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Britons Close To Rioting At Thai Airport Hit By Red Shirt Mayhem


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I thought that airlines are obliged in the event of cancellation to provide food and lodgings, or is it only in the West that they provide this?

The West being London and NY

It is one thing for an airline company to be obliged due to your flight being canceled delayed by an airline company.

It is a horse of a different color to expect an airline company to provide for your extended stay due to a volcano closing the skies over Europe :D

Perhaps Iceland should pay? It is their volcano isn't it? Oh wait their bankrupt :)

Edited by flying
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Any of you ever been left hung out to dry at an airport for a week with no news about what's going on, whether you will get a flight, whether you will be getting accommodation paid for by your airline, or fed even? Try doing that with your boss back home telling you that you run the risk of losing your job, you have to take this extra break as unpaid leave, you're already concerned about your finances because of the state of the economy but if you don't have a holiday you're likely to commit suicide, you're quickly runnning out of money and your kids are crying and wailing that they're bored every 5 minutes!

Get a f**ing grip!

The usual Thai way at the airport when there is no news to report isn't to round up the exasperated passengers and give them an update on exactly what's going on. No, it's to smile and giggle until the passenger gets so pissed off that he just leaves before really blowing his top! All of the airport websites i have checked, and it's been a lot (I work in the travel industry) say NOT to go to the airport but to call the airline to check. I have many stranded passengers in Thailand right now, not because of the protests as some posters seem to think, but because of the volcano. They are getting zero info, help or guidance from the airlines or airport. I am not suprised they are getting angry with the incompetence of the airlines representatives who's job it is to help.

Add to that that some airlines have offered seats for sale for as much as 90,000B then you begin to get a picture of just how frustrating it must be up there.

force majeure.

that's why people are buying travel insurance.

the problem is they drank all their money and now what?

dont' blame the incompetent blah, blah.. look yourself in the mirror first.

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Any of you ever been left hung out to dry at an airport for a week with no news about what's going on, whether you will get a flight, whether you will be getting accommodation paid for by your airline, or fed even? Try doing that with your boss back home telling you that you run the risk of losing your job, you have to take this extra break as unpaid leave, you're already concerned about your finances because of the state of the economy but if you don't have a holiday you're likely to commit suicide, you're quickly runnning out of money and your kids are crying and wailing that they're bored every 5 minutes!

Get a f**ing grip!

The usual Thai way at the airport when there is no news to report isn't to round up the exasperated passengers and give them an update on exactly what's going on. No, it's to smile and giggle until the passenger gets so pissed off that he just leaves before really blowing his top! All of the airport websites i have checked, and it's been a lot (I work in the travel industry) say NOT to go to the airport but to call the airline to check. I have many stranded passengers in Thailand right now, not because of the protests as some posters seem to think, but because of the volcano. They are getting zero info, help or guidance from the airlines or airport. I am not suprised they are getting angry with the incompetence of the airlines representatives who's job it is to help.

Add to that that some airlines have offered seats for sale for as much as 90,000B then you begin to get a picture of just how frustrating it must be up there.

force majeure.

that's why people are buying travel insurance.

the problem is they drank all their money and now what?

dont' blame the incompetent blah, blah.. look yourself in the mirror first.

So everybody who comes to Thailand just drinks and screws, wastes their money, the money they have budgeted for that particular holiday, possibly the only one they will have for 12 months??

Perhaps it isn't me who needs to look in the mirror.

Force majeur or not the customers should be given updates. Even if there is nothing to update it's nice to know the company you have spent A LOT of money with actually care and are trying to do whatever they can.

Seriously, some people need to get a grip on reality. This whole "well it hasn't affected me so why should i care" attitude is unbelievable.

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It seems apparent that most of the airlines are going to make up for that lost revenue by issuing outrageous change fees for those that want to go home first. Basically an auction to the highest bidder for the first available seats. Maybe the backlog clears out in 2-3 weeks time, then those holding their original tickets will finally be given their chance to return home. Nice huh? :)

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Over the years I have watched the type of tourist around Asia change massively, mainly bought about by the advent of the internet and mobile phones. Prior to that many of these people would never have traveled to this part of the world. As long as it all goes well they are bigging it up, first hint of adversity and they are crying for the Nanny state to help them, I watched some of them on the news today as they sniveled about how scared they were to be "trapped" in Thailand, embarrassing.

Just don't get it, should have gone with a package tour, independent travelers they are not.

It is a far far cry from yesteryear when the Michael Palins of Europe set out on their one man crusade to conquer Asia and to be the first European in their own mind to wonder along many of Asia's paths armed with a compass rigorously sourced at one of the antique dealers at Greenwich Meantime along with a leather satchel, hush puppy shoes and a round of Beef Sandwiches lavished with English Mustard.

The sheer arrogance of this solo traveler was almost overwhelming when he returned to his homeland and began yet another quest to categorize other travelers in means of status. Mr and Mrs Brown from Bradford who had just returned from a 2 week package deal in Benidorm was, in his eyes, the lowest form of traveler one could possibly imagine and the thought of even setting eyes on such a beast would turn is stomach into a wild frenzy of emotions that only he could fully comprehend.

Yes times have changed, Nokia, LG, Google and MSN have a lot to anwser for, don't they just.

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British Ambassador Quinton Quayle said:

Please tell me that's a made up name. No wonder the Aussies and Americans think we are all Little Lord Fauntleroys!


"Good show! Have to keep these foreign Johnnies on their toes... that's how we built the empire."

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The airlines have lost millions of dollars because of the economy and the volcano in Iceland. Is it really their responsibility to provide free food and housing to 1,000s of people due to circumstances that they do not control? :)

They do have a contract after all.

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This whole "well it hasn't affected me so why should i care" attitude is unbelievable.

and spreading rapidly.


edit - but just like sensationalism, and sex... its easily digested..

even when its glaringly 'not right', some of our brothers and sisters still think its awesome.

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It appears to me that very few of the people stranded at Swampy can think for themselves. They come from an overly nanny state ( The UK ) and expect everything for nothing and immediately. Wake up time !

Oh I am a Brit by the way.

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I honestly can't believe many of the comments here, the European airlines are obliged under EU charter to provide accomodation and meals for stranded passengers.

Many comment on whingeing & whining, get a grip as you do not know each individual passengers circumstances....yes there maybe a few overreacting to the situation but probably just a few.

The only one on here with any real insight into this situation is SICA the biggest majority of the posters are plain selfish...f*** that I'm alright Jack !


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