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Worsening Crisis Pushes Thailand Towards Anarchy

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Sorry to bring this thread back on its original track, but is this worsening crisis pushing Thailand towards anarchy? I, as much as anyone, am very excited for the prospect of democracy coming to Thailand. But I think we are really too focused on this Red blocking of the shopping district. 4,000 people have died in the last several years in the insurgency in the South. We ignore it because the Southern conflict really doesn't affect the operation of Dunkin' Donuts or Luis Vuitton or Nana. Yet, it would appear to be a far more significant conflict as far as discussions of anarchy and civil war are concerned. I agree with a previous poster that the rural Thais are not interested in revolution. They want what they had before Sept. 2006, that is all.

They want a care taker PM??????

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A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.


A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

what I asked for was the PTP/UDD/Red plan for revitalizing Isaan. Where is it?

I can not speak for the reds- but it may be that their 'plan' is simply this: that Thai society learns that any government that they elect must be permitted to govern wihtout military/judicial coups. Rightly or wrongly, I would expect that many of those who supported Thaksin believe they were robbed. People don't like being robbed. Now you can tell them that Thaksin was TOO corrupt (they'd fall over laughing- and I expect you would have a hard time keeping a staight face too- if you simply said that an official in Thailand was 'corrupt- so you have to say TOO corrupt) but they might think that the reason he was turfed had nothing to do with corruption- but rather because he threatened to shake up the establishment- and the system which legitimizes it- which they regard, perhaps with some cause, as having had a pretty good ride on the backs of the poor.

Now we can talk till we're blue in the face about what they 'should' and 'should not' think- but it won't matter.

This is the pickle we're all in now- and whatever is to be done?

As many predicted at the time of the coup- the genie was out of the bottle- there is not putting him back in. Even a rudimentary study of history shows that revolutions happen, not when people are ground down- but when they have been give hope- and then that hope, snatched from them. (check out the Crane Brinton theory of revolution- something that the coupsters should but probably did not study).

All discussion of 'shoulds' and 'should nots' become moot= drowned out in the raging torent of --- history and the forces that channel it.

No Drivel. Why, because this whole movement is Astro-turf. The people are ferried here in company registered vehicles from the mercantile class who by and large are desperate to return to the past. Why, not democracy or the Crane Brinton theory, but because then they get to keep their power. they get to keep their illegal money lending [with usury], they get to keep their interest in the local [very local] political structures which ensure that all money from the centre goes through [well some of it] their adhesive fingers. This is nothing to do with torrents of history, only money. Plain and simple.

So do they benefit from central government embarrassment, yes, do they really care about the poor, no, indeed they want the poor to stay just as they are, after all they have to have a convenient market do they not?


They should get out their glass cutter and hang that post on the fridge so they can read it everytime they get another beer. The opportunism of a diffucult succession and a megalomaniac ex PM parasite are peripheral to the central truth you have outlined so succinctly. They are merely rallying points.


A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

Incredibly bad PR for them though.

Sorry to bring this thread back on its original track, but is this worsening crisis pushing Thailand towards anarchy? I, as much as anyone, am very excited for the prospect of democracy coming to Thailand. But I think we are really too focused on this Red blocking of the shopping district. 4,000 people have died in the last several years in the insurgency in the South. We ignore it because the Southern conflict really doesn't affect the operation of Dunkin' Donuts or Luis Vuitton or Nana. Yet, it would appear to be a far more significant conflict as far as discussions of anarchy and civil war are concerned. I agree with a previous poster that the rural Thais are not interested in revolution. They want what they had before Sept. 2006, that is all.

That's a different subject, so I want to go back to what you said before:

"If you really wanted to know the Red plan for revitalizing all of Thailand you could have educated yourself quite easily by now" Rhodes

Can you have a go at filling me in here? Not a flame or provocation from me, but I'd like to know what you have in mind.

Please can you fill me in on what this plan is and how it relates to the current protest and strategies. I'm not being combative, I just want to know what you have in mind. I really don't know what the Red plan to revitalize Thailand is. If it's known what that plan is it will be easier to understand the protest and its strategies. Help me out here.

Sorry to bring this thread back on its original track, but is this worsening crisis pushing Thailand towards anarchy? I, as much as anyone, am very excited for the prospect of democracy coming to Thailand. But I think we are really too focused on this Red blocking of the shopping district. 4,000 people have died in the last several years in the insurgency in the South. We ignore it because the Southern conflict really doesn't affect the operation of Dunkin' Donuts or Luis Vuitton or Nana. Yet, it would appear to be a far more significant conflict as far as discussions of anarchy and civil war are concerned. I agree with a previous poster that the rural Thais are not interested in revolution. They want what they had before Sept. 2006, that is all.

That's a different subject, so I want to go back to what you said before:

"If you really wanted to know the Red plan for revitalizing all of Thailand you could have educated yourself quite easily by now" Rhodes

Can you have a go at filling me in here? Not a flame or provocation from me, but I'd like to know what you have in mind.

Please can you fill me in on what this plan is and how it relates to the current protest and strategies. I'm not being combative, I just want to know what you have in mind. I really don't know what the Red plan to revitalize Thailand is. If it's known what that plan is it will be easier to understand the protest and its strategies. Help me out here.

I refer to my post #933:-

I haven't seen a response to this post by Ajarn 4223rhodes yet. Have I missed something ?

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

"2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds"

And so the justification for the culling and killing begins - these sorts usually move this way first.

There's not one single justification for the action in any of 1-3.

I hate these sorts of comparisons but I feel I must: a really good read is "Court of the Red Czar"


A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions.

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

1. It was believed this was true? Just because it is believed, it is okay to terrorize a hospital? I think not.

2. So what if they support a certain movement. Isn't that what a democracy is about? Storming into and terrorizing a hospital is not democracy. Of course, maybe this is the true face of the UDD style of democracy. If so, Burma is a pussycat.

3. Heard about police being refused treatment for their role in attacking PAD protesters, but not the red shirts. Links to that?

There is no justification in this, though some of you are trying your best. Terrorism is terrorism and must be dealt with harshly.

Sorry to bring this thread back on its original track, but is this worsening crisis pushing Thailand towards anarchy? I, as much as anyone, am very excited for the prospect of democracy coming to Thailand. But I think we are really too focused on this Red blocking of the shopping district. 4,000 people have died in the last several years in the insurgency in the South. We ignore it because the Southern conflict really doesn't affect the operation of Dunkin' Donuts or Luis Vuitton or Nana. Yet, it would appear to be a far more significant conflict as far as discussions of anarchy and civil war are concerned. I agree with a previous poster that the rural Thais are not interested in revolution. They want what they had before Sept. 2006, that is all.

That's a different subject, so I want to go back to what you said before:

"If you really wanted to know the Red plan for revitalizing all of Thailand you could have educated yourself quite easily by now" Rhodes

Can you have a go at filling me in here? Not a flame or provocation from me, but I'd like to know what you have in mind.

Please can you fill me in on what this plan is and how it relates to the current protest and strategies. I'm not being combative, I just want to know what you have in mind. I really don't know what the Red plan to revitalize Thailand is. If it's known what that plan is it will be easier to understand the protest and its strategies. Help me out here.

If you can speak Thai I suggest that you go down to the protest site and talk to people first hand. I doubt you will get much of their passion and motivation from a forum such as TV. There is a lot available on the internet. Take in the UDD website, newmandala, prachatai, and read as much as possible from the international press. I admire your inquisitiveness - I wish there were more curious such as yourself!


A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions.

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

1. It was believed this was true? Just because it is believed, it is okay to terrorize a hospital? I think not.

2. So what if they support a certain movement. Isn't that what a democracy is about? Storming into and terrorizing a hospital is not democracy. Of course, maybe this is the true face of the UDD style of democracy. If so, Burma is a pussycat.

3. Heard about police being refused treatment for their role in attacking PAD protesters, but not the red shirts. Links to that?

There is no justification in this, though some of you are trying your best. Terrorism is terrorism and must be dealt with harshly.

Again, it is a cycle of attack and retaliation. You can use one event to justify another more violent event. Is that skillful? How do people stop the cycle? Follow the dharma trail!

If you can speak Thai I suggest that you go down to the protest site and talk to people first hand. I doubt you will get much of their passion and motivation from a forum such as TV. There is a lot available on the internet. Take in the UDD website, newmandala, prachatai, and read as much as possible from the international press. I admire your inquisitiveness - I wish there were more curious such as yourself!

Being a red supporter, I thought you would have some idea of what their plans are.

It seems that you don't.


The vultures are circling already... win win scenario. short the **** out of the baht, or buy the dips, "despite" the killing!

Wonder if the 'elite' have been converting Thai baht into forex?


MARKET REACTION: If the army manages to get the upper hand, this could be seen as opportunity to buy despite any violence.


Abhisit maintains a tough line, resisting talks and allowing tension to build on the streets in the hope of wearing down the protesters enough so they slowly disperse.

However, with no agreement for talks, frustration grows in Bangkok as the economic toll mounts. Abhisit's position becomes untenable. He defies his military and establishment allies and dissolves parliament.

Aware polls would almost certainly return a government allied with Thaksin -- the de facto red shirt leader despised by the establishment elites -- the military stages a coup saying it is upholding national security and protecting the revered ^^^.

This is not likely. Abhisit will not call an election without a nod from the military and the palace. The climate may be ripe for a putsch, but the army wants to keep the prime minister in power, as long as he stands firm against the supporters of Thaksin, who was ousted in the last coup in 2006.

MARKET IMPACT: A coup would cause stocks to plunge, and the baht to slide. Concerns about fiscal mismanagement, poor governance, and a public backlash -- even civil war -- would curtail long-term investment. Thailand's credit ratings would be downgraded. There could even be a contagion effect in Southeast Asian emerging markets.


The pressure to find a political solution to buy time and calm down inflamed passions in the country is growing. Failure to do so means the crisis drags on with hardliners from both camps dominating the agenda.

Under one scenario for a political formula, Abhisit's uneasy coalition partners hold behind-the-scenes meetings, perhaps with Thaksin or his representatives involved. This leads to a deal to end the ruling alliance and focus on a new election.

Abhisit's Democrat Party could try to rule as a minority government, but his former allies echo red shirt calls for an immediate dissolution of parliament. Faced with a vote of no confidence in parliament, Abhisit agrees to dissolve the house.

Or the Democrats could dump Abhisit as leader in favour of another figure, who then produces a timetable for an early election.

These are unlikely scenarios. Any political deal would have to satisfy the army and the palace. Coalition partners may not be happy with Abhisit, but he is still their best bet right now.

MARKET IMPACT: A political deal would be seen as positive for the market. Stocks would likely rise, with the market's low valuations tempting investors with an appetite for risk

what I asked for was the PTP/UDD/Red plan for revitalizing Isaan. Where is it?

I can not speak for the reds- but it may be that their 'plan' is simply this: that Thai society learns that any government that they elect must be permitted to govern wihtout military/judicial coups. Rightly or wrongly, I would expect that many of those who supported Thaksin believe they were robbed. People don't like being robbed. Now you can tell them that Thaksin was TOO corrupt (they'd fall over laughing- and I expect you would have a hard time keeping a staight face too- if you simply said that an official in Thailand was 'corrupt- so you have to say TOO corrupt) but they might think that the reason he was turfed had nothing to do with corruption- but rather because he threatened to shake up the establishment- and the system which legitimizes it- which they regard, perhaps with some cause, as having had a pretty good ride on the backs of the poor.

Now we can talk till we're blue in the face about what they 'should' and 'should not' think- but it won't matter.

This is the pickle we're all in now- and whatever is to be done?

As many predicted at the time of the coup- the genie was out of the bottle- there is not putting him back in. Even a rudimentary study of history shows that revolutions happen, not when people are ground down- but when they have been give hope- and then that hope, snatched from them. (check out the Crane Brinton theory of revolution- something that the coupsters should but probably did not study).

All discussion of 'shoulds' and 'should nots' become moot= drowned out in the raging torent of --- history and the forces that channel it.


But when you look around in Bangkok or in the villages, people don't want revolution, it won't happen. It's just a few hardcore on both sides who terrorize the Nation and hold it at ransom for selfish reasons. People know that too.

they should be taken away in one washing. - Yellow leaders and red leaders.

There is some logic that:

If the Reds did get a SEVERE smackdown,

that the yellows might have serious 2nd thoughts about,

and if they did start up and got the same,

problem solved for good.


A followup to the kidnapping at Chula. The other news source has reported that the two who were kidnapped were released after being interrogated by the reds. They were construction workers.

The reds have gone way to far on this after illegally entering and even yelling as they searched the hospital with their pointed spears. Having threatened to do this again tomorrow, I hope the military have made plans to avert this despicable act of terrorism in a hospital. Forget the police, they are worthless. Arrest the leaders, the terrorist guards involved, the so-called peaceful and loving protesters involved, and the police who condone and allow these thuggish acts to continue.

The Reds were probably concerned that:

1. Govt was believed to be taking up sniper positions.

2. Chula academics are essentially yellows - signing petitions and joining pro-fascist elements to urge army to attack the reds

3. The same hospital REFUSED to treat injured reds in the so called "Songkran Riots"

It's all just a cycle of attack and retaliation. Just like TV!

1. It was believed this was true? Just because it is believed, it is okay to terrorize a hospital? I think not.

2. So what if they support a certain movement. Isn't that what a democracy is about? Storming into and terrorizing a hospital is not democracy. Of course, maybe this is the true face of the UDD style of democracy. If so, Burma is a pussycat.

3. Heard about police being refused treatment for their role in attacking PAD protesters, but not the red shirts. Links to that?

There is no justification in this, though some of you are trying your best. Terrorism is terrorism and must be dealt with harshly.

Again, it is a cycle of attack and retaliation. You can use one event to justify another more violent event. Is that skillful? How do people stop the cycle? Follow the dharma trail!

Continue to justify and condone terrorism all you wish, it is your right to do so.


Whatever gave them the idea to raid a hospital, they were militant (and stupid) enough to follow it through, and are even talking about returning in the morning! If there's any justice in the world the local and international media should hang them out to dry on this one.

I understand a few hundred police are guarding the hospital now. Agree with what others have said on Twitter should they fail to protect it.

Coincidently sis-in-law gave birth this morning - she was due to stay at Chula, but was moved into Miadohol (?). The thought of hundreds of clueless thugs turning up at the door during visitor hours this evening...

Today recap: Even Doc Weng cudn't see that storming hospital servicing generally lower class is bad idea, esp one day after Army's big slip.

1 minute ago via TweetDeck

Yellow and red leaders are the enemy of state and people from all walks of life. Including Thaksin the Nero not Hero.

People will be better off without them.

1. It was believed this was true? Just because it is believed, it is okay to terrorize a hospital? I think not.

2. So what if they support a certain movement. Isn't that what a democracy is about? Storming into and terrorizing a hospital is not democracy. Of course, maybe this is the true face of the UDD style of democracy. If so, Burma is a pussycat.

3. Heard about police being refused treatment for their role in attacking PAD protesters, but not the red shirts. Links to that?

There is no justification in this, though some of you are trying your best. Terrorism is terrorism and must be dealt with harshly.

Again, it is a cycle of attack and retaliation. You can use one event to justify another more violent event. Is that skillful? How do people stop the cycle? Follow the dharma trail!

I don't see it as "attack and retaliation". I see it more as questions and no answers.

Ridiculous. And besides, wouldn't it be perfectly reasonable for a hospital to have some security in this situation? (in the case of a govt hospital, an army security presence)

Wouldn't matter. Almost everyone is totally intimidated by the red mobs. They are the law now because they have asserted themselves as the law. A taste of things to come if they take over the country. Google -- Maoist cultural revolution.

Having spent much time in China I am quite familiar already... scary thought...

นายอารี ไกรนรา หัวหน้าการ์ดกลุ่มแนวร่วมประชาธิปไตยต่อต้านเผด็จการแห่งชาติ หรือ นปช. เปิดเผยว่า ขณะนี้ได้เตรียมอุปกรณ์เครื่องสูบน้ำ และน้ำมันเครื่องที่บรรจุอยู่ในถัง 200 ลิตร ไว้ในแต่ละด่านแล้ว ทั้งนี้ หากเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารและตำรวจเข้าสลายการชุมนุม การ์ด นปช. จะเทน้ำมันเครื่องใส่เจ้าหน้าที่ เนื่องจากน้ำมันเครื่องจะทำให้เจ้าหน้าที่ไม่สามารถนำอาวุธมาทำร้ายประชาชนได้

according to the manager the red guards staffing every side with 200 liter oil tanks.

Not sure, since this publication is famous to stir unrest through rumors. At least in the past they used it abundantly.

Sorry to bring this thread back on its original track, but is this worsening crisis pushing Thailand towards anarchy? I, as much as anyone, am very excited for the prospect of democracy coming to Thailand. But I think we are really too focused on this Red blocking of the shopping district. 4,000 people have died in the last several years in the insurgency in the South. We ignore it because the Southern conflict really doesn't affect the operation of Dunkin' Donuts or Luis Vuitton or Nana. Yet, it would appear to be a far more significant conflict as far as discussions of anarchy and civil war are concerned. I agree with a previous poster that the rural Thais are not interested in revolution. They want what they had before Sept. 2006, that is all.

That's a different subject, so I want to go back to what you said before:

"If you really wanted to know the Red plan for revitalizing all of Thailand you could have educated yourself quite easily by now" Rhodes

Can you have a go at filling me in here? Not a flame or provocation from me, but I'd like to know what you have in mind.

Please can you fill me in on what this plan is and how it relates to the current protest and strategies. I'm not being combative, I just want to know what you have in mind. I really don't know what the Red plan to revitalize Thailand is. If it's known what that plan is it will be easier to understand the protest and its strategies. Help me out here.

If you can speak Thai I suggest that you go down to the protest site and talk to people first hand. I doubt you will get much of their passion and motivation from a forum such as TV. There is a lot available on the internet. Take in the UDD website, newmandala, prachatai, and read as much as possible from the international press. I admire your inquisitiveness - I wish there were more curious such as yourself!

I was asking you to do it (not in a troll-like or combative manner mind you). I've read all the things you mention (and just finished "Thailand Unhinged" - pretty good) and I've been right here in Bangkok for the last decade or so. Anyway, have a go, I really want to know what you think this plan is. I know what the other folks say, I want to know what you think the plan is. Help a digger out.

Thaksin dies in Israel

While visiting Israel, Thaksin suffers a heart attack and passes away. The undertaker calls the Thai Embassy and says, 'You can have him shipped home for Bht 500,000, or you can bury him here, in the Holy Land , for just Bht100.'

The Ambassador thinks about it for a minute and replies that they want Thaksin shipped home.

The undertaker is puzzled and asks, 'Why would you spend Bht 500,000 to ship him home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only Bht100? With the money you save you could line quiet a few pockets in Thailand.

To this the Thai ambassador replied, 'Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. We just can't take the risk.'

:):D :D

credits to member Artisi

Just to add, on the political management front, it should be recalled that at least one of the coalition parties which joined with Samak had openly campaigned on a platform that they would not enter into such a coalition.

One could argue even more strongly that their voters were roundly ignored, since maybe they would not have voted for them if they know they would subsequently join forces.


They had an easy excuse. Bullied by the Junta.

Mazeltov is now claiming that the "junta" put PPP into power by bullying the smaller parties into joining a PPP coalition?

Not even the Dems ever suggested something that ludicrous! (In fact the Dems just bit the bullet and became the opposition)

edit --- corrected the Freudian slip I made when typing M's name .....

FYI, before the election during the campaign for it and all the month before when the JUNTA was in power politicians of the PPP got bullied and the JUNTA rin a anti-thaksin propaganda show.

The election weren't that fair at all and because of the coup the reds protest today.

Red shirts demand on Thursday to search in Chulalongkorn hospital where they claimed troops were hiding.

Red shirts storm Chulalongkorn hospital

WHO the hel_l do these guys think they are???

Why the hel_l are these people not arrested and locked up for a very long time..


Lock down the Protest site only allow exits carefully checking everyone for ID as they do.. Issue a Curfew give them 24 hours and then Roll in with everything the army has got..the only one s who are left will be the Stupid and the Hardcore...round them up and lock them up for a very long time for Treason..

Abhisit and Anupong can't afford to wait these people out two more months, two more days, two more hours.

As with civil wars throughout history, it has to be slugged out, citizen against citizen, side against side. That's the harsh and cruel reality, but reality it is. The Redshirt thug leaders in their local wisdom and expected get rich quick scheme payments from Montengro are agents of a foreign force and a foreign government that supports and provides sustinence to these alien forces.

No more kindness please from the government, just clean out the rat's nest of Thaksin captains. Decapitate. The Thai special elite military and police units can do this. The government has been tippy-toed and one can understand that, however, it's time now for the government to get hardnosed and to get the backbone and will to recognize the situation of the present as it is - a Thai-style civil war of the thugs versus the civilized.

Up to the present the wait 'em out strategy of Abhisit and Anupong has saved Thai from killing Thai wholesale. However, it's now gone beyond the point of waiting out the Reds because by plan and design determined long ago the Reds only get worse and only will become more of the worse and worst. Decapitate Red leaders now. Abhisit and Anupong, get a pair between the two of you. Or be gone.

^hmmm so you are advocating Civil War? :)

Sorry if anything was going to happen, it would have been done so by now. :D

Hey, as we have Thai-style democracy and Thai-style everything else, the past 4-6 weeks we've been in a Thai style civil war, and 20,000 posts of one-liners doesn't change that.

Red shirts demand on Thursday to search in Chulalongkorn hospital where they claimed troops were hiding.

Red shirts storm Chulalongkorn hospital

WHO the hel_l do these guys think they are???

Why the hel_l are these people not arrested and locked up for a very long time..


Lock down the Protest site only allow exits carefully checking everyone for ID as they do.. Issue a Curfew give them 24 hours and then Roll in with everything the army has got..the only one s who are left will be the Stupid and the Hardcore...round them up and lock them up for a very long time for Treason..

Abhisit and Anupong can't afford to wait these people out two more months, two more days, two more hours.

As with civil wars throughout history, it has to be slugged out, citizen against citizen, side against side. That's the harsh and cruel reality, but reality it is. The Redshirt thug leaders in their local wisdom and expected get rich quick scheme payments from Montengro are agents of a foreign force and a foreign government that supports and provides sustinence to these alien forces.

No more kindness please from the government, just clean out the rat's nest of Thaksin captains. Decapitate. The Thai special elite military and police units can do this. The government has been tippy-toed and one can understand that, however, it's time now for the government to get hardnosed and to get the backbone and will to recognize the situation of the present as it is - a Thai-style civil war of the thugs versus the civilized.

Up to the present the wait 'em out strategy of Abhisit and Anupong has saved Thai from killing Thai wholesale. However, it's now gone beyond the point of waiting out the Reds because by plan and design determined long ago the Reds only get worse and only will become more of the worse and worst. Decapitate Red leaders now. Abhisit and Anupong, get a pair between the two of you. Or be gone.

I think the reds hope were/are for the crowds on May, 1. I think as a few others suggested here to be a provocation from the reds. So sad of how people getting played all around. Now the weak Thai Unions are under strict control by police, not efficient but still every year thousands meet at Sanam Luang. Knowing that police is in Thaksin's camp I have no hope that they wouldn't be manipulated.

What Thailand needs are real Unions with no strings attached or controlling spirits manipulating.

Any news of what is organized for May 1?

^hmmm so you are advocating Civil War? :)

Sorry if anything was going to happen, it would have been done so by now. :D

Hey, as we have Thai-style democracy and Thai-style everything else, the past 4-6 weeks we've been in a Thai style civil war, and 20,000 posts of one-liners doesn't change that.


Just face the facts that this isn't ending anytime soon whether you like it or not. :D

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