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There Is An Intruder In Your House, In The Middle Of The Night

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Yep, they can be killed, but as others have said, let the missus present the licensed weapon to the cops. By the by, what's the going rate for a 9 mil Beretta nowadays?

Prices for decent guns run 200-250% what they are in the west. Really exorbitant pricing. Beretta will definitely be on the high side unless it is an antique.

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Turn up the tv. He's just doing a little shopping.

put all your garbage in a clear plastic bag so he can window shop, then set it outside so he won't intrude.

UG, we know each other and if you care to visit I will show you that I am not a man prone to BS.

Actually, I was not referring to you. I was talking about the whole thread. I just happened to post after you, but was not replying to what you had written. :)


You know if a Thai guy breaks into your place and you

approach him then it will probably result in one of you

being killed........... but it will most likely be you as

who is more likely to be carrying a deadly weapon.

Just say you did kill or seriosly wound the thai invader.

What the fuc_k would happen to you.............. does not

bare thinking about this situation.

Suppose if you did report it and was investigated by a decent police

force the truth would come out of the situation. The thing

is Thai Police are not known for being a fair force whether you

are Thai or foreign. These are the pit falls of living in a

third world country.

gpdjohn, I know you are ex-LEO or something, at least very familiar with firearms thru work experience - I read previous posts on similar subjects where you have contributed and have a lot of respect for your views. I am somewhat more naive, having never been in a dire situation. However, I am old enough, wise enough and at least a little bit situationally aware that I don't believe that we are living in a paradise where every wai and smile is sincere. My belief is that as Thailand rapidly flushes itself down the toilet, there will be more desperate people looking for a few baht to survive and naturally, the "haves" will be targeted by the "have nots". I don't really see anything wrong with posting on a forum some speculation of a possible scenario? Maybe I should edit to say Mossie 500? :)

UG, we know each other and if you care to visit I will show you that I am not a man prone to BS. Mrs Pikey is a wicked cook also but it'd have to be Thai rather than a burger.....




If it does happen, just change your method and don't post how... :D

  • 4 weeks later...
Wonder if the smart ars*s thinking it's a joke would feel so blase if it was them. As for the "shoot them" brigade, how easy is it for a farang to get a gun here!!!!

IMO, if the guy is in your house, it's too late. Unless you're a martial arts expert, he'll probably do you if you attack him.

My advice is stay in the bedroom and barricade the door, call the police, and wait. Better to lose property than get maimed or dead.

Personally, I keep an axe in my bedroom, so if some bad guy tries breaking through the door, I can break his arms, but I wouldn't go out and face him.

Excellent and rational reply. Cheers for the reality. dap

I think judging by the replies none of us know the answer :D

or the members just aren't taking this question/post serious... I wonder why? :)

If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends.


What happens if she is a lady boy and you don't realize till she is in bed with you?

LOL!!!! :):D:D Then you're f***ed...

You really need to think of it in a way as "Am I prepared to let someone come into my home and slaughter us all, me the wife and kids? To me the, the answer is simple, if I kill the bastard and save my family, and even if I spend 25 years in clink - then it has been worth it, no doubt about it!


then she can marrie her thai boy friend :)


We talked to a Thai lady yesterday who was in just this situation.

She told us a man came in to her house at night with what she described as a "long knife" he threatned her and her daughter (alone in the house) and stole what money and gold he could find, they gave him what he wanted and he left without harming them.

She said she reported it to the police and they showed her pics of known crims and she was able to pick him out. She was told he is a very bad man and has done this many times before but did nothing else.

She is a lady with many friends who are not without influance so she is following this up and will not let it go.

We wait to hear the outcome.

Thought of what I would do at the time and know I would be reluctant to let him get away with it but really if it ever happened to me I would have to wait to see the circunstances before making any decision as to what to do.

If it's male I tell him there is a beer waiting for him in the fridge and to help himself.

If it's female I invite her to bed with me.

Either case it's a win win situation. You can't have enough friends.


What if you took one look at her Ian and decided you'd rather be burgled. :)


This situation is one of the inpleasant aspects of living here, because burglars seem to be able to go about their business with almost total impunity. No number for the police who arn't remotely interested anyway. Defend yourself and get done for assault. :) But, nowheres perfect i suppose.


If this ever happens to me then it's a big problem.

I have good security and two large dogs who bark.

There are a few problems.

If it's in the middle of the night, where are the police going to be?

Probably in bed. No chance with the police then unless you can wait until the morning.

If you attack the intruder and just maim him or knock him unconscious until the police come (in the morning), what happens next.

I'll tell you what will happen. They will come back. Especially if you were to cause them some serious harm.

They will either kill you or demand money from you and not just once!

So what do you do?

I guess kill the <deleted> and face the consequences.

I often think about this. I have big lumps of wood strategically placed all around the house but no gun.

When you have a wife and young child in the house and some peanut butter on Yaba, it's us or him.

I hope it never happens.... :)


Lets say I have a large plot of land and my wife buys and registers the gun in her name, am I allowed to fire the gun at all???? Lets say I was target shooting on my large land (5 acres) if i was allowed to do this and did it daily i would have powder traces on me.


Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

Internet Heroes. Where? I have been searching for one.

Anyways Rob if I were you I would put I sign on your door that says...

"Beware of Dude getting Pumped Up"

You can alternate it every second day with...

"Enter with your own apparel - I am naked inside."

Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

Internet Heroes. Where? I have been searching for one.

Anyways Rob if I were you I would put I sign on your door that says...

"Beware of Dude getting Pumped Up"

You can alternate it every second day with...

"Enter with your own apparel - I am naked inside."

I used that last sign.. the problem was all the old ladies in the village came in. So that is not a good thing.

If your looking for an internet hero don't look at me i have violence and don't pretend i would kill someone without remorse or guilt for a mere break in.

And a pumped up guy is not much of an deterrent i think for someone with a knife. My dogs seem to do a better job at keeping people out. Even girls (think my wife trained them to do that)


Seriously, in this case either the perpetrator will flee the scene, in which case let him go, or not in which case you must neutralize the threat

which means prevent him from being able to harm you through whatever means available. If you do have a gun and the perpetrator becomes hostile then shoot him. This whole thing about shooting him in the leg is unrealistic.( The department I worked at in US said they had policy of shoot to disable, but then at the range we were taught only to shoot center of mass, in other words, in the chest.) If he has a gun he will kill you anyway, and if a person is untrained they may miss if aiming for smaller targets like legs. Most farang in Thailand do not have guns, so use whatever is handy such as knife, chair, stick or bare hands and make sure you do not stop attack until he is unconscious, dead or for whatever reason is no longer a threat. Then call the police.

If you spend time worrying about going to jail and lawsuits and other stuff you will most likely just die. The fact is even if you are right you will very likely be charged by police, but at least for myself that is better than being dead and leaving family at hands of criminals.

Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

and after he has killed your wife?

Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

and after he has killed your wife?

Then id be collecting the insurance money and looking for e newer model.

But come on be serious most burglars are not killers and if the guy is not threatening you but fleeing why would you kill him. Its a different story if your being attacked.

Lets say there are a lot of internet heroes on the forum.

If i catch anyone in my home i hope my dogs will help me get the guy out.. but killing him is not something i would even want to do or think about. Sure roughing him a bit off while trying to get him out yes. (if necessary).

You don't have to use lethal force to me its sound crazy to kill someone for breaking and entering.

and after he has killed your wife?

Then id be collecting the insurance money and looking for e newer model.

But come on be serious most burglars are not killers and if the guy is not threatening you but fleeing why would you kill him. Its a different story if your being attacked.

The problem is YOU or I dont know if they are killers or not UNTIL they have killed either you or your dog/wife/hamster/kids etc and you can hardly ask them

The problem is YOU or I dont know if they are killers or not UNTIL they have killed either you or your dog/wife/hamster/kids etc and you can hardly ask them

I dont see that as a problem as only a real small percentage would kill. Most will flee so its a bit overkill to start killing people just on an assumption. If i confront them and they don't try to flee and attack me then yes i would use violence and i would come down with some kind of weapon (iron bar from my gym).

I would not welcome them with open arms but i would not ambush and kills them without giving them a chance to flee.

I just feel people talk a bit easy about killing and i can't believe your serious about it.

Seriously, in this case either the perpetrator will flee the scene, in which case let him go, or not in which case you must neutralize the threat

which means prevent him from being able to harm you through whatever means available. If you do have a gun and the perpetrator becomes hostile then shoot him. This whole thing about shooting him in the leg is unrealistic.( The department I worked at in US said they had policy of shoot to disable, but then at the range we were taught only to shoot center of mass, in other words, in the chest.) If he has a gun he will kill you anyway, and if a person is untrained they may miss if aiming for smaller targets like legs. Most farang in Thailand do not have guns, so use whatever is handy such as knife, chair, stick or bare hands and make sure you do not stop attack until he is unconscious, dead or for whatever reason is no longer a threat. Then call the police.

If you spend time worrying about going to jail and lawsuits and other stuff you will most likely just die. The fact is even if you are right you will very likely be charged by police, but at least for myself that is better than being dead and leaving family at hands of criminals.

Yep, shooting in the hand or leg is stuff TV shows are made of.

When your department instructed the "shoot to disable " that was all for legal purposes. Complete bullshit that will get a officer killed someday. My department told us to "shoot to stop" but like yours, on the range it was 2 to the chest 1 to the head. Stopping 'em DEAD.

The legal ramifications of punchin' some Somchai's ticket here I'm sure is not going to be anything like back in the wild west..

I have a hammer next to the bed. I leave all my lights inside the house off at night. I know the layout in the dark and hopefully Mr. Badguy won't.. I'm not going to be blasting off rounds that punch through walls endangering my family..I'm going to be doing the 'ol Maxwell's silver hammer deal on where ever I can pound on him/her, breaking and crushing any part my silver hammer falls on.

Kill 'em? Nope. I want 'em to remember where he/she got their ass broken into little bits and to tell all their friends.

I'm just a really nice guy I guess.


I remeber watching Whicker's World (spelling ?) many years agao on TV and Alan Whicker was interviewing a woman in the US who had come across an intruder in her house and shot him, killing him - the intruder not Alan Whicker. She claimed that the intruder said to her that if he was arrested, when he got out he would come back to take revenge. Thus, shot and killed rather than controlled and the police called.

For me, I would probably scream and shout and make as much noise as possible so they run. I would not try to take on the intruder. This is Thailand and, contrary to what most foreigners believe, a very violent country. The types of people who who burgle in Thailand are the same type who would not think twice about stabbing or shooting you to avoid getting caught.


Shotgun, shoot too kill (do not wound)

I leave, police come, Wife says she shot him.

Much easier for a Thai woman to get away with shooting a Thai intruder than a foreigner.

Seriously, in this case either the perpetrator will flee the scene, in which case let him go, or not in which case you must neutralize the threat

which means prevent him from being able to harm you through whatever means available. If you do have a gun and the perpetrator becomes hostile then shoot him. This whole thing about shooting him in the leg is unrealistic.( The department I worked at in US said they had policy of shoot to disable, but then at the range we were taught only to shoot center of mass, in other words, in the chest.) If he has a gun he will kill you anyway, and if a person is untrained they may miss if aiming for smaller targets like legs. Most farang in Thailand do not have guns, so use whatever is handy such as knife, chair, stick or bare hands and make sure you do not stop attack until he is unconscious, dead or for whatever reason is no longer a threat. Then call the police.

If you spend time worrying about going to jail and lawsuits and other stuff you will most likely just die. The fact is even if you are right you will very likely be charged by police, but at least for myself that is better than being dead and leaving family at hands of criminals.

Good advice, most people untrained or unprepared for a situation of them using potentially deadly force would more than likely miss the assailant altogether trying something ridiculous as trying to hit them in the leg.

It is better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6

Anyoner know if i can shoot a gun my wife owns or not?

There are pistol ranges outside of Chiang Mai where you can use their weapons or your own for a fee

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