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Going Home. My 3 Year Stay Is Comming To An End.

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Op you have your right to your opinion and you obviously struck a raw cord with too many people on here because they fall into that unfortunate category and have to brag about their wealth, it reeks of insecurities. Good luck to you and your future back home or any other place you wish to venture. You did it for three years in Thailand what a great experience. Maybe circumstances change for you, mature ( grow older and fatter), your eyesight changes, you can endure more bs in the everyday strungle, you hate the cold, or whatever welcome back my friend. I personnally did not read your comments as judging those that decide to stay in LOS as being less fortunate or of lesser intelligence ( although that is arguable).

Ok let me hear I been in for 40 years, I am rich as hel_l, it is my choice, I don't drink or chase bar girls. I love the country in my hut or my high rise condo which cost me 100mm baht. Oh yeah I like the I am a Phd in BS from online Unni lol. The war is coming to your neighborhood soon gents. Be prepared. A dark cloud of chaos is about to befallen Thailand. Get out while you can OP. And for those retires in LOS your are too old to be saying better to burnout than fade away....you are already fading.

Best to all

A very defeatist post,maybe you support west brom with a name like that,just about says it all if you are a boing boing fan

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He wasnt giving advise as such he was giving opinions and observations of his time here and basically saying dont beleive everything that is written by long term expats (which is very true) and dont get caught out.

It is totally clear that his consideration is based on that (ex) b/g clueless Farang scenario and similar cliché, which he uses to generalize. That is indeed a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap. There are so many different kind of people in so many different situations here...

I for one live here since 25 years and I personally don't know one of that kind of people OP is talking about. I also would not say that building a home for the family under the name of the wife is an investment. It is a home.

And what about that rather silly statement: "why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country."? which actually proves his inability to give any advice in this matter.


I've been here 3.5 years and didn't wear rose coloured glasses to start with, I take just about everything with a pinch of salt anyway. Not interested in the culture to be honest, try to learn as much as the language as possible, not interested in the temples and dont like the food much to be honest either, some people say whey you here then? I tell them because im doing my own thing and im very happy doing that. I feel pretty good here in myself and when or if the day comes and that stops I will contemplate going elsewhere.

To the OP best of luck when you get back.

It is totally clear that his consideration is based on that (ex) b/g clueless Farang scenario and similar cliché, which he uses to generalize. That is indeed a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap. There are so many different kind of people in so many kind of different situations here.

I for one live here since 25 years and I personally don't know one of that kind of people OP is talking about. I also would not say that building a home for the family under the name of the wife is an investment. It is a home.

And what about that rather silly statement: "why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country."?

I will put it you again...nowhere did the OP say anything about BG's....he said "girls were cheap and easy".....you have put your own bigoted interpretation of what he was taking about....

"I for one live here since 25 year"....Blah blah blah.... :)

I for one have lived here for 9 years and personally know of 3 people who have ripped off as regards money/houses etc....cliche's and generalisations ??

This guys post has really touched a lot of raw nerves it appears and makes me wondering why ??...too close to home perhaps ??.. :D


Let me see. A self confessed sexpat's leaving Thailand. One down another couple or so million to go.

Who knows? Maybe some day Thailand's nightlife may have something else to offer other than sad bored tarts slumping over a hastily thrown up bamboo 'bar' (islands) or looking bored whilst shuffling around a chrome pole Bangkok/Pattaya.

We can dream.


re. Soutpeel #66: ...not at all, quite contrary indeed.

and how can you, rightfully btw, complain about the 25 years blah blah blah, while you mention the 9 years blah, blah, blah...?

Let me see. A self confessed sexpat's leaving Thailand. One down another couple or so million to go.

Who knows? Maybe some day Thailand's nightlife may have something else to offer other than sad bored tarts slumping over a hastily thrown up bamboo 'bar' (islands) or looking bored whilst shuffling around a chrome pole Bangkok/Pattaya.

We can dream.

Based on your post..its appears you have a lot of experience as regards bamboo bars and chrome poles then ??... :)

It is totally clear that his consideration is based on that (ex) b/g clueless Farang scenario and similar cliché, which he uses to generalize. That is indeed a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap. There are so many different kind of people in so many different situations here...

I for one live here since 25 years and I personally don't know one of that kind of people OP is talking about. I also would not say that building a home for the family under the name of the wife is an investment. It is a home.

And what about that rather silly statement: "why anyone would want to stay here if they have the means and oppertunity to live in a industrialized country."? which actually proves his inability to give any advice in this matter.


I will put it you again...nowhere did the OP say anything about BG's....he said "girls were cheap and easy".....you have put your own bigoted interpretation of what he was taking about....

This guys post has really touched a lot of raw nerves it appears and makes me wondering why ??...too close to home perhaps ??.. :)

"Girls were cheap and easy". So what exactly is your interpretation of that then? If we are getting it so wrong, I would love to know what it meant.

Why you continually refer to 'nerves being touched' is beyond me. Thinking someones post was nonsense and saying so, doesn't mean anybody really gives a shit.

Life is what you make it. There are things that drive me crazy about Thailand but nowhere is perfect so you have to make a judgement based on the pro's and cons.

I came here married and now I am single. I set up a business and, through working extremely hard, have seen it grow and become the most successful of it's kind in Asia. Even though I started it at the beginning of the worst recession in living memory and with all the current political turbulence it is still going strong.

I am investing millions back into the economy which everyone tells me is madness. Just like everyone back in the Uk told me it was madness to start a business in Thailand.

In two years I have created a life and lifestyle which would be the envy of many (except the working hours!!).

ANyone moving to any country and expecting to live like a tourist is going to be disappointed. A holiday is just that; a break from reality. It is never the same when you live full time somewhere.

For all its faults Thailand can be a great place to live. As long as you accept that there will be things you don't like.

Advice to others: Learn Thai, roll with it, get a job or interest, have fun. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

It sounds to me as though you have really got your head screwed on, unlike some of the posters!

I wish the original poster all the very best - no matter where he returns to.

For me, I have been here a little over three years with my

English wife and I love it here! Yes, it has its problems, but where in the world doesn't?

I for one don't wish to return to the UK with all of its PC shxt and be told by some Musxxn fanatic how I should conduct my life in my own birthplace. Too late now to change anything back in the UK, or other places in Europe - all going down hill fast.

Love the sun, love my house, love my lifestyle,love the food, love the people, love Thailand; albeit we could do without the unending stern faced bureacracy.

"Girls were cheap and easy". So what exactly is your interpretation of that then? If we are getting it so wrong, I would love to know what it meant.

Why you continually refer to 'nerves being touched' is beyond me. Thinking someones post was nonsense and saying so, doesn't mean anybody really gives a shit.

Only the OP knows what he meant....but to quote you " In the OP's own words".....not the OP's own words, your words, you purposely misquoted the OP in an attempt to make a point about BG's.

If nerves being touched is beyond you, why did you bring it up ??...as regards the next sentence in your response... :)

"Girls were cheap and easy". So what exactly is your interpretation of that then? If we are getting it so wrong, I would love to know what it meant.

It probably meant: "All my hiso thai-chinese girlfriends paid their bills themselves and I could even save the bar fine".

What's wrong with that? :)


If you have a bit of money I can't think of anywhere better to live than Pattaya :) . I've lived in England and Australia and as far as I'm concerned I'd rather live in Pattaya than any of them. However..........

If I had no money I'd rather be poor in Australia, we see the sun a bit more often than the Poms do

Then I would suggest that you don't understand people very well!

Im not sure if that is an accurate statement. I reakon it would be fair to say in some of these cases I just don't try to read between the lines or invent something in my mind that wasnt actually said.

Its a public forum, i didnt realise there was such a problem with someone coming onto the thread and posting his thoughts on his experience.

anyway, over to you, clearly you know best :)

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

Because so many folks have drunk the "Thailand is Paradise" coolaide and that prevents them from being objective. So the OP wants to move on, is that really so bad? His statements don't offend me at all, the guys wants a change, so go for it.

These discussions remind me of someone who happens to like chocolate ice cream and condems others for prefering vanilla. Any one who would prefer vanilla over chocolate is bittter, unbalanced, stupid, subjective and on and on. So much easier to make snide and personally insulting commments than to engage in fair, minded open discussion about why one prefers one flavour (country) over another.

There is a lot to like about Thailand but in reality, its just one little corner of the world :):D:D

Only the OP knows what he meant....but to quote you " In the OP's own words".....not the OP's own words, your words, you purposely misquoted the OP in an attempt to make a point about BG's.

So only the OP knows what he meant, yet you know that my interpretation of it is wrong! How does that work? As I suspected, you can't give me the alternative interpretation as requested. As there quite clearly isn't one.

As I said. If the OP was simply sharing his own experiences, and his own thoughts, I wouldn't have even posted. It's the "I'm leaving, so it must be because the place is shit" and not because, I couldn't make it work here, attitude that gets old. I'm leaving, so I'm going to tell every body else that they're clueless for staying. The OP needs to get over himself and move on.

As I said. If the OP was simply sharing his own experiences, and his own thoughts, I wouldn't have even posted. It's the "I'm leaving, so it must be because the place is shit" and not because, I couldn't make it work here, attitude that gets old. I'm leaving, so I'm going to tell every body else that they're clueless for staying. The OP needs to get over himself and move on.


Only the OP knows what he meant....but to quote you " In the OP's own words".....not the OP's own words, your words, you purposely misquoted the OP in an attempt to make a point about BG's.

So only the OP knows what he meant, yet you know that my interpretation of it is wrong! How does that work? As I suspected, you can't give me the alternative interpretation as requested. As there quite clearly isn't one.

As I said. If the OP was simply sharing his own experiences, and his own thoughts, I wouldn't have even posted. It's the "I'm leaving, so it must be because the place is shit" and not because, I couldn't make it work here, attitude that gets old. I'm leaving, so I'm going to tell every body else that they're clueless for staying. The OP needs to get over himself and move on.

Where you born with something up stuck up your bottom or was it inserted later in life ??.... :) ...you really need to lighten up

I never said your interpretation was wrong, I said you purposely misquoted the OP, just stating point of fact, I personally could care less what the OP meant, The OP has stated his opinions/perceptions and his intentions to move on, this is an open forum and everyone is entitled to an opinion.. :D


Good luck to the OP, He just decided Thailand is not the place for Him, why are people so up in arms. I am sure His words are well meaning and maybe if more people came onto forums like this and actually listened to those that have travelled a well worn path they may save themselves some heart ache.

Me personally I am conflicted, I like many of things about Thailand but I hate enough things for me to honestly say I can't imagine living there, I am far too young to retire, but the Country gave me a wonderful person who makes my life very happy. We both love living in Australia, but who knows what the future holds.



You can buy a Condo, a Car, a MC and rent a office with no Thai national needed at all.

But if you think you need to go back than have a nice fly. Those who are leaving Thailand cause of some reasons are those which will plan there next

holiday trip to back to Thailand.

Bye Bye,

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people.

Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

I can only assume they have an in built defence mechanism that defaults to denial mode.


The OP didn't give us much to go on regarding his reasons for leaving.

Reading between the lines, I suspect he was, to put it diplomatically, unlucky in love. In the end, he'd hoped to find Ms. Right. But he searched in the mostly the wrong places. He failed to understand the culture, couldn't adapt to what he learned about it, like poor women and their families needing to be paid off. Probably didn't learn much of the language. Didn't make any good friends. Didn't have something interesting and meaningful to DO here in Thailand. Got lonely. Meanwhile, old friends await back home, and people w/ whom he can communicate easily.

So his leaving doesn't reflect on Thailand, from what he said. It's just a matter of his own expectations, which, in retrospect, were unrealistic. He'll be happier leaving. Good decision for him.

Still, many farangs have adapted, lead the kind of lives they want to lead, and are happy enough.

People bring their own problems with them. If they fail to solve them here, then they take them back home. So be it.

The OP didn't give us much to go on regarding his reasons for leaving

So let's invent some reasons that depict him in the worst possible light. :)

The OP didn't give us much to go on regarding his reasons for leaving.

Reading between the lines, I suspect he was, to put it diplomatically, unlucky in love. In the end, he'd hoped to find Ms. Right. But he searched in the mostly the wrong places. He failed to understand the culture, couldn't adapt to what he learned about it, like poor women and their families needing to be paid off. Probably didn't learn much of the language. Didn't make any good friends. Didn't have something interesting and meaningful to DO here in Thailand. Got lonely. Meanwhile, old friends await back home, and people w/ whom he can communicate easily.

So his leaving doesn't reflect on Thailand, from what he said. It's just a matter of his own expectations, which, in retrospect, were unrealistic. He'll be happier leaving. Good decision for him.

Still, many farangs have adapted, lead the kind of lives they want to lead, and are happy enough.

People bring their own problems with them. If they fail to solve them here, then they take them back home. So be it.

Nice post.

In his post, the OP advises people to come to Thailand, not get involved with Thai woman, not invest in anything, have some fun and then go back home again. Now why does that sound familiar. Oh yeh that's it, that's exactly what he did. So this bufoon is trying to tell us that the way he has handled Thailand, what he has done, what he hasn't done, and when it was time for him to leave is the text book way, and he as good as implies if you don't do it the same way as him, you're doing it wrong.

I know people who have been here closer to 30 years than 3. If only they knew they'd got it all wrong, and that they were supposed to have left decades ago. As someone else said, there are so many kinds of people here, with so many stories. For one man, after 3 years, to think he's got it all sussed, to the point of wanting to pass his experiences on to every body else, is a bit pathetic to say the least.

The OP didn't give us much to go on regarding his reasons for leaving

So let's invent some reasons that depict him in the worst possible light. :)

I don't think people have been doing that particularly. It was him that said he came for 'cheap and easy' woman after all.

What else are we supposed to do anyway, he hasn't taken the time to follow up his words of wisdom, since his first post, so we're left filling in the blanks.


I know of 3 reasons why Farang Men prefer Thailand over other Tropical Paradises:

1) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")

2) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")

3) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")


- If you have seen 3 Temples, you have seen them all.

- Thai Culture is not of much interest to Farangs. As there is not much interest in Farang Culture on the part of Thai people. Exept when it comes to consumerism and the products that originate from "the west".

- All around the Aequator (looking at the globe) the weather ist mostly nice (warm to hot).

- There are any number of tropical countries that feature the same "easy going lifestyle". = But the women are not quite that "easy"! = Voilà!


In my view: Any Farang Male, that claims that the woman factor (as described above), does not play a role for him staying in Thailand is an apologist. Apologising for something no apology IMHO is necessary. Cheers !

I know of 3 reasons why Farang Men prefer Thailand over other Tropical Paradises:

1) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")

2) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")

3) It's the easy woman ( in tourist hub's = not so easy in the "boonies")


- If you have seen 3 Temples, you have seen them all.

- Thai Culture is not of much interest to Farangs. As there is not much interest in Farang Culture on the part of Thai people. Exept when it comes to consumerism and the products that originate from "the west".

- All around the Aequator (looking at the globe) the weather ist mostly nice (warm to hot).

- There are any number of tropical countries that feature the same "easy going lifestyle". = But the women are not quite that "easy"! = Voilà!


In my view: Any Farang Male, that claims that the woman factor (as described above), does not play a role for him staying in Thailand is an apologist. Apologising for something no apology IMHO is necessary. Cheers !

Well, I think it depends what you mean by 'staying' in Thailand. I'm very doubtful about guys who claim that the availability of hot girls wasn't a factor in their initial decision to spend extended time in Thailand. The culture is pretty shallow, the climate is humid, the cost of living these days isnt' that cheap. Add in the general hassle factor of visas, permits, property rights, etc, and there's not really much in Thailand once the novelty has worn off but the friends you've made and the birds. However, on the other hand, if someone settles down, gets married, has children, etc - other very important factors obviously come into play. So, I'm sure a lot of the posters on here who have lived in Thailand for many years possibly can't remember the last time they saw the inside of a go go bar or knocking shop. But I don't mind betting that if they were honest, nearly all of them have at some time - and more than once! I agree - there's no need to knock others for not being so far down the road as to have 'matured' and grown out of the scene as it were. We were nearly all 'young' once.

Doubt that, he rather get bored from his primary interests "Women were easy and cheap. Weather nice"

what a superficial, pathetic, inconsiderately crap :)

I personally think there is truth in this statement, if you took the "Cheap and easy women" out of the equation, would half the expats living here be living here ?....think not.....I am of the opinion that the driver for a vast number of male farangs settling here is one reason and one reason only....Women....... and cheap booze may be an added bonus

Climate, temples and Thai culture are not reasons... :D

I am glad to see there is one none self-righteous member posting on the board. You are correct.

Something the OP has said seems to have upset a few people. Rather than deal with the comments we have members making personal attacks against the OP.

Why so?

the OP is quite obviously a sore loser and might have gotten some sympathy from other members if he had not tried lecturing them. as simple as that!

The OP didn't give us much to go on regarding his reasons for leaving

So let's invent some reasons that depict him in the worst possible light. :D

no need for that. the OP has done an excellent job already. :)

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