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Burmese Gf Assaulted


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Sorry, but this all seems a little strange.

Why would a totally unprovoked male shop owner attack an innocent female passer by for no reason?

How could he tell the woman wasn`t Thai? Thai and Burmese all look the same to me and racism in Thailand to the point where someone would get beaten for not being Thai is extrememly rare.

Is there some history between the two? That the OP has no knowledge of?

There is something amiss here.

You cant tell Asians apart and you assume the rest of the world is equally ignorant? And that Asians can't tell eachother apart? Cmon....

All of you perplexed how this could happen are seriously out of the loop. Thais are the most racist bunch I've ever encountered. Random violence against other races is COMMON. These are not highly educated enlightened people we are talking about, these are the equivalent of rednecks or worse.

And Fantafood, yes they try to overcharge you (falangs) at hospitals and if you have the balls you can get the scamming lowered. Why would this guy make up a story for your amusement? Why is it that when someone talks about negative things that happen in Thailand the apologists just deny deny deny. How can we live in totally different countries and yet be in the exact same place?! :)

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^^^^ Agree 100% except that I think the Chinese are more racist than your average Thai.

I'd hate to be a black student in China.

like i said, i don't think it was a racial thing. he may have wanted some action for all i know, and went about getting it in the wrong way.

'chinese' was what the police said when the read the address. it's not a profile gleaned from any description of, or interviews, with anyone. but having said that the guy looked chinese, and the woman who owned the shop had caked white make-up on her face, and lots of bright eye make-up, and outrageously big hair like many old thai-chinese women.

for all i know the guy could have been working there, or just hanging out. when they pulled him out of the shop he looked quite shabby though, which started me thinking that he doesn't actually live there. the old woman seemed conciliatory, so they may be the ones 'laying low' for all i know - shocked that her friend/nephew/relative/worker would get caught by a foriegn couple not aware of the local jai yen, suck up to rich people kind of attitudes.

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myauk, like i said in my post, i understand your reaction. it has happened to us several times : husband not getting paid wages when giving two weeks leave notice , according to law here; getting paid half salary and told that if not keep working, the owner 'knows peeople in immigration' ; seeing as corruption is rampant here also, and many many people do have 'friends in high places' and i live in a specific community where i can be found easily (kibbutz, not exactly anonoyous), we also get paranoid very quickly since there is a definite hatred and racist attitude towards foreigners that look foreign-- a thai face sticks out a mile away here , even if he has an israeli id card already.... so our first response when stopped by police or having to get assertive to get missing salary is 'dont bother', leave it, whatever.

however, i finally realized that often, what is felt on the streets is not what happens in courts in or institutions if u have the paperwork and the calmness and assertiveness needed. most of the time, people 'in high places' cant be bothered with two minor problems (us , or u and gf); and it is just on the street bullying that is the problem. so once again, i wouldnt even bother to find out why or what happened. perhaps she bumped in to him and he pushed her and she turned towards him and he went ballitisc? its happend to us twice in the open market here that someone bumped in to my husbnad, and before i knew what was happeneing we had an incident on our hands (loss of face from some israeli 'wise guy' types) and of course police tend to take the side of a citizen before a stranger (or someone who looks like one at any rate), until info is given and things set straight.

in other words: dont make mountains out of molehills. just keep going about your business as usual; and as someone mentioned, make sure that your info and papers for the visa are in order since i remember u had such a hard time sorting everything out for her... did u get married in the end? sorry lost track, but its been about a year if i recall? and stop being paranoid.

and gunga din: stop instigating with anti thai and racist remarks.



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