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Censorship On Farang Tv Will It Be The Same On Hbo "hd"


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Can anybody please explain to me the mentality behind the censorship of "Farang" TV programs and movies here in Thailand? Censorship appears to be only applied to Farang TV, and in such a bad manner that the programs/movies are made unwatchable due constant interruptions and the blanking out of critical scenes. I can tune into local Thai TV and watch a multitude of dead mutilated bodies vivid violence, consumption of alcohol, smoking etc . . . . you all know what I'm talking about!

With this is mind and with the introduction of HBO "HD" next month is this new service also going to be subject to the same unacceptable censorship. If so then there is no point at all in investing in True's new service . . . . . What's the point if you only get half of what you are supposed to be watching . . . .

Comments please

Thank you


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By law, all locally broadcast channels and films in cinema are required to censor a whole range of scenes ranging from guns pointed to people's heads, to bottles of alcohol and cigarettes. dam_n stupid I agree, but True does it on their locally produced channels such as Movie Hits, Film Asia etc. Channels 3,5,7,9,11 ie local free-TV do it also. You wont find this annoyance on pirated local cable either because they just rent the DVD and play it through a cheap player with no subtitles or censoring. Nice level playing field, isn't it ?

The law does not apply to foreign channels, so HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies etc do not have this annoyance, so HBO HD will also not.


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They censor silly petty things here. Schindler's List was on True about 2 weeks ago and they blurred it out every time someone would light up a cigarette. I was watching it in a bar, and when the scene in which Goth (spelling) tried to shoot the Rabbi and his gun would not work, all the girls in the bar were laughing, they thought it was funny. Ignorance is not pretty.

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gotlost No point im asking a question . . . And simply stating that if the same level of censorship is applied to the HD channels then theres no point spending the extra money. An example here would be I was watching the new HBO series "The Pacific" in HD after downloading it from the net. I also watched the screened version showing on HBO analogue. The later version was completely lifeless as all the major action had been removed, making it quite borring! Why pay for that, it should be viewed as made!

Richardt 1801

"The law does not apply to foreign channels, so HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies etc do not have this annoyance, so HBO HD will also not."

This censorship is being applied to foreign channels!

Thanks guys


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By law, all locally broadcast channels and films in cinema are required to censor a whole range of scenes ranging from guns pointed to people's heads, to bottles of alcohol and cigarettes. dam_n stupid I agree, but True does it on their locally produced channels such as Movie Hits, Film Asia etc. Channels 3,5,7,9,11 ie local free-TV do it also. You wont find this annoyance on pirated local cable either because they just rent the DVD and play it through a cheap player with no subtitles or censoring. Nice level playing field, isn't it ?

The law does not apply to foreign channels, so HBO, Cinemax, Star Movies etc do not have this annoyance, so HBO HD will also not.


Please tell me where I can watch uncensored movies on STAR because watching STAR on TRUE Visions they are butchered to be almost unwatchable.

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You wont find this annoyance on pirated local cable either because they just rent the DVD and play it through a cheap player with no subtitles or censoring.

A bit off topic...

Ever seen the VJ do a fastforward live on TV to get over a sex/erotic scene - that was on a Cambodian movie channel though. Of course it took him some time to notice and get up from his chair, but he made up by fastforwarding long into the next scene. Awesome.


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Even the Simpsons gets censored.  dl, dl ,dl.  I only subscribe to True for the footie.  I think it is an insult to their subscribers to ask us to pay extra for HD, while the standard service is so pixellated.  Boycott the HD, until their standard service approaches an acceptable level.

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I download everything that I want to watch from the internet in HDTV and bluray quality . Why bother with the crap that true sends out .

However I will try out the new hdtv that truvisions is selling but only for the sports channel .

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I download everything that I want to watch from the internet in HDTV and bluray quality . Why bother with the crap that true sends out .

However I will try out the new hdtv that truvisions is selling but only for the sports channel .

Exactly. Instead of paying for True visions, pay for True internet and download all the movies you want. Simple. Watch on demand too, it's much better than TV, and you can choose the quality; anything over 1GB is usually fine. I have a little WD TV player to play stuff, but newer LCD TVs often have a USB port where you can just plug in USB drives and external hard drives and play movies right on the TV.

Just don't download anything that's not out on DVD yet as that's going to be TS or cam quality, which is very bad.

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I no longer have a tv account, the service is so crap and overpriced I decided to download everything I watch from now on. I returned my decoder, remote and 'viewing card' and got my deposit back a couple of months ago. Saves me over 2000 Bt per month as well. I download everything I need from the torrents.

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I no longer have a tv account, the service is so crap and overpriced I decided to download everything I watch from now on. I returned my decoder, remote and 'viewing card' and got my deposit back a couple of months ago. Saves me over 2000 Bt per month as well. I download everything I need from the torrents.

Yea that looks like a sure bet right now. No point at all paying all that money for a substandard service(repeats & censhorship) It may improve in the future if the government eases off on the censhorship, and more HD channels become available.

I will dream of that time, but I certainly wont hold my breath . . . . :)

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remember guys, it does depend on which HBO you are watching. that isn't True or the Gov't censoring your movie, it's the copy that HBO uses. for example, try and watch a movie like... '48 hours'. it's the old HBO censored "made for prime time" version. but, if you watch a new movie that might not be so popular, there might be no censorship at all.

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