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Thai PM Abhisit Vows To Retake Bangkok Protest Site


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My Gosh !! Steven !!

First : you wish that Thai people Die ? Who are you ???? this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard from anybody. Life is more important than anything !! Should you go back to school to understand this !

Second : the red are maybe disturbing heavily this country, everybody suffers from it. But all struggle have their bad side. They are demonstrating for Democracy. But maybe this is something else that teacher forgot to teach you !

Third: You say bring dow the tank with a lot of anger. I say let the people of thailand decide with a VOTE. Only Them have the right to decide. No Thank ! No Army ! No Violence ! But only Responsible and HUMAN SOLUTION !!!!!

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My Gosh !! Steven !!

First : you wish that Thai people Die ? Who are you ???? this is the stupidest thing i have ever heard from anybody. Life is more important than anything !! Should you go back to school to understand this !

Second : the red are maybe disturbing heavily this country, everybody suffers from it. But all struggle have their bad side. They are demonstrating for Democracy. But maybe this is something else that teacher forgot to teach you !

Third: You say bring dow the tank with a lot of anger. I say let the people of thailand decide with a VOTE. Only Them have the right to decide. No Thank ! No Army ! No Violence ! But only Responsible and HUMAN SOLUTION !!!!!

E X E C E L L E N T !

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Second : the red are maybe disturbing heavily this country, everybody suffers from it. But all struggle have their bad side. They are demonstrating for Democracy. But maybe this is something else that teacher forgot to teach you !

You should maybe take a stroll down and talk to your beloved mob because the vast majority of the ones my wife and I spoke to have no idea what democracy is.. unless it means their Dear Leader can return to steal, errrrr. govern again... it is so sad when people like you post nonsense with no first hand or credible information to add

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The driver of a BTS Skytrain has told police investigating the fatal M79 grenade attack on the Sala Daeng BTS station that he saw rocket propelled grenades fired from the Robinson Department Store building.A bunch of liars this government.Maybe these are there own men who did it and blame the red shirts for it.

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The driver of a BTS Skytrain has told police investigating the fatal M79 grenade attack on the Sala Daeng BTS station that he saw rocket propelled grenades fired from the Robinson Department Store building.A bunch of liars this government.Maybe these are there own men who did it and blame the red shirts for it.

they arrested a few guys in black, one a retired soldier. They're out on bail again.

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has anyone read the bangkok post columns or seen the news on the "mysterious" men in black? Who do you suppose they really are? They've been seen in and among the red shirt "barricades" so it would appear if they were foes there would've been a clash.

One has to wonder how all this can go on when it gets to sucha level as guys in black with machine gus can roam around like mercenaries and assassins.

Time to bring this to an end. The "formerly red shirts now known as colorless shirts" don't want a peaceful end, so I guess sooner or later here, they'll get what they're askin' for, maybe more than they bargained for.

I think of the movie "Dark Night" when thinking about these "men in black" where it's said about the Joker that some people just want chaos for it's own sake (paraphrasing). These people are guns for hire and have no employers unless stuff is hitting the fan. The longer discord can be mainained, the longer they are employed.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Thailand is quite civilized by western standards; however your opinion is quite narrow in content and logic. Could you provide me a name of another civilized country that would allow people to occupy business areas and financial districts for days and weeks on end? Could you provide me a name of another civilized country where military and law enforcement personnel would surrender their firearms to protesters? Comparing this rally with the 1976 Thammasat event is preposterous. The Red Shirts have carried on under an umbrella of misdirection and inappropriate (at times illegal) activities that would receive quick and decisive action to end their protest by any other civilized country. Thailand has a passive government and law enforcement which has probably allowed this protest to continue as long as it has. However, if other world governments would allow this kind of protest to go on as long as it has, this world would be in chaos. People have the right to voice their concerns, but frankly, there is a tolerable limit to the extent of such.

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Military can not disperse the protesters from this site.

Basically it would take a huge number of soldiers to succeed, and a lot of military hardware. Undoubtedly there would be a lot of dead.

The guys encamped themselves into a "bunker", protected with sites that military surely does not want to destroy. If the operation started though, it is not unimaginable for the protesters to break into the hospitals, hotels and shopping malls and burn them to the ground.

But starving the protesters of food and sleep could be a bloodless way of dispersal. As someone posted earlier, moving the army from one place to another every couple of hours, even if it's just empty trucks, combined with a couple of helicopter flyovers would be just the thing that keeps the mob up, in expectation of mayhem. The red leaders would definitely tell protesters taht it's coming now... then it doesn't come. And again 2 hours later the same thing, and it doesn't come. Shutting off mobile networks, electricity and jamming the red radio just before drive pass would add to the drama.

It is also possible to starve the protesters, by putting another barricade outside their barricade, with a lot of barbwire and armed soldiers to stop people from going in or out... Best to do it at night during the week, keeping people in without the chance of leaving, as that would seriously hurt their jobs, not being able to go back home and to work. Then just slowly drain them out mentally and physically. Until the movement crashes on itself. Until the red leaders lose all their credibility for announcing attack on them over and over, but it just never happens.

I would definitely prefer the above nerve game to an all out war.

EDIT: A few typos

It would be a bit hard to starve them given that people live in the area and their are many mini-marts etc in the area.

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Srry Abhisit but the boy cried wolf once too many, how can i trust you now???

How many times has the cry actually come from the reds?

There have been many occasions when the red leaders have said "The army are coming in tonight. We need all the support we can get."

... actually, that could be a good ploy by Abhisit. Cry wolf all the time. The reds will become complacent. Then they're done.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Thailand is quite civilized by western standards; however your opinion is quite narrow in content and logic. Could you provide me a name of another civilized country that would allow people to occupy business areas and financial districts for days and weeks on end? Could you provide me a name of another civilized country where military and law enforcement personnel would surrender their firearms to protesters? Comparing this rally with the 1976 Thammasat event is preposterous. The Red Shirts have carried on under an umbrella of misdirection and inappropriate (at times illegal) activities that would receive quick and decisive action to end their protest by any other civilized country. Thailand has a passive government and law enforcement which has probably allowed this protest to continue as long as it has. However, if other world governments would allow this kind of protest to go on as long as it has, this world would be in chaos. People have the right to voice their concerns, but frankly, there is a tolerable limit to the extent of such.

You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

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has anyone read the bangkok post columns or seen the news on the "mysterious" men in black? Who do you suppose they really are? They've been seen in and among the red shirt "barricades" so it would appear if they were foes there would've been a clash.

One has to wonder how all this can go on when it gets to sucha level as guys in black with machine gus can roam around like mercenaries and assassins.

Time to bring this to an end. The "formerly red shirts now known as colorless shirts" don't want a peaceful end, so I guess sooner or later here, they'll get what they're askin' for, maybe more than they bargained for.

The "men in black" are army rangers trained by General Chavalit, the now chairman of Pheua Thai, originally intended to guard Thailand's borders with Laos and Cambodia, as well as carry out missions in the deep South. When Surayud took over a few years ago, he disbanded the army rangers and they all lost their jobs. They're some of the best trained special forces in Thailand, and now it seems they're getting their job back. Bad move from Surayud.

Why was it a bad move- he thought they weren't needed anymore. But you don't say it's a bad move from the Reds to mobilize them? Let's see, who is lusting for blood? Maybe its the men in black and their supporters, which apparently include you.

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You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

Its been pointed out so many times, so this is probably useless, but - FYI - they are being prosecuted. Warrants were issued. They turned themselves in. They were released on bail. They have not run away from the charges. The court will hear their case. They have also been sued for damages, also ongoing. So you can <deleted> about "they must be prosecuted". And please name any of those who were summoned that have been seen onstage in the current yellow/multi color demonstrations. I saw an interview with Chamlong the other day - not once did he advocate burning Bangkok down, attacking the BTS or a shopping mall, or threatening to turn Thailand into Rawanda - all things blurted out by red leaders.

Edited by Netfan
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I live in front of the red's tire fence at chid lom just off of petchburi. Most afternoons, it is either completely unmanned or one or two people stand guard. The authorities could come in, arrest the few that may be there if any, and take it away before anyone could do anything.

But they dont. No one would be killed, it would be easy. But they don't. I as much as anyone I do not want to see people killed, but I would like to think the authorities could at least mitigate the situation. From my perspective, they just do not have the resolve to do much of anything.

Notice anyone standing guard?


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You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

The yellows have been charged for the airport occupation.

As is standard for the Thai "justice" system, you are charged and then let out on bail, and then it moves VERY slowly, especially if you're rich -red, yellow or anything else.

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You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

Its been pointed out so many times, so this is probably useless, but - FYI - they are being prosecuted. Warrants were issued. They turned themselves in. They were released on bail. They have not run away from the charges. The court will hear their case. They have also been sued for damages, also ongoing. So you can <deleted> about "they must be prosecuted". And please name any of those who were summoned that have been seen onstage in the current yellow/multi color demonstrations. I saw an interview with Chamlong the other day - not once did he advocate burning Bangkok down, attacking the BTS or a shopping mall, or threatening to turn Thailand into Rawanda - all things blurted out by red leaders.

I was a newbie to Thailand once myself so I understand your hopeful naivity and belief in what you read in the Thai press. Stick around a few years and you'll understand.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Totally agree with you mate. Some of the posts made on this site are completely disgusting. Like blood lust crazies it's as if they can't wait to see the army slaughtering men woman and children. What sort of people frequent this site? Personally it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when I read such hate filled rhetoric. Sad, so very sad.

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You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

We are talking about an ARMY possibly slaughtering civilians who are armed with just sticks and rocks for self-defence.

I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

What is wrong with you people?

Are your business interests at stake or what?

You should be held as guilty as those who may possibly murder many innocent men, women, and children.

Why don't you go back to your home countries and kill your own people.

Not wishing misfortune upon anyone, but there seems little other options. I hope you are aware that peace talks didn't work, they don't wanna negotiate, and that group is and has been downright violent, even unprovoked. And what sorta peaceful statement do their "defences" make? Certainly not a peaceful diplomatic solution!

They aren't gonna go home until they're kicked out, and maybe its too late, as they are losing their color so they can stealthily blend in with the population. This is about to become a zone where you can't avoid danger at all in the Big Mango.

Another bomb just went off 1 street from me, charansanitwong 57 , something needs to be done about all this I would hardly say the reds are innocent, they have been warned multiple times, they are clearly violent, and they wont stop until they get what they want, they all know the danger they are in by staying so its at their own risk.. you say "go back to your own country and kill your own people" let me ask... would your country put up with this? would they just sit and wait for them to go lol would they let them build barricades which blatently at the first sign of a big threat will be set on fire causing even more risk to INNOCENT people and buildings...


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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

Edited by Hawk
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-- The Nation

Urgent: 6 injured in bomb attack, shooting at Banharn's house

Assailants lobbed a grenade and fired at the house of Chat Thai Pattana Party de facto leader Banharn Silapa-Archa late Sunday night, injuring six people.


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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

One might extrapolate this the crucible in which Red Shirt Dr. Weng's philosophy was hardened.

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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

Why should we be surprised your version of what happened is way off the mark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6_October_1976_Massacre

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You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

Its been pointed out so many times, so this is probably useless, but - FYI - they are being prosecuted. Warrants were issued. They turned themselves in. They were released on bail. They have not run away from the charges. The court will hear their case. They have also been sued for damages, also ongoing. So you can <deleted> about "they must be prosecuted". And please name any of those who were summoned that have been seen onstage in the current yellow/multi color demonstrations. I saw an interview with Chamlong the other day - not once did he advocate burning Bangkok down, attacking the BTS or a shopping mall, or threatening to turn Thailand into Rawanda - all things blurted out by red leaders.

I was a newbie to Thailand once myself so I understand your hopeful naivity and belief in what you read in the Thai press. Stick around a few years and you'll understand.

I figured you wouldn't respond to any of the facts, typical of red followers. :)

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You are quite right. The occupation of the airport was a travesty that would not be tolerated in any democracy. The PAD terrorists are still running free in Thailand creating havoc. They must be prosecuted.

Its been pointed out so many times, so this is probably useless, but - FYI - they are being prosecuted. Warrants were issued. They turned themselves in. They were released on bail. They have not run away from the charges. The court will hear their case. They have also been sued for damages, also ongoing. So you can <deleted> about "they must be prosecuted". And please name any of those who were summoned that have been seen onstage in the current yellow/multi color demonstrations. I saw an interview with Chamlong the other day - not once did he advocate burning Bangkok down, attacking the BTS or a shopping mall, or threatening to turn Thailand into Rawanda - all things blurted out by red leaders.

I was a newbie to Thailand once myself so I understand your hopeful naivity and belief in what you read in the Thai press. Stick around a few years and you'll understand.

I figured you wouldn't respond to any of the facts, typical of red followers. :)

I'll buy y'all a beer the day the yellow terrorists are actually serving their sentences.

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I'll bet none of you know the history of the Thammasat students who were slaughtered in 1976.

Have you seen the pictures or the video?

Yes I know the history of Thammasat 1976, I was living just a few miles away at the time and watching the whole thing on the TV.

I remember quite clearly how four officials, waving a large white flag were gunned down by the students as they were walking in through the main gate to negotiate a ceasefire. The students were on the 3rd floor stairs and used a M50 heavy caliber machine gun to kill the four officers.

After that all hel_l broke lose and I remember the crowd grabbing a student, hanging him and then burning him alive in what used to be the old Sunday market.

The students were out and out communists in those days, and the ones that escaped out the back and up the river, went to live in China. Now must are back in Thailand after they were awarded immunity from prosecution.

Why should we be surprised your version of what happened is way off the mark http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6_October_1976_Massacre

His version sounds good but is it really completely off the mark ? Why would he make up the M50 part ?

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I'll buy y'all a beer the day the yellow terrorists are actually serving their sentences.

Yep, it'll probably be the same day the red leaders do. And the day Thaksin and Jakorob return to man-up to their mis-doings. :)

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I'll buy y'all a beer the day the yellow terrorists are actually serving their sentences.

Yep, it'll probably be the same day the red leaders do. And the day Thaksin and Jakorob return to man-up to their mis-doings. :)

I think there is a difference. Most of the red shirt leaders are out on bail, so they will probably get no more bail. If they try to get amnesty for themselves, that must go for yellow shirt leaders too.

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His version sounds good but is it really completely off the mark ? Why would he make up the M50 part ?

In the dawn of 6 October 1976, the rightists began to fire into the University campus using military weapons. Although the students pleaded for a ceasefire, the then police chief authorized a free fire on the University and the paramilitary groups stormed in. Students who were surrendering were forced to lie on the ground only to be beaten, some to death. Others were shot or hung and their bodies set ablaze. Those attempting to escape the University by jumping into the Chao Phraya River were also shot. The attacks lasted for several hours until the Border Patrol Police, Red Gaur, Navapol, and the Village Scouts re-gathered at the Royal Turf Club and were dismissed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6_October_1976_Massacre

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