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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law

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It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?

Where is the Hope?

Talk about a crime of mixed metaphors, to use Lincoln with Che. A great man with a communist butcher of humanity. Ness, irrelevant to leaders in politics. Sir, You have gone off the reservation on this one.

As to Thailand, the real issue is justice fort the rice farmers and the no haves. Thaskin, with all his faults and personal grabs, is loved in Isaan because of the 30 baht health care and similar programs.

His image is everywhere in every village, posed with local kamans.


But we keep hearing from the Red supporters here that its not about Thaksin- maybe they didn't get the word up there yet.

BTW, "Che" a communist butcher of humanity...hmmm...there is (was) a staunch Red supporter around here somewhere with that moniker :)

You sound like you are surprised that all politicians are essentially the same. Are you really shocked that they don't really work for the people? The 30 baht scheme, I love how Thaksin called his programs schemes, gave mediocre health care for a cheap price while the actual price was paid by other taxpayers. In mature democracies people know that you can't trust politicians and they do more to serve themselves than the people. That's what governments do. Democracy simply means you can periodically get new criminals to replace the old ones.

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Anti-government protesters forced a rush hour shutdown of Bangkok's busy elevated train system Tuesday and promised to expand protests that have plunged the Thai capital into chaos by sending teams of demonstrators throughout the city.


This would fall into the category labeled anarchy.


Of course, this could turn into all out revolution.

"Rogue soldiers, active and retired, are supporting Thailand's 'red-shirt' protesters, the Army chief said Sunday."

Hey, I just report what I reads people.

I do not care how it goes.

I left the land of money for a modern nation and so it is not my problem.

However I am concerned for my many many friends who work in Thailand and for my many many Thai friends as well.

Personally, I like the Gandhi style of revolution and that appears to be the shutting down of trains and so forth.

I most like free and fair elections but that cannot occur in the current system can it.

Good luck all

Anti-government protesters forced a rush hour shutdown of Bangkok's busy elevated train system Tuesday and promised to expand protests that have plunged the Thai capital into chaos by sending teams of demonstrators throughout the city.


This would fall into the category labeled anarchy.

No it wouldn't- anarchists don't obey orders. Insurgents do.

Democracy simply means you can periodically get new criminals to replace the old ones.

Man- reading thaivisa I sure get the feeling sometimes that I'm in Europe ca 1930


I was at the protest site today again under Siam station, the bts continues to run so anyone can go right to the protest.. there ain't that many reds in that whole area when you walk thru it, once these things start dragging on then the thing starts running out of steam, it ain't easy to get people to sit out there all day, but the recent multicolor rally at victory monument looked pretty huge, both the reds, yellows or multicolor can get upto 100,000 marchers for a big event.. but it always trails off-the longer the protest goes on..

I think the red-shirts miscalculated the effect their occupation of the central area would have on the country..at the end of the day it's just a few shopping malls(overpriced ones) and some expensive hotels, who needs it? there are many hotels and shopping malls all over the country; some just a few stops down the bts.. when the tsunami hit-it was only a million times more devastating than this protest, and there was so much damage it was like Thailand got hit with a nuklear weapon and thousands dead, many hotels and shopping ceneters not just closed but destroyed, yet the country and economy lumbered on.. from hwat i saw today moral at the red protest aint great and Abhisit can just wait and wait, the army is already out so no breakouts to the airport or Silom..they're just stuck there now..

I guess the yellows will send their "granny's with clappers" out to protest. From what I remember the yellows only had a few hundred thugs holding the perimeters of the gov. house and the airports. I don't see them having near the numbers to make any impact against the reds.
I have given up trying to present arguments for reds, yellows or multicolours. Reached the conclusion that there is too much going on in the background involving the military and monarchy to be able to say what people should or shouldn't be doing on the ground.

The short and long term future of Thailand is facinating. Hope more is revealed in the future and goes some way to explaining how much of what has been reported in the Economoist and on New Mandala's website is true, or not.

This is correct. If you are on TV and you are not reading other uncensored material

then I do not believe you can see the BIG picture of what is now happening in Thailand.

Economist & New Mandala speak of many things it seems too many Thai people refuse to talk about and that is the root of many of this countries problems at the present.

They are born brainwashed and forced by "Draconian Lese Majeste" Laws from Birth not to utter a sound!

I dont think there is anything in those two media sources that really discuss anything that most Thai people are aware of excepting the unsubstantited rumour stuff you get a lot of on NM. The Economist is better. NM is not much differnt to here really except politer rows, far less opinions and lots of Thai studies 101 students and occasional comments from one of the dudes on that army scematic today. They also like to slag off the Nation for unsubstantiated stories while praising their own group use of exactly the same so not really very smart. Nick's photos are the high point among a load of other blandness. Still point is you will learn more about Thailand by looking, listening and talking to the people here and watching what is going on and using your own brain than you will reading what everyone thinks is so secret but actually isnt. Dont rely on any media sources especially ones that home to your own biases that just stymies intellignent thought, and al;so doubt stories in your favourite media sources as much as in ones you dislike to keep yourself alert and also read media sources you dont agree with. In fact iut is more important to read them than ones that just reinforce your bias

all imho

I have given up trying to present arguments for reds, yellows or multicolours. Reached the conclusion that there is too much going on in the background involving the military and monarchy to be able to say what people should or shouldn't be doing on the ground.

The short and long term future of Thailand is facinating. Hope more is revealed in the future and goes some way to explaining how much of what has been reported in the Economoist and on New Mandala's website is true, or not.

This is correct. If you are on TV and you are not reading other uncensored material

then I do not believe you can see the BIG picture of what is now happening in Thailand.

Economist & New Mandala speak of many things it seems too many Thai people refuse to talk about and that is the root of many of this countries problems at the present.

They are born brainwashed and forced by "Draconian Lese Majeste" Laws from Birth not to utter a sound!

In general, the media in Thailand is not "controlled" in as much as it is often biased in directions that reflect the ownership of the media outlets. If you want to see government controlled media, places like Singapore and Vietnam would be good examples. Western media often suffers the same kinds of bias.

As far as understanding current events and their root causes, western media is about the last thing I would trust, simply because of their inability to grasp the nature of Thai culture and values.

I certainly would not judge anything based on an emotive interpretation of quote marks in a western media sound byte.

The best way is to read all local media and talk to Thais themselves. If you know enough Thai to discuss political issues they are very talkative and open about their views.

The Thai's are certainly not brainwashed, unless you consider people with cultural values different from your own as brainwashed.

Democracy simply means you can periodically get new criminals to replace the old ones.

Man- reading thaivisa I sure get the feeling sometimes that I'm in Europe ca 1930

Or, each citizen has the right to sell one vote to the politician of his choice.

I have given up trying to present arguments for reds, yellows or multicolours. Reached the conclusion that there is too much going on in the background involving the military and monarchy to be able to say what people should or shouldn't be doing on the ground.

The short and long term future of Thailand is facinating. Hope more is revealed in the future and goes some way to explaining how much of what has been reported in the Economoist and on New Mandala's website is true, or not.

This is correct. If you are on TV and you are not reading other uncensored material

then I do not believe you can see the BIG picture of what is now happening in Thailand.

Economist & New Mandala speak of many things it seems too many Thai people refuse to talk about and that is the root of many of this countries problems at the present.

They are born brainwashed and forced by "Draconian Lese Majeste" Laws from Birth not to utter a sound!

In general, the media in Thailand is not "controlled" in as much as it is often biased in directions that reflect the ownership of the media outlets. If you want to see government controlled media, places like Singapore and Vietnam would be good examples. Western media often suffers the same kinds of bias.

As far as understanding current events and their root causes, western media is about the last thing I would trust, simply because of their inability to grasp the nature of Thai culture and values.

I certainly would not judge anything based on an emotive interpretation of quote marks in a western media sound byte.

The best way is to read all local media and talk to Thais themselves. If you know enough Thai to discuss political issues they are very talkative and open about their views.

The Thai's are certainly not brainwashed, unless you consider people with cultural values different from your own as brainwashed.

The poster you are responding to spoke of only one issue that is controlled- And he's right. Nobody would disagree with that. It is not a matter of bias or gov't control- it is a matter of the law. And that's why many of us do read foreign sources for analysis that are literally impossible to engage in here.

where is the fhurer when you need him.

Yes, the power of Mastahcard must be uphold by any means necessary! Shopping must continue! :D


It is becoming boring really. Everyday I read about, actions that will be taken yet I see very little of it.

Come on mark and Anupong just get it done and over with :)

Do you want them to "take action", or do you want them to solve problems? If taking action doesn't solve problems and instead creates more, is it still the best course?

Doing nothing and letting terrorists block the capital for weeks on end, they have declared war on the government, letting police and armed forces be held ransom and kidnapping civil servants is definitely not a solution. Their solve problems attitude is a no go. We have seen that for weeks. The PM should have been firm from the start, stating what the protesters could do and where they could do it. Instead he let the terrorists take charge of the capital and de facto the country killing and kidnapping people in the process. Without resistance from the police and/or armed forces. Amazing.


I dont think there is anything in those two media sources that really discuss anything that most Thai people are aware of excepting the unsubstantited rumour stuff you get a lot of on NM. The Economist is better. NM is not much differnt to here really except politer rows, far less opinions and lots of Thai studies 101 students and occasional comments from one of the dudes on that army scematic today. They also like to slag off the Nation for unsubstantiated stories while praising their own group use of exactly the same so not really very smart. Nick's photos are the high point among a load of other blandness. Still point is you will learn more about Thailand by looking, listening and talking to the people here and watching what is going on and using your own brain than you will reading what everyone thinks is so secret but actually isnt. Dont rely on any media sources especially ones that home to your own biases that just stymies intellignent thought, and al;so doubt stories in your favourite media sources as much as in ones you dislike to keep yourself alert and also read media sources you dont agree with. In fact iut is more important to read them than ones that just reinforce your bias

all imho

Humble perhaps, but absolutely correct.

This is a Feudalistic Country with different ranks of people.

Here is a Quote from Mr. Mark Himself:

Mr Abhisit is typical of the elite in his frustration with the red shirts. How, he asks, can these people, drawn chiefly from the lower parts of society, allow a billionaire (of all people) to whip up class divisions? "Thaksin", he says, "should not speak in a way that could create hatred between rich and poor. Society would be fine as long as people could do their jobs…"

Yes, the "Phrai" sure do love their jobs..?? Mr. Mark

Accept your station in life: Thailand's prime minister, an old Etonian admires what he calls Thailand's "sufficiency economy". In essence, the village poor must take their place along with everyone else in a perfect hierarchy topped by the k..g's benevolent patronage.

The political corollary might be dubbed a "sufficiency democracy": rule by a self-appointed aristocracy claiming to protect the monarchy while amassing wealth and privilege.

Ok, no problem instead of being farmers and laborers they can all be telecom billionaires. In a capitalist system everybody should work, but not everybody gets rich. Sorry c'est la vie. To think that elections and a new government will change average working people into millionaires overnight is ridiculous. In any society wealth and privilege go to a small percentage of the population, wish I was in that group but that's life.


It is easy to make claims without anything to back them up.

Fact: It was the poor who got the 2000 baht hand out. I believe anyone making less than 15k a month but cannot remember the exact number.

Yes, it is all about money. The reds want everyone to give them handouts because they chose to be farmers. They want the elite of BKK who make 200 baht a day working 12 hours a day 7 days a week to share in their wealth while they sit on their behinds in the non-farming season. If they don't want to be farmers or cannot make a living at it (as is the case for most family farmers in the rest of the world) then they should move closer to the city (as most people are doing in industrial nations such as the US)

In addition to the handouts the current government in 16 months has guaranteed FREE health care, FREE schooling and school supplies, FREE cash payments for the elderly, income guarantees for farmers as well as low-income housing. Not to mention during this 16 month they have passed a number of stimulus packages with one of the largest being geared toward transportation. During these 16 months they have had to constantly defend themselves from the Reds who admittedly only want one things (to bring down the current gov't at any cost). Regardless of this, the current gov't has pulled the economy out of near collapse and the baht is still very strong regardless of all the BS the reds and terrorists are doing.

Lets not also forget that the farmers in the north are guaranteed subsidies to make sure they are getting a specific amount for their rice as well as being tax exempt from just about anything related to farming. Really though ... if they cannot make a living then they need to find something else to do. Sorry to say but family farms are a things of the past in all industrial nations. Grow up and wait for elections, make your own destiny and learn to deal with it when politics don't go your way.

What cannot be argued and is clearly fact is that this government is doing NOTHING to hurt the farmers in the north. What you can argue about is if they should do more and if you think so then there are soooooooooooooooooo many legal and productive ways to express this. Of course one is the voting booth at the next scheduled elections.

And if you think the government is illegal then use the courts and other legal means to "try" and see justice done but if you can't get anywhere this way then DEAL WITH IT as every civil nations does.

Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

I wonder if Thailand is about to have a civil war. The gov should invest in some better crowd dispersing weapons that are very effective and do not result in fatalities. They should use such weapons to clear out both 'shirts' and get back to work.

This is a fantastic idea. Send them to Korea to learn new skills.

Or shall we import some Korea Police Force since ours are busy making money on driving license and road tax.

Of course, this could turn into all out revolution.

"Rogue soldiers, active and retired, are supporting Thailand's 'red-shirt' protesters, the Army chief said Sunday."

Hey, I just report what I reads people.

I do not care how it goes.

I left the land of money for a modern nation and so it is not my problem.

However I am concerned for my many many friends who work in Thailand and for my many many Thai friends as well.

Personally, I like the Gandhi style of revolution and that appears to be the shutting down of trains and so forth.

I most like free and fair elections but that cannot occur in the current system can it.

Good luck all

hmmm help me out --- you joined a forum for a country you are not in ... yesterday ... to comment on politics? yeah .....

Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

Are you Thai? Since when Thai back up with facts like our beloved PM and DPM..........They are terrorists....We have been told by xxxxx intelligence but must not revealed the source.

Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

Are you Thai? Since when Thai back up with facts like our beloved PM and DPM..........They are terrorists....We have been told by xxxxx intelligence but must not revealed the source.

So that would be a no then.

It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?

Where is the Hope?

Talk about a crime of mixed metaphors, to use Lincoln with Che. A great man with a communist butcher of humanity. Ness, irrelevant to leaders in politics. Sir, You have gone off the reservation on this one.

As to Thailand, the real issue is justice fort the rice farmers and the no haves. Thaskin, with all his faults and personal grabs, is loved in Isaan because of the 30 baht health care and similar programs.

His image is everywhere in every village, posed with local kamans.


But we keep hearing from the Red supporters here that its not about Thaksin- maybe they didn't get the word up there yet.

BTW, "Che" a communist butcher of humanity...hmmm...there is (was) a staunch Red supporter around here somewhere with that moniker :)

You sound like you are surprised that all politicians are essentially the same. Are you really shocked that they don't really work for the people? The 30 baht scheme, I love how Thaksin called his programs schemes, gave mediocre health care for a cheap price while the actual price was paid by other taxpayers. In mature democracies people know that you can't trust politicians and they do more to serve themselves than the people. That's what governments do. Democracy simply means you can periodically get new criminals to replace the old ones.

In a proper if still imperfect democracy elected officials serve themselves when they serve the country, the voters serve themselves when they elect officials who serve them as constituents and serve the nation as a whole. In Thailand there isn't any notion or reality of public service or of serving the country or something larger than their village, which is the core failure of the society, culture, civilization. Neither Thais in their communities nor the 'elected' officials see beyond their own individual constituencies or their own individual wallets. The historical basis of the civilization, which lingers and is onerous, that desire is futile and destructive was true until the advent of the modern world, i.e. the Industrial Revolution which passed Thailand by until only somewhat beginning in the early 1980's which is a very late subsequent point in time - too late too little I'm afraid.

Che Guevara's bones aside, this civilizational failure is a fundamental one, which means that in Thailand there never has been nor will there ever be a Lincoln, a Suu Kyi, a Mandella, a Vaclav Havel, a transformative Obama, a revolutionary Walesa and so on and so on ad infinitum.

Yet Thais, who are absent a Nobel Peace Laureate or forseeably a Nobel Laureate period, are certain they are superior to falhang but I make no such counter claim of superiority. Thai traditions and customs are simply incestuous and decrepit, it's the old truth about pride (face) which Western peoples dating back to ancient Greece simply have a greater sense and awareness of and thus are consistently on guard against, if not always successfully - but in the long term successfully more often than not and vastly, decisively, moreso than the Thais who worship false gods, i.e., antiquated beliefs, passe' institutions of society and their own small minded tribal ethnocentricism. But then what do I know, I'm a stupid falhang (a redundant description to be sure, as farang a priori = stupid).

Consequently, the people and their decrepit civilization get the country and the ongoing messes they deserve - good and hard.

Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

Are you Thai? Since when Thai back up with facts like our beloved PM and DPM..........They are terrorists....We have been told by xxxxx intelligence but must not revealed the source.

So that would be a no then.

Are you a judge? Will you be able to offer immunity to my friends if they are to step forward?

Who gave you the rights to comment that we need to backup our allegation with proof on a forum? Are you being silly? Whom with sane mind and a career to take care off dare to come forward and proof these allegation. This is why I ask if you are Thai.

It is a fact that only Bangkok Bank is the only bank appointed to handle the 2000 baht. It is a fact that their family members is appointed as minister. It is also a fact some big guy is the Chairman of Bangkok Bank.

What has PM has done? He has talked for many weeks now. Nothing has changed.

Do you need me to produce a recording where Democrats is asking military to buy submarines where our water is not deep enough? Do you know how much is a submarine and the kick back? You are so silly.

Media is being censored. Do we need to talk more about this area? The foreign press who are based here are frequently reminded about Les Majestic law. I am talking about ANN. Asia News Network which comprises of a few major press in the region.

We have 30 mins of Royal Family PR in news everyday if you do watch one. Anything not aligned with current government is censored. Do you think these reporter dare to come out and speak against their employer (press)? They will lose their job.

Unless you are new in business, how many people conduct corruption business via email or letter. It is all verbal in massage place and private places. Surely, people who are in the ministry knows about it. Unless you can provide them immunity or at least feel comfortable with our Thai judistry system. No one is willing to risk their family to speak out as witness.

FYI, Russian offer THB10 million as commission for every unit of Fighter Jet sold. I would suggest you to read the budget how much is allocated to new weapon purchase. It is the easiest way to take kick back as the price is not available publicly.

Unless you are living in an ideal world, many under table deals and corporate corruption is extremely difficult to proof. We cannot produce the proof but it does not it is not there.

Some company does keep a secret record for accountability. Some pays out huge commission to cover it. Some expenses it out with Marketing Agency. If you are part of these organisation as a small potato struggling to make a living, I am not sure you would be speaking this way.

There are a lot of law and regulation in Thailand. It is widely perceived as recommendation until one day it is use as a weapon against you. Haven't we seen enough?

Try harder to discredit me. Naive.

Anti-government protesters forced a rush hour shutdown of Bangkok's busy elevated train system Tuesday and promised to expand protests that have plunged the Thai capital into chaos by sending teams of demonstrators throughout the city.


This would fall into the category labeled anarchy.

Well quite often in my home city of liverpool a shopping trolley would be thrown on the tracks, this is an act of vandalism rather than anarchy. And to be fair for anarchy to exist one would have to assume that there was law and order to start with.

I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

I totally disagree with that statement. The Yellow Shirts are backed by the general population suffering from this protest. If any confrontation were to happen between the two groups, the Yellow Shirts would indeed gain support from the multi-coloured shirts along with the angry citizens that have had enough of this fiasco. In the end, the Red Shirts would be greatly outnumbered.

opinion; how do you know this? there are 64 million people here and how many people do you think live in the country side?

I don't necessarily agree with the Yellow shirt and its tactics, didn't the general population and foreigners suffer from the PAD take over of the international airports and govt. agencies?

Are you a judge? Will you be able to offer immunity to my friends if they are to step forward?

Who gave you the rights to comment that we need to backup our allegation with proof on a forum? Are you being silly? Whom with sane mind and a career to take care off dare to come forward and proof these allegation. This is why I ask if you are Thai.

It is a fact that only Bangkok Bank is the only bank appointed to handle the 2000 baht. It is a fact that their family members is appointed as minister. It is also a fact some big guy is the Chairman of Bangkok Bank.

What has PM has done? He has talked for many weeks now. Nothing has changed.

Do you need me to produce a recording where Democrats is asking military to buy submarines where our water is not deep enough? Do you know how much is a submarine and the kick back? You are so silly.

Media is being censored. Do we need to talk more about this area? The foreign press who are based here are frequently reminded about Les Majestic law. I am talking about ANN. Asia News Network which comprises of a few major press in the region.

We have 30 mins of Royal Family PR in news everyday if you do watch one. Anything not aligned with current government is censored. Do you think these reporter dare to come out and speak against their employer (press)? They will lose their job.

Unless you are new in business, how many people conduct corruption business via email or letter. It is all verbal in massage place and private places. Surely, people who are in the ministry knows about it. Unless you can provide them immunity or at least feel comfortable with our Thai judistry system. No one is willing to risk their family to speak out as witness.

FYI, Russian offer THB10 million as commission for every unit of Fighter Jet sold. I would suggest you to read the budget how much is allocated to new weapon purchase. It is the easiest way to take kick back as the price is not available publicly.

Unless you are living in an ideal world, many under table deals and corporate corruption is extremely difficult to proof. We cannot produce the proof but it does not it is not there.

Some company does keep a secret record for accountability. Some pays out huge commission to cover it. Some expenses it out with Marketing Agency. If you are part of these organisation as a small potato struggling to make a living, I am not sure you would be speaking this way.

There are a lot of law and regulation in Thailand. It is widely perceived as recommendation until one day it is use as a weapon against you. Haven't we seen enough?

Try harder to discredit me. Naive.

I don't have to discredit you. You are doing this to yourself very nicely with your aggressive attitude and by making claims that you cannot substantiate. I apologize if I have offended you. I am merely a poster here. When serious allegations are being made the burden of proof rests with the person making the claims. This proof could come from newspaper articles, reports, video, or academic papers. Thus far you have failed to provide any backup to your claims whatsoever.

Anti-government protesters forced a rush hour shutdown of Bangkok's busy elevated train system Tuesday and promised to expand protests that have plunged the Thai capital into chaos by sending teams of demonstrators throughout the city.


This would fall into the category labeled anarchy.

Well quite often in my home city of liverpool a shopping trolley would be thrown on the tracks, this is an act of vandalism rather than anarchy. And to be fair for anarchy to exist one would have to assume that there was law and order to start with.

So yesterday the prime minister announced that they would get tough and contain the reds at the Rajaprasong site. Today the reds announce that 2000 of them will leave Lumphini Park at 10,30 and head for Pathum Thani.

Will the government try to stop them or will they be allowed to do whatever they want as usual.

If they are allowed to go then surely this is anarchy.

Anti-government protesters forced a rush hour shutdown of Bangkok's busy elevated train system Tuesday and promised to expand protests that have plunged the Thai capital into chaos by sending teams of demonstrators throughout the city.


This would fall into the category labeled anarchy.

Well quite often in my home city of liverpool a shopping trolley would be thrown on the tracks, this is an act of vandalism rather than anarchy. And to be fair for anarchy to exist one would have to assume that there was law and order to start with.

So yesterday the prime minister announced that they would get tough and contain the reds at the Rajaprasong site. Today the reds announce that 2000 of them will leave Lumphini Park at 10,30 and head for Pathum Thani.

Will the government try to stop them or will they be allowed to do whatever they want as usual.

If they are allowed to go then surely this is anarchy.

They just went down Wireless Road. Last I looked, this isn't Rachaprasong. They are on the move and have announced the routes they will be taking in case the authorities get lost.

Reds have clashed with soldiers near Don Muang airport.

They weren't happy to just ruin peoples lives in a small area of Bangkok.

They've decided they need to ruin a few more peoples lives all over Bangkok.


THE NATION: Dhamakaya Temple yesterday released a statement, denying the rumour the temple's connection to redshirts.

Red shirts call for reinforcements at Don Muang

"Following the clash with anti-riot troops, red-shirt leaders called protesters in Pathum Thani to reinforce their peers who were clashing with the force.

Hundreds of red-shirt protesters were seen coming out from the Dhammakaya Temple to reinforce the protesters at the front line." The Nation

As usual red shirt denials turn out to be lies.


Kwanchai Praiphana fled from Don Muang where red-shirt protesters clashed with anti-riot troops back to Rajaprasog at 2:09 pm Wednesday.

Why don't they arrest him before he gets there?

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