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Thai Foreign Ministry Plays Down Speculation Of US Intervention


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Foreign Ministry Plays Down Speculation of US Intervention

BANGKOK: -- The Foreign Minister has played down speculation regarding the United States' intervention on the current political crisis in Thailand.

Secretary-General to Foreign Minister Chavanont Intarakomalyasut has repudiated a claim that the foreign minister is concerned about potential intervention from the United States.

Chavanont admitted that the rumour has stemmed from the Democrat Party meeting, but said that the original comment was being distorted.

Chavanont claimed that Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya was merely talking about the ministry's communication with foreign correspondents and his plea to the Democrat MPs to explain the situation to their constituencies.

Kasit also said that there are currently some people who are trying to bring foreign intervention into the Thailand's political crisis.

The foreign minister has also issued a statement to thank the international community for their concern about the situation in Thailand.

The ministry has pointed out that the situation is still under the government's control.

According to a foreign news agency, Amnesty International has made a request to United States President Barak Obama to appoint a senior official to mediate in the political conflict in Thailand.

Amnesty International said that Thailand is one of the US's closest allies in the region and President Obama should do more than observe the situation.

Reportedly, Amnesty International has also called for President Obama to seek a guarantee from the Thai armed forces that they will not use US made weapons against the protesters.

The organisation has also urged the red-shirt leaders to denounce the use of violence.

However, it should be noted that the statement has not been published on the organisation's official website.

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister Panitan Wattanayakorn said the government is well aware of the international community's concern and has ordered the Thai embassies around the world to explain the situation to the foreign governments.

Panitan also pointed out that the government has already clarified the situation to the international community on many occasions, explaining that the government has been trying to solve the problem while dealing with illegal activities.


-- Tan Network 2010-04-29


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What is wrong with this picture?

US has a lot problems at home and abroad, doesn’t give a hood about bunch of Issan farmers or Thaksin’s messily 1.5 billion Dollar. They can spend that in a min

But maybe they can help use the use the Army and Police efficiently for crowd control, if there are really any Police and Army that can be counted on. They for sure have a lot of experience and some success

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What is wrong with this picture?

US has a lot problems at home and abroad, doesn't give a hood about bunch of Issan farmers or Thaksin's messily 1.5 billion Dollar. They can spend that in a min

But maybe they can help use the use the Army and Police efficiently for crowd control, if there are really any Police and Army that can be counted on. They for sure have a lot of experience and some success

Excellent idea on crowd control . As for US made weapons army & police could switch to AK47 or better one of those two , army OR police so as to know if police shoots army or vice versa . But if they are trained in crowd control , no need for those weapons . :)

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givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Doing some trolling? You've posted that link on a few threads now!

How is it against the law NOT to run in an election?

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Isnt K Kasit the same indivdual who was slagging Western countries not few weeks ago ??

"The foreign minister has also issued a statement to thank the international community for their concern about the situation in Thailand.

Think the Thai foreign ministry is over estimating Thailand's importance on the world stage, suspect the US has better things to do, after all not enough oil or gas here, and they have enough of their own problems at the moment.

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givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

Don't worry too much - the US will never interfere unless it has some kind of payback. They let millions get murdered in Rawanda and never lifted a finger cos there was nothing there they wanted or could use. Here though... only to get a foot in the door of Asia but not worth the millions unless of course Cheyney and the corrupt ass***s can get a payback but doubling and tripling the cost and ripping off the US system further. :) Who cares - the tax payers foot the bill and they voted for them! Som Num Na

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Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :)

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givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

What part of the story indicated to you that the U.S. was "poking their noses" in Thailand's direction or using taxpayer money to "meddle?" How is it again that President Obama is using his official time researching the current situation here? I seemed to have missed that part of the story too. If you want to blame my country and my president for something, please insert facts into your comments. Here are some from the story:

The first sentence of the story reads: The Foreign Minister has played down speculation regarding the United States' intervention on the current political crisis in Thailand. And the story continues...Chavanont admitted that the rumour has stemmed from the Democrat Party meeting...According to a foreign news agency, Amnesty International has made a request to United States President Barak Obama to appoint a senior official to mediate in the political conflict in Thailand...However, it should be noted that the statement has not been published on the organisation's official website...

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What is wrong with this picture?

US has a lot problems at home and abroad, doesn't give a hood about bunch of Issan farmers or Thaksin's messily 1.5 billion Dollar. They can spend that in a min

But maybe they can help use the use the Army and Police efficiently for crowd control, if there are really any Police and Army that can be counted on. They for sure have a lot of experience and some success

"Reportedly, Amnesty International has also called for President Obama to seek a guarantee from the Thai armed forces that they will not use US made weapons against the protesters."

Is there a difference getting killed by a bullet fired by an M 16, or a AK 47? Sorry, but the problems in Thailand are not American problems. Better they clean their own dust first.

How could Obama have a guarantee from the Thai armed forces and cops not using American weapons?

Amnesty International, please wake up. Look at Obama's problems in Irak.

Would be better to ask the Dalai Lama, indeed.

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Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :)

The YELLOW are predominantly Chinese. Which side will they take?

PS. Mark, Somchai, Samak, Thaksin, Banhan, Chuan, Chatichai, ..., etc are all Chinese.

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I have wondered about the silence of the US...usually the US is so vocal when it comes to free speech and democracy around the world; in my view, often the comment is appropriate and fair, but sometimes it is self serving hypocrisy to cover some less than excellent behavior on their part.

Being an American citizen I do read the US press...if you had read the thousands of column inches given to Chavez' closure of one anti-government TV station, you would have thought that thewhole Western hemisphere was about to collapse...why the deafening silence when Abhisit closes down all anti-government TV stations, web-sits and radio stations here in Thailand?

Or when armies mow down their protesting citizens there is usually some statement from the US condemning the act (unless it's Israel doing the mowing down, of course) since the US the military doesn't intervene in civil matters, which are handled by the police force...in this case, again nothing but a bland statement calling for a peaceful solution.

Another double standard if you like, showing you that Thailand is not the only country with double standards.

Personally, I think that the US are just waiting to see who 'wins' and then resume the relationship...incidentally the silence speaks volumes about the importance of Thailand to the US....ie I guess there're really not that interested in trying to solve another insoluble dispute on top of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine....

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It may come to that,and is Always an option,this Extreme Anarncic situation has to be terminated with Decisive action somehow,and if the Thai Government does not have the means or strategy to end it then they should,imo, call for outside help.

Either way this will end in tears,with the "isaan boys "if crushed, resorting to ongoing guerrilla warfare,or a civil war....take your pick.

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Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :)

So here's a photo that was tweeted today of Chavalit giving a speech. Given the PRC scenario above, I wonder which side he would be on?


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What is wrong with this picture?

US has a lot problems at home and abroad, doesn't give a hood about bunch of Issan farmers or Thaksin's messily 1.5 billion Dollar. They can spend that in a min


But maybe they can help use the use the Army and Police efficiently for crowd control, if there are really any Police and Army that can be counted on. They for sure have a lot of experience and some success

"Reportedly, Amnesty International has also called for President Obama to seek a guarantee from the Thai armed forces that they will not use US made weapons against the protesters."

Is there a difference getting killed by a bullet fired by an M 16, or a AK 47? Sorry, but the problems in Thailand are not American problems. Better they clean their own dust first.

How could Obama have a guarantee from the Thai armed forces and cops not using American weapons?

Amnesty International, please wake up. Look at Obama's problems in Irak.

Would be better to ask the Dalai Lama, indeed.

Don't worry, Thai Army can use TAR-21, which is Israelis.

The firing of TAR-21 on 10-Apr-2010 using live bullets can be seen here. 26 people was dead (not sure how many by TAR-21)



The Royal Thai Army purchased 15,000 T.A.R. 21 rifles. The second batch of 15,037 was ordered on September 9, 2008.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMI_Tavor_TAR-21#cite_note-16 An additional 13,868 Tavor assault rifles for US$27.77 million (964.99 million baht) are to be purchased through three payments.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMI_Tavor_TAR-21#cite_note-17

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Hmm - that would reek of a cold war, meaning in the same vein, why wouldn't china send in some troops

as a red victory would make thailand a natural client state for PRC

Scary thought but quite true and with many Thai's having Chinese heritage resistance would be same as red shirts. Zero resistance against them :)

The YELLOW are predominantly Chinese. Which side will they take?

PS. Mark, Somchai, Samak, Thaksin, Banhan, Chuan, Chatichai, ..., etc are all Chinese.

being of chinese decent and being a client state of PRC are two different things. For example, the Taiwanese are of Chinese decent but reject PRC, whereas the Burmese are not and are a client of PRC.

Its just painfully obvious that if the reds win, it will end badly for thailand. (and for you falang that live here)

You can take the 1979 "revolution" in Iran into context if you want to see the results of something similar.

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The Thai government hopefully connected the dots - 1. They have an armed insurgency on their hands, actually two now: one muslim, one hillbilly. 2. The US has a lot of recent experience dealing with armed insurgency.. with or without success - hard to say. In any case, the chances of US intervention beyond well-intentioned messages is akin to winning the lottery, long odds indeed.

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I have wondered about the silence of the US...usually the US is so vocal when it comes to free speech and democracy around the world; in my view, often the comment is appropriate and fair, but sometimes it is self serving hypocrisy to cover some less than excellent behavior on their part.

Being an American citizen I do read the US press...if you had read the thousands of column inches given to Chavez' closure of one anti-government TV station, you would have thought that thewhole Western hemisphere was about to collapse...why the deafening silence when Abhisit closes down all anti-government TV stations, web-sits and radio stations here in Thailand?

Or when armies mow down their protesting citizens there is usually some statement from the US condemning the act (unless it's Israel doing the mowing down, of course) since the US the military doesn't intervene in civil matters, which are handled by the police force...in this case, again nothing but a bland statement calling for a peaceful solution.

Another double standard if you like, showing you that Thailand is not the only country with double standards.

Personally, I think that the US are just waiting to see who 'wins' and then resume the relationship...incidentally the silence speaks volumes about the importance of Thailand to the US....ie I guess there're really not that interested in trying to solve another insoluble dispute on top of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine....

Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

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I have wondered about the silence of the US...usually the US is so vocal when it comes to free speech and democracy around the world; in my view, often the comment is appropriate and fair, but sometimes it is self serving hypocrisy to cover some less than excellent behavior on their part.

Being an American citizen I do read the US press...if you had read the thousands of column inches given to Chavez' closure of one anti-government TV station, you would have thought that thewhole Western hemisphere was about to collapse...why the deafening silence when Abhisit closes down all anti-government TV stations, web-sits and radio stations here in Thailand?

Or when armies mow down their protesting citizens there is usually some statement from the US condemning the act (unless it's Israel doing the mowing down, of course) since the US the military doesn't intervene in civil matters, which are handled by the police force...in this case, again nothing but a bland statement calling for a peaceful solution.

Another double standard if you like, showing you that Thailand is not the only country with double standards.

Personally, I think that the US are just waiting to see who 'wins' and then resume the relationship...incidentally the silence speaks volumes about the importance of Thailand to the US....ie I guess there're really not that interested in trying to solve another insoluble dispute on top of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine....

Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

And maybe you just get your 'news' from the Nation....why don't you take a course in critical thinking?

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America; intervene? would they ever?

maybe send Mr smiley Sun and Mr smiley Moon Clinton and Carter over, eh?


Google CIA heroin trade Thailand, if you don't think there has ever been any 'intervention'

1949 They fled across the border into the mountains of northeastern Burma, where the CIA set up a massive support operation, including an air link that was of the nature of the hump - the flight from India across the hump of the Himalayas into the Hunan province of southern China during World War II. They also rearranged the politics of Thailand. the CIA became involved in the factional politics among the military leadership in Thailand. They allied themselves with the commandant of the Thai national police, a particularly corrupt man named General Pao. General Pao went into the opium business with the nationalist Chinese forces in Laos.

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I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

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Send in the marines!!!!!

Over there Over there

Tell them

the Yanks are coming

the yanks are coming

And we won't be back

till it's over, over there.


Even the idea of a mediator isn't happening.

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As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And at the same time google the amount of money Bush's Snr & Jnr adminstrations initiated in their efforts to invade an oil rich country.. :)

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Maybe the US didn't protest against the shutting down of red TV because they saw the lies and incitement to violence shown on there every day.

Maybe the US only talked about a peaceful resolution because they know that the army didn't "mow down their protesting citizens" and know of the violence coming from the red side.

Maybe the US aren't biased, and the Thai government is not doing the wrong thing.

And maybe you just get your 'news' from the Nation....why don't you take a course in critical thinking?

I don't get my information only from the Nation. There are many different views discussed on TVF and many different news sources that everyone refers to, including red biased sources.

If you're of the opinion that the red leaders haven't incited violence and destruction, or if you're of the opininion that the army "mowed down" innocent unarmed protestors, then maybe you should do a bit more investigation.

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I hope amnesty in the same report requested that reds shirt guards to not use US made weapons against the army and police. Don't want double standards do we?

As for intervention - they have already - Team macdonald resuced one of the red leaders yesterday

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I hope amnesty in the same report requested that reds shirt guards to not use US made weapons against the army and police. Don't want double standards do we?

Didnt realise sharpened bamboo stakes where US made weapons... :)

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