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My Girlfriends New Tattoo


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1. The needles that are used are ALWAYS sterile and you are always shown them being taken out of a new air tight packet.

2. What has having a tattoo got to do with working in a bar??........... There are alot of girls, even hi -so girls with tattoos, its called being individual and not following the flock.

If i was her I would be kicking you out for being so petty and small minded about tattooed girls.



I agree you are small minded and if you love her before then why would a little ink that she done to improve the tattoo that she already has only shows that she is concerned about her looks..

Go to the beach my friend and you will see ladies from all over the world with tattoos-- I dare you to go up to one and call them a whore!! She is your GF not your dog you don't own her, let her make her decisions.. If she was to decide to go shag another man then you have reason to complain. Maybe you should think about getting a small tattoo somewhere that would make her happy and jump into the 20th century..

Wow, she had tattoos when you met her and you make her cover them up when you go out -- did you think she was a bad person then?? The answer must be No because you have been with her 2 years..

I'm Tattooed and at times I have to go to and get some additional work done to maintain the colours that fade and to keep the tattoos up to date..

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She made a major decision that will be seen by everyone, without consulting him. Whether you like tattoos or not, the real issue here is her unwillingness to work within their relationship. I will add my vote to those who would recommend re-evaluating the relationship. If she won't discuss this decision with you, what else is she not discussing with you?

Think that she could be afraid of him----just somethink to think about.

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Maybe the length of the thread has prevented women from responding to my earlier question so I feel obligated to ask it again.

If you knew your husband or significant other didn’t like tattoos would you discuss getting one with him before you did it.

And if you didn’t discuss it with him, knowing he didn’t like them and got one anyway what would that mean?

A. He is not as important as a pimple on a gnats bottom in the scheme of things so why would I ask the wanke_r anything.

B. It is my body and I don’t care if he likes what I do with or not because after all he is a man and don’t know horse poop about anything anyway.

C. I realize he pays all the bills and goes to work every day and I stay home and watch TV so I have more time on my hands to think of things to do that upset him.

D. I know he doesn’t like tattoos. So I am going to get one to see how much he loves me.

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Maybe the length of the thread has prevented women from responding to my earlier question so I feel obligated to ask it again.

If you knew your husband or significant other didn’t like tattoos would you discuss getting one with him before you did it.

And if you didn’t discuss it with him, knowing he didn’t like them and got one anyway what would that mean?

A. He is not as important as a pimple on a gnats bottom in the scheme of things so why would I ask the wanke_r anything.

B. It is my body and I don’t care if he likes what I do with or not because after all he is a man and don’t know horse poop about anything anyway.

C. I realize he pays all the bills and goes to work every day and I stay home and watch TV so I have more time on my hands to think of things to do that upset him.

D. I know he doesn’t like tattoos. So I am going to get one to see how much he loves me.

I'm a woman and I did reply- you must have missed it :)

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Why doesn’t this probably older Farang and his 30 something girlfriend, make the commitment and actually get married?

Yes, people will think she is the bar girl sort for sure, but until the relationship is official, than this guy has no right to dictate to this tattooed female how she should run her life.

I wonder if she wears short shorts, low cut vesty type tops, like many tattooed women with older Farang partners wear, as this will also give the impression of being from a certain locale.

If this is how she prefers to dress and look and the OP feels embarrassed by her presence, than the only solution is to say; NEXT, as she will never change, otherwise this guy can just continue on as the long and suffering because for some reason he loves her.

I’ve seen and heard all this before, they choose them and then hope they will change their ways to suit. Sorry, it doesn’t happen.

The only person that can change the situation is the OP; otherwise there is no point in whinging about it.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Maybe the length of the thread has prevented women from responding to my earlier question so I feel obligated to ask it again.

If you knew your husband or significant other didn't like tattoos would you discuss getting one with him before you did it.

And if you didn't discuss it with him, knowing he didn't like them and got one anyway what would that mean?

A. He is not as important as a pimple on a gnats bottom in the scheme of things so why would I ask the wanke_r anything.

B. It is my body and I don't care if he likes what I do with or not because after all he is a man and don't know horse poop about anything anyway.

C. I realize he pays all the bills and goes to work every day and I stay home and watch TV so I have more time on my hands to think of things to do that upset him.

D. I know he doesn't like tattoos. So I am going to get one to see how much he loves me.

I'm a woman and I did reply- you must have missed it :)

Same as his girlfriend, probably. She's probably been going on about it for weeks; its like the sound of the sea...

everyone says its nice, but no-one actually listens to it


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1. The needles that are used are ALWAYS sterile and you are always shown them being taken out of a new air tight packet.

2. What has having a tattoo got to do with working in a bar??........... There are alot of girls, even hi -so girls with tattoos, its called being individual and not following the flock.

If i was her I would be kicking you out for being so petty and small minded about tattooed girls.



I agree you are small minded and if you love her before then why would a little ink that she done to improve the tattoo that she already has only shows that she is concerned about her looks..

Go to the beach my friend and you will see ladies from all over the world with tattoos-- I dare you to go up to one and call them a whore!! She is your GF not your dog you don't own her, let her make her decisions.. If she was to decide to go shag another man then you have reason to complain. Maybe you should think about getting a small tattoo somewhere that would make her happy and jump into the 20th century..

Wow, she had tattoos when you met her and you make her cover them up when you go out -- did you think she was a bad person then?? The answer must be No because you have been with her 2 years..

I'm Tattooed and at times I have to go to and get some additional work done to maintain the colours that fade and to keep the tattoos up to date..

You could go to the beach close to my home and look a mile in each direction without seeing one lady with a tattoo. It is rare to see a woman in a bathing suit. Only shirts and shorts. It’s a Thai beach. Few if any Farangs.

Tattoos remind me of that old saying among the ladies on the cruise ships, You have to get up early in the morning or all the guys without the gold chains will be gone.

Same with tattoos. You have to get to the go go bar early or all the girls without tattoos will be gone.

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I wonder if she wears short shorts, low cut vesty type tops, like many tattooed women with older Farang partners wear, as this will also give the impression of being from a certain locale.

Short shorts and low cut vesty type top, and a tattoo, pictures please :)

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I've got a couple of tattoos (got them prior to being in my current relationship) and I'm always thinking about getting more, I just can't afford to right now. My current bf (thai) doesn't like tattoos very much. He doesn't mind that I have some (nothing he can do about it!) and knows that I want more. I would definitely speak to him about what I was planning when the time comes and ask his opinion which would probably be "up to you". I don't think I would just go and get one without mentioning it because I'd like him to know.

If I had enough money I would probably have my whole left arm covered in tattoos (I have a tattoo which takes up about half of the inside of my forearm), but that's more to do with the fact that I have a lot of scarring (due to self-harm in the past) and it's a bit of a toss up but I think tattoos would be judged less harshly than a load of scars. I try to cover up when in LOS despite the heat as I'm not 100% comfortable being 'on show' even though my bf says he doesn't care.

What would it mean if you knew he did not like tattoos and you got one without talking to him about it?

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I've got a couple of tattoos (got them prior to being in my current relationship) and I'm always thinking about getting more, I just can't afford to right now. My current bf (thai) doesn't like tattoos very much. He doesn't mind that I have some (nothing he can do about it!) and knows that I want more. I would definitely speak to him about what I was planning when the time comes and ask his opinion which would probably be "up to you". I don't think I would just go and get one without mentioning it because I'd like him to know.

If I had enough money I would probably have my whole left arm covered in tattoos (I have a tattoo which takes up about half of the inside of my forearm), but that's more to do with the fact that I have a lot of scarring (due to self-harm in the past) and it's a bit of a toss up but I think tattoos would be judged less harshly than a load of scars. I try to cover up when in LOS despite the heat as I'm not 100% comfortable being 'on show' even though my bf says he doesn't care.

What would it mean if you knew he did not like tattoos and you got one without talking to him about it?

He would probably think I didn't care about his feelings. But like someone else mentioned before some Thai people might not think it's too big a deal to discuss something first.

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there was a thread about dating online and one point made was: Have your criteria and stick to it.

I have to say, there are no shortage of women here but ones that "you" would date, that narrows the field. Are you afraid you won't find one? are you afraid of being alone?

You can guess my view, right?

ask her politely to leave and don't have anything to do with her (to avoid emotional pain that she will know well how to inflict, simply by virtue of being the oposite sex!)

start with a clean sheet, mate. And I don't just mean her skin!

Good luck, and don't feel like you have to settle for something that is not what you want. it will only end in tears.

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Forgive me, but I don't think Marky should concentrate on the "why didn't she tell me question". Its her body and up to her. If he didn't like the old ones and he had to ASK her to cover them, they were always going to be a deal breaker. I think the best thing to learn from this is, you don't like chicks with tats. Ergo, don't date chicks with tats! Simple. ,

oh, and get the one you are currently dating out of you life as soon as possible cos she doesn't value your preferences and you don't value her interlect over her appearance. Its what we in the west call, "A miss-match".


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I wonder however, Patsycat if you would get something so permanent as a tattoo without discussing it with your significant other?

I did get my ears pierced without telling my mum, and she hit the roof!!

What message would you be sending your husband?

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I did get my ears pierced without telling my mum, and she hit the roof!!

But you mum never disowned you or threw you out the house did she because of your ears.. ??

why would you try and confuse this simple issue by raising matters relating to "unconditional love". That is not what is under debate here.

Focus people, focus! :)

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strongly about the female in his life having a tattoo it is up to him to decide if he can live with it or not. That is also an individual choice. Many people dislike tattoos but do we have to slag them off because they do not like them?

You mean because a girl has a tattoo, he can't live with her?

Stupid as stupid can be.


It is his choice though. If he dislikes tattoos enough. And that is what we have. A choice. There is also the fact she did not discuss it with him even though he had let her know he dislikes tattoos - as per the rest of my post you omitted. Therefore imho she shows little care for his wants and desires. A relationship is generally giving up some things for harmony and accepting some things you may not be totally happy with. That is where compromise comes into a relationship, surely.

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I have to ask, because I hate tatoos. OP If you have strong opinions about them, why get into a meaningful relationship with a tattooed lady?

also the fact that he began a relationship with a lady that had short hair(and he likes long hair) she is a bit plump(he likes slim ladies)and she had tatts(he does n't like tatts).............not exactly a good match.

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Forgive me, but I don't think Marky should concentrate on the "why didn't she tell me question". Its her body and up to her. If he didn't like the old ones and he had to ASK her to cover them, they were always going to be a deal breaker. I think the best thing to learn from this is, you don't like chicks with tats. Ergo, don't date chicks with tats! Simple. ,

oh, and get the one you are currently dating out of you life as soon as possible cos she doesn't value your preferences and you don't value her interlect over her appearance. Its what we in the west call, "A miss-match".


It is not the tats it’s the whole package. She is a farmers daughter. She acts like a farmers daughter and she talks like a farmers daughter. She can’t pull off the tats.

If she was Tata Young she could pull off the tats.

If she was a PhD in physics she could pull off the tats.

I was married to a farmers daughter in the States. Not the same woman I referred to before. This farmers daughter had aspirations to make the big time. She kept her mouth shut and watched and learned. She went to night school to sharpen her mind and she hung around the right people to learn how to dress and talk.

She took a small amount money and parlayed it into successful business. She was interviewed on TV all the time. Newspapers quoted her.

She divorced me and went through millionaires like popcorn until she found one who didn’t insist on a pre nup and now has three or four homes and a castle. No one would have thought less of her if she had a tattoo. But she wouldn’t have had a tattoo. She almost killed my eldest daughter when she even suggested it at 16.

I knew a woman in Bangkok who covered up some really ugly stretch marks with a giant tattoo. It looked a lot better. Some women and some men can look good no matter what they are wearing or what they are doing. It’s a matter of style and knowledge. Mostly this comes from a privileged upbringing.

Changing Thai women is never an easy undertaking. First come the tears then the threats and then the throwing. I am no expert but I have had some experience.

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