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PM Ahbisit - Has The Government Lost Control


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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Please let me correct your statement. Three independent studies analized the Gore/Bush results and all determined that Bush was the clear winner. Repeating a false rumor can never make it fact.

You have corrected your own post in a fairly nonsensical manner as you dont mention Gore and Bush in it. And please casn we avoid these distractions of US politics

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I don't see how Abhisit is the terrible evil person that people are making him out to be? Are we missing the thuggish old style of Thai politics?

Since the reds are using old people and children as human shields how can the government go in and attack the red shirts in Ratchaprasong?

Chavalit is such a nice chap that he kept some of the Saudi jewels for his wife. As for Charlem; well you would not want to meet him in a dark alley?

As for not knowing what things were like in Taksins time? That shows lack of knowledge about Thailand. If I had to choose it would be Abhisits openess and freedom of the press to Taksins dictatorship. Taksin brainwashed everyone; he put his picture on everything and claimed he did everything. No wonder the reds are so brainwashed with love for Taksin.

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The only thing I would suggest that Abhisit has not lost control off is the internet and the media freedom.

The Thailand Democrat/BJT censorship coalition steam rollers on, meaning freedom of information and freedom of the media is crushed and splattered underneath it.

Its a disgrace, I mean these same people accused Thaksin of doing this, however he allowed them to openly criticize him and his party.

What we have now is way over the top censorship and indeed, propaganda. Far far worse.

Some information :



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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Or, it is a news forum, but you cannot see the forest for the trees because you are so stuck on you preconceived notions. Additionally, you cannot seem to tell the difference between an opinion piece, a tweet, a news update, breaking news, or an article. The question must be asked. Have your red blinders prevented you from seeing and accepting what is actually going on in the streets of Bankok?

Sorry mods. I couldn't resist. Delete if inappropriate.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Or, it is a news forum, but you fail cannot see the forest for the trees because you are so stuck on you preconceived notions. Additionally, you cannot seem to tell the difference between an opinion piece, a tweet, a news update, breaking news, or an article. The question must be asked, have your red blinders prevented you from seeing and accepting what is actually going on in the streets of Bankok?

You mean its become the Yellow Tweet Propaganda thread.

Thaksin is dead, and again and now he is dead again and perhaps dead tomorrow and he is in a coma after dying and now he is dead again.

Its nonsense. All that Tweet lies and distortion needs to be stopped from being posted.

It would be good if it went back to being "NEWS" and not Yellow Tweet propaganda and lies.

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Please let me correct your statement. Three independent studies analized the Gore/Bush results and all determined that Bush was the clear winner. Repeating a false rumor can never make it fact.

Yes he was but he received less votes than Gore in a democracy this would not happen you failed to explain how it happened. You know that and are deliberately trying to confuse people. The truth will out.

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The only thing I would suggest that Abhisit has not lost control off is the internet and the media freedom.

The Thailand Democrat/BJT censorship coalition steam rollers on, meaning freedom of information and freedom of the media is crushed and splattered underneath it.

Its a disgrace, I mean these same people accused Thaksin of doing this, however he allowed them to openly criticize him and his party.

What we have now is way over the top censorship and indeed, propaganda. Far far worse.

Some information :



I'm very glad to see that I am not the only one here that sees censorship as a very bad thing and contrary to democratic principles

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Or, it is a news forum, but you cannot see the forest for the trees because you are so stuck on you preconceived notions. Additionally, you cannot seem to tell the difference between an opinion piece, a tweet, a news update, breaking news, or an article. The question must be asked. Have your red blinders prevented you from seeing and accepting what is actually going on in the streets of Bankok?

Sorry mods. I couldn't resist. Delete if inappropriate.

Yeah! And your kettle is black too!

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Please let me correct your statement. Three independent studies analized the Gore/Bush results and all determined that Bush was the clear winner. Repeating a false rumor can never make it fact.

Yes he was but he received less votes than Gore in a democracy this would not happen you failed to explain how it happened. You know that and are deliberately trying to confuse people. The truth will out.

The system of government in the USA is not a democracy, it is a republic. I don't think there is a true democracy anywhere in the world, and for the simple reason that implementing a true democracy with any reasonably sized population is virtually impossible. There are a number of examples where the US president was elected by the electoral college while not winning a simple majority of the American voters. The US constitution spells out the election process for the president. I'm surprised that you didn't know this already.

Obviously using your concept of democracy there has never been a democratically elected leader in Thailand, has there?

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Please let me correct your statement. Three independent studies analized the Gore/Bush results and all determined that Bush was the clear winner. Repeating a false rumor can never make it fact.

Yes he was but he received less votes than Gore in a democracy this would not happen you failed to explain how it happened. You know that and are deliberately trying to confuse people. The truth will out.

A democracy based on an electoral college is as much a democracy as any other. Each country defines its own procedure.

Your aim, of course, is to do 2 things:

1. de-legitimise the US (not because of its electoral system, but because it tapped Thaksin's communications)

2. de-legistimise the Thai govt in order to pave the way for the return of Thakin.

Everything else from you is blah.

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Abhisit has proven he is incompetent for the PM post. He did not learn anything from the first Red Riot in April 2009. That crisis was a GOLDEN opportunity he could shine so brightly. But he did not take it. He had been working on his position as if it were a routine part-time job. That has let the Red Shirts, who were already losing the battle, to regroup and learn from the mistakes they made, leading Thailand to a near failed state situation today.

Democrat and PAD sympathizers would love to blame this paralysis on Nevin Chidchob. But I think it's Abhisit's indecisiveness and naiveness that have let things go out of control.

It is time from Nevin Chidchob, who hand-created the Red Shirts, to consolidate his power, crack down on the Red Shirts, and shine among the Thai people. This guy doesn't need any Oxbridge degree and nice British English to effectively take the leadership role.

Abhisit will find his place for his exile life in some quiet corner in Britain, probably. Too embarrassing.

Edited by Rideau
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I don't know that I'd say Abhisit is incompetent. He seemed to do a good job as PM, and continues to get new legislation passed. Unlike the PAD which shut down the government, the UDD has only managed to disrupt traffic and shut down a few shopping malls. So he's certainly doing a good job at working around the situation.

Dealing with protesters is just one aspect of the PMs job. And I'm not sure how much of Abhisit's failures dealing with the reds lie directly with him, rather than the system he inherited. This might actually have been over with had the police/army actually done their jobs. Reforming the police and military isn't something one can do with just a year in office.

And look at how the previous administrations dealed with protesters (going all the way back to when Taksin was in charge). I'm not sure they did any better job.

Edited by shawndoc
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Abhisit declares to the world that he will step down if his presence were a threat to the security of the Thailand.

In hanging on, he still clings on to the belief that he is part of the solution, when in fact he is part of the problem.

The Reds need a bad guy. Whomever was in the PM seat, keeping it being filled by Thaksin, would be the 'bad guy' in their view. It so happens it's Abhisit, who is a very decent fellow by any objective perspective. Indeed, that's one big reason why the Red movement is losing respect by outside observers: They're trying their damnest to paint A as the bad guy, but it's just not sticking.

If Abhisit hadn't been so intent on maintaining peace in lieu of so many threats, then the skies over Thailand would be darker with the smoke of cremations. His self-control is a world away from the taunting irresponsibility of the Reds. They should be sorely grateful for such a cool headed adversary.

Many individuals world wide have lost respect for Thailand. The government, police, army, for allowing this disgusting take over and for the reds who care little about other Thai people but want TS's money returned so the graft can flow and flow and flow. The wonderful Thai people really deserve much better.

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Why, for God's sake is the City under siege?

Are you sure you don't mean, "Why, for God's sake is my favorite shopping mall under siege?"

Didn't you see the road over the Klong near Pantip Plaza? Hundreds of tires, sharpened bamboo sticks, barbed wire, reds making people stop for electronic search, loud speakers blarring, trash (human and other). It's like needing reds permission to take the klong boat. GEEZE And the govt/police others do NOTHING. Pitiful, (both sides) just plain pitiful.

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If one wants to work, one needs tools, right? What are Abhisit’s tools?

-The police; we have witnessed so many examples last month of how Thai police is. Worth nothing at all; they are good only to be involved in so many bad things but not in doing their duty. Everybody who lives in Thailand for some time will know this. If you not live here, google around on the Thai police. Furthermore, one policeman defends the other one for 100% as they all do the same disgusting things. In most western countries, every Thai police man in the job for + 5 years, would be in jail. Corruption and lack of duty.

-The military: same same but different. Corruption and lack of duty.

-The Government; still 50 % + of the MP’s eat out of Thaksin’s hands. Corruption and lack of duty.

Now tell me, what can he do with this “tools”?

Abhisit is the best Thailand ever got but the Thai’s (and many "falang") don’t know yet. May be in 50 years from now when they (hopefully) understand what real “Democracy” is all about.

This is also for the "falangs" who pretend it is now between the rural poor and the elite..... hahaha, start to understand what I said before, and look around in your village or moobahn. Same same but different: Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the pujabahn, kamman, go have a drink with him. Corruption and lack of duty. Talk to the police, go have a drink with them. Corruption and lack of duty... all the time, all of them. It is with Thais for ages and most agree with it. There is the root of the problem.

Thank you. I could not agree more. And unfortunately this is the reason Thailand will remain backwards and loose ground to its neighbors. Thailand will continue being poor and uneducated for years. However the rich, politicians, police, army will thrive. Hope they realize who paid for their gold and golden lifestyles.

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yesterday in parliament session, Chalerm said it was pointless to grill Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as "he led the only democratic government in the world tainted by bloodshed".

i thought the reds said the government weren't DEMOCRATIC??

now Phua Thai MP Chalerm says they are??

wasn't that democracy thing something that the reds were fighting for ?

now Chalerm says they already have it?

is it time for the reds to to go home then?

oh sorry, for a moment, i forgot that the red version of democracy is much different to the regular version of democracy

Well, I'm surprised nobody noticed Chavalit's remarks yesterday.

Before, PTP would not talk about a national government. Dissolve was their only answer.

Yesterday however, Chavalit changed that to: We need a National Government now!

I think that Mr. Abhisit has a lot of cards close to his chest right now and the Reds and PTP know it.

They are scared, and every day they get closer to an abyss so deep that everybody will be surprised they suddenly disappeared.

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

Or, it is a news forum, but you cannot see the forest for the trees because you are so stuck on you preconceived notions. Additionally, you cannot seem to tell the difference between an opinion piece, a tweet, a news update, breaking news, or an article. The question must be asked. Have your red blinders prevented you from seeing and accepting what is actually going on in the streets of Bankok?

Sorry mods. I couldn't resist. Delete if inappropriate.

Yeah! And your kettle is black too!

Really? I live in BKK in an area near the demonstrations. I see what's going on every day. I have fears that my family could be caught in the crossfire every time we exit our house. If there were to be a crackdown are our homes even safe? Wouldn't demonstrators run for cover wherever they can find it, including in people's private residences? My neighbor's car was 'tagged' with red spray paint. Friends have been badgered and assaulted. There is no law. There is no order. There is no safety. There is no freedom. There is no recourse. So please excuse me for being upset at the present situation.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Why, for God's sake is the City under siege?

Are you sure you don't mean, "Why, for God's sake is my favorite shopping mall under siege?"

Didn't you see the road over the Klong near Pantip Plaza? Hundreds of tires, sharpened bamboo sticks, barbed wire, reds making people stop for electronic search, loud speakers blarring, trash (human and other). It's like needing reds permission to take the klong boat. GEEZE And the govt/police others do NOTHING. Pitiful, (both sides) just plain pitiful.

Yes, great!!! Now we can cross the road without fear of being knocked down. :)

Seriously though. Yes, it was a frightening experience the first time walking past that area.

I didn't know how to get to the boats on Klong Saen Saeb and didn't realise I had to pass through the blockade. So, yes the red shirts have certainly impeded freedom of movement in Bangkok.

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Its looking more and more like Team Yellow are weak and powerless now.

They appear not in control of the police.

They appear to control a small element of the Army, but not enough to control it fully.

Abhisit and his Democrat cronies now appear to be happy to sit in the Army barracks and just wait for the budget time. It appears they are willing to leave the situation like this and just wait a few months and make sure they get to pass the budget.

Out of control and clinging on waiting to pass the budget.

Now you all should now, the final budget before the election year in Thailand is key to the election. It is where government will allocate massive amounts of funds to "projects", projects which of course ruling party "friends and family" business will win in tenders in the months after the elections, and so the ruling party politicians can feed at the trough big time in order to get their "elections funds" sorted out ready to pay for the election campaign and buy votes and whatever else.

This is why Abhisit and the Democrats

Do not want a coup.

Do not want a "national government"

As they lose the chance to feed at the trough and get their elections vote winning funds ready by massive corruption of government projects and subsequent tenders from this coming budget.

They appear to be happy to let Thailand be "out of control" provided they can stay in Army barracks and wait a few months to pass the budget.

Out of control - totally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

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The only thing I would suggest that Abhisit has not lost control off is the internet and the media freedom.

The Thailand Democrat/BJT censorship coalition steam rollers on, meaning freedom of information and freedom of the media is crushed and splattered underneath it.

Its a disgrace, I mean these same people accused Thaksin of doing this, however he allowed them to openly criticize him and his party.

What we have now is way over the top censorship and indeed, propaganda. Far far worse.

Some information :



hmmm ... so, the reds can do what they do because the yellows did it before but the "yellow" PM cannot do what the beloved Thaksin did before.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

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Its looking more and more like Team Yellow are weak and powerless now.

Funnily enough, weak and powerless also happens to be what your comments are when you throw in childish and simplistic catch phrases like "Team Yellow", in an effort to label and pigeon-hole anyone outside of your red mist.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?

why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

i wonder !

Edited by toybits
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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

Do you really think "Everyone need to keep a watch on it?"

I'd much rather be watching my kids grow up than really get so obsessed with Thai Politics.

Ok there might be corruption in the current government, but changing the government it is not going to stamp out corruption.

I'll leave the watching bit to you levelhead, you seem to be the man for the job.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?
why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

i wonder !

well it was just as disturbing as the first 8 days of the reds but now we enter week seven with bamboo sticks , petrol doused roadblocks and , and ,and

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