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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law

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I tried to edit my post #229, but my wonderful internet went out yet again! I misspelled redshirt. It was not an intentional slight. Sorry!

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Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

One can't blame PM Abhisit alone

He needs the army to do the crackdown

Gen Anupong os equally soft

The UDD now know and so that the rest of the world that Thailand has a PM who is soft and the army gen is soft too

bad combination

meaning???????? :)

I tried to edit my post #229, but my wonderful internet went out yet again! I misspelled redshirt. It was not an intentional slight. Sorry!

I am in a good mood today and have "adjusted" it.....

Since the Thai's are unwilling to enforce their laws, maybe they should hire an outside security force. Blackwater comes to mind...

An old Chuck Mangione song comes to mind "Land of Make Believe" although the song lyrics depict an idyllic paradise

welcome to "paradise".

make believe what you don't want to believe.

that way one's sanity will be intact. :)


When Abhisit was put behind the steering wheel, the bus was already going down hill with NO brakes. He seems like a genuinely good and well intentioned man, 'HUman'. Nobody could steer around the hairpin turns at the speed the wreck is going.

Thailand needs a miracle and/or The Joseph Solution which creates a run off lane for the bus to come to a stop and get repairs.


Google the Financial Times 'Faded Smiles'. Jan 15!

Back then a noted Thai professor said that Abhisit was the last, very slim, chance for democracy.

For those of us who who warning the size and strength of the red movement was being sorely underestimated and predicting martial law, it's a matter of published record, it's disheartening to think we were laughed at instead of listened to.

The Joseph Solution is brilliant political structure that satisfies the aspirations of reds, yellows, whites, blues, oranges, but not the communists or the corrupt. 100% guaranteed to create stability peace and prosperity in Thailand.

The Joseph Plan, the road map for implementing the Remedies; let's give that a 7% chance of success, eh?

That would jump to 72% if someone would hook me up with Khun Chuan Leekpai.

Travel warnings, bans would be lifted, the reds and yellows would burn their shirts. Thailand would have Stable and Peaceful Governance.

The alternative? the next 100 years like the last 80!

And all you have to do is.......let the good lord into your heart............ :)

There are only bad choices left. I am not clear exactly what they mean by martial law. How is that different than the state of emergency now in effect in Bangkok? Do they mean a military coup government? Although the pressure is coming from the yellows, instead of dismissing it as out of hand, what are the other reasonable alternatives? Don't say spot elections. If you think that would solve this crisis you aren't following the news.

other alternatives?


the last days in"animal Farm" and "watership Down" come to mind. :)

the joseph plan sounds good too but i am not sure what it is.

care to elaborate, bkkstevejai?

So after 7 weeks of this.....two dozen threads, thousands of posts we have come to the conclusion that........

Perhaps if we continue for another 7 weeks and another 20,000 posts at least some of us will figure out that we don't know what the hel_l we are talking about..... :)

At least we tried! Plain vanilla fubars, plenty of snafus and even more complex clusterf*ck solutions :-)

I hope they do not run out of colors. Now we got Reds-which-wear-anything-but-reds mingling with the Multicolored shirts? How do you separate Multicolor Green from Red Green? Is there some kind of secret handshake? Can you wear blue shoes with a red shirt? Or green tie with red jacket? Oh, that would be 70's! Is the color pink already taken by some United Group Against Fascism, Nazi Ponies and Evil Ghosts?

A simple, easy to follow guide for understanding the colors of Thailand.

Rural red - Common rural folks from the country side.

Urban red - Local urban red, sometimes thuggish.

Dark red - Organizers and instigators controlling rural and urban red, Arisman, et al.

Head red - Thaksin.

Black - red guards and other militants belonging to the dark red and head red.

Dark Black - deeper unknown terrorist types, probably under Seh Daeng.

Royal yellow - (color of monarchy's birthday, Monday) love and support the monarchy,.

Common yellow. - A takeoff from royal yellow, supporters of Sondhi's party.

Pink - Common urbanites tired of all the trouble.

Multi color - common urbanites in opposition of the all red except rural red.

Multi color non-red red - rural red and urban red who changed their colors to non red.

Green shirts - military

Watermelon, Red - red leaning greens.

Watermelon, Yellow - yellow leaning greens.

Brown shirts - police.

White - The color of a farang on the inside.

Reserved colors- blue.


Royal yellows don't were yellow, anymore

Multi color can contain pink, common yellow, royal yellow,but no shade of red or black

True red does not wear red.

To be updated daily, as required.

I just heard that there have been several cases of H1N1 in the Red Shirt enclave! Could it be that this once feared disease is the answer to the whole problem! Could they all be sent home because of fear of an epidemic there!?

Would be an amazing end to an tricky situation (even if only a temporary one).

Source: Channel 3 news

Thousands of people living in close quarters without proper sanitation. They'll be lucky if the flu is the worst thing that spreads.

an epidemic is looming all over bangkok.

the four horsemen of the apolcalypse are delivering it post haste via ups and hdl :D

ups and dhl(sic) meaning the yellows who gave abhisit seven days to resolve the matter?

hel_l will break loose, won't it?

i see more blood only then...... :)

They should be worried look at the amount damage they have done, look at the peoples lives that have been lost.

Lock them up and throw away the key.

You ever read the Daily Mail????

I hope they do not run out of colors. Now we got Reds-which-wear-anything-but-reds mingling with the Multicolored shirts? How do you separate Multicolor Green from Red Green? Is there some kind of secret handshake? Can you wear blue shoes with a red shirt? Or green tie with red jacket? Oh, that would be 70's! Is the color pink already taken by some United Group Against Fascism, Nazi Ponies and Evil Ghosts?

A simple, easy to follow guide for understanding the colors of Thailand.

Rural red - Common rural folks from the country side.

Urban red - Local urban red, sometimes thuggish.

Dark red - Organizers and instigators controlling rural and urban red, Arisman, et al.

Head red - Thaksin.

Black - red guards and other militants belonging to the dark red and head red.

Dark Black - deeper unknown terrorist types, probably under Seh Daeng.

Royal yellow - (color of monarchy's birthday, Monday) love and support the monarchy,.

Common yellow. - A takeoff from royal yellow, supporters of Sondhi's party.

Pink - Common urbanites tired of all the trouble.

Multi color - common urbanites in opposition of the all red except rural red.

Multi color non-red red - rural red and urban red who changed their colors to non red.

Green shirts - military

Watermelon, Red - red leaning greens.

Watermelon, Yellow - yellow leaning greens.

Brown shirts - police.

White - The color of a farang on the inside.

Reserved colors- blue.


Royal yellows don't were yellow, anymore

Multi color can contain pink, common yellow, royal yellow,but no shade of red or black

True red does not wear red.

To be updated daily, as required.

brilliant piece of analysis.

blue? reserved for who?

how do you classify farangs in red - many of whom i see at the rallies with their red gf's?


Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.


As an elderly and hopefully partially wise person I understand the need for y'alll to air your (and your wives?) obsessions and frustrations one or the other way. But when close to 60% of the comments here sound and smell like a fart on a hot stone; maybe now is the time to change topic?

Like: why don't my wonderful hosts who I asked to invite me here behave like I want them to? Or better: Why is it that all actions- and interactions here are to be deciphered through our (western) culturally biased eyes, and not seen through the eyes of those who bore these actions ?

There are red shirts and all other colors, businesses, money-politicians, a few good politicians, annual reshuffles in the army. There is Thaksin. There are Monks breaching their holy promises. There are 3rd. and 4th. and more hands involved in this fight, and the full and whole story will never be known to any of us, and the farts on the mentioned hot stone will never make any difference.

And there is us. If we are going to discuss what his coming down these days: Our ability to live within and respect a society which is on the brink of finding or loosing their own unique version of democracy is what we should be talking about. And how we feel about having absolutely no saying, very little understanding and no power over whichever way it will turn.

I'm here on a sporadic 30-something year-old ride, I ride I know I will look back on with a smile the day I die. And if I want to change the world I go home to Europe and vote.

I guess the yellows will send their "granny's with clappers" out to protest. From what I remember the yellows only had a few hundred thugs holding the perimeters of the gov. house and the airports. I don't see them having near the numbers to make any impact against the reds.

a blood bath will confirm the number of reds overwhelming the yellows soon.

that is what the yellows and their grannies seem bent on or where their proclivities are.

the suicidal tendencies are running very high now. :)


I wonder who will start using fluorescent colors and chartreuse? Maybe add stripes and polka dots? Sniff and smell shirts? Now that would add another dimension!

"I'm a strawberry smelling red shirt, not raspberry. It was the cherry reds that shot the M79s!"

I just want to know after all of this, who the heck is going to grow the rice, and am I EVER going to get another burger from Mos burger at Central World!

Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

There are only bad choices left. I am not clear exactly what they mean by martial law. How is that different than the state of emergency now in effect in Bangkok? Do they mean a military coup government? Although the pressure is coming from the yellows, instead of dismissing it as out of hand, what are the other reasonable alternatives? Don't say spot elections. If you think that would solve this crisis you aren't following the news.

other alternatives?


the last days in"animal Farm" and "watership Down" come to mind. :)

the joseph plan sounds good too but i am not sure what it is.

care to elaborate, bkkstevejai?

Not a clue.........just sounded like some divine intervention should be in the mix.....know what I mean?

As an elderly and hopefully partially wise person I understand the need for y'alll to air your (and your wives?) obsessions and frustrations one or the other way. But when close to 60% of the comments here sound and smell like a fart on a hot stone; maybe now is the time to change topic?

Like: why don't my wonderful hosts who I asked to invite me here behave like I want them to? Or better: Why is it that all actions- and interactions here are to be deciphered through our (western) culturally biased eyes, and not seen through the eyes of those who bore these actions ?

There are red shirts and all other colors, businesses, money-politicians, a few good politicians, annual reshuffles in the army. There is Thaksin. There are Monks breaching their holy promises. There are 3rd. and 4th. and more hands involved in this fight, and the full and whole story will never be known to any of us, and the farts on the mentioned hot stone will never make any difference.

And there is us. If we are going to discuss what his coming down these days: Our ability to live within and respect a society which is on the brink of finding or loosing their own unique version of democracy is what we should be talking about. And how we feel about having absolutely no saying, very little understanding and no power over whichever way it will turn.

I'm here on a sporadic 30-something year-old ride, I ride I know I will look back on with a smile the day I die. And if I want to change the world I go home to Europe and vote.

yes, let's go home .

this is a salient piece of advice.

after all, all the parfums of this world will not make all the farts smell any better. :)

There are only bad choices left. I am not clear exactly what they mean by martial law. How is that different than the state of emergency now in effect in Bangkok? Do they mean a military coup government? Although the pressure is coming from the yellows, instead of dismissing it as out of hand, what are the other reasonable alternatives? Don't say spot elections. If you think that would solve this crisis you aren't following the news.

other alternatives?


the last days in"animal Farm" and "watership Down" come to mind. :)

the joseph plan sounds good too but i am not sure what it is.

care to elaborate, bkkstevejai?

Not a clue.........just sounded like some divine intervention should be in the mix.....know what I mean?

thank you for clarifying...

for a moment i thought it had some old testament biblical connotations .


It's funny to constantly read that people "don't trust the current government".

Yeah, you're right, it's only been a couple of years right? They need more time to rape and pillage the country. It's not fair! The Thaksin administration had 8 years to shoplift from the country! The democrats should be given the same professional courtesy.

I think that members from each color shirt should form the new government. Get rid of all the existing parties, clean the slate. At least you have to give it to all sides of the different color shirts, they brave the 40+ degree heat, no showers, constant yelling, and dodging bullets. Better then the cowards under cover and out of the country.

Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit.



RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 26, 2010: The Bangkok regional office of the International committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has agreed to a request by the Academic and People’s Network Group (APNG) to send independent observers to the red-shirts pro-democracy rally at Ratchaprasong.

The decision to send observers followed a request by the APNG claiming protesters had already been, and risked being further, abused by the government and military.

The letter requesting the CRC deploy independent observers went on to say the group feared the protests, which have largely been peaceful apart from when the Thai military attacked protesters on April 10, had reached a crucial point and it was feared violence will be initiated against civilians and blamed on the red-shirts by the aristocracy for the purpose of justifying the current state of emergency declaration and/or the possible launching of a coup d’état.

The group’s letter says the red-shirts only aim is for Thailand to have new elections and to operate in a democratic manner. Despite this, the APNG said the government is presenting a one-sided report of the ongoing protest through its control and intimidation of state-run and commercial media and the group feared more civilian deaths could occur.

The APNG said the ICRCs jurisdiction to was stated under the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 8 June 1977.

Almost immediately after receiving the submission by the APNG the Bangkok regional office of the ICRC responded and indicated its willingness to deploy independent observers to the Ratchaprasong rally site.


A movement that intimidates its own protesters to stay against their own free will when they have decided they would rather go calls itself pro-democracy. Too rich for words.


....The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit.

Thanks for clearing that up, I also thought he initially meant Thaksin, but then that didn't make sense with the scripture about the reds. I believe Thaksin had once made the comparison of Abhisit to Hitler with gay friends. So obviously you can't be a Marcos Hitler, that would just be utterly ridiculous. And of course, Marcos wasn't gay. Like any of this makes sense anyway?

Thank you everybody for showing how incompetent the government is in this country. Honestly, as much as I don't think Thaksin should come back, he would have the balls to do something about a situation like this. Unlike the current PM who sits in his office and gives empty threats of a crackdown. Maybe the reds are right. Abhisit has sure shown it the last few weeks that he's unfit to handle any critical situations. How can a government be in power that can't even maintain order in its nations capital.

I’m not disagreeing that the current government is showing incompetency, but that is not really the full reason to this ongoing dilemma. What Thai military, law enforcement, and government have in common is a passive nature that reflects on the entire nation. Thai’s are typical passive in manner and would go to extremes to avoid a physical confrontation. As a result, protesters are allowed to carry on, push the limits and press their luck to achieve their goal. Indeed a sterner government is needed to end this conflict.

If Thai's are so passive why are the Reds demonstrating so aggressively? What is needed is not a sterner government but a democratically elected one. An election in 3 months is the only way to avoid escalating violence or even civil war. The current government and yellow shirts have virtually no support outside BKK so it is Thailand verses BKK and civil war means we ALL lose!


"RATCHAPRASONG, APRIL 26, 2010: The Bangkok regional office of the International committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has agreed to a request by the Academic and People’s Network Group (APNG) to send independent observers to the red-shirts pro-democracy rally at Ratchaprasong..............The APNG said the ICRCs jurisdiction to was stated under the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 8 June 1977......."

I believe they're armed. Every single one of them. If not with a gun, definitely with a foul mouth and a mind of harmful intent to everyone else and especially the dignity of the country, or what's left of it.

If the ICRC sends independent observers to Ratchaprasong they'd better send them with oxygen tanks, toxic suits, and a ton of Lysol. The place reeks.


Just watching Thai TV....redshirt roadblock..... stopping the Army moving near Jatuchak........stopping?.........the Army????. Looked like the boys were having a good bullsh*t together, all smiles. Really doesn't seem to be the will for any confrontation does there?. But, really.....can you tolerate having your armed forces ordered around.

Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit.

What makes you think that Abhisit government is not corrupted? They are more corrupted than Thaksin's government and importantly useless in managing Thailand economy.

They are now buying time so that they can pass the budget to have a cut of Thaksin's money. Why are people so blinded? It is all about money. Do you want an useless greedy government or efficient greedy government?

Chuan's government was one of the most corrupted government in history. People have short memory. History is repeating itself.

Abhisit government is just hopeless and does not take care the welfare of these northern farmers. What has he done other than giving 2000 baht to the middle class? He just has theory and no practical experience.

So after 7 weeks of this.....two dozen threads, thousands of posts we have come to the conclusion that........

Abhisit should dissolve parliment

A military coup would be good

The army should just kill everybody

The army should do nothing--the reds will eventually leave.

Redshirts are all just terrorists

Yellowshirts are just terrorists

All other shirts are just terrorists but could be on either side

Guys in black are terrorists but are really red terrorists.

Yellowshirts occupancy of the airport was a bad thing

Redshirts coming to BKK is a bad thing---really bad...worse than anything a yellow could do...but they are not really smart like the Yellows.

The Government is incompetent

The army and police are incompetent

The Reds (or blacks) fired first

The army fired first

Reds are all getting paid on a scale from 300 baht a day to 2000 baht a day or more...they only protest for money...not like yellows who do it for love of Thailand.

The Reds do not get paid but the yellows do.

We know for sure the army and police get paid---oh government too--and way better pay scales.

The Reds fired grenades at the train

The train driver says he saw the grenades coming from a totally different direction to where the reds were....oops just ignore that, eyewitness reports are invalid.

Farangs know things about the reds and their leaderships thoughts that they don't even know themselves...Farangs just KNOW these things....

Farangs know far more about everything in Thailand than any Thai person could possibly know... even ex bus drivers from Liverpool are highly educated in these matters.

If Farangs were running things here this would never have happened...peace and tranquility reign in all Faranglands.

Rice growers are just stupid...actually morons, idiots..and of course terrorists.

In order to know what Thailands population really wants you have to be Farang....and preferably not have spent too much time in Thailand to get confused by actually meeting a lot of Thais.

Tanks and Blackhawkes are the best way to do crowd control.

This would never happen in the USA....we would have shot all of them by day 2.

This would never happen in the UK....we know how to deal with things like this.....we negotiated a deal with the IRA...and it only required 30 years and 4,000 or so deaths...

we don't mess around.

If the reds win, Thaksin will be dictator for life...and he will kick out all foreigners.....within 30 days!!!!

Thaksin flew to Finland with 114 cases of cash....one of our members figured out how much cash you can carry in 114 large suitcases and trunks....without knowing

the the sizes of the containers, the currency, or note denominations...(This report is on another thread from a couple of days ago) Now that's talent for you.

Perhaps if we continue for another 7 weeks and another 20,000 posts at least some of us will figure out that we don't know what the hel_l we are talking about..... :)

:D Thanks for that one.

Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

right on.

it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit.

What makes you think that Abhisit government is not corrupted? They are more corrupted than Thaksin's government and importantly useless in managing Thailand economy.

They are now buying time so that they can pass the budget to have a cut of Thaksin's money. Why are people so blinded? It is all about money. Do you want an useless greedy government or efficient greedy government?

Chuan's government was one of the most corrupted government in history. People have short memory. History is repeating itself.

Abhisit government is just hopeless and does not take care the welfare of these northern farmers. What has he done other than giving 2000 baht to the middle class? He just has theory and no practical experience.

I guess the efficient greedy government would be better. Although the 30 baht health care program, SME loans to the farmers, Thailand Elite Card, and refusing foreign tsunami aid are not what I'd call being efficient. Getting Burma to lease your satellite in return for a huge non-performing loan, not using your own money, now that's brilliant!

Too bad he couldn't close the deal on privatizing EGAT. That would've earned him the Nobel Prize for Economics. That's where the money from the sale of AIS was going to go. Too bad. Now Montenegro gets the money. Darn.

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