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Violence In The Room Next Door


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I live in a condo nearby Nana area right now, this condo is not luxury, just located in convenient area.

So many people have bought rooms for making investment, by giving it to resell, or to daily/monthly rent.

Many foreigners come living in this condo, some rent, I guess some are tenants.

Into my floor, I guess almost 100% are rooms for rent, since I seldom meet my own neighbors.

In some months I would hear some noise from a few rooms nearby, it means somebody came live and then would leave in not so long.

No socialization here for me, but I am ok.. I don't need to borrow sugar anyway.

I had had well living here until just night before, at almost dawn time, I was awaken by a woman's screaming,

it was so loud noise, then came up with some hitting sounds, door banging several times, and then I heard voices of a man.

I got up from my bed to be behind my door, felt frightened since I was all alone during that time.

Seemed it happened in front of my room, the man in room opposite to mine had caused this.

Then I heard more two women went out from a room nearby,

the screaming women said in Thai, she was hit after her having sex with the man inside the room, and she was paid nothing.

She continued mourning and banging the door to be opened, while those two women helped her in getting dress.

I guess she was kicked out naked and all of her own stuffs were in that room.

Then the man inside the room opened his door, with the 500 baht money for the screaming woman.

She said she asked for 1,500 baht money for the having sex, the man refused for giving this.

I could understand from this now, this was about a foreigner had picked up a prostitute for having fun and they might made different deal to each other,

I don't know if this would be because of the weakness in language skill, or one of them did the cheat.

To me, I would not be in any involving with, but it was really annoyed.

Although I heard the man had said apology to the other two women after.

But I hope more for none would be happening again, it's really not fun for having awakened during rest time.

Moreover, I feel unsafe here, it should be restrict area for tenants only, but this... is because of giving rent….anybody can come up here.

Seem this condo turned to be more like a hotel/ motel... should it have a register table at the front? :)

What should I do then? Should I report this to building administer?

Anyway, this is the first time I got this kind of trouble within my almost 5 months here.

I have thought to call to the tenant, but unsure the man inside the room in that night,

maybe he is that tenant or he is just someone come one-night stayed.

Not yet done anything so far, but I have felt not OK, I should have my confidence in living here, right?

Now it's 4:30am, I have woke up already, too nervous for my getting sleep more, seem like I am too much sensitive right now.

What should be the best way to manage with this?

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Just ignore it, why don't you feel safe, some prick didn't pay his whore, no big deal apart from the fact you were woken up I don't see any problems for you unless he does it all the time and you keep getting woken up so early.

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first time in 5 moths is not a drama, surely complain to the management and encourage the others (like the ladies you have mentioned) to do the same.

being so close to nana you would expect this kind behaviour more often.

go for a walk - fresh air of the morning will calm you down and you can catch up with some sleep later on

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If it's a one-off thing and there are no guns involved you shouldn't need to worry. Something similar happened next to our apartment recently, in a very established condo building, but the room is intermittently occupied. It was annoying, but it hadn't happened before and hasn't since.

As long as you have secure doors and you stay in a safe area you've nothing to worry about. If someone starts screaming for help, call Security and step in only if you feel it's appropriate. None of us wants to get involved in these things, but sometimes we have to decide whether we have a moral obligation to do so or not.

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I am sure I will not want to be too much sensitive for this matter, otherwise I would have done the report right immediately already.

Have realized this with my own safety concerned, certainly it should be too dramatic as it is feminine kind of thinking, that's all.

May be I should have my word to Condo admin and also to that tenant when this will be happening again in the second time. Should this be proper way?

To encourage to those Thai women as LondonThai's opinion, I have intended doing so..

but seem they are just some temperarily stayed.. not the living here, might not bother them.

Will see...if I will have chance for seeing them.

Thank you for all the replies... :)

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Midori Apple asked:

"What should be the best way to manage with this?"

Keep your perspective. Screaming and door slamming is indication of an argument, not an indication of physical violence. If things change from an argument to someone getting physically abused, then you will know it immediately, either by a drastic change in audible noise, or the sudden absence of it.

I agree with the others who suggested to let it go and hope for no repeat occurrences.

I would also suggest this event is an indication to review all of your residential security matters. What will you do if "XYZ" happens? Who will you call? What will you say? Where are your emergency numbers written down? What is your emergency exit strategy? Etc.

Good luck.

Edited by Spee
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My fantasy on the subject.

Man picks up bar girl and takes her home, 500bht short-time.

Wakes up to find her going through his wallet.

Grabs her to throw her out, she screams and shouts, slaps and punches him, but being a nice guy, he just pushes her out the door.

Breathing heavily he recovers for a moment, then opens the door and gives her clothes.

Then he remembers that he hasn't paid her yet, opens door again and gives her the agreed money, she insists on more.

Later he apologises to the onlookers ........

Now my story is just as valid as anyone elses, only I haven't pushed all the bad thoughts onto the guy!

You are living next to a nice guy who had an unfortunate incident in picking up a violent and dishonest woman.

Have a nice day and be happy in your apartment.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Inflamatory & off topic posts removed.

GOOD! No need for inflamatory comments.

The OP had a legitimate request about what to do... and I suspect the OP is a woman.

If the OP likes the location of the apartment then the best suggestion is an additional dead bolt on the room.

Domestic problems can happen anywhere and probably more often in a place near Nana Plaza.

Sarasbloke probably made a good assessment of the situation. Unless this sort of thing happens on a continual basis then I'd just let it die a natural death. Apartment managers are not likely to want getting involved. Neither are police unless someone is hurt... which nobody was.

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Yes, I am a woman... :) (thanks LondonThai)

Sorry, hope this not too late getting back here.

Well, many good instructions I have more, really appreciated.. Thank you

Thank you zzdocxx for your nice compliment, but I don't think to move just because of this small matter,

there must be better way out. Yes, to live in this area, I must prepare for maybe having this again.

Anyway, moving seems not best way out as Xangsamhua has nicely shared his story. But surely, I will move if I got this too much again.

The man in this situation may be good person as SarahsBloke's perspective, you are really optimistic, that is good.

I have heard nothing annoyed more since then, it was really his personal actually,

Then I feel a little more embarrass now that I was too paranoid.. :D shamed....

Cheers, you guys

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bring a bird back yourself and start making some noise, this should overide the noise coming from other rooms :) .

If you read a little more carefully it appears that the OP is in fact a lady !!!!! And I can understand her feelings

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Hi neighbor!!! Long time no see... :)

Sorry to hear about yr problem and sleepless night...

It sounds like it was a one-time thing, which do happen sometimes...

But ideally, especially for you, I'd think you'd want to be living someplace where the population/residents are a bit more settled and less transient...

If you've got people using those units/rooms on a night to night basis, that's bound to be asking for those kinds of problems...

I don't think everyplace around the area is quite as transient as the place you described. But it comes down to how much you like the place and is it really a good value for you in other ways....or...you'd be better off looking for something else in the area.

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Inflamatory & off topic posts removed.

GOOD! No need for inflamatory comments.

The OP had a legitimate request about what to do... and I suspect the OP is a woman.

Obviously. Otherwise this topic would long since have been closed. :)

Anyway, like others have said, it may be time to move to a classier neighborhood. (If such exists in Bangkok, South of paying 100K)

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