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Noncewatch - The Jacko Verdict

The verdict;  

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Wacko Jacko will prove that "Money Talks, Bullshit Walks" and he will "Beat It, Beat It, Beat It" (the rap). The verdict will be a "Thriller". His accuser might "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'", because she believes "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough".

Michael will be happy when "She's Out Of My Life", then he'll have that "Morning Glow" again, because there "Ain't No Sunshine" in his life without "Ben", and he wants to "Rock With You" "Girlfriend". "The Way You Make Me Feel" like a "Smooth Criminal", "You Are Not Alone"

"Give In To Me" because "I Just Can't Stop Loving You". There will be "Blood On The Dancefloor" when you "Scream"

"Who Is It", "Dirty Diana" ? The "Liberian Girl " or "Ben" ?

"Remember The Time" "In The Closet" ? You were such a "Pretty Young Thing" and I told you "You Are Not Alone".

"Will You Be There", will you "Give In To Me", will "You Rock My World" ?

Sheesh, I could keep going all day like that.

Oh yeah, for those that might not know, the blue hilighted words/phrases are titles of some of Michael Jackson's songs over the years.

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Wacko Jacko will prove that "Money Talks, Bullshit Walks" and he will "Beat It, Beat It, Beat It" (the rap). The verdict will be a "Thriller". His accuser might "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'", because she believes "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough".

Michael will be happy when "She's Out Of My Life", then he'll have that "Morning Glow" again, because there "Ain't No Sunshine" in his life without "Ben", and he wants to "Rock With You" "Girlfriend". "The Way You Make Me Feel" like a "Smooth Criminal", "You Are Not Alone"

"Give In To Me" because "I Just Can't Stop Loving You". There will be "Blood On The Dancefloor" when you "Scream"

"Who Is It", "Dirty Diana" ? The "Liberian Girl " or "Ben" ?

"Remember The Time" "In The Closet" ? You were such a "Pretty Young Thing" and I told you "You Are Not Alone".

"Will You Be There", will you "Give In To Me", will "You Rock My World" ?

Sheesh, I could keep going all day like that.

Oh yeah, for those that might not know, the blue hilighted words/phrases are titles of some of Michael Jackson's songs over the years.

Kerry, that is an incredible piece of posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now thats cool like Carlito's Cabana says!!!!!!!!!




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The verdict will be Not Guilty as there is "reasonable doubt" due to the mother being less than upstanding. If there is "reasonable doubt" the jury MUST find the defendant Not Guilty (even if they think he is guilty a la O.J.).

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I just cannot believe any of us thinking of having any doubt concerning Jacko, since he happens to be a professional child molester pedophile, using wealth as the main means to get to them and then using his super fortified Neverland Ranch house to put his sicko jacko desires to work.

Now think about that for a moment and think about of the damage that has happened to the kid and (other kids whom also were victimized and not involved in this trial alone) who has to live with this incident(s) for the rest of their lifetime and perhaps never ever recover emotionally as a normal human being again.

Do you still have doubts of this kind of person who says right smack on TV as quoted """"""" There is nothing wrong for children to sleep with me on my bed"""""" and these kids are not even his!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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he happens to be a professional child molester pedophile

In our 'Jurisprudence-Thai visa-legal-focus-group' we prefer to use the word 'alleged' Dave.

Until found guilty of course.

I think you are confusing us with the 'Testicle Severance Sub Group'.

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Jackson: No smoke without fire. I think he is guilty to some extent. The media blows it up, so it's hard to get a full picture. Money extortion? Jackson's cash is finished, at least what media says.

My best guess is 10 years in jail.

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He gave Jordy Chandler 20 million. Doesn't bother to go to Court to contest the allegations.

Here he doesn't take the stand to say 'of course I didn't do it), (but appears on television to say he's innocent)

Can these two issues be used as a tacit admission of guilt, or is this completely within his rights in the US?

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I think he will be found not guilty.

This whole court thing is just a fun motorcycle ride from our house. A few times

I ask my little thai wife if she would like to go up there to wave and yell to michael as he comes to the court house in the morning, she would just smile. Funny, it's the same smile for yes or no, I just am able to read it. We never went.

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yep... He´ll moonwalk.

Mother of the kid is a using abusing, lying, cheating, opportunist whore... (remind anyone of any cliché´s?? sorry mods!)

As to what he may or may not have done with the kid in question:

Any kid I´ve ever known in the western world is already well into discovering his sexuality by the age of ...was it fourteen...

And if so, why not take the journey of discovery with the most famous man in the world.

Additionally, it may well turn out to be OJ-esque, but just as we live in TIT, we all know how justice works in the land of the Free. MBE=money buys everything.... OHHH!!!! right, Jacko ain´t got no more money, but then again, out friendly crusaders for freedom love credit, and Jacko must have good credit.

Just my 1/2 saitangs worth...


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Hey Mr moog

Went to your hotel last night

Very nice


That's not Scampy in there, is it? :o


I would remember wearing those shorts, no it is not me.

It is a disturbing resemblence though, very disturbing, so spooky in fact that my own brother thinks somebody has been pissing about in photoshop.

I should find out who the guy in the picture is and tell him he has a twin.

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Hey Mr moog

Went to your hotel last night

Very nice


That's not Scampy in there, is it? :o


I would remember wearing those shorts, no it is not me.

It is a disturbing resemblence though, very disturbing, so spooky in fact that my own brother thinks somebody has been pissing about in photoshop.

I should find out who the guy in the picture is and tell him he has a twin.

Doppleganger.... ? :D

totster :D

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So Totster, RDN, what should I do, what would you do?

It's very spooky and looks more like me than you remember because my hair has grown a bit at the sides since then, just like this <deleted> sitting by the pool!

Shall I e-mail the hotel and find out who he is? :D:o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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So Totster, RDN, what should I do, what would you do?

It's very spooky and looks more like me than you remember because my hair has grown a bit at the sides since then, just like this <deleted> sitting by the pool!

Shall I e-mail the hotel and find out who he is?  :D  :o

I would email the hotel and ask "who is this <deleted> who looks like me sitting next to the pool" I am sure you will get an interesting response.

Nice shorts Scamp.

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So Totster, RDN, what should I do, what would you do?

It's very spooky and looks more like me than you remember because my hair has grown a bit at the sides since then, just like this <deleted> sitting by the pool!

Shall I e-mail the hotel and find out who he is?  :D  :D

I don't know what I would do scamp.... Are you sure you're not suffering with memory loss...? :o

totster :D

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