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Uk Visa For My Thai Girlfriend

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Hi guys I am new to all this so bare with me. I am 20 years old from the UK, I have a Thai girlfriend who is 23. We have been together for 1 year. We meet when I was travelling through Asia. After I starting seeing her I had to leave the country because my visa only had a few days left on it so I went to Laos and Cambodia for 1 month. We kept our relationship going while I was away. When I came back I was invited to stay in her home in Bangkok with her parents which is a big thing to do as to live with a girlfriends and not be married is against the Thai culture. The parents wouldn't except any money from me even though they are poor. In July I had to come home back to the UK. I stayed at home for 2 months and then returned to Thailand while I was in the UK we kept in touch speaking everyday. I stayed in Thailand from Sept to March again living with her and her parents. Now I am back home and missing her a lot. I was wondering how much money would I need in the bank to sponsor her, she will be staying with my parents house free food and accommodation. She goes to university so I think that would be a good reason for her to return. We have about 300+ pictures together and I ring her everyday using Skype. I was also wondering how do you save and print out your call list from Skype.

I hope to you can help thanks :)

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Hello from what you have said she may qualify for a visitors visa check the guidance out.

UK Visitors visa

The Eco will be looking for you to demonstrate your relationship is subsisting etc, we have done lots of successful applications based on a strong relationship only but I draw your attention to my questions below !

Does she have a job, assets, savings ?

If you require professional help feel free to contact me via my web site we have an office in Pattya.

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Rather than have one of us type the whole story over again for you, perhaps you should start off by using the search function to search this forum and read up on some previous experiences. Type in something like "process for UK visa" or similar words and then check out the stories.

From what you posted, I would think your chances are not all the great, unfortunately. But at any rate, no harm in trying.


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As long as he can demonstrate the relationship is a real one which could be difficult as he has spent a lot of the time in Thailand with his partner already, however as he has spent 2 months in the UK already he should have the contact records etc.

I would advise him to apply after he has around 6 months of records between them both plus he has adequate funds to maintain and accommodate her whilst she visits the UK.

Good luck.

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From what you have said, I do not see a problem.

You have a genuine, year long relationship and can prove it. Therefore she has a genuine reason to visit the UK. Provide evidence of this; stamps in your passport showing when you were in Thailand, phone bills showing how often you talk to her, e.mail headers, letters, photos etc. I'm afraid I don't know how to print out Skype records, but I'm sure I remember a thread on it somewhere. In your sponsor's briefly explain the history of your relationship, the reason for her visit at this time and what your future plans, if any, are.

She has a definite reason to return to Thailand. When my step-son visited the UK while at university he obtained a letter from his tutor and another from the university confirming this and when he had to return.

She will be adequately accommodated during her visit. Your parents should write a letter inviting her to stay. In this they should describe the accommodation and who else lives there to show that there is at least one room for her exclusive use; sharing with you or another female would be acceptable. If they own then they should provide some evidence of this, such as a mortgage statement; if they rent then a letter from their landlord confirming that she can stay in the property and that there is room for her without overcrowding issues.

Finally, the finance. She will need to show that there are sufficient finances available for her visit. These can come from her resources, those of a sponsor (you), a third party (e.g.your parents) or a combination of all three. Whoever is contributing toward the cost of the visit will need to show that they have the funds to do so by producing bank statements, pay slips or similar.

How much money does she need? How long is a piece of string? The only answer is "Enough." It all depends on the circumstances of the individual applicant's visit; your girlfriend will be staying with your parents so will not, for example, need as much as someone staying in a hotel. As a guide, when my sister-in-law visited us last year we said that we would meet most of her expenses (staying with us, providing her food etc.) and put an expenditure for her of £20 per week; which the entry clearance officer found acceptable.

You may find the following helpful:-

Maintenance and accommodation (most of this applies to settlement applicant's, but some is relevant for visitors, too.)

Guidance - Visitors (INF 2)

Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

For where and how to apply, fees etc. see UK visa application website.

Finally, unless the ECO has a reason for limiting the validity/number of entries; all UK visit visas are multi entry. However, the visa will be valid for 6 months from it's issue date (unless she requests the start date to be postponed) and once that 6 months is up, she will not be able to use it anymore. Obviously she must ensure that she has left the UK by this date.

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Recent experience is that the ECO here are asking for further evidence of clients cohabiting in Thailand such as phone records

etc ?

How many times do you ring your partner if you are living together ?

Try getting your phone records from Dtac etc.

How can you demonstrate you lived with your partner ?

Photographs & any rental agreements here can be included plus any assets etc.

I would personally prefer to do a Tourist application from someone based in the UK than in Thailand as we can demonstrate a paper trail between both parties.

Just because you satisfy the visitors criteria does not necessarily mean you will get a visa.

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I on the other hand think you would have a reasonable chance. Don't worry about asking questions, if people don't want to answer they will not.

You have already answered one of the points in TVE's questions, she goes to Uni. That probably means she doesn't have a job but providing she can get proof from the Uni that she is studying and her studies are scheduled, and paid, to continue then that may give a reason to return. Obviously she would be looking to make a trip during Uni holidays, if she was taking an extended trip during term time they would understandably be suspicious.

You have already mentioned your travels throughout Asia, if you can supply details of your trips together, ie photos, tickets and corresponding passport stamps, then that may help prove your relationship coupled with communication records, somebody will advise how to print Skype records.

You will need to write a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship, previous travels and how, and why, you are going to finance the trip, she should also do a letter outlining the same and her plans, in Thailand, for the future. Don't worry about not having wedges of money in the bank, you just need to prove you can afford to pay for trip.

People have their own views about using agents and as TVE rightly says "we have done lots of successful applications" I personally don't think you need one, but if she does use one she should used an agent who has OISC certification, and TVE does.

Good luck to you both.

Edit - I really must learn to type faster.

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Just because you satisfy the visitors criteria does not necessarily mean you will get a visa.

With respect, surely this cannot be right! If the ECOs are refusing visas to people who satisfy the criteria, and have shown that they do, then surely they are acting against not only the spirit but also the letter of the immigration rules!

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Rather than have one of us type the whole story over again for you, perhaps you should start off by using the search function to search this forum and read up on some previous experiences. Type in something like "process for UK visa" or similar words and then check out the stories.

The search function often throws up many posts that are not at all relevant to the information required. it justs searches for posts that contain the words entered.

If someone wants to post a question, even one that has been asked before, that is what this forum is for. If others want to answer it, that is their choice.

As is ignoring it.

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Just because you satisfy the visitors criteria does not necessarily mean you will get a visa.

With respect, surely this cannot be right! If the ECOs are refusing visas to people who satisfy the criteria, and have shown that they do, then surely they are acting against not only the spirit but also the letter of the immigration rules!

Exactly the point I was about to make.

There is absolutely no need to use any of these visa agents either.Some of these charge 30,000 baht or more-if you can read and write English than you are quite capable of completing an application form.

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Reason to return to your host country that's the ECO favourite term to refuse the application.

A recent scenario :

A married couple live together in Thailand they supply :

Marriage certificate

Bank account showing funds in excess of £100 k

A condominium which is owned totally by the farang husband.

Pictues and various other documents of them both in Singapore/Cambodia/Hong Kong.

Hotel bookings etc.

No phone records as they live together they could not supply these.

Refused due to the ECO doubting the relationship and reason to return to Thailand !!

The ECO then kept all the bank statements etc rather than appeal the client asked to re apply some few days later as they had all his bank statements he decided they was not required, the ECO then refused him on not supplying his funds yet they had them at the Embassy.

They even lost his photographs .

An example of what can happen and what goes on at the Embassy.

We got the decision over turned however an example of what can happen.

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Well as a married couple I am suprised they didn't take your advice and appeal, or at least ask the ECM to review the decision, which is what I presume you did following the second refusal.

I realise you have, understandably, only given the bare facts regarding the application but just because the husband fully owns the condo it doesn't mean the wife lives there or in fact, despite the trips together and the fact they have a marriage certificate, that there is a subsisting relationship and a good reason to return.

I think what you have highlighted, and you're the expert not me, is two things, it is essential that all the dots are crossed by ensuring there is evidence to support all of the claims, ie if the husband owns a condo then she lives there as well, what are his ties to Thailand apart from the condo etc etc. the second point is that if it was a robust an application as you indicate then ECO made a mistake, and I'm sure that can happen, and that's why the appeal and review procedures are in place.

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