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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station


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The yellows trying to spell "uneducate people".

Can a red shirt help these yellows with their English grammar?


It is very condescending to call others "unedcuated"!!

Or maybe our dear PAD friends really meant uneducate, i.e. Rural folks are educated about democracy by Thaksin and TRT. Now the elites wants to uneducate these poor folks about democracy!!


You could be right.

The red shirt masses have been educated that democracy means:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders

etc. etc. etc.

Obviously there is a clear and present need to 'uneducate' them.

But they were EDUCATED by the PAD about how to:

1) killing soldiers and civilians

2) pouring blood on the PMs house, government house, and Army Regimental HQ

3) making death threats against government leaders

4) breaking and entering government facilities

5) breaking into parliament and holding up the process of government

6) disrupting international meetings

7) declaring war on the government

8) mob violence

9) intimidation

10) threatening all who oppose their aims

11) threatening to burn government buildings

12) threatening to burn BKK

13) kidnapping soldiers

14) hi-jacking military trains

15) hi-jacking military buses

16) gathering illegally

17) shutting down the central business district

18) attempting to shut down the central financial district

19) removing evidence from hospitals

20) defying a state of emergency

21) defying lawful orders from all legal authorities

22) lobbing and launching grenades at civilians

23) threatening to blow up the BTS

24) blowing up the BTS

25) harassing innocent passersby

26) bombing banks

27) attempting to blow up oil depots

28) rioting

29) impaling soldiers with sharpened bamboo sticks

30) throwing molotov cocktails at security forces

31) threatening and attempting to blow up oil tankers in residential neighborhoods

32) bombing opposition protest groups

33) assassinating military commanders


And now you want them to be educated some more by the Yellow s...hit?

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While you got the list pretty well down and E Kinda Missed

added several irrelevant counters, some glaring omissions...

The multiple cases of assault and battery on ambulances personnel

and pulling injured out of rescue vehicles and beating them.

And assaults on medical personnel in emergency rooms, PLUS the ever popular classic,

BODYSNATCHING from hospitals.

Followed by public display of the dead for political purposes.

Apparently not specifically outlawed in 1997 constitution,

so another reason to turn back the clock from 2007

Animatic, your love for the PAD is so abundant that it leaves no doubt.

When you are able to admit that:

The multiple cases of assault and battery on ambulances personnel and pulling injured out of rescue vehicles and beating them.

The PAD thugs have shown on VIDEO of much worser case.

Yet they still walk free and have even had the possibility to create a policital party and seat in the government.


And assaults on medical personnel in emergency rooms, PLUS the ever popular classic,[/size]

BODYSNATCHING from hospitals.

You would rather have liked that nobody touched the bodies and later the Army and Police could proudly state that there were no casualties like in Sonkhran last year. Don't you?

Followed by public display of the dead for political purposes.

I see every day pictures of deadon the frontpage of the newspapers.

Displayng dead bodies has a total diferent meaning compared to the West.

But anyhow, they did a god job showing what MURDERERS this government has.

The present government is the PAD worthy.

I gues that from now on I will simply skip your PAD propaganda which seems to be toleraed by the current Moderators.

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Let's please remember that we don't know who launched these bomb attacks. According to Channel 7, one pink shirt was seen beating up a red shirt at the SkyTrain station, who he thought was responsible for the attacks. The man is now in the hospital in serious condition.

Given where the rounds impacted, the nature of how 40mm grenades work as well as the arming distance required and the angles necessary for the rounds to end up where they did - we do know that the rounds were fired from within the redshirt controlled area.

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"How is it possible for Suthep to know just a short time after the attack that the M79s were launched from behind the King Rama VI statue before any investigation had even began?" he asked.

According to Dr. Weng, an M79 cartridge measures just 40 x 46mm (1.57 x 1.81inch) and travels through the air at 75m/s (246ft/s) and has a maximum effective rage of just 350m (1,148ft).

He said, "it defies belief that anything so small and traveling so fast can be detected by the BTSs surveillance cameras. Irrespective of this, both Suthep and Thirachon claim to have proof they were fired from the red-shirts' area.

I wonder if Dr. Weng has ever fired a 40 mm grenade from an M79 or M203?

By weapons standards, a 40mm moves through the air pretty slowly. It is very easy to track with the naked eye.

Now, take into account how a 40mm works. It arms at roughly 20mm from the muzzle of the weapon. It is fired in an arc.

We have 5 impacts. One long. One short. Three on target. Sounds an awful lot like someone bracketing the target, doesn't it?

So, draw a line from the long one (Thaniya) back to the short one (Dusit) and 20 meters beyond. That is the near spot from which the rounds could have been fired. Continue the line so it ends 350m from the Thaniya impact. That is the far point from which the rounds could have been fired. Some variation (an arc) to account for the firer not firing the rounds on exactly the same azimuth, but not really that much.

Any obstructions in the way that would hinder the firing of the projectiles? Put further limits on where the rounds could be fired from.

What do we end up with?

The rounds came from the Red Shirts controlled area. I don't need BTS camera footage to know that. Just experience with a 40mm grenade launcher and understanding of its characteristics.

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

100% of news outlets show the Silom Residents lobbing bottles and missiles all week. If you want to inform yourself, you can read other worldwide and even thai sources. A Bangkok based English Language newspaper also has many interesting insights and articles. You forget the press were station with them.

It is also very much about the PAD as they overthrew the government and are backing them up even now.

You can't unlink them because they havn't rioted and created anarchy for 2 years. It's only because they didn't have to after their coups installed Democrats. Rest assured, if any fair elections are held and the Dems don't get it... they will be back.

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

100% of news outlets show the Silom Residents lobbing bottles and missiles all week. If you want to inform yourself, you can read other worldwide and even thai sources. A Bangkok based English Language newspaper also has many interesting insights and articles. You forget the press were station with them.

It is also very much about the PAD as they overthrew the government and are backing them up even now.

You can't unlink them because they havn't rioted and created anarchy for 2 years. It's only because they didn't have to after their coups installed Democrats. Rest assured, if any fair elections are held and the Dems don't get it... they will be back.

Ummm I have seen things thrown by both sides ... but only things SHOT from the red side. The PAD didn't "overthrow" any government. They stalled the PPP government from making unilateral changes to the constitution that had been planned to whitewash Thaksin/TRT and the Temasek deal.

Just in case you missed the events of 2008 the courts ruled on video evidence against the PPP leadership in which one of them was shown to be commiting electoral fraud.

Just in case you missed the events of 2006 --- the PAD didn't have a coup --- the Army did. That was AFTER Thaksin's caretaker governent had gone way overtime and was completely extra-constitutional.

The PAD now has a political party (NPP) and will be competing with the Democrats. (In case you missed that too)

However ---- THIS thread is about the reds (you know the violent mob that keeps threatening BKK and Thailand as a whole) firing m-79 grenades at innocent victims.

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You have not shown any proof, so stop blaming it on the red shirts.

Who else would it be?

The Army or Police? Obviously not.

The No Colours? What's their motive for hitting the BTS? They want the red shirts out. They don't have the fire power that the reds and army have.

No, the only group that has a motive to hit the BTS and the means are the red shirt protesters. Needless to say we're all tired of your "no proof" nonsense when the motives point straight to who has done this.

You'd do better arguing that it's a splinter group not apart of the main protests, but saying "we don't know" or "they are XYZ dressed up as reds" just makes you look like a fool.

putting che on ignore makes this topic only slightly less than talking to small children.

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

100% of news outlets show the Silom Residents lobbing bottles and missiles all week. If you want to inform yourself, you can read other worldwide and even thai sources. A Bangkok based English Language newspaper also has many interesting insights and articles. You forget the press were station with them.

It is also very much about the PAD as they overthrew the government and are backing them up even now.

You can't unlink them because they havn't rioted and created anarchy for 2 years. It's only because they didn't have to after their coups installed Democrats. Rest assured, if any fair elections are held and the Dems don't get it... they will be back.

Ummm I have seen things thrown by both sides ... but only things SHOT from the red side. The PAD didn't "overthrow" any government. They stalled the PPP government from making unilateral changes to the constitution that had been planned to whitewash Thaksin/TRT and the Temasek deal.

Just in case you missed the events of 2008 the courts ruled on video evidence against the PPP leadership in which one of them was shown to be commiting electoral fraud.

Just in case you missed the events of 2006 --- the PAD didn't have a coup --- the Army did. That was AFTER Thaksin's caretaker governent had gone way overtime and was completely extra-constitutional.

The PAD now has a political party (NPP) and will be competing with the Democrats. (In case you missed that too)

However ---- THIS thread is about the reds (you know the violent mob that keeps threatening BKK and Thailand as a whole) firing m-79 grenades at innocent victims.

Let me help you with your 1st query http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbnFPhExOTw...PL&index=86 If you don't have time to view it, heres the link says People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) attack Thai People. - TPBS News - MASTER HQ

There are links to other incidents from the time that you may not be aware of.

If you think the Army Coup and the PAD backers were not linked that is an obvious gap in your reasoning that I can do nothing about. Sorry

NPP - Where are they going to have their stronghold and support base? Bangkok tea rooms and beauty salons?

Edited by barnsworth
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Suthep: It's obvious from investigation that the M79s were fired from the King Rama VI statute

If this is true, this area is absolutely red territory. If the grenades were fired from this area, I can't see how the reds weren't complicit.

You cant see how the reds werent complicit?, well neither can most people, myself included, but some people believe it was the government bombing the bts, killing innocent bystanders, and thaksin is a real good guy, and there is a santa claus, the red shirts arent hired thugs, and other fantasies too silly to repeat.

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For goodness sake, enough with the "But-but the yellow shirts..."

It's a morally rotten stance, you don't justify the actions of one group by saying other group did it too.

Jesus Marimba, I would expect such a simple and basic tenet of morality to be pretty well understood by anyone by the age 10 or so.

Stop, think. You (generic you) claim that the reds are justified in breaking any laws, attacking people, etc, etc, because the PAD did the same? I presume you consider the PAD actions bad, or else you wouldn't show so much loathing for them. Then why on Earth wouldn't you condemn the same (and worse I must say in my opinion) actions by the red shirts.

It's a twisted, deranged, double-think, "this guys are bad, very very bad, because they derail the normal workings of a democratic society, which is bad, and threaten violence, bad as bad gets, and break laws which is also bad.... but this other guys that derail the normal workings of a democratic society, threaten violence and break laws, why!, can't see anything bad about it!"

If you think what the yellows did was wrong, you can't possible defend or praise the reds for doing the same thing. It may be surprising to some, but the morality of an action is not related to which individual performs the action, but by the nature of the action itself.

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Sorry for the double post, but all this discussions remind me of a little bit of political commentary from actor John Cleese. Funny but perfectly relevant to this yellow/red mess.

Seriously, though. We've heard a lot about extremism recently. A nastier, harsher atmosphere everywhere. More abuse and bovver boy behaviour. Less friendliness, and tolerance and respect for opponents.

All right, but what we never hear about extremism, is its advantages. Well, the biggest advantage of extremism is that it makes you feel good! Because it provides you with enemies.

Let me explain. The great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the badness in the whole world is in your enemies and all the goodness in the whole world is in you. Attractive, isn't it? So, if you have a lot of anger and resentment in you anyway, and you therefore enjoy abusing people, then you can pretend that you're only doing it because these enemies of yours are such very bad persons! And that if it wasn't for them, you'd actually be good natured, and courteous, and rational all the time. So, if you want to feel good, become an extremist.

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TAN Network: PBS: Health Minister confirms 75 injured in Silom bomb attacks; 10 in critical condition; 1 death


-- Tan Network 2010-04-22


let's see what the minister will confirm in the very very near future when patience on all sides gets exhausted.

chances are a slaughter of many innocent people of all colors including people in uniforms will ensue.

the kingdom will burn all because of face-savings, pride and worst of all presumptions of the worst kinds from the elites and the so-called educated in thai society.

there are enough crooks and miscreants who definitely want to see this happen so that they can plot and plunder the kingdom for their own nefarious ends.


Edited by hoilai
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TAN Network: PBS: Health Minister confirms 75 injured in Silom bomb attacks; 10 in critical condition; 1 death


-- Tan Network 2010-04-22


let's see what the minister will confirm in the very very near future when patience on all sides gets exhausted.

chances are a slaughter of many innocent people of all colors including people in uniforms will ensue.

the kingdom will burn all because of face-savings, pride and worst of all presumptions of the worst kinds from the elites and the so-called educated in thai society.

there are enough crooks and miscreants who definitely want to see this happen so that they can plot and plunder the kingdom for their own nefarious ends.


Believe me, the change has happened already.

I think there will be no slaughter in Bangkok, but the reds may retreat to fight another day. It's only one battle in a long war that will ultimately have one outcome.

They cannot suppress it this time. Look at Palistine, Lebanon, Afghanista, Iraq, Lebanon, Chechnya, Iran. People fight on and harder and dirtier the more you kill. Pattani still going at it and they will be wondering if the Army is overstretching itself in the North with all those roadblocks!!

The elite are making it worse for themselves if they permit slaughter. Already, the names of the yellow backers have appeared and some major snouts on their side. I am not sure if I can publish them here, so I won't. Try a google or a look round some other media. Looking at them, and the size of the army, I don't think the army would have enough soldiers to offer one man for each outlet.

Also google Mussollini, lampost if you think great dictatorial represive regimes can hang on for ever. Espescially with whats round the corner here. Shah of Iran fell, Saddam fell, USSR states fell and succeeded. Were their armies a match for the Thai Army? :D United States of Isaan anybody?

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For goodness sake, enough with the "But-but the yellow shirts..."

It's a morally rotten stance, you don't justify the actions of one group by saying other group did it too.

Jesus Marimba, I would expect such a simple and basic tenet of morality to be pretty well understood by anyone by the age 10 or so.

Stop, think. You (generic you) claim that the reds are justified in breaking any laws, attacking people, etc, etc, because the PAD did the same? I presume you consider the PAD actions bad, or else you wouldn't show so much loathing for them. Then why on Earth wouldn't you condemn the same (and worse I must say in my opinion) actions by the red shirts.

It's a twisted, deranged, double-think, "this guys are bad, very very bad, because they derail the normal workings of a democratic society, which is bad, and threaten violence, bad as bad gets, and break laws which is also bad.... but this other guys that derail the normal workings of a democratic society, threaten violence and break laws, why!, can't see anything bad about it!"

If you think what the yellows did was wrong, you can't possible defend or praise the reds for doing the same thing. It may be surprising to some, but the morality of an action is not related to which individual performs the action, but by the nature of the action itself.

thanks for stating what should be obvious. i agree, some people have their ethics very much f**d up...

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

Sorry, my understanding was that a;though the situation is explosive as it is now, the PAD was rallying against the RED's in 2010 without restriction.

My err...........

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

I haven't seen an official release on the news ot the newspapers about who or where the the grenades were shooted.

Off course, here at Thaivisa are a lot of "keyboard" expers who have determined on the f\irst impact that the projecties were coming from the RED's.

Again, my err...............

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

Sorry, my understanding was that a;though the situation is explosive as it is now, the PAD was rallying against the RED's in 2010 without restriction.

My err...........

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

I haven't seen an official release on the news ot the newspapers about who or where the the grenades were shooted.

Off course, here at Thaivisa are a lot of "keyboard" expers who have determined on the f\irst impact that the projecties were coming from the RED's.

Again, my err...............

The witnessess (named) on other sites are saying the grenades came from robinsons! How did the hundreds of cameras that the Forces have trained on the site, not pick up 5 bangs and flashes.

Have to assume that they have also infiltrated the camp so their forces there not sure?

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Coalminer ---- this isn't about the PAD. This isn't about 2008 or 2006.

Sorry, my understanding was that a;though the situation is explosive as it is now, the PAD was rallying against the RED's in 2010 without restriction.

My err...........

This is about the violent red movement and their actions. This is about the reds firing m-79 grenades into innocent victims in Silom. I find it sad that you focus on something proven not to be true to shift the focus off of the actions of the reds.

I haven't seen an official release on the news ot the newspapers about who or where the the grenades were shooted.

Off course, here at Thaivisa are a lot of "keyboard" expers who have determined on the f\irst impact that the projecties were coming from the RED's.

Again, my err...............

The witnessess (named) on other sites are saying the grenades came from robinsons! How did the hundreds of cameras that the Forces have trained on the site, not pick up 5 bangs and flashes.

Have to assume that they have also infiltrated the camp so their forces there not sure?

With "the Forces have trained on the site", do you mean the same forces who fired 100 bullets in Rambo style at Sondhi's car and Sondhi had only a little scratch.

For the PAD readers, I know that answer was that Toyota build very good SUV's.

Edited by coalminer
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For goodness sake, enough with the "But-but the yellow shirts..."

It's a morally rotten stance, you don't justify the actions of one group by saying other group did it too.

Jesus Marimba, I would expect such a simple and basic tenet of morality to be pretty well understood by anyone by the age 10 or so.

Stop, think. You (generic you) claim that the reds are justified in breaking any laws, attacking people, etc, etc, because the PAD did the same? I presume you consider the PAD actions bad, or else you wouldn't show so much loathing for them. Then why on Earth wouldn't you condemn the same (and worse I must say in my opinion) actions by the red shirts.

It's a twisted, deranged, double-think, "this guys are bad, very very bad, because they derail the normal workings of a democratic society, which is bad, and threaten violence, bad as bad gets, and break laws which is also bad.... but this other guys that derail the normal workings of a democratic society, threaten violence and break laws, why!, can't see anything bad about it!"

If you think what the yellows did was wrong, you can't possible defend or praise the reds for doing the same thing. It may be surprising to some, but the morality of an action is not related to which individual performs the action, but by the nature of the action itself.

This is such a great post, but what's really sad is how many of the resident RED lovers/paid posters/apologists are now just going to call you a Bangkok Elite Yellow shirt and never take the time read and see you condemning BOTH group's actions and rightly so

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Sorry for the double post, but all this discussions remind me of a little bit of political commentary from actor John Cleese. Funny but perfectly relevant to this yellow/red mess.

Excellent! And very relevant. Thanks for posting.

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A few hours after the attacks on Silom on Thursday night, Deputy PM Suthep went on TV and stated:

The M79 grenades were fired from behind the Rama 6 monument [bP: A monument on the edge of Lumpini Park and hence in the direction of the reds' location]. Now, it is dark and it is convenient to clear the area where the M79 grenades were fired.

The Nation:

Deputy Bangkok Governor Thirachon Manomaipibul said video records from security cameras of the BTS' Saladaeng station showed that m79 grenades were fired from the Lumpini Park Thursday night.

Thirachon said the security cameras of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were crippled by red-shirt protesters who put black plastic bags over the camera or turned the cameras into the sky.

BP: Case closed? Well, aside from the videos not being released. Thirachon's boss and Governor Sukhumbhand contradicts his Deputy as per Khao Sod:

Reporters asked on the method of shooting the M79 grendades at Sala Daeng (ผู้สื่อข่าวถามถึงวิถีการยิงเอ็ม 79 ที่ศาลาแดง) and M.R. Sukhumhand answered that they were shot from a tall place (ม.ร.ว.สุขุมพันธุ์กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูงครับ) and when reporters asked where they were shot from, the Bangkok Governor stated that they were shot from a tall place (เมื่อผู้สื่อข่าวถามย้ำว่า ยิงจากจุดไหน ผู้ว่าฯ กทม.กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูง)

BP: ThaiPBS evening news on Friday has the record of Sukhumbhand when he stated this and Khao Sod's report sounds correct - to be honest BP was doing something else when the question was asked - but was startled when heard Sukhumbhand's voice stating it was shot from a tall place.

Of course, as noted early on Friday morning, the anti-Thaskin ASTV Mangaer quotes a witness as stating that the M79 was fired from the fifth floor of Chulalongkorn Hospital which is not where the red shirts are located - the red shirts are on the other side of the road.

Then a Bangkok AP journalist tweeted:

Seasoned colleagues (war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza) concluded that M79 couldn't be launched from Lumpini as Suthep claimed on air.

Then from the same journalist a further tweet:

@Kewrious @james_clark If it's indeed launched frm behind Rama 6 statue, grenade'd have to pass over bridges and overpass.

BP: The red shirts have denied that the M79 grenades were fired from their direction stating that the obstacles were in the way of the device. Yoon of The Nation:

Red shirt core leader Jatuporn Prompan said this morning that he had evidence to suggest that the bombs had been fired from some high-rise buildings in Silom area and that the government was behind the plot.

A senior police chief said this morning that he couldn't pinpoint the source of the shooting.

BP: Like almost all bombs or attacks since 2006, and even before that, we are unlikely to get an investigation which there will be sufficient evidence to conclude who fired the M79 grenades and from where. We will have claim and counter-claim



RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 25, 2010: The driver of a BTS Skytrain has told police investigating the fatal M79 grenade attack on the Sala Daeng BTS station that he saw rocket propelled grenades fired from the Robinson Department Store building.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.

A senior police officer sympathetic to the red-shirt movement has told RedPhanFa2Day that five men were apprehended by police shortly after the deadly bombings that killed one person and injured more than 70 others and taken to the Lumpini Park police station.

The officer, who requested his name and rank not be revealed, was not able to reveal the names of the men detained and was unsure whether they were still being held at the police station or not.

The officer also said police close to Sala Daeng BTS station saw two other men in plain clothes break through military lines, throw grenades and then disappear back behind the troops in Silom Road at the same time. He said police who attempted to pursue and apprehend the men were prevented from doing so by the uniformed troops.

SUTHEP is lying through his teeth.

Nation says security camera at saladeang can see 400 metres in the dark to the statue through the bridge, more lies.

It is close to 400 metres to BTS station plus the round came through the roof which is 30 metres up, so the round would have to have been arched meaning it would have travelled more than 400 metres.

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A few hours after the attacks on Silom on Thursday night, Deputy PM Suthep went on TV and stated:

The M79 grenades were fired from behind the Rama 6 monument [bP: A monument on the edge of Lumpini Park and hence in the direction of the reds' location]. Now, it is dark and it is convenient to clear the area where the M79 grenades were fired.

The Nation:

Deputy Bangkok Governor Thirachon Manomaipibul said video records from security cameras of the BTS' Saladaeng station showed that m79 grenades were fired from the Lumpini Park Thursday night.

Thirachon said the security cameras of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were crippled by red-shirt protesters who put black plastic bags over the camera or turned the cameras into the sky.

BP: Case closed? Well, aside from the videos not being released. Thirachon's boss and Governor Sukhumbhand contradicts his Deputy as per Khao Sod:

Reporters asked on the method of shooting the M79 grendades at Sala Daeng (ผู้สื่อข่าวถามถึงวิถีการยิงเอ็ม 79 ที่ศาลาแดง) and M.R. Sukhumhand answered that they were shot from a tall place (ม.ร.ว.สุขุมพันธุ์กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูงครับ) and when reporters asked where they were shot from, the Bangkok Governor stated that they were shot from a tall place (เมื่อผู้สื่อข่าวถามย้ำว่า ยิงจากจุดไหน ผู้ว่าฯ กทม.กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูง)

BP: ThaiPBS evening news on Friday has the record of Sukhumbhand when he stated this and Khao Sod's report sounds correct - to be honest BP was doing something else when the question was asked - but was startled when heard Sukhumbhand's voice stating it was shot from a tall place.

Of course, as noted early on Friday morning, the anti-Thaskin ASTV Mangaer quotes a witness as stating that the M79 was fired from the fifth floor of Chulalongkorn Hospital which is not where the red shirts are located - the red shirts are on the other side of the road.

Then a Bangkok AP journalist tweeted:

Seasoned colleagues (war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza) concluded that M79 couldn't be launched from Lumpini as Suthep claimed on air.

Then from the same journalist a further tweet:

@Kewrious @james_clark If it's indeed launched frm behind Rama 6 statue, grenade'd have to pass over bridges and overpass.

BP: The red shirts have denied that the M79 grenades were fired from their direction stating that the obstacles were in the way of the device. Yoon of The Nation:

Red shirt core leader Jatuporn Prompan said this morning that he had evidence to suggest that the bombs had been fired from some high-rise buildings in Silom area and that the government was behind the plot.

A senior police chief said this morning that he couldn't pinpoint the source of the shooting.

BP: Like almost all bombs or attacks since 2006, and even before that, we are unlikely to get an investigation which there will be sufficient evidence to conclude who fired the M79 grenades and from where. We will have claim and counter-claim



RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 25, 2010: The driver of a BTS Skytrain has told police investigating the fatal M79 grenade attack on the Sala Daeng BTS station that he saw rocket propelled grenades fired from the Robinson Department Store building.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.

A senior police officer sympathetic to the red-shirt movement has told RedPhanFa2Day that five men were apprehended by police shortly after the deadly bombings that killed one person and injured more than 70 others and taken to the Lumpini Park police station.

The officer, who requested his name and rank not be revealed, was not able to reveal the names of the men detained and was unsure whether they were still being held at the police station or not.

The officer also said police close to Sala Daeng BTS station saw two other men in plain clothes break through military lines, throw grenades and then disappear back behind the troops in Silom Road at the same time. He said police who attempted to pursue and apprehend the men were prevented from doing so by the uniformed troops.

SUTHEP is lying through his teeth.

Nation says security camera at saladeang can see 400 metres in the dark to the statue through the bridge, more lies.

It is close to 400 metres to BTS station plus the round came through the roof which is 30 metres up, so the round would have to have been arched meaning it would have travelled more than 400 metres.

Interesting post. See it excludes the evidence we have seen and heard that doesnt fit the theory. Anyway the news cycle has moved on and the meme or what people believe has already been created and it seems most non-reds believe the reds fired the grenades. That is how news works. Guess whoever wins the conclict will be able to choose how it is reproted in history

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A few hours after the attacks on Silom on Thursday night, Deputy PM Suthep went on TV and stated:

The M79 grenades were fired from behind the Rama 6 monument [bP: A monument on the edge of Lumpini Park and hence in the direction of the reds' location]. Now, it is dark and it is convenient to clear the area where the M79 grenades were fired.

The Nation:

Deputy Bangkok Governor Thirachon Manomaipibul said video records from security cameras of the BTS' Saladaeng station showed that m79 grenades were fired from the Lumpini Park Thursday night.

Thirachon said the security cameras of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were crippled by red-shirt protesters who put black plastic bags over the camera or turned the cameras into the sky.

BP: Case closed? Well, aside from the videos not being released. Thirachon's boss and Governor Sukhumbhand contradicts his Deputy as per Khao Sod:

Reporters asked on the method of shooting the M79 grendades at Sala Daeng (ผู้สื่อข่าวถามถึงวิถีการยิงเอ็ม 79 ที่ศาลาแดง) and M.R. Sukhumhand answered that they were shot from a tall place (ม.ร.ว.สุขุมพันธุ์กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูงครับ) and when reporters asked where they were shot from, the Bangkok Governor stated that they were shot from a tall place (เมื่อผู้สื่อข่าวถามย้ำว่า ยิงจากจุดไหน ผู้ว่าฯ กทม.กล่าวว่า ยิงจากที่สูง)

BP: ThaiPBS evening news on Friday has the record of Sukhumbhand when he stated this and Khao Sod's report sounds correct - to be honest BP was doing something else when the question was asked - but was startled when heard Sukhumbhand's voice stating it was shot from a tall place.

Of course, as noted early on Friday morning, the anti-Thaskin ASTV Mangaer quotes a witness as stating that the M79 was fired from the fifth floor of Chulalongkorn Hospital which is not where the red shirts are located - the red shirts are on the other side of the road.

Then a Bangkok AP journalist tweeted:

Seasoned colleagues (war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza) concluded that M79 couldn't be launched from Lumpini as Suthep claimed on air.

Then from the same journalist a further tweet:

@Kewrious @james_clark If it's indeed launched frm behind Rama 6 statue, grenade'd have to pass over bridges and overpass.

BP: The red shirts have denied that the M79 grenades were fired from their direction stating that the obstacles were in the way of the device. Yoon of The Nation:

Red shirt core leader Jatuporn Prompan said this morning that he had evidence to suggest that the bombs had been fired from some high-rise buildings in Silom area and that the government was behind the plot.

A senior police chief said this morning that he couldn't pinpoint the source of the shooting.

BP: Like almost all bombs or attacks since 2006, and even before that, we are unlikely to get an investigation which there will be sufficient evidence to conclude who fired the M79 grenades and from where. We will have claim and counter-claim



RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 25, 2010: The driver of a BTS Skytrain has told police investigating the fatal M79 grenade attack on the Sala Daeng BTS station that he saw rocket propelled grenades fired from the Robinson Department Store building.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.

A senior police officer sympathetic to the red-shirt movement has told RedPhanFa2Day that five men were apprehended by police shortly after the deadly bombings that killed one person and injured more than 70 others and taken to the Lumpini Park police station.

The officer, who requested his name and rank not be revealed, was not able to reveal the names of the men detained and was unsure whether they were still being held at the police station or not.

The officer also said police close to Sala Daeng BTS station saw two other men in plain clothes break through military lines, throw grenades and then disappear back behind the troops in Silom Road at the same time. He said police who attempted to pursue and apprehend the men were prevented from doing so by the uniformed troops.

SUTHEP is lying through his teeth.

Nation says security camera at saladeang can see 400 metres in the dark to the statue through the bridge, more lies.

It is close to 400 metres to BTS station plus the round came through the roof which is 30 metres up, so the round would have to have been arched meaning it would have travelled more than 400 metres.

Interesting post. See it excludes the evidence we have seen and heard that doesnt fit the theory. Anyway the news cycle has moved on and the meme or what people believe has already been created and it seems most non-reds believe the reds fired the grenades. That is how news works. Guess whoever wins the conclict will be able to choose how it is reproted in history

Fits completely what I said earlier.

The army is behind all this and the army is pulling the strings of Abhisit.

The army wants to turn Thailand in a second Burma and they will succeed by having a PM who is doing exactly as said by them.

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Fits completely what I said earlier.

The army is behind all this and the army is pulling the strings of Abhisit.

The army wants to turn Thailand in a second Burma and they will succeed by having a PM who is doing exactly as said by them.

If that's what the army wants they would have done it since the 2006 coup.

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For goodness sake, enough with the "But-but the yellow shirts..."

It's a morally rotten stance, you don't justify the actions of one group by saying other group did it too.

Jesus Marimba, I would expect such a simple and basic tenet of morality to be pretty well understood by anyone by the age 10 or so.

Stop, think. You (generic you) claim that the reds are justified in breaking any laws, attacking people, etc, etc, because the PAD did the same? I presume you consider the PAD actions bad, or else you wouldn't show so much loathing for them. Then why on Earth wouldn't you condemn the same (and worse I must say in my opinion) actions by the red shirts.

It's a twisted, deranged, double-think, "this guys are bad, very very bad, because they derail the normal workings of a democratic society, which is bad, and threaten violence, bad as bad gets, and break laws which is also bad.... but this other guys that derail the normal workings of a democratic society, threaten violence and break laws, why!, can't see anything bad about it!"

If you think what the yellows did was wrong, you can't possible defend or praise the reds for doing the same thing. It may be surprising to some, but the morality of an action is not related to which individual performs the action, but by the nature of the action itself.

This is such a great post, but what's really sad is how many of the resident RED lovers/paid posters/apologists are now just going to call you a Bangkok Elite Yellow shirt and never take the time read and see you condemning BOTH group's actions and rightly so

Yes AleG an excallent well thought out post.

One could wish to be inundated by similar quality thinking.

Sadly no...

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If they wanted a 2nd Burma they could have just kept onto control 4 years ago.

And essentially said F.U. we run things; deal with it.

They didn't, they rushed the through a constitution

and passed it back to the politicians,

who proceeded to make an utter hash of it.

And here we are.

Edited by animatic
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Fits completely what I said earlier.

The army is behind all this and the army is pulling the strings of Abhisit.

The army wants to turn Thailand in a second Burma and they will succeed by having a PM who is doing exactly as said by them.

If that's what the army wants they would have done it since the 2006 coup.

That the army didn't do that is simply because somebody who is not allowed to be named in this forum was still alive.

That's the reason why they made sure that somebody would be in power where the army had TOTAL control over.

If you can't see the picture, then it is no use to discuss that.

This forum has too much restrictions to debat this theme.

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Fits completely what I said earlier.

The army is behind all this and the army is pulling the strings of Abhisit.

The army wants to turn Thailand in a second Burma and they will succeed by having a PM who is doing exactly as said by them.

If that's what the army wants they would have done it since the 2006 coup.

That the army didn't do that is simply because somebody who is not allowed to be named in this forum was still alive.

That's the reason why they made sure that somebody would be in power where the army had TOTAL control over.

If you can't see the picture, then it is no use to discuss that.

This forum has too much restrictions to debat this theme.

I think you've got it backwards.

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That the army didn't do that is simply because somebody who is not allowed to be named in this forum was still alive.

That's the reason why they made sure that somebody would be in power where the army had TOTAL control over.

If you can't see the picture, then it is no use to discuss that.

This forum has too much restrictions to debat this theme.

LOL, oops. Somebody just graduated from the Great School of Misunderstanding.

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