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There Is An Intruder In Your House, In The Middle Of The Night

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Anyoner know if i can shoot a gun my wife owns or not?

There are pistol ranges outside of Chiang Mai where you can use their weapons or your own for a fee

Yes i know , but if MY WIFE buys a gun am I allowed to shoot it on our land (hers) ie Farang cannot OWN a gun but can a FArang shoot his wifes gun?

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Anyoner know if i can shoot a gun my wife owns or not?

There are pistol ranges outside of Chiang Mai where you can use their weapons or your own for a fee

Yes i know , but if MY WIFE buys a gun am I allowed to shoot it on our land (hers) ie Farang cannot OWN a gun but can a FArang shoot his wifes gun?

what would be the reason for a farang not being able to own a gun.. so that he cant use it.. so why would you be able to shoot it.

but if he attacks you, can you kill him in self defense? your word against a dead thai man's word. i guess the dead thai man would have more rights than you??

Dead Thai more rights

Dead Farang...Suicide

:) There goes Mrs Soutpeel again with that .38 she's packin :D

Now we know that not only is Thai Visa full of raving loonies, but half the members claim to be armed to the teeth. :D

My hands are lethal weapons. :)

You can call me SIFU mk II :D

Anyoner know if i can shoot a gun my wife owns or not?

There are pistol ranges outside of Chiang Mai where you can use their weapons or your own for a fee

Yes i know , but if MY WIFE buys a gun am I allowed to shoot it on our land (hers) ie Farang cannot OWN a gun but can a FArang shoot his wifes gun?

what would be the reason for a farang not being able to own a gun.. so that he cant use it.. so why would you be able to shoot it.

Seems a farang can own a gun and use it so stay outta my house, taken from TV search

A legit firearm with all the paperwork will cost you between 47000 to 60000 baht.......and yes you can use it on your own property in self defence..........i was broke into 4 weeks ago, luckily for them i wasnt at home.........still lost 100k baht though

That sounds about right to me. I know of someone whose lawyer suggested getting a license and a handgun for self defence. Lawyer was prepared to do the paperwork and assured the person that it was not a problem for a foreigner here legally to get licensed for a firearm.


Our house is not build yet but the plans include 2 "safe" rooms. One downstairs and one upstairs. Centrally located so it can be reached very quick.

So if someone is breaking in the house first thing is to get into a safe room, hit the 'lock all doors' button and switch of the lights and call the police.

If they steal something and can get away with it, i have insurance for that and most things can be bought again.

No violence necessary.

Main thing is that you need to be alarmed as soon as possible, and warnings to the person trying to get in, like lights sirene maybe even a recording that tells him to stop otherwise he will be shot. :)

Changing the house into a fortress is not the idea but a good alarm system with motion detectors and maybe a few cameras is probably enough.


Good to have safe 'type' rooms, even for folks who choose not to get a professionally designed one made. Quality solid hardwood doors for all interior doors (maybe even a steel core one for your bedroom if you want to shell out for just one), 4 quality hinges per door, double locks, even just those simple steel "u" flip hotel type locks. It's all relative of course, you won't be able to fend off commandos or anything, but sometimes buying yourself a little time (say to get your gun from your code/cash/lock box) can make all the difference in the world.


Seriously, in this case either the perpetrator will flee the scene, in which case let him go, or not in which case you must neutralize the threat

which means prevent him from being able to harm you through whatever means available. If you do have a gun and the perpetrator becomes hostile then shoot him. This whole thing about shooting him in the leg is unrealistic.( The department I worked at in US said they had policy of shoot to disable, but then at the range we were taught only to shoot center of mass, in other words, in the chest.) If he has a gun he will kill you anyway, and if a person is untrained they may miss if aiming for smaller targets like legs. Most farang in Thailand do not have guns, so use whatever is handy such as knife, chair, stick or bare hands and make sure you do not stop attack until he is unconscious, dead or for whatever reason is no longer a threat. Then call the police.

If you spend time worrying about going to jail and lawsuits and other stuff you will most likely just die. The fact is even if you are right you will very likely be charged by police, but at least for myself that is better than being dead and leaving family at hands of criminals.

Absolutely fantastic stuff :):D


I was home alone one night, and unbenkowns to me had earlier been followed home along my soi by some young Thai guy, who attacked me from behind in the entrance room of my house, never was I so grateful to have in my possession a Tazor gun it worked a treat. I'm a small women and trust me if I had been in possession of a gun or something that would have delivered equal impact I would not have hesitated in the slighest to have used it. Live and learn, I guess, hard to say until you have been put in that siutation how you will actually react, but I was as proud as punch of myself for acting in a way I could only ever imagine acting if placed in that situation.

I was home alone one night, and unbenkowns to me had earlier been followed home along my soi by some young Thai guy, who attacked me from behind in the entrance room of my house, never was I so grateful to have in my possession a Tazor gun it worked a treat. I'm a small women and trust me if I had been in possession of a gun or something that would have delivered equal impact I would not have hesitated in the slighest to have used it. Live and learn, I guess, hard to say until you have been put in that siutation how you will actually react, but I was as proud as punch of myself for acting in a way I could only ever imagine acting if placed in that situation.

Good to hear. Now after you zapped him did you kick him really hard in the stones, twice?


Good to hear. Now after you zapped him did you kick him really hard in the stones, twice?

I made a phone call and had several of my closest Thai friends take care of the rest !! :)

I was home alone one night, and unbenkowns to me had earlier been followed home along my soi by some young Thai guy, who attacked me from behind in the entrance room of my house, never was I so grateful to have in my possession a Tazor gun it worked a treat. I'm a small women and trust me if I had been in possession of a gun or something that would have delivered equal impact I would not have hesitated in the slighest to have used it. Live and learn, I guess, hard to say until you have been put in that siutation how you will actually react, but I was as proud as punch of myself for acting in a way I could only ever imagine acting if placed in that situation.

good for you girl, as BKKJAMES suggested you should have jumped up and down on his nuts aswell.

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