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Last week I had a kidney stone attack. Boy does that hurt. Cat scan showed small one. Looks like it dissolved or passed without intervention. Whew. I am going to Pattaya May 7 for a month or so. In case I have a similar situation, and they usually happen at night, where would you recommend I go? Which hospital Emergency room would you recommend?

The routine emergency fix is some IV, industrial strength pain killer narcotic. Then CAT scan exam to see if aggressive procedures are needed such as ultra sound, dissolving drugs, surgery etc.


I lived in Pattaya for 3 years and I think that, as a foreigner who will have to pay cash for treatment, your best bet is to go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. It is a private hospital of very high standards, and the chioce of most expats. There is also the Pattaya International Hospital which is very good. In any case you would be a private paying patient unless you have international medical insurance. Good luck and I hope you don't have another attack!


Start drinking a fresh coconut every day (fresh only). It will prevent you from getting kidney stones and rehydrates you and tastes good too. It also will make a kidney stone pass much easier if you do get one. I used to get them k. stones on a regular basis before I found out about coconuts.


As one who has more kidney stones than I wish to count. For me it is get me somewhere, QUICK, for a shot of Demerol. And I do not bloody care where.

I lived in Pattaya for 3 years and I think that, as a foreigner who will have to pay cash for treatment, your best bet is to go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. It is a private hospital of very high standards, and the chioce of most expats. There is also the Pattaya International Hospital which is very good. In any case you would be a private paying patient unless you have international medical insurance. Good luck and I hope you don't have another attack!

My wife had 2 operations at BPH 2 years ago to sort out her kidney stones (they f***ed up the 1st op) and she is still having problems with them. She has been back to see the urologist many times and after a scan and 3000 Baht it is a shrug of the shoulders and a statement of what can I do


as a medicine one litter of coconut juice every day for a weak, than break for a weak - or just smaller quantities every day, as a preventative.

worth to check, what kind of stones they are and design the diet accordingly - if the doctor is not helpful, check the net and books on the subject, consult dietician

as a medicine one litter of coconut juice every day for a weak, than break for a weak - or just smaller quantities every day, as a preventative.

worth to check, what kind of stones they are and design the diet accordingly - if the doctor is not helpful, check the net and books on the subject, consult dietician

Luckily, and somewhat unfortunately, nothing Passed that was detectable, so there was nothing I could detect in my little cup and screen the urologist gave me. I don't know if it was the basic calcium or Uric acid related type of stone. All feels fine now. So up with the fluids, and thanks for the coconut tips. I happen to like coconuts. Since they are sold by most of the beach vendors, I am sure I will have many while lounging down by the water.

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield out of my home state of Florida here in the USA which covers me. I pay more for out of network coverage of course, but I have used it out of state before and it is not too bad. I probably would have to submit the claim forms manually since I doubt the hospital in Pattaya would be able to properly submit the paper to Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield, but you never know.

Today is May 1. May 7 I arrive in Pattaya. I kind of wish the job boss did not ask me to stay around another week to "train" my replacement! Nah. Take the money, then holiday.

Thanks all


Tomatoes triggered my kidney stones. Cranberry juice works as a treament for me. THe first are the worst.

2 number 50mg Tramadol (synthetic opium) will relieve the pain for 8 hours. Take another 2 if the pain continues. You can buy them in most chemists down Soi Buakhao.

Wouldnt bother going to any of the hospitals in Pattaya. They will fleece you for everything and have you in for about 4 days for observations.

Tomatoes triggered my kidney stones. Cranberry juice works as a treament for me. THe first are the worst.

2 number 50mg Tramadol (synthetic opium) will relieve the pain for 8 hours. Take another 2 if the pain continues. You can buy them in most chemists down Soi Buakhao.

Wouldnt bother going to any of the hospitals in Pattaya. They will fleece you for everything and have you in for about 4 days for observations.

Yes. Unfortunately I hear many bad stories about the fleecings. I hear a few good stories about the hospitals, but not enough to greatly entice me to want to experience the hospital.

I have the entire original Percomet or whatever it was the docotr prescribed that I got last week here in the states. I only took two of the pills because things cleared up the next day. I will bring those with me along with my prescription in case some police or immigration asks about them.

I feel fine so I think the near-term is clear sailing.


Don't eat any salt and it lowers your chance of getting them.They now have machines that just about discenegrates them.You pass em and don't even know it.

Don't eat any salt and it lowers your chance of getting them.They now have machines that just about discenegrates them.You pass em and don't even know it.

Ya. Ultra sound. I don't even buy salt. Funny thing is this last year was a tremendous year moneywise. This contract job was very lucrative and I increased my Net worth by over $150,000 USD. But, I worked long hours, ate too much fast food and drive through such as Chicken sandwiches and french fries from Wendy's, Carl's Junior, etc. I put on 10 pounds, and because of the way they cook their food, ate too much salt, and too much meat and all the bad stuff.

I won't do that again. I always have been in very good shape from my years of Tae Kwon Do training, exercising, etc. I would be very mad at myself as I get close to being called "Wealthy" but then am not "Healthy".

Looking forward to a lot of the Kow Pad Kung at KISS! Fresh Jackfruit, Dragon fruit. An occasional Barbecue at that place in Big C. The sushi is reasonably priced. A little German food with lots of noodles and potatoes now and then. Some fresh grilled fish, lots of garlic.

5 more days until vacation!


I had a bad attack once in Pattaya. I reckon that dehydration was the cause. I self medicated with 'Temgesic' and waited for the pain to pass in 5-6 hours.

Get it investigated next time you are in your home country.

Personally I would avoid hospitals in Thailand for kidney stones. They will just milk you of your cash, just put up with the agonising pain and let it pass.

as a medicine one litter of coconut juice every day for a weak, than break for a weak - or just smaller quantities every day, as a preventative.

worth to check, what kind of stones they are and design the diet accordingly - if the doctor is not helpful, check the net and books on the subject, consult dietician

Luckily, and somewhat unfortunately, nothing Passed that was detectable, so there was nothing I could detect in my little cup and screen the urologist gave me. I don't know if it was the basic calcium or Uric acid related type of stone. All feels fine now. So up with the fluids, and thanks for the coconut tips. I happen to like coconuts. Since they are sold by most of the beach vendors, I am sure I will have many while lounging down by the water.

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield out of my home state of Florida here in the USA which covers me. I pay more for out of network coverage of course, but I have used it out of state before and it is not too bad. I probably would have to submit the claim forms manually since I doubt the hospital in Pattaya would be able to properly submit the paper to Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield, but you never know.

Today is May 1. May 7 I arrive in Pattaya. I kind of wish the job boss did not ask me to stay around another week to "train" my replacement! Nah. Take the money, then holiday.

Thanks all

It's possible the stone is still there. I have had K stones for the last 15 years. Many times i will get allot of pain and blood and nothing comes out for weeks later, so keep an eye on it.

For the Insurance, I used to have the same Blue cross from Fla when I was still living in the US. I would have to pay everything out of my pocket and then file the forms and get reimbursed when I returned, however that was about 10-12 years ago so maybe things have changed.

Must be the full moon or something, as I was in bed all day yesterday eating pain killers like m&m's. Going to the hospital again today for a follow up on the x-rays which I'm pretty sure they are going to say I will need to get operated on.

Thanks for the coconut juice tip, I will need to check this out. My wife has tried all these Thai remedies, most of them I didn't even bother to ask what was in it, the smell told me it was no good. Just wait till she was not looking and in the plant pot it went.

A falang guy I met several years ago told me about drinking grape juice with cream of tartar in it, I tried it and not sure it worked or not, my doctor when he operated on that one said it broke every easy so maybe it was working.

Hope you have an uneventful holiday!!!!

Tomatoes triggered my kidney stones. Cranberry juice works as a treament for me. THe first are the worst.

2 number 50mg Tramadol (synthetic opium) will relieve the pain for 8 hours. Take another 2 if the pain continues. You can buy them in most chemists down Soi Buakhao.

Wouldnt bother going to any of the hospitals in Pattaya. They will fleece you for everything and have you in for about 4 days for observations.

Wow, only 2 Tramadol lasts you 8 hours? That is great, yesterday I took 2 every hour, for a total of 20 pills. I have a smashing headache today, but at least the kidney stone does not hurt so bad. Already took 3 more tramadol today.

Personally I would avoid hospitals in Thailand for kidney stones. They will just milk you of your cash, just put up with the agonising pain and let it pass.

I have never bothered going to the doctors after my first attack. They just made it worse and did nothing for the pain. However, apparently some stones can be too big to pass without medical help, so I would not rule it out completely.

Thanks for the coconut juice tip, I will need to check this out. My wife has tried all these Thai remedies, most of them I didn't even bother to ask what was in it, the smell told me it was no good. Just wait till she was not looking and in the plant pot it went.

it's not that popular in thailand, but in many other countries (philipines). Worth to try and see if herbal remedies do work, they are safer than conventional medicines and operations.

as already mentioned - proper food and fruit juices can be your medicine

Thanks for the coconut juice tip, I will need to check this out. My wife has tried all these Thai remedies, most of them I didn't even bother to ask what was in it, the smell told me it was no good. Just wait till she was not looking and in the plant pot it went.

it's not that popular in thailand, but in many other countries (philipines). Worth to try and see if herbal remedies do work, they are safer than conventional medicines and operations.

as already mentioned - proper food and fruit juices can be your medicine

The last time I started getting kidney pains, I started drinking lots of vegetable and coconut juice and it passed with almost no pain. It could have been a coincidence, but it was always very painful before that. After that, I try to drink at least one coconut a day and have not had a problem with stones for many years.


The main thing is to do is to drink plenty of fluids,mainly still water all the time.

Apart from first thing in the morning ,your urine should always be almost transparent with a slight yellow tinge,certainly not dark yellow

As well as salt minimisation,reduce you alcohol intake ,as it takes longer for the kidneys to clear.

Coconut,cranberry and pomegranate juice all help.

If the pain persists ,see the doctor and take sparingly diclofenic sodium enteric available from Boots (warning it does contain lactose)


I had a kidney stone several years ago when I was in Paris. If I had known how to say "get a gun and shoot me" in French I would have said that. Luckily, I didn't know how to say it, and they didn't.

My advice, after studying it for a while (but I am no doctor) is that the best solution is to drink a lot of water. Anything that tens to pass a lot of fluid through your kidney's helps. Also, I take hydrochlorathiazide for moderate high blood pressure, which takes water out of your blood and passes it out. My doctor says it also helps with kidney stones.

I just came back from Thailand. I had a water bottle in my hand all day.

Good luck.

I had a kidney stone several years ago when I was in Paris. If I had known how to say "get a gun and shoot me" in French I would have said that. Luckily, I didn't know how to say it, and they didn't.

My advice, after studying it for a while (but I am no doctor) is that the best solution is to drink a lot of water. Anything that tens to pass a lot of fluid through your kidney's helps. Also, I take hydrochlorathiazide for moderate high blood pressure, which takes water out of your blood and passes it out. My doctor says it also helps with kidney stones.

I just came back from Thailand. I had a water bottle in my hand all day.

Good luck.

Yeah. Funny thing is in America during the winter, I just tend to not drink a lot of water. ANd the hours I was working meant drive thru Wendy's and french fries and salt, and a few sodas a day. Nothing good in any of that.

In Thailand, I drink a lot of water and am looking forward to it. Be there May 7.


I've had two kidney stones. The first one took about a month to pass completely (several bouts of colic pain over that time). The second one did pass, with 1-2 bouts of pain. Then a third one appeared during an ultrasound for something else. My uro asked me to continue the Uralyt-U and drink lots of water. I think it must have dissolved as I haven;t had a problem with that for several months.

As others said, drink lots of water (about 2 litres a day).

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