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Thai Forces Fire Warning Shots In Standoff With Red Shirts

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Also why aint Thaivisa posting news about the democrat dissolution case. Today the Constitution court accepted EC's case involving 28 (or was it 29...) million baht. The democrats have 15 days to present their defence. That case is moving much faster then anticipated, and will be hard for the Democrats to stall. Might see a ruling before june?

Good Question but I am not sure they haven't as well as this not really being a news site. I am not even sure how to get to the real news posts anymore. I just click in the link to the Daily Red News blurbs.

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More blood on the Red's hands.

Your sumit else mate

the military guy shot in the head was by friendly fire let me spell that out for you

that means he was shot by his own men not red shirts

but buy thai logic ( maybe long range farang logic too)

its the reds fault, if they did not make the problem, it would not have happend

(( kind of like any farang that complaines something happened to him in thailand, if he did not go there, it would not have happened))

Peaceful, me thinks not. The red snipers are good at answering warning shots with " Proper shots to the head. The reds are armed to the teeth and are just itching to start the war. They " stole tons of weapons from the army remember?

Oh how easy it is to start, but it will be impossible to stop.

What a shambles now ?

1 troop, 10 protesters injured in Don Muang clash

One troop with severe head injury and 10 protesters were admitted to the Bhumibhol following the clash between anti-riot troops and red-shirt protesters near the Air Force headquarters.

The protesters were injured by rubber bullets.

The troop appeared to have been shot at his head.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


If this is confirmed, it will now show how peaceful the red shirts are, and will show how unarmed they really are !!

Not really armed to the teeth just a few hired malitia who, when required, on April 10th moved into position and popped off mainly officers. The Army as the reds expected kakked in their kakis and retreated to avoid further blood shed. Load of cobblers, they got scared when somebody fired back (its not fair they got guns to).This protest stays peaceful until the army uses excessive force, then the reds fire back.

Well offissa, I think your science sux. As the point of impact was well above the centre of gravity, and about twice as far from the turning point of his feet, even if the bullet only lost a small part of its KE, the tendency would be to fall in the direction of travel of the projectile. To put it more simply, if I gave you a slap on the back of your head, would you fall towards my hand?

The direction a person falls is in no way related to being struck by a high powered gun. It is not like TV. Although obviously not the same, think of someone shooting a needle, like for sewing, somehow at high enough velocity to go through your body. Okay a bullet is larger but same idea. It is traveling so fast and even if it blows out the back of your skull, you are going to fall in whatever direction you current balance dictates. I have seen first hand and on TV people being struck in the head with a baseball to the point of being knocked out and they sometimes fall forward and sometimes fall back. And a baseball coming off a bat has more power to push you than a bullet which pierces you. Think of stabbing somebody with a knife and then hitting them with the same force with the blunt end of a knife. One will push the person and the other will simply enter the person.

Bottom line is only on TV do bullets push people in any direction. In fact, I believe if you look at the Kennedy assassination video you will see his head actually goes in the direction the bullet came from making many say the bullet came from the opposite direction. Might have this one wrong but I am pretty sure I remember this conspiracy theory.

Found this on the net from Myth Busters :)

Myth A person will be propelled violently backwards if hit by a bullet.


A bullet fired by a gun cannot hold enough momentum. According to Newton's third law, if the bullet were to knock the target 20 feet (6 metres) back, an equal amount of force would be applied in the direction of the gun -- effectively knocking the shooter back about the same distance.

EDIT: Couldn't find video but found somebody describing the myth buster episode:

On myth busters they hung the body of a pig from a hook that was barely hanging on to a bar, they barely had to push it to make it fall. But they fired on it with a full auto thompson and an MP-5, the pig didnt fall. I think Newton's law about equal but opposite reaction applies ...

oh and they used a 12 guage deer slug on it, still no cookie.

Peaceful, me thinks not. The red snipers are good at answering warning shots with " Proper shots to the head. The reds are armed to the teeth and are just itching to start the war. They " stole tons of weapons from the army remember?

Oh how easy it is to start, but it will be impossible to stop.

What a shambles now ?

1 troop, 10 protesters injured in Don Muang clash

One troop with severe head injury and 10 protesters were admitted to the Bhumibhol following the clash between anti-riot troops and red-shirt protesters near the Air Force headquarters.

The protesters were injured by rubber bullets.

The troop appeared to have been shot at his head.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


If this is confirmed, it will now show how peaceful the red shirts are, and will show how unarmed they really are !!

Not really armed to the teeth just a few hired malitia who, when required, on April 10th moved into position and popped off mainly officers. The Army as the reds expected kakked in their kakis and retreated to avoid further blood shed. Load of cobblers, they got scared when somebody fired back (its not fair they got guns to).This protest stays peaceful until the army uses excessive force, then the reds fire back.

What planet are you on? how peaceful is it when they dissrupt peoples lives and pull taxi drivers from cars to search them? throw tyres on the BTS line.. enough said..


that means he was shot by his own men not red shirts

Although obviously would still be friendly fire ... I originally heard a policeman shot him. Has anybody got any more facts on what actually went down?

One thing that was clear today is there were a number of reds (or are they former reds now) dressed in army fatigue type attire. Not saying they shot the soldier but certainly could have played a part in the confusion if that is what this was.

Great pictures on tv of about 50 military all firing in sync what look like shotguns at red shirts (unarmed) on motorbikes

You must be a really sick mind. They killed one of their own men. Shooting into people is not "great" unless you are blessed with a very low social IQ

What you onna bout

On the BBC they are showing what looks like at all out war with 50 military all shooting at the reds with shotguns looks like something from a war movie

Saw the same clip and that was without doubt excessive force by anybodys standards. Its no wonder Gen Anupong does not want any part of this. Slipping into retirement as the man who masterminded the biggest ever slaughter of thai citizens, he does not want that. So who is giving the orders for this action. It looked like all the weapons being fired were aimed at head height.

it is obvious that we are witnessing a similar uprising to that in Tsarist Russia

No. The uprising here has no relation to what happened in Russia. You are so very very wrong.

Go back and read a little more about history.

...the mass killings to come will though.

Now we know where you are coming from and it isn't from the left.

Actually I read that in a Richard Pipes book when I was a student many years ago.

My nick is not 'white' because of the colour of my skin. I have researched extensively on the recovery of family assets seized in 1917. If that makes me right wing.. so be it. be nice if they gave back the museum though. oh well, ancient history. As for anti-semitic, Pipes is jewish - And my french family are practically neighbours with the French Rothschilds! Anyway kudos to them, they did what they had to do. Same as the yellows now. And it aint force... its cold hard cash. (gold is good too)

ps: Is that a concubine in your avatar? Ah the good old days! How did they ever manage to fetch the beers from the fridge with bound feet I wonder?

If you are going to call Abhisit exceptionally weak in relation to this martial law powers you need to compare him to other THAI PM's. How things work in other countries is irrelevant to that point.

You fail to realise that the rest of the world when it heard that Thailand was a democracy it believed it was a democracy in the same way that they perceive other democracies.


a. A head of state either a monarch or an elected president

b. If a monarch for head of state a PM who is elected

c. An army that answers to an elected government or president

The Thai situation vis a vis the army is a peculiarly Thai issue.

The rest of the world outside that the BBC speaks to cannot even name 2 other Thai PM's and have already forgotten Abhisit's name. The rest of the world is not comparing him to other Thai PM's since the level from which Thai PM's is coming is particularly low. All they know now is that he is not in control of his country and is not able to elucidate his point clearly on international TV.

Very good points.

Both BBC and CNN have said that the soldier that died was shot from behind in the head by police forces.

A BBC reporter is stating that it "appears" a soldier died from friendly fire. That assumption is not supported by any facts. Until something is proven it still could be from either side.

Time for CSI Bangkok............

More like Blackwater mercenaries...

what about perry mason or sherlock holmes or even charlie chan since this is an asian case, assuming the latter speaks the local lingo???

it is obvious that we are witnessing a similar uprising to that in Tsarist Russia

No. The uprising here has no relation to what happened in Russia. You are so very very wrong.

Go back and read a little more about history.

...the mass killings to come will though.

Although tragic what happened a few weeks ago. The total number of dead (including those who died later) didn't even reach the number of people killed on just motorbikes daily in Thailand.

Just wondering what kind of mass killing you are talking about.

Does anybody think they want witnesses when the full crackdown starts?

And you are Pro yellow? Lets hope it doesnt get to that stage.

The scenario you describe could be avoided.

Guess how?!

clue: begins with the letter "e"


some witnesses will be good, provided there is a last man standing.

I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

Good Post Mate

your Spot on

Agree 100%

Bangkokpundit: [Matichon] 2 soldiers were leaving tollway. Other solider mistook them for protesters & fired live bullet. 1 injury

So the soldier shot at them because they were leaving?

Completely turns things around, doesn't it. People were mentioning here that the soldier was shot because red shirts charged at the barricades, but now it turns out soldiers tried to leave and were shot by their own because they were mistaken for red shirts leaving?

Like .."red shirt, you can't leave or we'll shoot you. stay here!"

Sad event. If they were walking away where were they going, not out the front towards the reds. 'Mistaken for red shirts' in army green. Sorry cant believe any of this


In the interest of saving space .. actually a mistake trying to get rid of some of the other quotes .. I deleted your quote but wanted to say thanks for the clarification and input on the quoting/editing subject.

TAN Network: Soldiers back away from further confrontation allowing reds to return to Ratchprasong

that might sound like a bad call but these boys will go back to the others and tell them just how scary that confrontation was and there will be less reds returning to the site tomorrow

they won't be quite so cocky either.....

'they won't be quite so cocky either'.... facing live ammo and rubber bullets with nothing more than a few homemade fireworks is not cocky. Its being prepared to die for what you believe in. Another one never been north of Don Muang Airport

And you are Pro yellow? Lets hope it doesnt get to that stage.

The scenario you describe could be avoided.

Guess how?!

clue: begins with the letter "e"

evicting the reds terrorists from their current strong hold?

Do I win a prize? :)


I can only hope that today's events may give some people pause to consider again the ramifications of prolonging this battle. Both sides need to step back, again. They need to talk. The real power brokers need to come to a peaceful, fair, and swift resolution to this standoff. This country is on the brink.

I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

Well said.....I second the motion

Markaew nominates himself as a visitor "we will have a better country that we are visiting" but thinks that people who live here should not have an opinion. He is backed up by the usual red apologists. Like them, he has swallowed the "peoples revolution" crap. IGNORE

Another one never been North of Don Muang Airport. They are so easy to spot on this forum. Made this statement to a few posters and no rebuttle.....I must be right then

Bangkokpundit: [Matichon] 2 soldiers were leaving tollway. Other solider mistook them for protesters & fired live bullet. 1 injury

So the soldier shot at them because they were leaving?

Completely turns things around, doesn't it. People were mentioning here that the soldier was shot because red shirts charged at the barricades, but now it turns out soldiers tried to leave and were shot by their own because they were mistaken for red shirts leaving?

Like .."red shirt, you can't leave or we'll shoot you. stay here!"

Sad event. If they were walking away where were they going, not out the front towards the reds. 'Mistaken for red shirts' in army green. Sorry cant believe any of this

Go back a page or two and you will see the video of what happened .. at least it is purported to be the video. Looks like a large group of soldiers on bikes were approaching a road block very fast and not in the designated traffic lanes and the shot at the first ones in the group who got within approx. 30 meters.

This whole issue is tragic as is this death but hopefully it will let the reds know the army is serious about enforcing the law and the rules of engagement that have been made crystal clear to all.

After today's fiasco with reds in two locations panicking and demanding their leaders as well as it being clear they are going to be slaughtered if they continue to try to take on authorities .... i would not be the least bit surprised if the reds go home soon and site the reasons as to avoid more loses of life do to the brutal dictatorship blah blah blah blah

The people in the red fortress are living in a constant state of fear with constant announcements of the army coming any moment. They also now have little to do but sit around and play with their red clappers as it is clear they are not going to be allowed to march anywhere anymore based on how they have behaved.

I understand that the moderators need to be cautious during this time of unrest and sympathize with the difficulties they face doing a thankless job. Since we're no longer permitted to post and discuss news clippings in the General Forum, I thought I'd bring a story to your attention here. Abhisit told the BBC on Tuesday why he won't call for a new election.

Thailand crisis: Red-shirt protesters and troops clash

On Tuesday Mr Abhisit told the BBC that while he wanted a political solution to the crisis, immediate elections were not the answer.

"There is a clear threat that if we hold elections too soon, with the mood running as high in terms of divisions and in terms of tension, elections would turn violent and they would solve nothing and we could be back into this vicious cycle of demonstrations." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8648109.stm

This is one the biggest red herrings in the overall argument for not holding an election in 90 days.

What evidence is there that the yellow shirts have any decent numbers in the support base beyond Bangkok ? I simply don't believe they have such big numbers! All the yellows and Abhisit do is come with every reason under the sun why there cannot be an election while people are being killed.

But it is reasonable to assume that a large proportion of the 22 million in Isaan are red supporters ? Sure the PAD might put up a fight after they lose ( which they will ) but I am sure they can be contained !

"But it is reasonable to assume that a large proportion of the 22 million in Isaan are red supporters ?" Only if you are a redshirt apologist. On another thread, a link was posted to a Khon Kaen Uni study which showed that 50% of the population of KK DID NOT want a house dissolution. If you don't have a clear majority in Isaan, what hope have you anywhere else? How is a extrapolated 11,000,000 a big enough % of the population to demand elections?

I am getting bored with this. Look at where the study was done, most probably in the grounds of KK Uni with 25000 students. Who just by chance happen to be the children of middle class chinese parents bcos red shirt kids cant afford Uni. I am sure even you dont need me to tell you anymore

Another one never been North of Don Muang Airport. They are so easy to spot on this forum. Made this statement to a few posters and no rebuttle.....I must be right then

You keep repeating this. What is it supposed to mean?

TAN Network: Soldiers back away from further confrontation allowing reds to return to Ratchprasong

that might sound like a bad call but these boys will go back to the others and tell them just how scary that confrontation was and there will be less reds returning to the site tomorrow

they won't be quite so cocky either.....

'they won't be quite so cocky either'.... facing live ammo and rubber bullets with nothing more than a few homemade fireworks is not cocky. Its being prepared to die for what you believe in. Another one never been north of Don Muang Airport

Actually it is either being incredibly ignorant or brainwashed by the constant violent rhetoric of your leaders.

It is one thing to die for your cause if you can advance it but it is another thing to give your life stupidly as people did in Guyana (Jim Jones)

It is never wise to fight a war you cannot win and going up against the army with sharpened sticks knowing they will fire on you when you get with in 30 meters....

There will be no advancement to their cause if they give their life under these circumstances and there will be little sympathy for them either. And they certainly will not be around later to fight or advance their cause.

But it will help to show Darwin was right. Not to sound cold blooded but you have to wonder what this world would be like if we didn't interfere with natural selection ... not so much in terms of caring for those with sickly genes that reproduce but continuing to take care of the ignorant and violent people who are more prone to produce more ignorant and violent off spring.

Another one never been North of Don Muang Airport. They are so easy to spot on this forum. Made this statement to a few posters and no rebuttle.....I must be right then

No it does not mean that you are right. Sad to say it probably means they are all thinking 'what is the point'?, what is the point of trying to communicate with somebody that is on permenant transmit, and 'receive' is switched off!


The shooting definitely seems weird. Seems hard to believe the soldiers were mistaken as reds and even if they were, they should not have been firing live ammo unless under attack from a armed combatant.

I'm going to guess someone wasn't paying attention, suddenly noticed the motorbike and panicked. Sad to see someone die over such a stupid mistake.

Another one never been North of Don Muang Airport. They are so easy to spot on this forum. Made this statement to a few posters and no rebuttle.....I must be right then

No it does not mean that you are right. Sad to say it probably means they are all thinking 'what is the point'?, what is the point of trying to communicate with somebody that is on permenant transmit, and 'receive' is switched off!

100% agreed, what is the point of comments like that?

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