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I am going bald and while do not consider myself vain having a hairless head just doesn't suite me and won't do me any favours career wise particularly out here where looks are everything.

Has anyone had hair transplant surgery? how much did it cost and can you recommend any clinics? There are a few places that come up after a google search but I would prefer to go somewhere recommended.



How much have u lost?

Many ways of trying to gain most of it back and easily halt it.

In regards to surgery or transplant I highly recommend Dr.Viroj Vong

Only guy whose trained in FUE(only 1 in thailand last time i checked). He is highly trained(on american board too), well spoken and knows what he is doing.

Go see him for his expert opinion but from memory for 2000FU done via FUE it was around 4000 or so.

FUE is most expensive method but then u done have a massive scar or piece of your scalp cut out.

Also note that they can now clone your <deleted> (only implantation would be needed) although last I heard its still not commercially available.


I am aware of all the medically proven methods.

I have been taking Dutasteride (3x0.5mg a week) and using minoxidil for a number of years now along with growth stimulant shampoo. However, this is not without side effects and an inconvenience.

I only have a basic understanding of the techniques but I think one FUT and then one FUE to cover the scar and add some more volume should be the best long term solution.


Shave and get over with it

I started having a recessing line when I was 20

I had a hair transplant in London when I was 25 which satisfied me as I had a lot of hair acting as a camouflage but was told by the surgeon that I would need more

I had a second one in Seoul five years later but it did not work that much

At 35 I had the last one in Marseille and very poor result

I was getting balder by the day

Some years later I decided to go for a tattoo: well it turned out to be blue instead of black (but the girl who had done it had warned me of the possible outcome)

Then, something like 8 years ago, before my complaining, my brother told me to shave: it was a long hesitation but eventually went for it

Trust me: since then, I have never heard anyone telling me that I was baling or even bald

I feel good (even with two big scars at the back of my head and small "lumps" at the top) and if I had taken that decision decades ago, I would not have undergone these useless processes. At the end of the day people still notice it so why going for it

I am now 51


My friend had an Hair transplant, He had the one where they take plugs out of your scalp and replace them with plugs of skin with hair growing in, they lasted a few years then the hair died, It left him with a head that looked polka doted, he said the same , he wished he had just gone bald gracefully,

My friend had an Hair transplant, He had the one where they take plugs out of your scalp and replace them with plugs of skin with hair growing in, they lasted a few years then the hair died, It left him with a head that looked polka doted, he said the same , he wished he had just gone bald gracefully,

I think that hair transplant techniques have improved a lot since the days of plugs and tufts. You only have to see photos of Sivio Berlusconi to appreciate what a hair transplant can do for SOME people. You need to have sufficient donor hair sites to get a good, full effect.

I can personally recommend the hair translant clinic in Mauritius. Check out the website http://www.hairgraftingclinic.com.

Have a hair transplant and take a holiday at the same time.

I had a transplant in Mauritius over 5 years ago, and am very happy with the results (flew to Mauritius with Emirates using my airmiles for the Dubai-Muaritius leg during one of my regular returns to the UK).

Most people are surprised when I tell them I have had it done. The hair grows, needs cutting and looks reasonably natural for a 50 year-old - although not a full head of hair by any means. In my case unlike Silvio I did not go back for a second, top-up procedure.

It is not a pleasant procedure to endure, but like a visit to the dentist one is pleased when it's over and the results are good.


People always want to look beautiful and attractive. But many people have some problem like nose look not good , body is very fat, problem on face. So those type of problem made their body ugly. So for that plastic surgery is really very good option.


The word that springs to mind here is: denial.

Many men have gone, are, or, will go bald. That's the way it goes.

Most will start off in denial. Comb-overs, fluffing up the remaining hair, etc.

Some will get wigs or some version of a wig (al la Graham Gooch and Shane Warne) which involves sticking plastic plates on the head with 'hair weaves.'

Some, I hope the majority, will eventually accept that they are bald and start clipping and/or shaving, and, most of all, accepting.

There is plenty of life after baldness.

And, let's face it, it looks neat and clean.

I'm gonna say it loud, I'm bald and I'm proud!


I look like my Avitar :)

Its not too bad......just accept its part of life. :D ..and you save a lot of money with DIY haircuts as well

I spent about 2 hours looking at cures about 15 years ago ...then I "Bicked" it...and that was that .....I really would not want to be bothered with it now, anyway my wife has enough hair for 2...or 6...she has definatley got my share.

What I don't understand though is why hair is subject to the force of gravity?

As my hair got thinner on top it compensated for the loss by giving me more on my body. :D

Why would that happen?....I can't see the benefit....oh well :D


Most will start off in denial. Comb-overs, fluffing up the remaining hair, etc.

Some will get wigs or some version of a wig (al la Graham Gooch and Shane Warne) which involves sticking plastic plates on the head with 'hair weaves.'

Some, I hope the majority, will eventually accept that they are bald and start clipping and/or shaving, and, most of all, accepting.

And some get hair transplants and they ain't bald any more. Seems you're the one in denial of the fact that a bald head just doesn't look as good as a head of hair. Why accept it if you don't have to?

It's like a friend of mine who says he gets handsomer every year. What he does is redefine the word "handsome."

This hair transplant center has been mentioned on the forum before, maybe do a search and find it:


I don't anything about them myself. But at some point I'll probably get around to a hair transplant myself, so I hope some useful info comes out of this thread. The latest technique seems pretty good, no plugs or strips. Question is whether any Thai docs are using it.

[The latest technique seems pretty good, no plugs or strips. Question is whether any Thai docs are using it.

I would certainly do a lot of research before using a Thai clinic. I have seen the results of a Thai hair transplant carried out several years ago and was not too impressed.

The clinic I used in Mauritius (email add posted above) was a dedicated hair transplant clinic with a dedicated staff of nearly 20 professionals/nurses required to carry out one 5 hour procedure (each follicle is seperated out and inserted individually, maybe 3000 inserts in one procedure). I believe the secret lies in ensuring that the blood supply to each implant remains active resulting in a low failure rate (less than 10 %)

I always joke that I decided not to have a hair transplant in Thailand because you could go in for a thair transplant and come out with a sex change instead. The clinic that advertises in the Bangkok Post seems to do everything!!!

Hope this helps


Now here is what I do not understand:

If money can now buy a decent head of hair.....

why does Donald Trump still look like that????


Now here is what I do not understand:

If money can now buy a decent head of hair.....

why does Donald Trump still look like that????


You got me intrigued. This is what I found on the net:

"As I understand it, Donald Trump was a victim of the old hair transplant process starting in the 1980s. The quality of the work most probably resulted in the pluggy look, and he possibly had scalp reductions (which were popular in those days). Between the two, he might have little donor hair left. There may be significant scarring as well if he had many procedures in the ‘old days’. He apparently found the solution to cover up his hair loss problem, with a creative hair styling that he is now well known for. He knows that his hair is the subject of much focus and with people who just love to talk or make their living hosting entertainment shows. That is the price of today’s celebrity."

In comparison take a look at Silvio Berlusconi: (Before and after)


OK if your bald and you have lots of hair on the sides people notice you are bald but l think the same applies to people who have transplants and wigs, usually spot it a mile off. :)

If you have a good hair transplant it will be virtually unnoticeable.

I would not consider my transplant as 'good' because due to the limited number of donor hairs the head coverage is front loaded i.e. more transplants at the front of the head to create a hair line, with sparse coverage at the back. Yet in all honesty I have never had any unsolicited comments on my hair. As I am quite pleased with the result (as opposed to wearing a wig) I like to tell people I have had a transplant, and the most common reaction is surprise.

Yes, I think I could spot some/many hairtransplants if I look closely, but in general a good transplant will go unnoticed.

Advice to OP: Do not listen to OTHER people's opinions on this. Do what you think is right for YOU. The fact that you have posted this thread means that it is something that concerns YOU. It is YOUR life and if you are uncomfortable with going bald there are modern techniques to deal with this. It certainly worked out well for me.

Chrome Dome no longer!

OK if your bald and you have lots of hair on the sides people notice you are bald but l think the same applies to people who have transplants and wigs, usually spot it a mile off. :)

If you have a good hair transplant it will be virtually unnoticeable.

I would not consider my transplant as 'good' because due to the limited number of donor hairs the head coverage is front loaded i.e. more transplants at the front of the head to create a hair line, with sparse coverage at the back. Yet in all honesty I have never had any unsolicited comments on my hair. As I am quite pleased with the result (as opposed to wearing a wig) I like to tell people I have had a transplant, and the most common reaction is surprise.

Yes, I think I could spot some/many hairtransplants if I look closely, but in general a good transplant will go unnoticed.

Advice to OP: Do not listen to OTHER people's opinions on this. Do what you think is right for YOU. The fact that you have posted this thread means that it is something that concerns YOU. It is YOUR life and if you are uncomfortable with going bald there are modern techniques to deal with this. It certainly worked out well for me.

Chrome Dome no longer!

Oh come on."Don't listen...." and still you are giving a piece of advice (which is your right)

The OP posted to get an address: he has got it , but the OP also needs to know the troubles some of us have been through to get toa nil result

Of course money talks but then again one has to talk the same as Elton John then because have never seen any publicity showing a natural look (of course I would not say that I have never seen anyone with a good transplant as I might not have been able to notice it if, in fact, the result had been excellent)

On thing I would like to see, is the pix of rak sa_ngop before and after

Another thing, some people (maybe Trump) don't get irritated by their baldness and some of us like it the way it is

Of course the decision of the OP is his, but before attempting anything drsatic, as in irreversible, I would first try to change my look to mirror myself in my neighbours'eyes and then I would decide

If I had been told that at the time, I might have had a different approach (mind you , at the time, it was not trendy to be ald but now it is another matter

OK if your bald and you have lots of hair on the sides people notice you are bald but l think the same applies to people who have transplants and wigs, usually spot it a mile off. :)

If you have a good hair transplant it will be virtually unnoticeable.

I would not consider my transplant as 'good' because due to the limited number of donor hairs the head coverage is front loaded i.e. more transplants at the front of the head to create a hair line, with sparse coverage at the back. Yet in all honesty I have never had any unsolicited comments on my hair. As I am quite pleased with the result (as opposed to wearing a wig) I like to tell people I have had a transplant, and the most common reaction is surprise.

Yes, I think I could spot some/many hairtransplants if I look closely, but in general a good transplant will go unnoticed.

Advice to OP: Do not listen to OTHER people's opinions on this. Do what you think is right for YOU. The fact that you have posted this thread means that it is something that concerns YOU. It is YOUR life and if you are uncomfortable with going bald there are modern techniques to deal with this. It certainly worked out well for me.

Chrome Dome no longer!

Oh come on."Don't listen...." and still you are giving a piece of advice (which is your right)

The OP posted to get an address: he has got it , but the OP also needs to know the troubles some of us have been through to get toa nil result

Of course money talks but then again one has to talk the same as Elton John then because have never seen any publicity showing a natural look (of course I would not say that I have never seen anyone with a good transplant as I might not have been able to notice it if, in fact, the result had been excellent)

On thing I would like to see, is the pix of rak sa_ngop before and after

Another thing, some people (maybe Trump) don't get irritated by their baldness and some of us like it the way it is

Of course the decision of the OP is his, but before attempting anything drsatic, as in irreversible, I would first try to change my look to mirror myself in my neighbours'eyes and then I would decide

If I had been told that at the time, I might have had a different approach (mind you , at the time, it was not trendy to be ald but now it is another matter

You are right. If I had listened to other people's (botched) experiences I would not have gone ahead with my transplant. So I am very pleased that I went in rather uninformed and I am very happy with the result.

I decided not to trust an Asian clinic but decided to go with a Western run clinic where I could hopefully rely on Western judgement to do the best job possibe. The clinic I used also has clients who come in for 'repair' jobs. Some of those early tuffted transplants can be reused (if still alive) and seperated out and replanted to give a more natural coverage. As I mentioned the secret is in keeping the blood supply open to the transpalnted sites so the hair follicles stay alive.

I just feel that the weight of negative experiences posted on this thread would put anybody off. Hopefully I have redressed tha balance in this discussion.

If anybody wants to meet up with me and check out my hair they are quite welcome to buy me a pint (Heineken) in the Silom area of Bangkok. Just PM me.


That makes you the first ever I have heard saying he was satisfied

How about posting the result? I might even consider reviewing my judgement and influence positively the OP

I am not being sarcastic

That makes you the first ever I have heard saying he was satisfied

How about posting the result? I might even consider reviewing my judgement and influence positively the OP

I am not being sarcastic

Found a few of the better shots of myself. As I have admitted already I do not consider that my transplant is 'good' because coverage at the back is still very sparse as I have not been back for a second transplant procedure. With strong overhead lighting you would also see the the hair at the front could do with a lot more coverage.

However whereas before I would be embarrased to see photos of my bald pate (sorry I do not have any digital photos from the past) , I am very happy with the reults I can achieve even now 6 years after the transplant.

I would also like to reiterate that I can only vouch for the Mauritius clinic, run by French and international surgeons, staffed a a large dedicated team of nurses etc required to perform the 2000-3000 insertions needed during a 5 hour procedure.post-32140-1273127778_thumb.jpg



Not bad, rak sa_ngop. Get some more on the front a la Berlusconi and who could complain?

I wish you bald heads would at least cover those pates with a doo rag or bandanna. Take Steven Van Zandt: he has the right idea. hel_l, he looks so cool that I might forgo a transplant, be a lot cheaper too:




To you maybe but to some it does look sexy so please....

As for the pictures they are good but actually I would not be satisfied with the result although, I admit, the job was well done

I do persist in saying that I would not do it again


Ive already stated the best one and the only one qualified at FUE. I have seen his work first hand and hes one of two surgeons registered on the ABHRS and ONLY one listed on ISHRS for FUE. I believe he learnt under bernstein himself if I recall correctly.

With the current techniques out right now I would either go with FUE or bite the bullet and wait for a few more years trying everything until then to retain what I have left and perhaps growing it back though definately stopping the loss until cloning your hair follicle is widely available and feasible. They have done it and im sure if your super rich you could get a team to work on cloning your hair for ya right now lol the rest will have to wait.

To you maybe but to some it does look sexy so please....

The majority is against you in this forum thread:


One listens to the sounds they like

As for a forum, only people interested in the matter will take the time to answer and as you said 'in THIS forum" so the majority must be elsewhere and I will spare you all the sites like I love big people, short people,bald people etc..you will always find pros and cons supporters

I am a strong believer in looks but I also believe that looks are only a part of ourselves and, if that had not been the case, I would have been left stranded many times by my looks: I feel good, they know it

Fortunately I go by and enjoy the ride, so bald or not...What obsessed/upsets one doesn't bother the next one

You certainly have noticed that what was important to you some years ago has shifted to other polls of interests so when you stop getting upset with that single matter your life and the perception of it is quite different, not to say better

Of course, the day the right and painless treatment will come along I will not decline it but until then I am happy as I am even with scars and tattoo on my scalp

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