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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Man from Phichit asks Democrat to help send him, 24 friends home

BANGKOK: -- A man from Phichit went to the Democrat Party head office Friday and asked the party to help send him and 24 friends back home.

Add a few more people to the list of Isaan non-red supporters.

Mr. Expert, Phichit isn't exactly in Isaan, but keep on going with your stereotyping and simplifying if it helps your agenda.

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I would also love this to be reported internationally, the fact that many of their so called freedom fighters are being held against their will by intimidation tactics.

Freedom fighters & terrorist are the same group of people.

The only different is, if you win or loss the war.

Good luck both sides.

The term "Freedom Fighters" denotes connotations of say the French Underground during WW2 that over threw the Nazis.

The term "Terrorists" denotes connotations of Al Queda ... bombing markets etc... attacks on civilian targets.

I think saying "Good luck to both sides" is in bad taste to both the Government, the Reds and Thai people in general.

This isn't a war yet... and you don't want one.


Quick question.

The Taliban fighting the Soviet, and now the Americans.

What shall we call them?

Freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

To the Russians they were terrorists.

To the Americans they were freedom fighters, who after being abandoned became terrorists.

To most Afaganis, they are a plague similar to the red shirts, but much more puritanical,

and slightly more rational. But an equally warped morality, in the inverse direction.

To their brainwashed devotees to 7th century Islamic lifestyle they are freedom fighters.

Similar to the brain washed indoctrination of the red shirts, they have been told so often

and so excluding other options of thought that they think ONLY WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO THINK.

So to make a relational comparision of Red Shirts methods and Taliban methods is not a stretch,

even if the end goals are much different.

Edited by animatic
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Do what Caesar did in Gaul. Surround their barricade with a better one.

I have thought that too, build a large concrete wall and some doors. Above the doors write "Bangkok Prison II".

Loss of face will send many home.

You mean "Bangkok Hyatt II".

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

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TheRussians they were terrorists.

To the Americans they were freedom fighters, who after being abandoned became terrorists.

To most Afaganis, they are a plague similar to the red shirts, but much more puritanical.

To their brainwashed devotees to 7th century Islamic lifestyle they are freedom fighters.

Similar to the brain washed indoctrination of the red shirts, they have been told so often

and so excluding other options of thought that they think ONLY WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO THINK.

So to make a relational comparision of Red Shirts methods and Taliban methods is not a stretch,

even if the end goals are much different.

In my conclusion,

Freedom fighters & terrorist are the same group of people.

The only different is, if you win or loss the war.

Bad Good luck both sides.

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

Probably Charlie Wilson's war

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

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so markokang you where there you got pics of the sheels . that would mean you are one of the guys storming the hospital . remember they opend fire from inside according to nathuwat

please post the pics go on dont be selfish

cant wait to see

still waiting for your shell-pics

marcokang i been waiting for your pics for over 2 hr. now - guess you are to busy building a fence or whatever

next time you claim things like that be a bit more clever about it

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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

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Thailand seems to still be mired in "zero-sum thinking" i.e. if they win, I lose, and vice versa. This is thinking that dates back to the hunter/gatherer era.

Has there ever been a time in this country's history where somebody thought "compromise", i.e. the notion that 1+1 can be made to equal 3; that the best way to achieve social development is to increase the overall size of the pie, rather than trying to grab the biggest bit of the existing pie fer yourself?

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

So, you will be considered the "Good Guys", if you share the same enemy.

I am quite sure the Soviet call them terrorists, while the American call them Freedom Fighters.

Wow, it is getting very complicated, too complicated for me

It is time for me to log off now as I need to go check out the new barricade in front of Chula Hospital.

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

Charlie Wilson's war. Tom Hanks plays Congressman Charlie Wilson.

Sorry a quick off topic one.

<h3 class="r">


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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

Was there ever any UDD confirmation that there were really guards that had H1N1? Not just a 'scare-tactic'?

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

So, you will be considered the "Good Guys", if you share the same enemy.

I am quite sure the Soviet call them terrorists, while the American call them Freedom Fighters.

Wow, it is getting very complicated, too complicated for me

It is time for me to log off now as I need to go check out the new barricade in front of Chula Hospital.

Since we're going off-topic now, one's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. It's a no-win discussion. The winners will decide if they were freedom fighters or terrorists, as with any conflict.

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

Probably Charlie Wilson's war

Correct. Thanks. I am no good at American's name.


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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

Was there ever any UDD confirmation that there were really guards that had H1N1? Not just a 'scare-tactic'?

The UDD only issue denials don't you know

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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

Was there ever any UDD confirmation that there were really guards that had H1N1? Not just a 'scare-tactic'?

The UDD only issue denials don't you know

I was hoping for an actual answer ...but thanks anyways. :)

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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

Was there ever any UDD confirmation that there were really guards that had H1N1? Not just a 'scare-tactic'?

The UDD only issue denials don't you know

I was hoping for an actual answer ...but thanks anyways. :)

Maybe you missed it on red tv. If I had heard them confirm it I would have doubted it was true.

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I once saw a movie, cannot remember the name.

One US senator (cannot remember name) was supply RPG/ground to air missiles to the Taliban to shoot down Soviet airplane / helicopters for years.

So, are they freedom fighters of their mother land; or terrorist of the western world?

They are oppressors of their own people. Originally that oppression was sponsored by westerners because they had a common enemy, now it would seem to be sponsored locally. It's more complicated than that, but that's the jist of it.

So, you will be considered the "Good Guys", if you share the same enemy.

I am quite sure the Soviet call them terrorists, while the American call them Freedom Fighters.

Wow, it is getting very complicated, too complicated for me

It is time for me to log off now as I need to go check out the new barricade in front of Chula Hospital.

Since we're going off-topic now, one's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. It's a no-win discussion. The winners will decide if they were freedom fighters or terrorists, as with any conflict.

Wrong... the "truth" will decide... but that often takes many years. Look what arming the "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan has cost the west 25 years later. If Pol Pot Had won in Cambodia ... we'd still have the killing fields.

It's not as simple as who wins.

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Henri Dunant defences been toughened up. They've certainly got some menacing looking black shirts here. Couldn't even get a smile out of 'em

less than 20 seconds ago via web

best would be to wait till the mob is starting trouble and then just hold position so the world can see

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THE NATION: Police didn't notice it but Nation's Crime editor Preecha notices he's seen the face of this Reds guard before


i can't remember what he was wanted for

was it for killing a policeman?

anyone help out?

he was seen at the hospital last night



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Henri Dunant defences been toughened up. They've certainly got some menacing looking black shirts here. Couldn't even get a smile out of 'em

less than 20 seconds ago via web

best would be to wait till the mob is starting trouble and then just hold position so the world can see

How would that solve anything? Seriously guys, cracking down on the red shirts will not solve anything. The government needs to address the root cause of the problem. Cracking down on them or dispersing them will just make them regroup elsewhere. This problem isn't going away.

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1) So nearly 1000 people were murdered in the war on drugs who did not have any relation to drug dealing.

2) Almost 600 people were murdered without any reason whatsoever.

3) No individuals were found to be guilty of this atrocity.

Comment: You really should read the articles you present as proof for your claims.

yes the claim of 2600+ innocent victims killed by Thaksin is nonsense.

The non-drug related homicide cases were crimes commitedby other motivations. robbery, domestic violence, crimes of passion whatever.

Drug related murders were also mafia infights, junkies killing people, drug dealers killing other drug dealers and so on. violent times of course. the murder rate were higher than usual. The climate during the war on drugs made people trigger happy. it was maybe not the best policy to solve the problem.

but the number 2600+ is a statistical figure that cannot be filed under 'war on drugs'.

so speaking of 2600+ victims of extrajudicial killings is a false statement.

in the other thread, talking about red shirt death, you wanted explain me that murder by law enforcement authorities are legal and justified. some people argue the same in the war on drugs, not me.

people died, its sad, but stick to the facts and don't exaggerate or use false claims for a political propaganda campaign.

why dont you join the "peaceful protest"/ terrorist camp. they need a good speaker !!! scared?

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