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I Need Help About This Pregnancy


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Today we had our first ultrasound. I did not like the results. My gf is 8 weeks and 2 days since first day of her last menstruation. The ultrasound showed a Sack of diameter 24mm, but no embryo. The ObGyn said it looked like a typical pregnancy of only 6 weeks. At 8 weeks there is usually an embryo visible with a visible heartbeat as well. What could this mean? Is it highly likely that the baby will be born handicapped, deformed or permanently ill? What does it mean that my gf's pregnancy is slow? It’s possible the OBGYN is wrong to say it looks like 6 weeks old ultrasound. But I am sure of the 8 weeks 2 days and of the 24mm Sack Diameter.

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I'm very sorry. We had this happen to us. It sounds to me like a miscarriage. Your doctor will not say this directly, as there is always a chance, and perhaps it is even irresponsible of me to tell you without having more knowledge of your situation, as I myself am not a doctor, just a concerned patient who went through a similar trauma.

However, you should have a very clear embryo at this stage, at least 3mm long. It should be easily measured on the ultrasound. The fact that you have a sack with no visible embryo in my opinion means that the pregnancy has abnormally terminated. Obviously, get a second opinion, and I suggest moving this thread to health section. Sheryl may have some more practical information, and may even be able to suggest options for you.

Please ask the mods and they will move it for you.

Again, if it does turn out to be a miscarriage, you have my sincerest condolences. I know how hard that can be.

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If she started mens 2 months ago, it would, then, be about 6 weeks ago she was ovulating.

Do you actually think women can get pregnant when menstruating? Uneducated? bad at math? troll?

Trust your doctor on the 6 weeks.

Women ovulate about 1/2 between periods,NOT on the first day of.

just a joke , but where were you 6 weeks ago?

Edited by eggomaniac
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Eggomaniac is correct...

There is a difference between LNMP (Last Normal Menstrual Period) Date and date of conception.... about 14 days for the average female...

Your doc is probably correct, but that said if you are worried get another opinion from another doc, as your girlfriend is in the riskiest time of pregnancy... I know in the western world most doc don't mind patients getting second opinions, with the loss of face thing it may be different in LOS.


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Getting a heatbeat before 6 weeks is unusual. Some people dont see a heartbeat until 9 weeks. But as said above. get another opinion or wait a week or so and have another scan done. Was it a vaginal test or just on the outside?

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sorry guys, not totally relavant but many many women ovulate during menstruation which is why, in jewish religioun, the woman needs special permission to have sex while menstruating in order to get pregnant; some of us menstruate directly before menstruation.... thats just the way it is...

therefor the age of the fetoes is not always reliable by week/day counting from menstruation. some women start menstruating a day or so before they actually have any bloody discharge show up, just a slight change in colour /mild discharge that they dont always notice....

also, if the woman doesnt know when she ovulates it makes it difficult. older women almost always know; younger women have a harder time knowing or dont pay attention or dont feel the twinge of a released egg, or changes in vaginal discharge.

so get a 2nd opinion before getting stressed out...



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With a last period having started 8 weeks ago the usual gestation would be 6 weeks as ovulation and conception usually occur abiout 2 weeks after the start of the cycle.

So the 6 week size aspect is not of concern.

But what confuses me is that you say the embryo was nopt visible, but that the doctor said it looks like a normal 6 week pregnancy. Should be a visible embryo at 6 weeks.

Best advice is to get a second opinion and another ultrasound.

Good luck

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