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Thai Protesters Brace For Crackdown As Compromise Rejected

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Can we stop posting that manipulated Thaksin pic - pretty sure it's risking an angry backlash from the transvestite quarters.

Now there's an idea...

LOL Suzie Wongs in Phuket comes to mind... :)

The places girls want to take you in the evenings... LOL

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why do the reds not want to wait for scheduled election date do you think?

If they wait Thaksin's confiscated money will be gone forever

This is the end... my only friend... the end....


Sadly this is not the end but just the begining of the radical political turmoil for Thailand. Should Abhisit decide to make this a bloodbath in order to retain his power then tens of millions of thais in the countryside will wake up and then the situation could get very ugly :D Imagine all the foodstuffs from the countrside being cut off to Bangkok for a period of weeks or months :D For many years now I have though that Thailand was ripe for civil war, but I didn't think it would occur until HRH had passed, if Abhisit chooses to try and take this situation down by force then that timetable for civil war may be hastened quite a bit :D

And if your fantasy doesn't happen, it sounds as though you will be very disappointed. How about if the Reds take elections by the end of the year, go home, get politically organized, participate in constitution reform, denounce vote-buying, run a clean campaign and see who wins the election. Or is that not exciting enough?

I read some lunatic on New Mandala wriitng, safe from their aussie home, that 40-50K dead would be fine to change the system in Thailand. There are some bloodthirsty lunatics out there that dont realise all these people they would happily confine to a grave are somebodies family and have kids etc. Too many foreigners seem to have a blood lust

The potential bloodlust lies in the hands of Abhisit, the reality of what is going on in Thailnad under the surface has been obvious to anyone who wanted to really take a good look at the situation for many years now :D

The potential bloodlust lies in the hands of Abhisit, the reality of what is going on in Thailnad under the surface has been obvious to anyone who wanted to really take a good look at the situation for many years now :)

The potentail bloodlust lies in the hands of the leaders of all the movements. Such is the nature of power games

animatic or lannarebirth, please would you be so kind as to educate me!

why do the reds not want to wait for scheduled election date do you think?

It cant be down to an army reshuffle can it?

personally, although I hope the reds win the election out of principle.. even though I prefer Mr A... I too wish the reds would go home, and do whatever they do until its time for polls..

thank you.. if you have the time or inclination...

IMO it is a combination of the military reshuffle and succession issues. The military has long had it's nose in various projects in the provinces but as long as their raison d' etre lived they could give the illusion of cohesiveness. If Thaksin were present here during a succession I think he could scoop up alot of military, who are not loyal to him per se but looking to get paid. These would form the backbone of his "muscle" as he moves Thailand to a more authoritarian government. Abhisit IMO is likely to reshuffle in a way where "professional soldiers" are promoted that are not only loyal to ^^^ but also understand they are servants of the people and not their masters. It's a big f'ing mess and it's baby steps forward and possibly giant leaps backward.

why do the reds not want to wait for scheduled election date do you think?

If they wait Thaksin's confiscated money will be gone forever

I see another poster who is not paying attention to what is really happening in Thailand :) This red shirt movement has taken on a life of its own, Thaksin was just a catalyst to begin it, he is no longer an issue :D


Sounds like the reds are getting very desperate. Wonder if it has anything to do with the rumors of Thaksin being gravely ill and in the ICU at hospital as well as rumors of his current financial losses and losing much of his worth.

Sounds like the reds are getting very desperate. Wonder if it has anything to do with the rumors of Thaksin being gravely ill and in the ICU at hospital as well as rumors of his current financial losses and losing much of his worth.

Methee and what he said or didnt. Doesnt really matter as those that know what he knows will be having heart attacks. It is like when the police get a minor mafia boss. Talk or not it doesnt matter everyone he knew anythign asbout will assume the worst and of ocurse the only protection once taken is from those who have taken you as those who you were with will want you dead as soon as authorities start saying you talked, even if you didnt. Old old game

Sounds like the reds are getting very desperate. Wonder if it has anything to do with the rumors of Thaksin being gravely ill and in the ICU at hospital as well as rumors of his current financial losses and losing much of his worth.

I think it's most likely due to the tide of support turning against them since Thursday. This is an opinion based on hearsay but it's early days yet.

I'm seeing the threat of civil war mentioned more than ever, but it all seems to be from the red side. If their popularity is decreasing then how would that work?

I'm pretty sure the govt and military know exactly are well aware of the risks of their actions hence the steady nature displayed so far.

why do the reds not want to wait for scheduled election date do you think?

If they wait Thaksin's confiscated money will be gone forever

I see another poster who is not paying attention to what is really happening in Thailand :) This red shirt movement has taken on a life of its own, Thaksin was just a catalyst to begin it, he is no longer an issue :D


Sure dude. Thaksin is the Alpha and the Omega of this movement

IMO it is a combination of the military reshuffle and succession issues. The military has long had it's nose in various projects in the provinces but as long as their raison d' etre lived they could give the illusion of cohesiveness. If Thaksin were present here during a succession I think he could scoop up alot of military, who are not loyal to him per se but looking to get paid. These would form the backbone of his "muscle" as he moves Thailand to a more authoritarian government. Abhisit IMO is likely to reshuffle in a way where "professional soldiers" are promoted that are not only loyal to ^^^ but also understand they are servants of the people and not their masters. It's a big f'ing mess and it's baby steps forward and possibly giant leaps backward.

thank you! :) sounds very plausible!

This is the end... my only friend... the end....


Sadly this is not the end but just the begining of the radical political turmoil for Thailand. Should Abhisit decide to make this a bloodbath in order to retain his power then tens of millions of thais in the countryside will wake up and then the situation could get very ugly :D Imagine all the foodstuffs from the countrside being cut off to Bangkok for a period of weeks or months :D For many years now I have though that Thailand was ripe for civil war, but I didn't think it would occur until HRH had passed, if Abhisit chooses to try and take this situation down by force then that timetable for civil war may be hastened quite a bit :D

From what I could see in Bangkok and was told some cities in the South also, the northern products are being boycotted by some (likely multicolor shirt supporters).

This is indeed a very bad sign, as the weakest of all, the farmers that have their produce as their only source of income could suffer tremendously.

I don't think farmers themselves can AFFORD to close the tap. Their middlemen could.

But here's the thing - who these farmers should really take their anger out at are their middlemen, as with not more than a few days of educational course on economics could empower these people to keep a lot more for themselves.

Or maybe teach them how to balance what they produce, maybe spread out from one product to several, in case one thing doesn't sell well or is underpriced, they can patch up income by something else.

Have you ever heard that one about instead of giving a fish to a hungry man, teach him how to catch a fish?

Thaksin gave them a fish... well, maybe not the whole fish but anyway... Someone (and I am seriously willing to participate in this, even financially) should instead teach them how to catch a fish.

Typical post by a city dweller :D Those farmers in the countryside have been living off the land for hundreds of generations just fine, long before paved roads, cars, TV's and cellphones, and they can very easily live without Bangkok, but should food shipments from the countryside be totaly cuttoff to Bangkok (either willingly by the growers or by rebels turning back trucks and boats) then the residents of Bangkok will find out within a matter of weeks just who holds the ultimate power in Thailand :D

Can all the red supporter who joined in 2006 Please learn to use quotes so people can actually follow. You joined in 2006 and kept your mouth shut for 4 years and all over sudden have too much to say

I was savin it all up for you :)

why do the reds not want to wait for scheduled election date do you think?

If they wait Thaksin's confiscated money will be gone forever

I see another poster who is not paying attention to what is really happening in Thailand :) This red shirt movement has taken on a life of its own, Thaksin was just a catalyst to begin it, he is no longer an issue :D

:D :D :D Keep it up. With every post you lose more and more credibility. Did you not read what Chalerm had to say today?


So yesterday when the reds made their latest demand it was all peace. When it was rejected it is all civil war. Kinda weird

Where I am it doesnt feel civil war like at all

Do journois who admittedly are all useless at least on the Thai beat actually talk to people who arent raving red or yellow lunatics? Or do they just try to find people whose ansdwers fit the story they want to write? At least it isnt form the Straits Times with their rather exposed of editing to fit the story stuff


If only the reds would have half the patience of the gov, Thailand could continue in a peaceful democracy. The constitution will be rewritten and election will take place in an orderly manner and in due time.

the formerly 9 months time frame is shortened by one month already.

what are the reds still fighting for?

It seems as if the leaders try to sneak out unpunished.

This will not happen. The same for the Yellow leadership who carry a great deal of present miseries created.

Both are a disgrace for the country.

One more time. The heroes are the people who continue their life and jobs as normal as possible. Most local people working hard to make their ends meet. Enough from the thugs from either side.

If only the reds would have half the patience of the gov, Thailand could continue in a peaceful democracy. The constitution will be rewritten and election will take place in an orderly manner and in due time.

the formerly 9 months time frame is shortened by one month already.

what are the reds still fighting for?

It seems as if the leaders try to sneak out unpunished.

This will not happen. The same for the Yellow leadership who carry a great deal of present miseries created.

Both are a disgrace for the country.

One more time. The heroes are the people who continue their life and jobs as normal as possible. Most local people working hard to make their ends meet. Enough from the thugs from either side.


"Abhisit has shut the door on all Thai people by rejecting our compromise," he said. "He will do anything to keep his position as prime minister."

He said they would stick to a policy of non-violence, but other Reds figures speaking on a stage at their massive encampment in the heart of Bangkok's retail district promised a "guerrilla war" against the government.

One leader also threatened to storm a giant shopping mall that lies within their rally base, which has paralysed the shopping hub for three weeks, saying that soldiers and police are hiding inside.

"We are ready to handle the government measures. No matter what shirt we wear, our hearts are red," said Jatuporn Prompan, warning that an offensive would trigger nationwide conflict.

"When the first blood is spilled here, the entire country will be the scene of bloodshed," he said.

Gandhi laid down by example the rules of engagement for non-voilent peaceful demonstrations; I don't think what you're hearing hear conforms to that. More evidence of the that red really is the Reds true color.

I believe there was a popular movement against Ghandi in india in the 1950's and after. See V.S Naipul : India a wounded civilisation 1977. Ghandi believed that an uprising by a lesser power against a greater one was 'non-violent' as there would be no balance to the conflict. Times have changed and the 'lessons' of Ghandi are disproved and should not be applied to this conflict.

& this is your _first_ post here?

Apparently,.Does that negate an opinion?


Sadly a major crackdown is now the only option left for the Government.

Bloodshed is inevitable, it`s not a case of if, but when?

The red shirts want this to happen so as they can declare their cause righteous and as a justification to the people for their violent behaviour and reasons to bring down this Government.

IMO it is a combination of the military reshuffle and succession issues. The military has long had it's nose in various projects in the provinces but as long as their raison d' etre lived they could give the illusion of cohesiveness. If Thaksin were present here during a succession I think he could scoop up alot of military, who are not loyal to him per se but looking to get paid. These would form the backbone of his "muscle" as he moves Thailand to a more authoritarian government. Abhisit IMO is likely to reshuffle in a way where "professional soldiers" are promoted that are not only loyal to ^^^ but also understand they are servants of the people and not their masters. It's a big f'ing mess and it's baby steps forward and possibly giant leaps backward.

thank you! :) sounds very plausible!

I should have added that he needs that constitution changed in a very specific way ASAP.

Sadly a major crackdown is now the only option left for the Government.

Bloodshed is inevitable, it`s not a case of if, but when?

The red shirts want this to happen so as they can declare their cause righteous and as a justification to the people for their violent behaviour and reasons to bring down this Government.

not when they catch their leaders. A headless snake can't bite.


I think this morning the world will witness a presentation of evidences brought against the red leaders and a final ultimatum for the people to disperse will be announced. This time I think it's for real.


Personally i really do not understand why people bring other country's into it.

What USA or UK or African country's would do, have done, would of done-really have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

In most civilized country's government will never allow for this kind of madness to take place.

Its not a rocket science but a common sense. 30 odd thousand people can not hold 10 plus million people and city at ransom no matter what their cause is

I think this morning the world will witness a presentation of evidences brought against the red leaders and a final ultimatum for the people to disperse will be announced. This time I think it's for real.

This morning will be interesting. There is a lot of evidence out there already. We will see. Often people are allowed a bolt hole

I keep coming back to 49% I keep coming back to 49% in Isaan disagree with red demand (Khon Kaen Uni on Monday). If that is true the reds are in trouble (dont expect to see it on pundit or mandala etc but Thai Rath is more influential)

Can all the red supporter who joined in 2006 Please learn to use quotes so people can actually follow. You joined in 2006 and kept your mouth shut for 4 years and all over sudden have too much to say

Hi Amigo

At first glance, I thought this post might have been referring to one of my posts, in which I screwed up the quotes. But you were categorizing the poster as a Red Shirt, so I knew it couldn't be me. I have opinions, but I'm not siding with any particular side.

That might hamper a visa renewal.

You know, I bet one of you old timers could help me out on how to do a partial quote and then post.

I did join in 2006, AND I did keep my mouth shut for 4 years. Now that I am posting, do you think I have too much to say because you disagree with me?

Anyway...let's be friends. Where's the best place to get a great pizza in BKK and in Khon Kaen? :)

This is the end... my only friend... the end....


Sadly this is not the end but just the begining of the radical political turmoil for Thailand. Should Abhisit decide to make this a bloodbath in order to retain his power then tens of millions of thais in the countryside will wake up and then the situation could get very ugly :D Imagine all the foodstuffs from the countrside being cut off to Bangkok for a period of weeks or months :D For many years now I have though that Thailand was ripe for civil war, but I didn't think it would occur until HRH had passed, if Abhisit chooses to try and take this situation down by force then that timetable for civil war may be hastened quite a bit :D

If the lawful government moves forward in upholding the law and holding terrorists and lawless mobs accountable for their actions as well as showing they will no longer be tolerated ... then we will see an end to this kind of thing in Thailand from all sides. If he bows to the wish of terrorists and lawless mobs seizing parts of the country as was the case at the airport, then we can see the next unhappy group repeat this type of behavior as it will continue to be standard operating procedure in Thailand for change .... mob rule.

Just like they did when the yellow took siege of the airport :D You can't have it both ways there my friend, the fact is that popular support for the red shirts grows in the countryside each and every day, and should Abhisit resort to the use of military force and instigate a blodbath then that popular support will transform into a popular movement and those slain at the hands of Abhisit will become heros of that movement :D

Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

Abhisit will go down as the most educated Thai Prime Minister who (as often is the case with intelligent people) had no common sense whatsoever. He has already lost so why not just go for a good old British compromise where noone loses face. Where the buffalo smiley when you need it?

Abhist is a strong PM and a good one IMHO, seems honest and educated and with common sense too, he does not just take the easy way out which would truly be the wrong way out. What else could he do right now, surrender to the thugs and bully boys like a weakling when he really is not in the wrong either?? He has already agreed very fairly and sensibly to bring new elections forward a whole year and the late Autumn is surely soon enough. The world is still recovering from the biggest recession in decades so the last thing we need at this point in time is an election and a change of direction when the recover is actually going rather well, (same in England where a change in Government right now would be disastrous at this stage of the recovery) . Also an election here will be pointless if the losing side can still continue to accuse it of being rigged with vote buying and other corruptions yet again, so this has to be avoided at all costs. SO AS I HAVE SAID MANY TIMES HERE, AND THIS IS SO SO VERY IMPORTANT, WITHOUT THE U.N. OR ANOTHER INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL BODY MONITORING AND POLICING ANY NEW ELECTIONS HERE, IT WILL NOT SOLVE ANY PROBLEMS AS IT SIMPLY AGAIN WONT BE RECOGNISED BY THE LOSING SIDE AS AN HONEST FAIR ELECTION AND THESE CONFLICTS WILL JUST UNDERSTANDABLY RETURN WITH A VENGEANCE. This all needs time to set up too so the late Autumn is really the earliest and a good and intelligent choice for all sides. THerefore all the intelligent honourable Red supporters should now go home and prepare for getting honourable ordinary folk standing as capable candidates for proper elections in the late Autumn. Then let the army deal with clearing the streets of the terrorist low life bully boy leaders left behind (who are probably on the promise of a big pay out from chief terrorist Thaksin if he succeeds in his aim of getting his money back).

If I was a Thai and had a vote here, as a reasonably educated and intelligent non elitist person (as I think I am) I would vote for the Red side but only IF they stopped supporting Thaksin and his thug cronies and stood honest capable Thai folk as candidates. I am sure many honest and fair minded Thais would do the same and positively vote for them too. Supporters of Thaksin are either on the promise of some big payouts from him or have their heads up their backsides as they obviously cannot clearly see what is so obviously going on here. Yes clearly this is all currently just about Thaksin wanting his ill gotten money and power back and he is obviously happy to pay out a lot to his thugs to succeed irrespective of the harm it will do to ordinary decent Thai folk and Thailand previously known as LOS. This current conflict is about Thaksin's money actually not about the Thai people and their future prosperity, and this is why I and many many folk in both Thailand and the rest of the world see Thaksin as an absolutely awful and evil man. Anyone surely should easily just be able to open their eyes and minds and clearly see that he is just that, the evidence against him is just too complete and compelling to see it any other way. Jeez how much proof do these people want to see Thaksin is not worth spilling a single drop blood over or even bothering with any longer so lets all forget him and ignore the prat, he just needs capturing and bringing back here squealing and crying to serve his sentence plus any others he receives for doubtless and numerous even more serious crimes not yet put to trial!!!

Also the Red Shirts should want the time to rid themselves of the convicted and obviously greedy self centred despicable crook Thalsin and their bully boy self proclaimed leaders and get themselves a real ordinary This leader capable of becoming a PM and non corrupt too. Make the Red Shirts a decent political force rather than being so stupid as they are now supporting the man who has robbed their country of billions (but hey Thailand got some of it back). No way would Thailand be recognised in the world if an undoubted and fairly convicted crook and megalomaniac such as Thaksin became PM, talk about losing face the country would be an international laughing stock, it beggars belief. So the Reds need time to get rid of these crooks and bullies and decent folk will start supporting the Red Shirts as their political philosophy of power to the ordinary Thai people rather than the Elite ruling class is a good one, and one we fought in many western countries over the last century and for the better of the ordinary people who make up the vast majority of all countries. So you see I am totally anti Thaksin and any other crook but I am not against the Red's political doctrine of a peoples power party and not an elitist party (as indeed Thaksin is one of the biggest Elitists), I just want to see common sense prevail and no more violence or blockading of Bangkok or anywhere else. The Thai people should knuckle down to get the country on the road to recovery and new hopefully honest democratic elections later in the year as Abhist has honourably promised.

Can all the red supporter who joined in 2006 Please learn to use quotes so people can actually follow. You joined in 2006 and kept your mouth shut for 4 years and all over sudden have too much to say

Hi Amigo

At first glance, I thought this post might have been referring to one of my posts, in which I screwed up the quotes. But you were categorizing the poster as a Red Shirt, so I knew it couldn't be me. I have opinions, but I'm not siding with any particular side.

That might hamper a visa renewal.

You know, I bet one of you old timers could help me out on how to do a partial quote and then post.

I did join in 2006, AND I did keep my mouth shut for 4 years. Now that I am posting, do you think I have too much to say because you disagree with me?

Anyway...let's be friends. Where's the best place to get a great pizza in BKK and in Khon Kaen? :)

If i understood correctly you had nothing to say when PAD occupied airport? you had nothing to say about the coup? nothing about money seizure or court ruling? you had nothing to say about anything for that matter, but now all over sudden you do.!!! Hmmm, why such a sudden need to express yourself? And this is not directed just at you, but another 4-6 members who all happen to join in 2006 and all had nothing to say till this moment.

and you consider that not taking sides?


I concur. Thaksin is very stubborn. He could call this off tonight, but won't because he is desperate to return to Thailand at any cost.

Cheers, Rick

Indeed ... Thaksin is living a life of luxury outside the country while his followers bleed and die in the streets ... and then he hopes to come back to power when the danger is past. I love Thailand and the Thai people ... red shirts included ... but I'm appalled at how naive the red shirts are.

The present PM did offer a meet-you-in-the-middle compromise ... i.e., have elections at end of 2010 which is a year early. But the red shirts won't budge an inch and only give him 30 days. Thailand definitely does not know how true democracy works. The USA and Western Europe definitely have their flaws, but they don't kick out the government every six month to two years. After this is all over and whomever is in power, the cycle will start all over again. Ironic really, given the Thai Buddhist philosophy of the middle path and an avoidance of confrontation.

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