiped out since it was loaded with bank debt. Total outlay is in excess of US$1.2 billion, though the loss (if materialised) will probably be about US$250 - US$300 million," said the international financier.

I read an article that sounded similar or even the same definitely over a year ago.

Can't remember where it was published, but reading this I remembered large chunks of the text.

Deja Vu...

I was wondering about the date of this and thought it was new because it listed todays date at the top but now see the date has changed again as is just reflective of the current date. Now I am thinking it might be a couple years old since this other story does have time references to Jan 09 (http://www.plushasia.com/article/1801) and the link I provided uses the same link format but with the article number being 1353 or almost 500 articles previously.

Any clue what happened to the money the UK seized?

Further to the above, below is the YouTube link. This was a Red attack on defenseless people.


If you look, there is what appears to be a foreign cameraman (0.56) in the red lines, looking back towards the camera with a still camera.

I would imagine he would have had a clear view of the reds if there was a grenade launcher. We talked about this clip before. I don't see where it shows a grenade. It shows a smoke trajectory which someone mentioned probably wouldn't be from a grenade.

When I look at it, it looks like the projectile goes bang over the road, but perspective is hard to tell.

Yes, perspective is hard to tell. I don't see the first shot hit anything, but clearly see the second one fly straight for the sky train and hit it where it was aimed. In any event, it was from the Reds' line, not the PAD's line or the multicolored shirt's line etc. It clearly came from the Reds and that is the most important part about this footage.

Also, it would have been the same sick SOB that fired and hit the Au Bon Pain that was full of women and children. So much for these Red Shirt freedom fighters.

Quoted to show anyone that enters this thread just how the red shirts behave there...

The only reason no-one had been injured before the 10th April fighting was because the Government was trying every way to get the Reds to do the Democratic thing and negotiate. If you don't believe that is Democracy in action then please go to the next poorest country that will have your Democratic system, say North Korea? The Red response to the Governments request? .!.. ..!.

Also the Government has continually said if you keep pushing we will push back, first gently, then harder and harder until you understand you are hitting a solid object. A Democratically selected government. Don't bother arguing the point - the Thai system is almost identical to the British system. The biggest party chooses the PM. Again the Red response? .!.. ..!.

So who exactly is the more Democratic group? Those who want negotiations or those who scream about negotiations that will only be in their favour? And then proceed to beat up old ladies and journalist's translators who work for news people the Reds believe are biased against them, oh sorry no he worked for the Czechs so obviously he was beaten up because someone in Montenegro wanted him hurt!! Or was it just some Red ladyboys who thought he had nicked their makeup? (If the Reds can comment on Abhisit's sexuality then why can't we comment on theirs? Or is that not Democratic? In fact, maybe that what it is all about? Ladyboys who are determined to make Thailand the very first Ladyboy run state!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

One of the Red Shirt 'dear leaders' asked for proof that the Red Shirts were preparing sharpened sticks for the battle with the Army. Well sir, here is some proof for you, and of the stones you plan to throw at the Army. The last picture really sums up the hypocrisy of the Puea Thai idea of supporting this lot and bringing Thaksin back. Hope you like them.






(apologies for some not being the right way up)

What is this? Proof of the bombings of tonight? Sharpened sticks? Nobody used sharpened sticks to kill anyone. BOMBS were used. Some people really don't have a clue about what's going on.

So do you think the Sharpened sticks are to scratch the soldiers' back? And you keep on saying that you are neutral? Poor you like more of the other Essan, your so called belief of democracy worth THB 1,000

Seems the reds are losing support quickly, there will always be the diehard's and the paid troops but the average person has had a gut full.

Don't see how the opposition can win an election now, there are certain things needed to contest an election let alone win one. First you need a viable political party, the PPP,PTP or whatever the current oppositions name is now hardly qualifies. An opposition party is not there just to oppose everything they are there to assist in the running of the country by acting as a check and balance on the ruling party. They should be sitting on committees to vet and if possible improve any legislation put forward, to put forward their own suggestions, support good legislation and oppose bad not just automatically oppose everything and walk out of the house when they look like losing a vote as seems to be the habit at present.

They need sound policies and a manifesto designed to improve the running of the country and the lot of the people as well as good honest and intelligent candidates. Can anyone say with honesty that the opposition has any of those?

But then again in this country possibly all you need is money in the right pockets.

Seems to me that PM Abhisit has in fact done quite a good job given the circumstances he has been given. First there is the less than ideal coalition partners he had to accept, the world financial situation, then all the crap with the red mob and of course a less than cooperative police force and armed forces.

To lay the blame for deaths and injuries at his door is just ridicules. Clearly if the reds had never been where they are or have been in the past none of this would have happened. If they went home peacefully today and those wanted by the law gave themselves up it would be finished. But the ring leaders have worked themselves into a position where they can't do that and they now need to continue to provoke those around them and hope for some miracle to save them from the law.

Taksin, the one who started all of this has gone about it in completely the wrong way instead of paying disruptive mobs if he had come out and proclaimed his innocence (which he did) then said that to prove his loyalty to the country and his concern for the people he would use his own money to improve the peoples lot by for instance; building free clinics in rural areas poorly served by hospitals. The Taksin chain of free clinics around the country would have got him a lot of support and what about the Taksin free university for disadvantaged kids.

Then if he had come back to face the courts and negotiated fines for his convictions instead of jail time he would have been free to go and do as he pleased by now.

To say the only way to resolve things is to dissolve parliament is not correct, that would only leave a vacuum that would be exploited by all and sundry leading to even more trouble.

The only way out of this is for the reds to pack up and go home.

hi robby nz

This has been a long & tedious thread and while I have been working my way through it, I have been constructing in my mind an appropriate post to add, until I came across your brilliant post & you have already done it for me!

Can't add anything to improve your post, well done :)


Further to the above, below is the YouTube link. This was a Red attack on defenseless people.


If you look, there is what appears to be a foreign cameraman (0.56) in the red lines, looking back towards the camera with a still camera.

I would imagine he would have had a clear view of the reds if there was a grenade launcher. We talked about this clip before. I don't see where it shows a grenade. It shows a smoke trajectory which someone mentioned probably wouldn't be from a grenade.

When I look at it, it looks like the projectile goes bang over the road, but perspective is hard to tell.

Yes, perspective is hard to tell. I don't see the first shot hit anything, but clearly see the second one fly straight for the sky train and hit it where it was aimed. In any event, it was from the Reds' line, not the PAD's line or the multicolored shirt's line etc. It clearly came from the Reds and that is the most important part about this footage.

Also, it would have been the same sick SOB that fired and hit the Au Bon Pain that was full of women and children. So much for these Red Shirt freedom fighters.

Quoted to show anyone that enters this thread just how the red shirts behave there...

It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .


It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .

I missed the one that you mentioned. Can see it very clearly now. Looks to me to be the same weaponry. One projectile clearly coming from Lumpini and exploding on Silom and the other coming from the picture's right and exploding on the Sky Walk. Busted indeed.

Hard to now deny that the grenades that came down on the roof of the SkyTrain station were fired by the same group. Busted indeed.

"Former Thai senators call on government to stop blocking and manipulating media"

Can somebody tell me, who from the list of senators was accused of vote buying, or were placed on an inactive post, or were accused of corruption, or how many skeletons they have in their cupboards ?

Or are they all honorable retired politicians???

No one, they are a clean and did well.


That's a good joke.

*edited to add Sutat Chansaengsri as a yellow-carded recipient for vote-buying.

well spotted sriracha john :D

Suthat Chansaengsri was a candidate for the DEMOCRATS :D , he got yellow carded (2nd chance) for VOTE BUYING :D . A sad story.

Meanwhile other yellow carded PPP candidates easy won again in their 2nd run, this Democrats candidate didn't had a chance without cash handouts. He lost against a PPP. With his lost in the 2nd run was the vote buying evidently proven. :D

But continue with your search, maybe you find one or two MPs of the current coalition government parties or more. Up to you if you want call them disreputable. :)

They are definitely a weak spot for Abhisit. His majority is very small.


This list of demands should not be ignored, similar statements came also from other groups that a far away from being red supporter clubs.

The Thai Journalists Association and Thailand Cable TV Association Thursday issued a joint statement to condemn the government's blockade of the PTV's satellite transmission and the closure of www.prachatai.com.


The media freedom issue alone makes it impossible to call this government democratic.

I thought for a while Abhisit is a smart and capable guy. He isn't. Farcical and a smirk in the face, that is all.


It took me a while to see what was happening, at 1:01 is I think just a rocket, but at 0:58 just to the left of the bright light (it is in the location of the dusit thani/cafe au pain) you can clearly see a fast moving projectile, coming from lumpini park followed by a bang, there is another bang at 1:01 when the firework explodes.

I just mention as I have read other posts who only concentrate on the bang at 1:01.

Red leaders - you are so busted. :) .

I missed the one that you mentioned. Can see it very clearly now. Looks to me to be the same weaponry. One projectile clearly coming from Lumpini and exploding on Silom and the other coming from the picture's right and exploding on the Sky Walk. Busted indeed.

Hard to now deny that the grenades that came down on the roof of the SkyTrain station were fired by the same group. Busted indeed.

The only trouble with this is that the "bright light" is about 10 metres too low to land on the roof of the upper station. Its traveling on the horizontal as well, perhaps coming down a little, not on an arc from being fired far away.

Which is why these clips are talked about in the Yellow media but nothing "official". Its all to do with creating a mindset through the media it come from the reds, without doing it with official evidence.


How that bright light ends up being a grenade 10M higher is only in the fantasy minds of the Yellows.

Isn't it interesting no OFFICIAL VIDEO is released.

This is what you call the "waiting period" - Reds probably have some video they want to show but will wait for Government to show theirs first so they can prove the government are telling lies, the government meanwhile will wait and see if the Reds released anything which might blow away their video.

In other words the ruling party does not have an solid video evidence of what happened, if they did it would have been released yesterday morning.

God gave people brains to think, no just to go with the propaganda flow.


This is what you call "Yellow Idiot" brains.

To land on the roof of the upper station the grenades would either have to be shot over a massive arc and be coming downwards to land on the roof, or they were shot from a higher building down on to the roof.

The Forensic experts viewed the scene and declined to comment........ wonder why ?

If anyone has the real video of what happened its best to keep it quiet and under wraps. For that could be a very powerful weapon ahead. If the government does not release a certain and 100% correct version of events, then all someone has to do is wait, let them run that story for a week and then release it, wow, a killer PR event that would smash things wide open.

Are you guessing why the delay on the release of "evidence".......... ??? If its so clear cut, are you wondering why nothing is happening ? Was it in fact Team Yellow who did it to "stitch up" the red side ?

All we can do is wait and see what the government say, and then see if anyone releases video after the event which disproves it.

Like the French TV who showed soldiers firing ammo directly at protestors...........


^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

Do you know as you know who fired it ?

You seem to "know" so much.

All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

Do you know as you know who fired it ?

You seem to "know" so much.

All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

Even if clear cut evidence was found that the reds fired the grenades, you would just start spouting about government conspiracies, so it's pointless reading anything you write trying to protect these thugs.


Yes, perspective is hard to tell. I don't see the first shot hit anything, but clearly see the second one fly straight for the sky train and hit it where it was aimed. In any event, it was from the Reds' line, not the PAD's line or the multicolored shirt's line etc. It clearly came from the Reds and that is the most important part about this footage.

Also, it would have been the same sick SOB that fired and hit the Au Bon Pain that was full of women and children. So much for these Red Shirt freedom fighters.

Quoted to show anyone that enters this thread just how the red shirts behave there...

It is patently clear that the attacks came from inside the Red held territory. Why would so much time be spent trying to defend these murderers? The reds have preached violence and committed violence and are now having it shown to the world. Sae Daeng claims his "ronin's" have all left the scene byt since we still have his people carrying out grenade attacks it is obvious that he is just lieing again ...

^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

Do you know as you know who fired it ?

You seem to "know" so much.

All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

Look more carefully. You can clearly see the trajectory of the two projectiles. One coming from directly in front of the Silom Rama 4 intersection and the other coming from right to left of the screen. You can also hear and see the subsequent explosions.

The ones that landed on the roof of the skytrain station are a different story. Seen nothing of them except their effect.

^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

1. So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

2. Do you know as you know who fired it ?

3. You seem to "know" so much.

4. All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

5. Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

Thank you for replying to me and exposing yourself for what you are even more.

1. No the grenade did not have a name on it. :) I know it lansded near Cafe aua pain as i live in this area and know the intersection well.

2. The second question does not make any sense, but I will say I do not know who fired it, but the arc is consistent from it coming from Lumpni park, and the red shirt lines.

3. Thank you. In fact, "thank you" very much.

4. Others please look at the video and see for yourself, and decide on that basis, do not rely on Levelhead.

5. No I am not. You are though.

^The greande shown here is the one that exploded near Cafe au pain, and not sala deang BTS, and the arc is consistent with it having cleared the Rama 4 flyover, the bright light is not caused by the explosion, its an arc light.

I hope people do indeed look at the footage for themsleves, and not rely on the rubbish you spout.

1. So you know that was the one that landed near the Cafe, why ? did it have a name on it ?

2. Do you know as you know who fired it ?

3. You seem to "know" so much.

4. All I see is a light, and for sure its the wrong height to land on the roof of the BTS.

can someone provide them with scud missiles next time so there is no need to study the arches or what-have-you..... :)

5. Are you clutching at straws ? Many people appear to be doing that today, given no evidence or crackdowns yesterday ?

Thank you for replying to me and exposing yourself for what you are even more.

1. No the grenade did not have a name on it. :D I know it lansded near Cafe aua pain as i live in this area and know the intersection well.

2. The second question does not make any sense, but I will say I do not know who fired it, but the arc is consistent from it coming from Lumpni park, and the red shirt lines.

3. Thank you. In fact, "thank you" very much.

4. Others please look at the video and see for yourself, and decide on that basis, do not rely on Levelhead.

5. No I am not. You are though.


Yes, perspective is hard to tell. I don't see the first shot hit anything, but clearly see the second one fly straight for the sky train and hit it where it was aimed. In any event, it was from the Reds' line, not the PAD's line or the multicolored shirt's line etc. It clearly came from the Reds and that is the most important part about this footage.

Also, it would have been the same sick SOB that fired and hit the Au Bon Pain that was full of women and children. So much for these Red Shirt freedom fighters.

yes, a thousand women with five thousand children were in au bon pain at that time!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:cheesy::clap2:

au bon pain was giving out free loafs and croissants then......... :):D:D:D:D

Quoted to show anyone that enters this thread just how the red shirts behave there...

It is patently clear that the attacks came from inside the Red held territory. Why would so much time be spent trying to defend these murderers? The reds have preached violence and committed violence and are now having it shown to the world. Sae Daeng claims his "ronin's" have all left the scene byt since we still have his people carrying out grenade attacks it is obvious that he is just lieing again ...


at 1.01 on the video there is a projectile moving from the right of the frame to the left. It is targeting the soldiers who have been up in the Sky Walk since Monday. No ballistics knowledge so can't tell whether it's a rocket or a grenade. If grenade then this evidence is damning indeed.

Indeed there is, but from what I can see it doesn't get anywhere near the walkway. It goes bang over the empty road.

And at 1.09 the guy at the bottom right of the picture appears to aim and shoot his catapault up towards the roadway, if the projectile came from up there. All very confusing about who is firing what at who.

he was firing at batman who got in his way.....

meantime, being a dark and stormy night - as snoppy would say, someone mistaken an m-79 for a weapon of mass destruction fired off the grenade that was intended for george bush but somehow landed at the sky train station..... :):D:D

The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!



BTS' security cameras confirm M79 grenades fired from Lumpini Park: deputy BKK governor

Deputy Bangkok Governor Thirachon Manomaipibul said video records from security cameras of the BTS' Saladaeng station showed that m79 grenades were fired from the Lumpini Park Thursday night.

Thirachon said the security cameras of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were crippled by red-shirt protesters who put black plastic bags over the camera or turned the cameras into the sky.

Thirachon said the BMA sought cooperation from the BTS to check feeds of its security cameras and saw that the grenades were fired from the direction of the Lumpini Park into the crowds on Silom Road.

The Nation


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