jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 There is a rumor the working girls of Soi Cowboy, Nana and Silom are going to be rallying to protest the current lack of customers ... they are going to be called the No-Shirts.
Jimi007 Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them. The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks. This is the Kingdom of Thailand! Not the Republic of Thailand. It is a Constitutional Monarchy. True cause and mandate? To do what? Get Thaksin's money back? He has plenty of wealth, but how's his health. Health is wealth! And Thailand needs healing...
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them. The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks. right on. it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines. What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit. What makes you think that Abhisit government is not corrupted? They are more corrupted than Thaksin's government and importantly useless in managing Thailand economy. They are now buying time so that they can pass the budget to have a cut of Thaksin's money. Why are people so blinded? It is all about money. Do you want an useless greedy government or efficient greedy government? Chuan's government was one of the most corrupted government in history. People have short memory. History is repeating itself. Abhisit government is just hopeless and does not take care the welfare of these northern farmers. What has he done other than giving 2000 baht to the middle class? He just has theory and no practical experience. It is easy to make claims without anything to back them up. Fact: It was the poor who got the 2000 baht hand out. I believe anyone making less than 15k a month but cannot remember the exact number. Yes, it is all about money. The reds want everyone to give them handouts because they chose to be farmers. They want the elite of BKK who make 200 baht a day working 12 hours a day 7 days a week to share in their wealth while they sit on their behinds in the non-farming season. If they don't want to be farmers or cannot make a living at it (as is the case for most family farmers in the rest of the world) then they should move closer to the city (as most people are doing in industrial nations such as the US) In addition to the handouts the current government in 16 months has guaranteed FREE health care, FREE schooling and school supplies, FREE cash payments for the elderly, income guarantees for farmers as well as low-income housing. Not to mention during this 16 month they have passed a number of stimulus packages with one of the largest being geared toward transportation. During these 16 months they have had to constantly defend themselves from the Reds who admittedly only want one things (to bring down the current gov't at any cost). Regardless of this, the current gov't has pulled the economy out of near collapse and the baht is still very strong regardless of all the BS the reds and terrorists are doing. Lets not also forget that the farmers in the north are guaranteed subsidies to make sure they are getting a specific amount for their rice as well as being tax exempt from just about anything related to farming. Really though ... if they cannot make a living then they need to find something else to do. Sorry to say but family farms are a things of the past in all industrial nations. Grow up and wait for elections, make your own destiny and learn to deal with it when politics don't go your way. What cannot be argued and is clearly fact is that this government is doing NOTHING to hurt the farmers in the north. What you can argue about is if they should do more and if you think so then there are soooooooooooooooooo many legal and productive ways to express this. Of course one is the voting booth at the next scheduled elections. And if you think the government is illegal then use the courts and other legal means to "try" and see justice done but if you can't get anywhere this way then DEAL WITH IT as every civil nations does.
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 And if you think the government is illegal then use the courts and other legal means to "try" and see justice done but if you can't get anywhere this way then DEAL WITH IT as every civil nations does. How can they use the courts when they were used as a tool to disband 3 political parties - including the one that won! nice thought though... and in the west might be an option... As for moving to the cities... are you sure you would wish most of Issan to move to BK? You may get your wish... dont cry when they vote in someone the 'elite' dont like! or heaven forbid- start a protest because the party they voted for was ousted by force twice and one by a court fix. seems like the dem's are snagged by the same court ruling now anyhow. i can only hope the 'elite' and dems are kicking up such a hoo haa right now because they know they will lose a popular vote, and that the hoo haa is merely propoganda and hype. i can hope. after all... the election will have to take place sooner or later.. ------------------------------------------------------------- bangkokpundit [blog] Will there be civil war? 9 minutes ago via twitterfeed
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 I really do feel for many of the ignorant folk that got sucked into this red mob. Every day they are bombarded with lies and propaganda from their stage. They are being led to a slaughter because of one man who has made promises of power and wealth to the leaders they are following. Yet this one man is such a coward that he has sworn allegiance to another country all over a 2 year jail sentence that would almost surely have been suspended if he didn't run away like a coward. He is the lowest of low as he isn't willing to risk any sacrifice for his cause but instead wants to use the poor and ignorant of this country to do his bidding at risk of their lives and liberties. Even before he ran away like a coward he abused these people with his low interest loans that did nothing but make their local leaders rich while putting the poor in debt to them because everyone knew they could never pay back these loans. The reds have made no demands or requests for anything to better their lives except for wanting the current government out of power now. They have been programmed to hate and there is nothing the current government could do in terms of making their lives better that would calm their lawlessness because this is not what this is about.
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 And if you think the government is illegal then use the courts and other legal means to "try" and see justice done but if you can't get anywhere this way then DEAL WITH IT as every civil nations does. How can they use the courts when they were used as a tool to disband 3 political parties - including the one that won! nice thought though... and in the west might be an option... As for moving to the cities... are you sure you would wish most of Issan to move to BK? You may get your wish... dont cry when they vote in someone the 'elite' dont like! or heaven forbid- start a protest because the party they voted for was ousted by force twice and one by a court fix. seems like the dem's are snagged by the same court ruling now anyhow. i can only hope the 'elite' and dems are kicking up such a hoo haa right now because they know they will lose a popular vote, and that the hoo haa is merely propoganda and hype. i can hope. after all... the election will have to take place sooner or later.. ------------------------------------------------------------- bangkokpundit [blog] Will there be civil war? 9 minutes ago via twitterfeed How can they go to the courts? They seem to have no trouble running to them any chance they have now to try to help their goal of bringing down the current government. They even have reached out to the UN and other nations who they have told in the past to bugger off. Seems there is already a move in the court system to break up the ruling party now but this is not good enough for them because they believe there way has to be met now and done only the way they want. The current law allows for corrupt parties to be disbanded. If they don't like the law then work with their leaders to change it. The PM has already showed his willingness to talk and listen to their grievances but the reds don't believe in talking or compromise and simply want what they want and will not talk unless their demands are met first. If you believe the way to democracy is what the red shirts are doing and have done (not just now but in the past year+) then there really is no need to debate more because I can never comprehend the level of violence and hatred they have shown given the circumstances. And you are right, if the reds won an election, you can be darn sure the yellows or whoever would be out in force to protest the validity of the results and that it would turn ugly. Why? Because the current gov't is allowing this chaos to go on because it doesn't have the stomach to see more fellow Thais hurt and killed. Until Thais are held accountable (Thaksin included) for their crimes then you can continue to expect this type of behavior ESPECIALLY if the gov'ts continue to bow to these terrorist and illegal groups.
wasabi Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 I wonder if Thailand is about to have a civil war. The gov should invest in some better crowd dispersing weapons that are very effective and do not result in fatalities. They should use such weapons to clear out both 'shirts' and get back to work.
Jingthing Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 It's already a civil war. The reds are an army commanded by war lords. Proof is that red so called "protesters" are being treated as if they are actual soldiers when they try to quit the red army with labels of traitor, intimidation, and even death threats. Also the red army actions against the actual Thai army (plus the rebel reds are holding territory they have occupied). In fact, the red leaders declared war against the government several days ago. There are active threats against the PM. The so called protesters are armed to the teeth and they are ready to use the weapons. Look at the history of African civil wars and their armies built by war lords. So far, the casualties are minimal but it is still a civil war. civil warwar between geographical sections or political factions of the same nation
tomyummer Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 I think it's about time to break out the soap and start washing those shirts.
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 I wonder if Thailand is about to have a civil war. The gov should invest in some better crowd dispersing weapons that are very effective and do not result in fatalities. They should use such weapons to clear out both 'shirts' and get back to work. Lets hope not on the civil war but the army and police have all the gear they need for crowd control. The problem is that this is beyond crowd control. You have heavily armed people within the mob that have everything from grenades & grenade launchers, tear gas, M16s and other guns as well as clubs, spears, rocks and petrol bombs. Not to mention they have heavily fortified the area the have seized and have soaked these fortifications in diesel fuel as well as other numerous protection devices to limit the effectiveness of normal crowd control methods and tools. Bottom line is it will begin as crowd control, then turn briefly to authorities defending themselves from the above weapons and then it is going to turn into a full scale assault by the military as a means to protect themselves, police, the public and property. The government is simply trying to avoid as many casualties as possible of the folks who have ignorantly been caught up in following the mob leaders.
Jingthing Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 But its national now. Just breaking up their fort in Bangkok isn't the whole picture.
BSJ Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Amazing Thailand. Amazing how this issue has gone on so long and a resolution can't be found! Well, a resolution ie: Call an early election is quite simple to find.....but not likely to happen! Sad really.
yoshiwara Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Amazing Thailand. Amazing how this issue has gone on so long and a resolution can't be found! Well, a resolution ie: Call an early election is quite simple to find.....but not likely to happen! Sad really. The only thing sad for you is that Thaksin is in exile.
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 The government is simply trying to avoid as many casualties as possible of the folks who have ignorantly been caught up in following the mob leaders. Are you talking about the politicians or the redshirts?
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Amazing Thailand. Amazing how this issue has gone on so long and a resolution can't be found! Well, a resolution ie: Call an early election is quite simple to find.....but not likely to happen! Sad really. Elections have never solved anything in Thailand. In the early days when the PM sat down and offered elections in 9-months (a year early) it seemed like a plausible option but there is no way you can give into the threats and terrorism and lawlessness. All this will do is continue to perpetuate more lawlessness from those who oppose going against the constitutional time lines for elections to those who will claim fraud in the elections if there folks don't win. The solution to the problems in Thailand are simple ... hold people accountable for the types of actions such as the Reds and Yellows have done in the past years. Make it clear this will NOT result in change and that those attempting change through such violent and illegal means will not only not get "their" democracy but will lose their freedoms all together as possibly their health and life if they choose violence. There are numerous legal avenues in Thailand to be heard and file grievances and I am SURE the current PM is willing to listen and implement more which make sense for all Thai people and Thailand as a whole.
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok’s international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. “I don’t know what is keeping him there,” muses a Western diplomat.
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok’s international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. “I don’t know what is keeping him there,” muses a Western diplomat. admittedly the western diplomat is ignorant to the facts.
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 photo_journ All quiet at New Petchburi Rrd but... many ppl leaving redshirts rally. Many! photo_journ #redshirts fortifying barricades at New Petchburi Rd but I cant see any reason 4 the excitement
elcent Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok’s international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. “I don’t know what is keeping him there,” muses a Western diplomat. admittedly the western diplomat is ignorant to the facts. Montenegrin diplomat? Thaksin maybe promised them more investment when they help him to rob the country a lil bit more.
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 photo_journ All quiet at New Petchburi Rrd but... many ppl leaving redshirts rally. Many! photo_journ?? Sorry, what source is that? Is this? Anything more? I wonder if this just the night time BKK folks leaving or if something has happened.
lannarebirth Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok's international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. "I don't know what is keeping him there," muses a Western diplomat. No Thai will gets this and it seems quite a few foreigners don't as well. He sees his job as one of finding solutions to extremely complex and long neglected problems. He understands with the succession coming that Thailand is at a "tipping point" and its now or never. He needs to heal divisions in Thai society and this is where he starts. Sure, he may fail and many would be only too pleased with that, but Thailand will likely go in to an irreversible slide if that occurs. People on this website like to say he's got no balls, no stomach for a fight, well I disagree.
elcent Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 photo_journ All quiet at New Petchburi Rrd but... many ppl leaving redshirts rally. Many! photo_journ?? Sorry, what source is that? Is this? Anything more? I wonder if this just the night time BKK folks leaving or if something has happened. twitter with user photo_journ
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok's international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. "I don't know what is keeping him there," muses a Western diplomat. No Thai will gets this and it seems quite a few foreigners don't as well. He sees his job as one of finding solutions to extremely complex and long neglected problems. He understands with the succession coming that Thailand is at a "tipping point" and its now or never. He needs to heal divisions in Thai society and this is where he starts. Sure, he may fail and many would be only too pleased with that, but Thailand will likely go in to an irreversible slide if that occurs. People on this website like to say he's got no balls, no stomach for a fight, well I disagree. I hope you are right and everything I see and hear from Abhisit tells me you could be very right except for the part of not having a stomach to move on the mob. I also don't mean this in a bad way but instead he just has a very sincere and deep concern for people and wants to do everything possible to limit the number of casualties. He has admitted (taken responsibility) the mistakes of misjudging the type of mob he was up against originally and I respect this and at this point he does appear to have time on his side. Those who are frustrated with his perceived lack of actions will all be over it once all is said and done. I do truly believe he has this country and the people of it as his main goal. Sure he is a politician but he is very well off financially as is his family and is not the greedy controlling type. My guess is his other driving force may be a legacy but bottom line is no politician is pure. I was actually very disappointed he could not make his US trip because I really could see him forging a close relationship with Obama.
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Troops have left barracks @ travelled by expressway. Reportedly waiting 4 traffic 2 clear on New Petchburi Rd - according 2 the story
jcbangkok Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 I am curious ... does anybody have a link to the red video/CD of the conflict on the 10th?
elcent Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 have left barracks @ travelled by expressway. Reportedly waiting 4 traffic 2 clear on New Petchburi Rd - according 2 the story the reds gonna get very paranoid soon.
lannarebirth Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 bangkokpundit It is legal to link to as well! RT: @tumbler_p: [The Economist] Thailand's crisis: Stand-off in Bangkok - Mr Abhisit was the beneficiary of a yellow-shirted revolt that closed Bangkok's international airports. Now he finds himself isolated in his own party and increasingly out of his depth. "I don't know what is keeping him there," muses a Western diplomat. No Thai will gets this and it seems quite a few foreigners don't as well. He sees his job as one of finding solutions to extremely complex and long neglected problems. He understands with the succession coming that Thailand is at a "tipping point" and its now or never. He needs to heal divisions in Thai society and this is where he starts. Sure, he may fail and many would be only too pleased with that, but Thailand will likely go in to an irreversible slide if that occurs. People on this website like to say he's got no balls, no stomach for a fight, well I disagree. I hope you are right and everything I see and hear from Abhisit tells me you could be very right except for the part of not having a stomach to move on the mob. I also don't mean this in a bad way but instead he just has a very sincere and deep concern for people and wants to do everything possible to limit the number of casualties. He has admitted (taken responsibility) the mistakes of misjudging the type of mob he was up against originally and I respect this and at this point he does appear to have time on his side. Those who are frustrated with his perceived lack of actions will all be over it once all is said and done. I do truly believe he has this country and the people of it as his main goal. Sure he is a politician but he is very well off financially as is his family and is not the greedy controlling type. My guess is his other driving force may be a legacy but bottom line is no politician is pure. I was actually very disappointed he could not make his US trip because I really could see him forging a close relationship with Obama. I wasn't talking about that particular fight, just what he's up against in general. He's going to take a lot of heat if he clears the mob. It will likely create many casualties and +possibly do more damage than good. For my part I wish he waits, but I'm not privy to his intelligence so I'm prepared to believe that if he moves to confront he will believe he has no other choice.
lannarebirth Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 have left barracks @ travelled by expressway. Reportedly waiting 4 traffic 2 clear on New Petchburi Rd - according 2 the story the reds gonna get very paranoid soon. With all this instant internet technology, when does a jounalist cease to be a chronicler of events and begin to be a forward spotter of the opposing force? I wonder if there is an similar journalist chronicling movements from within the Red Shirt camp?
whiterussian Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 With all this instant internet technology, when does a jounalist cease to be a chronicler of events and begin to be a forward spotter of the opposing force? I wonder if there is an similar journalist chronicling movements from within the Red Shirt camp? It does feel kinda naughty doesn't it!?
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