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How Often Do You Go Back ''home''?


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Once you have moved out to Thailand on a more permanent basis, how often do you go home?  I have an elderly mother in the UK, and she is the only family I have really.  I see her maybe 3 or 4 times a week, and i do her food shopping.  She does have friends but relies on me for certain things. When I move to Thailand, I will have to rent out my house, so when i do come back i will have to either stay with her or rent myself.  I do plan on coming home maybe 3 times a year for 2 weeks each time.

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I go once per year, unless there is a special circumstance (death in the family, etc.) that necessitates a second trip. I know of lots of people who go home every few years, or even less. If you have the time and can afford all the tickets, I think your mother will really appreciate you coming home 3 times/year. :)

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I go home every year and have for quite some time. I'd like to go more often but the prices and length of the flight limit my ability to do that.

That said, if flights were cheaper and didn't take up to 22 hours I'd go 2-3 times a year.

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I haven't been back to country of bith for nearly 10 years now. I have a plan to go back for a specific reason in 5 years from now.

Even though the poeple who form immigration policy in Thailand and I guess the general population of Thailand don't really want me here, I still, for lack of other location, call Bangkok Thailand home although I feel absolutely zero affinity with the country.

I am married to a Thai and I do own a few properties here ,work, pay taxes bla bla bla yet apart from close family (wifes) and friends/collegues I feel alien out-side of the Thai community. But that's the way THEY want it.

If I were to go back to birth country I'd feel almost totally out of place there too.

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i thought that generally you would go home more often, seems you do not.

Some people do. I have several friends who go home 3 or more times per year. I would probably go home more often if it wasn't so expensive (and time-consuming).

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Being a senior citizen, without parents and never having had children plus being a duel passport holder with nearly 40 addresses in my past, I guess I fit into the geriatric homeless orphan category... :)

Life unravels in curious ways, but I'm happy with my lot here in the trenches at the beach-head I've established here in northern Phuket, as I often get re-inforcements through to help fight off the marauding bands of bar-girls, katoeys and tuk-tuk drivers. And I get a 4 day leave pass to Oz about every 15 months !

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i havent been back to the states since my duaghter turned 12 and we went to visit my folks four years ago. my folks used to visit here every year regardless of potitical situations, wars, weather, etc but now the (grand) kids are grown,in army, busy as teenagers so my folks dont get here, but my kids go to the states , funded by my folks... if i move to thailand, well, it boggles the mind, my kids in israel, my folks in arizona, us in poor poor issaan w/no money;gues that would be no visits (dad is deathly allergic to shelfish so that would limit his travel/living oppurtunities at my husband's village)- and if i have grandkids: all i can say, good thing there is facebook......we still dont even have skype.



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I went back about 6 or so months ago, that was only because the contract I was working under had a clause that stated I would only receive my bonus if I demobilised to my Home country. Ofcourse my Home country was Aust. as when I cash out my leave flight tickets I get more money.

I guess on average I spend about 1 week every 3 years in Australia. Even that is too much though.

Like last time I was there, I needed some smokes from the shop. I was staying at my sisters house and I asked her if the shop was far away, she told it was quite close, so I told her I would walk. She said it was best if she drove me, 10 minutes later we were still on the road to the darn shop. I couldn't believe she thought it was close, close for me is hanging out the window and calling out to the vendor downstairs who in turn runs up the stairs with my pack of smokes.

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seems i go home the most often of all of us. both my parents are in for cancer treatment. my mother being terminal and my father not quite as serious. so... i got back every 3.5-4 months for 2 weeks. it helps that i still work for my old company back home so it's not that terrible and i don't miss work.

after 2 weeks though, i am ready to come back to Thailand...

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I left my 'home' town in NZ, 1999. Parents long-deceased, family since spread China, UK, Oz.

To go back now would be curiousity value only, no sentimental attachment to various houses owned there.

"move along, nothing to see here"

Hadn't really thought about it, but guess am 'home'-less now.

On the positive side, hope to catch up with brother living near Shanghai mid-year and see the World Expo, one day make it to Edinburgh where nephew has his own house . . .

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I go home every year 15 months ish.

Looking to stretch that to 2 years as my last couple of trips 'home' have shown me that I'm not missing much at all and can't wait to get back home to Thailand.

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I go back twice a year to see my siblings and my daughter and her familly , spend about 3 weeks a time ,they also come over here , but after 3 weeks in Britain i just cant take any more and am chomping at the bit to get back home to the wife and son(if they havnt come as well) but prices are rising all the time.

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My Dad lives just around the corner and my Mum found her luck in Africa.

So within 2 years i always see 3 country's and 3 continents.

No. 1 My Home country (Germany) which i visit every year for 3-4 weeks.

No. 2 Africa, when i visit my mother every 2 year or less.

No. 3 Where i currently live, love and work. THAILAND!

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My sister is dying quite suddenly in eastern Tennessee. I couldn't get to see her beforel she slipped into a coma. Older sister said good-by for me.

That is very sad news, and indeed the thing that sucks most at being at least a day or two away; you just can't attend all births, weddings and funerals, or even be with people in times of need. Some of the time it's possible, but reality is that you can't just drop in after coming back from work, or even afford to fly back and forth often enough. This then leads to feelings of guilt for 'not being there' in some key moments in life for family and loved ones. And the other way around of course; when we come down with something, friends and loved ones won't fly out here. (Not that I would be expecting that, but the net result is that this hurts the people back home too.)

Again, it sucks. It's an inevitable consequence of expat life though. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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