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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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What the Thailand needs is a real "BIG DADDY" to guide them as all really seem to be totally unable to handle it the way it should be handled. I do not think Thailand is able to find a true leader that all will follow...

I think they all need to call on ED..more than ever... Everyone LOVES him..

Donald and Mickie were no where for comment..


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The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is practically a civil war and with war comes propaganda.

Don't be so quick to believe anything you hear.

And if you think that it isn't war and that it's just some 'terrorists' you've been duped by the media. It's been going on too long now. The country is split right down the middle, that's why they can't act against the reds, because it would result in real civil war.

Apparently you have been watching too much People TV etc ...

The Red media was not REPORTING on events. they were participating. That violates the mandate they have to serve the country so they were shut down. Red shirts are still getting their information out but no longer have access to a propoganda wing to support their illegal gathering.

While there is a deep divide politically in Thailand it certainly isn't divided down the middle. Recent polls suggest that even in Isaan only about 50% of voters agree with a call for the immediate dissolution of Parliament. That means perhaps 15% - 30% of the country would agree with the extremists amongst the reds.

It is clear that it would be a BAD idea to try for snap elections at this point in time.

The recent moves by the reds are tearing down what little moral support they ever have had ANYWHERE. The photos and videos of Sae Daeng's armed Ronin amongst them on April 10th, the video of grenade attacks coming from behind red lines at sala Daeng, the invasion TWICE of a hospital gets played up against the government's calm and measured responses. The reds lose all the way across the board on a daily basis.

Soon there will come a time when the government acts. the government will be able to replay these events and show how patient that they were, and that the time for patience had run out and nobody will condemn them.

What's happening now seems to mitigate in favour of the government completing its full elected term, rather than dissolving parliament early. It's very important to arrest a bunch of the armed guerilla faction and the leaders who have instigated violence and taking over of public places in a way that infringes on the rights of others. They need to get trials under way fast and track down as many of their weapons as possible to prevent outbreaks of armed banditry, looting and rape. I believe that the overdue trials of the yellow shirt leaders for taking over the airports should also get under way. A few 30 year sentences handed down to red and yellow leaders and death sentences to terrorists who fired on the military might make people think twice about these types of protest in future. Otherwise the country is going to break down into warlords and anarchy quite soon.

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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

Could you please read and correct before posting. Not doing so is a sign of "ustupty". Am I to take it that you recommend ignoring the current problem until the PAD court cases are heard? That's a little like finishing painting the dining room before putting out the fire in the kitchen. Just "ustupty"

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Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

Thaksin-style (i.e. totally corrupt) government was legal ?


Duly elected...

–adverb1.in a due manner; properly; fittingly. 2.in due season; punctually.

The yellow crowd interrupted the political process - via the army - rather than work within the established system to advance their ideas for the next election cycle. The current situation(s) are the repercussions of that short sighted, ill-fated, illegal action son... do your homework.

And well done to them. They interrupted Thaksin looting the country which was not possible via an election since those red shirts causing all the trouble now, were the once that sold him their votes - you can not win democratically if the opposition uses illegal means - its like Zimbabwe - or do you really think they had honest elections?

So, a coup was the only option since Thaksin was placing his followers and family into key positions, shoring up his grip on the country - exactly what he is going to do if this government does not act very very soon

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When reading the Reds 'entered' the hospital I had to think about the Thammasat massacre where the military 'entered' a university. We have to realise this is a Thai problem. The reds and all the other 'parties' belong together in creating this problem. It would not be there if one of the important players never had been there. Its a very sad and rejectable event to storm a hospital but on the other side we have to realise when the situation now would have been the same as in october 1976 the reds would have been classified as 'communist' (being created by the powerfull rich elite) and be crushed by military force likely with many deads and wounded unarmed people.

In a conflict like this from both sides the worst elements come to the surface and play their inhuman games.

Theres is a difference between a black red walking with a gun to shoot when confronted with the police/army and a never filmed very rich powerobesessed multinational or army general in fancy clothes, but this difference is just the outlook, in quality they could be exactly the same.

Comparing the happenings from this moment with the times of 1976 I would say there has been progress in Thailand, the conflict is still the same, - the rich powerelite contra the less 'fortunate' people-, but the way the conflict is showing itself differs remarkably. Something to look at more closely.

To solve a problem like this all parties involved should be willing to change for the better. The 'reds' are not willing to do so. But lets face reality. At the end of this specific chapter of conflict they will loose one or another way and the elite will stay in power one or another way and will gain more power/money in future as they already have now.

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Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

Thaksin-style (i.e. totally corrupt) government was legal ?


Duly elected...

–adverb1.in a due manner; properly; fittingly. 2.in due season; punctually.

The yellow crowd interrupted the political process - via the army - rather than work within the established system to advance their ideas for the next election cycle. The current situation(s) are the repercussions of that short sighted, ill-fated, illegal action son... do your homework.

Regardless of the point you are trying to make it will fail, because yours is one of the most condescending tones on here. I simply hate it when people like you call other people 'Son'. Who do you think you are?

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So what were the red shirts planning to do to the troops had they have been there?!

This is just going to far! Something needs to be done, and SOON

Maybee they should take over the Airposts like the Yellow Shirts did!

They would have probably shot them unless they joined them and claimed the dead ones committed suicide or were killed by friendly fire

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And its been going downhill for the UDD ever since.

2010-04-10 12:32:18

Red emerald Buddha image at Rajprasong rally site breaks into two parts

BANGKOK: -- When police officers served arrest warrants for three red-shirt leaders at the Rajprasong Intersection Saturday, the Buddha image table collapsed, causing the red emerald Buddha image of the protesters broke into two pieces.

Two police officers from the Metropolitan Police Bureau came to the back of the stage at 11:30 am with arrest warrants and they demanded to see whether Wiputhalaeng Phattanaphuthai, Worapol Prommikabutr and Pramual Chuklom were behind the stage.

Protesters then shooed away the two officers. While guards of the red shirts were asking the two officers to leave, a loud noise was heard as the Buddha image collapsed. Guards rushed to cover the broken Buddha image with newspapers and would not allow photographers to take photos.

THE NATION: About the collapsed worship table at red stage, which broke a red buddha statue, leaders take it very seriously. 90% of thais would.

THE NATION: News reports are saying red leaders turn pale like corpses when they saw the broken Buddha.

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Let's keep things in perspective pls. Why is any of this worse than what we've seen very recently, with people getting shot and grenades going off and people dying? I sense a lot of fabricated indignation; the Reds are jittery, they KNOW they can get their faces blown off at any time by government (or rogue army) snipers.. It's chaotic, someone thinks they see military in the building directly overlooking their site.. It happens to be a hospital, but better safe than sorry.

Good of Dr. Weng to apologize though, respect.

Some Thaksin apologists like to present themselves as cuddly oh-so independent observers, but when the chips are down you can see where they are.

Defending/excusing any and all red actions.

Invading a hospital and having the action mealy-mouthed discounted by 'cute' Winnie.

Par for the course.

Edited by yoshiwara
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The government shut down the reds tv station so that it can control every piece of news that comes out put it's own spin on it. I really think that every news report you hear should be taken with a pinch of salt. This is practically a civil war and with war comes propaganda.

Don't be so quick to believe anything you hear.

And if you think that it isn't war and that it's just some 'terrorists' you've been duped by the media. It's been going on too long now. The country is split right down the middle, that's why they can't act against the reds, because it would result in real civil war.

I suppose you believe everything that you hear on red TV/radio?

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For what it's worth, I believe the Director (or the person who authorised) of Chulla Hospital should do the honourable thing and resign for bringing so much shame upon himself by putting all his patients and staff in mortal danger when he openned his doors to a known terrorist group. Disgusting, reprehensible lack of responsibility.

What an idiotic comment - maybe he should have barricaded the doors with crutches and thrown syringes from the windows to defend the place. The job description of a hospital administrator does not, I am sure, call for "defending the hospital from attack by an armed mob" - That is the job of the police and, if necessary, the Military. If anyone should be arrested then it is the chief of police and head of the armed forces for failing to control the situation.

Some people here love to paint the picture that this is poor undertrodden Thais leading some kind of peoples revolution - it is far from that. It is a handful of the population, funded and manipulated, by a bunch of corrupt politicians headed by a multi millionaire - one of the "rich" who this battle is against - who are holding the entire country to ransom by what has become an act of terrorism. Faced with sufficient numbers most of these people will melt into the night as tanks roll toward them - those who dont should be left in no doubt that they are risking their lives by remaining.

My message is go back to your homes and take care of your families and if you are politically inclined then go into to politics, prove yourself and in time get elected - THAT is democracy - this is just criminal behaviour.

What is it going to take for this to end - some young children getting "accidentally" killed? What happens if the rabble believe troops are hiding in a school?

Edited by gbswales
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Subjects the speakers are trying to avoid or explain away today:

The hospital invasion

Khwanchai running away at DM

AL Jazeera having the photos of armed reds at DM

Trying to whip everyone into a frenzy of Newin hatred

I hear Kwanchai's new nickname ids "the Rabbit of Issan" :):D:D:D

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If he can't do his job, he should resign. Don't Thai policemen take an oath to uphold the law? Maybe not.

Why don't you go and remind him yourself.

PS. He collects guns and is considered very 'jai ron', good luck.

The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

So we have the police, army, educators, government officials, and poor people all red and yet the Thai government doesn't listen to them.

How does that work?

Oh I remember, the government wasn't elected, they had a coup, that's all right then.

Aahhh well that confirms it then... fits the requirements for being a Red by the sounds of it...


The sad thing is that also a lot of educators, government officials and others are pretty much red.

Listen: Some of them are red, because they might think if Thaksin would come back, they'd have more money, better conditions, which isn't true.

Where is Thaksin now? I thought after Adolf, it would never happen again, but it seems that not having enough education disables people to understand what's really going on.

Only some about Thaksin:

Containers with Skeletons in Satthahip, 3,000 or more, mostly innocent dead "Jaba" dealer. (Which wasn't true, but Thaksin gave the order). Taking money from the poor, paying all farmers, and other uneducated people money for their vote, not caring about Thais, more about Chinese interests, not paying taxes, doing many other crimes.

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Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

Thaksin-style (i.e. totally corrupt) government was legal ?


Duly elected...

–adverb1.in a due manner; properly; fittingly. 2.in due season; punctually.

The yellow crowd interrupted the political process - via the army - rather than work within the established system to advance their ideas for the next election cycle. The current situation(s) are the repercussions of that short sighted, ill-fated, illegal action son... do your homework.

Actually, it would be great if someone could find the time to post a potted history of Thai politics for the past 10 years or so. Alternatively, is there a web site where this info can be found? I can't rember the details leading up to the 2006 coup.

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No worry, give the(PM)and his PR strategists a half day down on the streets of bangkok and he will refill the entire hospital with new patients in serious condition. Easy task, that is what the PM is known for.

translation please in english

* edited to repair the quote

One month ago PM Abhisit, promised to restore normalcy as soon as possible and without any losses.

End of this month we have so far more than 1,000 people injured and 27 killed. Most of them are the victims of a failed crackdown operation on April 10, in a few hours over 20 people dead and more than 800 injured.

That keeps a hospital busy.

My comment was an reply to an entry that was concerned about the loss of face and spoke about the biggest PR disasters because patients left the hospital. I said no reason to worry, the empty bedsides will be easy refilled if PM Abhisit continues with his marvellous work.

Understand it now?

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A few days ago NuttyWot said that if the PM does not attack us, he must resign. IMO this is a further provocation to have the govt forces attack and initiate a bloodbath, purely to obtain a PR victory. What's a few dead rice farmers; plenty more where they come from.

A red apologist descibed non-lethal crowd dispersal tools using sound and light as "evil". I wonder why? I wonder why they are not being used. I doubt that the people living in the neighbourhood would complain too much, the Tall guy would think it was part of the fun!

I'm not sure if anyone unless they are insane thought any of this was any fun. In Democratic countries we use the power of the vote, not the power of the slingshot and handmade grenade to accomplish political change. Life lost, property damaged, tourism impacted the inmates are running the asylum.

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Subjects the speakers are trying to avoid or explain away today:

The hospital invasion

Khwanchai running away at DM

AL Jazeera having the photos of armed reds at DM

*personally can't their video to roll, but apparently it's here with this snippet:

Witnesses said dozens of red shirt protesters - some of them apparently also armed and returning fire


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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

Nobody called for the slaughter of anyone, you assumed that. The call, from myself and not this post, was for them to be hunted down and dealt with. This means in accordance with the law, something the redshirts know little about.

Why is this comment assanine? Redshirt guards have been dressing in almost identical attire to the Khmer Rouge for ages, so by definition they LOOk like them. Actions such as distributing hate literature which contain direct calls to kill people using bombs, to participate in an armed communist style revolution, talk about their leader Thaksin as a reincarnation of a former King or minor god, initimidation of the judiciary and for a peasant uprising all are very similar (not exactly) to Khmer Rouge activites.

Anti foreigner sentiment in Truth Today is EXTREMELY similar to Khmer Rouge ideology.

Justifying and excusing the use of violence is very much like the Khmer Rouge.

Red leaders constantly threatening civil war sounds similar to what the Khmer Rouge did.

Red leaders have threatened to take retribution against opponents if they win, that sounds dreadfully like the Khmer Rouge.

Last night they raided a hospital - an action that if not technically against the Geneva convention is certainly against the spirit of the Geneva convention - a convention which the Khmer Rouge also paid no attention to.

Truth Today and Voice of Thaksin contain very many obvious references to the overthrow of the monarchy by encouraging emulation of Russian revolution, French revolution and English civil war - I believe the overthrow of the monarchy is something the Khmer Rouge did? (I could be slightly mistaken here not sure)

Last night we witnessed a witchsmeller style purge of a hospital that ended with two innocent people being "interrogated". That type of thing sounds familiar too.

To make it quite clear. I do not want to see wholesale slaughter of these people, that would play right into their twisted leaders' hands. I want to see the leaders and orchestrators of this hate, violence and anarchy hunted down and dealt with harshly and transparently by the law. If that means the death sentence for some of the leaders then so be it.

So, I totally reject what you say, they DO look like the Khmer Rouge and act very much like them in many respects. Posts which make valid points should not be deleted and people with opions should not be told to shut up - that is exactly the undemocratic BS I now expect from the reds who would only allow the freedom to agree with them if they were in power, that is certainly the only opinion one is allowed in The People's Oh So Very Democratic Republic of Redland at Ratchaprasong.

What the Yellow shirts did was wrong too and deserves punishment. The reason, I believe, that they have not yet been punished is because the prosecution (led by PT party which increasingly resembles the Sinn Fein of the IRA) has asked for it to be repeatedly postponed as they have no evidence to support the charge of terrorism. The shutting down of an airport for a week and the encampment in parliament for months is an offence miniscule in proportions to what is now being committed by the redshirts or on their behalf by their army led by Seh Daeng and even if it were, cannot justify what the red leaders are doing.

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What is going on in Thailand .?

Red shirts holding up police and army convoys,searching cars putting on road blocks ,doing a raid on hospital?

what will be next ?It is the world upside down

Does thailand still have police or army forces?

I think 2 companies of Cambodja or Laos army can invade and conquer whole Thailand and everybody will look and wait and hope they will return back to their country because they will be homesick in a few months

I was planning to stay in this beautiful country which I like very much but i am serious thinking it over

If the so called democracy fighters like reds are acting now I wonder what if it will be if they turn into power

Yes call the EU and VN for protection and at the same time holding a raid on a hospital how stupid can you be . They always talk about poor and rural people maybe right ,but I would also be poor if i would not work for more than a month and be camping in the center of BKK.

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Interesting tweets from some of the more neutral journos in English language Thai reporting out there

R. Barrow: Reds went too far with their ransack of Chulalongkorn Hospital yesterday. Showed the world that they are just thugs.

The whole of terryfrds coverage of the hospital incident is very black for the reds

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Subjects the speakers are trying to avoid or explain away today:

The hospital invasion

Khwanchai running away at DM

AL Jazeera having the photos of armed reds at DM

*personally can't their video to roll, but apparently it's here with this snippet:

Witnesses said dozens of red shirt protesters - some of them apparently also armed and returning fire


At about 1:26 in the video on the article, it shows a red shirt with a hand gun, taking cover behind a pick up.

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Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.


I think you are forgetting the large proportion of violent criminals -

And your proof of this is? More gas from another bag on this forum.

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Protesters then shooed away the two officers. While guards of the red shirts were asking the two officers to leave, a loud noise was heard as the Buddha image collapsed. Guards rushed to cover the broken Buddha image with newspapers and would not allow photographers to take photos.

THE NATION: About the collapsed worship table at red stage, which broke a red buddha statue, leaders take it very seriously. 90% of thais would.

THE NATION: News reports are saying red leaders turn pale like corpses when they saw the broken Buddha.

It's funny to think that with all the Military and Police presence and all the political posturing and associated expense, this whole thing could fizzle out because of a broken table leg.

I wonder how long before the red leaders blame police presence for making the Buddah break himself in two pieces rather than their protests. I wonder how many Monks will go home today?

Edited by Tigs
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In addition to the wheelchair-bound patients shown earlier, the international press is showing the bed-ridden being evacuated to safety

Reuters - Paramedics assist in evacuating a patient from the Chulalongkorn Hospital in the Silom business district of Bangkok

This is really sick. The reds are starting to look like the Khmers Rouges.

If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

Second that!

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