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this may sound aload of bull to some members but I really believe that I have been cursed, over the last 2 years I have lost almost everything in Thailand and now problems with Family etc in Europe...NO not to bargirls, but thro being ripped off by numorous people mostly farang!.

Anything I've touched has gone terribly wrong, not only business or money wise.

Prior to this I have been very succesful in Thailand.

I went to a kind of Curse removal by a elderly Monk 3 months ago,He told me that yes I did have something around me and I must return 7 days later with numorous small items of food and drink,and that he would make an offering to help remove the said curse.This i did and as such nothing is much better.

Does anyone have experience with similar situations in Thailand, I believe Surin is the place for bad curses to be removed, any imput would be very well recieved, as I am banging my head against a wall.

Any Idea where is the best place to find genuine Amulats,on Samui

this may sound aload of bull to some members but I really believe that I have been cursed, over the last 2 years I have lost almost everything in Thailand and now problems with Family etc in Europe...NO not to bargirls, but thro being ripped off by numorous people mostly farang!.

Anything I've touched has gone terribly wrong, not only business or money wise.

Prior to this I have been very succesful in Thailand.

I went to a kind of Curse removal by a elderly Monk 3 months ago,He told me that yes I did have something around me and I must return 7 days later with numorous small items of food and drink,and that he would make an offering to help remove the said curse.This i did and as such nothing is much better.

Does anyone have experience with similar situations in Thailand, I believe Surin is the place for bad curses to be removed, any imput would be very well recieved, as I am banging my head against a wall.

Any Idea where is the best place to find genuine Amulats,on Samui

I think its all about if you believe it or not! The more you think you are cursed the more anytime anything goes wrong you can blame it on "the curse" stop believing it and i am sure it will end!

this may sound aload of bull to some members but I really believe that I have been cursed, over the last 2 years I have lost almost everything in Thailand and now problems with Family etc in Europe...NO not to bargirls, but thro being ripped off by numorous people mostly farang!.

Anything I've touched has gone terribly wrong, not only business or money wise.

Prior to this I have been very succesful in Thailand.

I went to a kind of Curse removal by a elderly Monk 3 months ago,He told me that yes I did have something around me and I must return 7 days later with numorous small items of food and drink,and that he would make an offering to help remove the said curse.This i did and as such nothing is much better.

Does anyone have experience with similar situations in Thailand, I believe Surin is the place for bad curses to be removed, any imput would be very well recieved, as I am banging my head against a wall.

Any Idea where is the best place to find genuine Amulats,on Samui


there was recently a discussion on a question very similar to your own

http://www.lioncity.net/buddhism/index.php...opic=13917 thtt

Although this was from a Nichiren Daishonin perspective, that is, a slightly different one to the school of mainstream Buddhism in Thailand, it nevertheless contains some wisdom that is common to al traditions within Buddhism and indeed psychology.

Should you choose to read through the link, then don't be put off by terms that you are unfamiliar with , e.g (O) Daimoku and Ichinen Sanzen. Daimoku just means the chanting of Nam-myho-renge-kyo, and although Ichinen Sanzen (ten-thousand realms in one moment) is a little more complex to explain, a description can be found on

www.sgi-usa.org/buddhism/library/ SokaGakkai/Study/Elementary/Text3.htm - 80k

But read through the thread and take from it what you can ,without getting too bogged down in highly sophisticted Buddhist concepts.

To be honest, I'm not suprised that a monk performing certain rituals hasn't benefited you. You are not 'cursed' by some external force--any more than everyone else is-- and even if there was such a thing, then I doubt that performing the same sort of ritual that ,more or less, amounts to keeping your fingers crossed or touching wood would make the slightest bit of difference.

You are one with your environment and, therefore, interact with it on the most profound level. If you seem to be getting negative reactions from your environment, it is most probably because your relationship to it (on a basic level) may also be negative?

Even if anyone has had good fortune in the past, this does not mean that this a permanent condition of existence, any more than life itself is.

It's by having a positive life force in the root of our being that affects our environment and life situations,in so much that it brings forth the results of good causes created within ourselves and manifested by our relationship with it. By doing this we are no longer at the mercy of situations that we seem to neither have neither control nor understanding of. Therefore, we look towards more bizarre explanations for the negative things that happen to us. But, fundementally, we and our environment are mutually dependent, that is, one of the same thing. There is nothing supenatural in that , although at the same time it contains the knowlege that is the very seed of enlightenment.

Of course there are other ways of seeing this, and karmic results cannot be dismissed as an explanation. But karmic results have their same origin as that explained above. We are not at the mercy of the karma that we create/have created for ourselves, but can actively change even the most ingrained of our life tendencies. Karma only works in life situations; and life is co-existent with our environment.

Don't bang your head against the wall, that'll just give you a bigger headache :o

Better turning poison into gold by seeking the wisdom that lies in us all, by beginniing to fundementally alter that which we may not yet fully comprehend.

Best wishes.

this may sound aload of bull to some members but I really believe that I have been cursed, over the last 2 years I have lost almost everything in Thailand and now problems with Family etc in Europe...NO not to bargirls, but thro being ripped off by numorous people mostly farang!.

Anything I've touched has gone terribly wrong, not only business or money wise.

Prior to this I have been very succesful in Thailand.

I went to a kind of Curse removal by a elderly Monk 3 months ago,He told me that yes I did have something around me and I must return 7 days later with numorous small items of food and drink,and that he would make an offering to help remove the said curse.This i did and as such nothing is much better.

Does anyone have experience with similar situations in Thailand, I believe Surin is the place for bad curses to be removed, any imput would be very well recieved, as I am banging my head against a wall.

Any Idea where is the best place to find genuine Amulats,on Samui

Maybe you'de better look at some internal influences rather then external curses.

Lost your touch?

Are you tired?

To gullible with other people?

Reaping your karma from previous actions?

O just plain getting old?

Curses only work when you allow them to work...


You need the Amulet given, its worthless if its bought.

So you need to help a monk or help the temple with an open and pure heart.

I have been told these are blessings and the best ones are when you help a monk or a temple.

I have now a collection of 3 of them, from helping monks I have seen in distress. Many don't give them, so you need to expect nothing but to be happy you help someone.

I really love the look in the monk's eyes when you see them on a hot day going somewhere and you stop the car offer them a ride (in Aircon) and a drink of water. Some of them are amazing people.


Many thanks for all your wonderful replys.

Like many people in difficult times, I have gone into myself and tried to look at every aspect and possibility of why things are going so terribly bad.

Thai people tend to be very superstitious and I have had quite a few telling me i've got bad Karma or cursed and even a bad spiit around me.That is what lead me to go and see the Monk, which in itself was a very good experience and did give me a leg up at the time.

Reaping your karma from previous actions?, I am interested to know more about this point, I basically understand (I may be wrong and have it all mixed up) that you make your own Karma and Karma from this life carries on to your next life.

Is it possible to change or help your Karma, I class myself as a very genuine and helpful person

Thanks for the Amulet comment, this i did not know

Reaping your karma from previous actions?, I am interested to know more about this point, I basically understand (I may be wrong and have it all mixed up) that you make your own Karma and Karma from this life carries on to your next life.

Just to clarify a point: somehow, the western idea of karma has come to mean the result of our actions, but in Buddhism karma actually refers to the actions themselves.

Is it possible to change or help your Karma, I class myself as a very genuine and helpful person

It's a pretty complicated subject (I just read a book about it by a highly respected Thai monk). Basically, the popular view among many Thai people is that everything that happens to you is a result of past karma and there's not a lot you can do about it. The correct view, as I understand it, is that you can start right now with good karma (actions) to balance out any bad karma from the past. Obviously, this will take time, but on the way you should start to feel better about your life.


Hi Terry,

I hope my opinion can be productive....

If you really think that you are being cursed, you can try to locate a monk from Surin(Wat petburi, LP Hong) to help you on this.I deeply believe Lp Hong has clairvoyance that knows what is happening to you, whether being cursed or not, you will know from there.

About Karma,(law of cause and effect)

we are bounded by our past karma in many lifes, what you are experiencing whether good or bad is by past lifes,what you are doing now will affect your future life.

Yes, we can change our life as life is not predestinated, while experiencing now the karma we have created in the past,we are also creating new karma now. But

there is this point to consider, we might not be able to turn around(from bad luck to good luck) immediately depending how bad the karma is .So, bottom line, you have to build tonnes of good merit now, not to offset, but to balance up the good and bad karma.Confess to your past bad actions and not to repeat it again(what you are experiencing now is probably what you have done to other people in previous life).

My humble advise,

1.Go to pay LP Hong a visit, he can help you.

2.Not matter what you find out, do a lot of merits and dedicate them to those

that you have harmed(previously).Since this involved your family members, advise them to build merits also, if they don't believe in such thing, then you do the merit and dedicate to your family members, when the merits has go to them, they will listen to you, this may take time.

3.Whatever you are facing now, bear with it and laugh off with it,be thankful that you have the chances to wear off your bad karma now, so that you have enough time to repent and make amendment.

4.If you know how to meditate, do it, it will help to ease your frustration whenever you have a bad time, and help you to understand the truth being living and how karma works.

Let me know if you still have more questions.



locate a monk from Surin(Wat petburi, LP Hong) to help you on this.

Please can you tell me the location of the Wat, is it outside of Surin Town.

Regarding Karma, are our thoughts connected with making merit and do bad thoughts have an effect on our Karma.

I must thank everyone who has given very good positive advice to me, I am starting to think in a more possitive way already

locate a monk from Surin(Wat petburi, LP Hong) to help you on this.

Please can you tell me the location of the Wat, is it outside of Surin Town.

Regarding Karma, are our thoughts connected with making merit and do bad thoughts have an effect on our Karma.

I must thank everyone who has given very good positive advice to me, I am starting to think in a more possitive way already

As I understand it, yes, your thoughts also affect your karma. But I am DEFINITELY not an expert.

Many thanks for all your wonderful replys.

Reaping your karma from previous actions?, I am interested to know more about this point, I basically understand (I may be wrong and have it all mixed up) that you make your own Karma and Karma from this life carries on to your next life.

Is it possible to change or help your Karma, I class myself as a very genuine and helpful person


The accumulation of causes one makes and their effects, lying deep within one's life, which exerts an often unseen influence over one's present and future. Although often interpreted to mean destiny, although the original Sanskrit word means action.

Buddhism divides the actions that constitute karma into three categories: actions of the body (behaviour), actions of the mouth (speech, language) and actions of the mind (thoughts).

Any human action, whether good or bad, does not simply vanish into the past with time. Each act remains in one’s life at the present as a potential force or energy, influencing the course of one’s existence from the point of that action forward. In this sense, rather than simply viewing karma as 'action' , it may be more appropriate to think of it as action plus that action’s potential influence on one’s life. Or, in simpler terms, karma may be seen as life’s ingrained habits, leanings or tendencies--actions that tend to repeat themselves--or that we tend to repeat.

Buddhism teaches of the eternal or unending nature of life as a cycle of birth and death. So when people speak of 'past karma', they really mean the present influence on one’s life of actions taken in the past (in past lives). Buddhism also teaches that actions (karma) can be either good or bad; good actions (good karma) give rise to happy, positive effects, and bad actions (bad karma) give rise to unhappy, negative effects.

Some actions yield specific results that will appear at a set time--this is known as fixed or immutable karma. Other actions yield results that are not set or specific in their nature or timing—this is non-fixed or mutable karma. Immutable karma is often used to describe a person’s life span, because the time of one’s death is viewed in Buddhism as fixed or set by the influence of past karma.

Sincere repentance will eradicate even immutable karma, and karma which is mutable. Mutable karma is the karma which we create for ourselves at each moment of our existence, immutable that which is a fixed karma which we carry over from previous lifetimes; and is often manifest in our habitual life habits.

Sincere repentance means to repeatedly refresh our determination to dedicate ourselves to the Law/Dharma/Truth of Buddhism by continually carrying out whichever Buddhist practice that we are engaged, for the benefit of ourselve and others. In the case of followers of Nichiren Daishonin this essentially means the chanting of Nam-myho-renge-kyo (Homage to the Sutra of the Fine / Sublime Dharma of the Lotus [sutra] ) with a sincere heart.

Whilst we cannot avoid the results of our actions in past lives, we shouldn't simply resign ourselves to the effects of karma, be they good or bad. That's not what Buddhism is about.

Submission to fate, to 'one’s lot in life' or to some will outside our own is not the Buddhist view. Rather, if I am the one who made myself what I am today, then I am the one who will create the ‘me’ of the future. That is a determination to change ones karma. We can transform negative karma or circumstances into a motivating force for creating future benefit and reward for ourselves.

Karma does not so much apply to our circumstances as to our thoughts, words and deeds. Things do not happen to us, we make them happen--or we act in a habitual way when they do happen and that leads us to habitual situations. We made what we are and experience now, and we are at this moment making what we will be and experience in the future. That is karma. So to change karma means to change our lives in the present; that is, the way we think, speak and do things. The best way to positively transform the effects of our past bad karma, enjoy the effects of past good karma (to be born a human itself means that we have accumulatedgood karma in previous lives) and create good karma for the future is to inform our actions with fresh life force and wisdom.

THE KEY to breaking through the wall of our bad karma and creating future happiness lies ONLY within ourselves—in our own actions. Taking a step towards Buddhist practice is not only most beneficial of actions, but also the key to transforming any baggage that we carry into creating good causes for future benefit.

Best wishes

Regarding Karma, are our thoughts connected with making merit and do bad thoughts have an effect on our Karma.

Yes. Intention is the key in karma. The Buddha said: "Monks, intention, I say, is karma. With intention as the forerunner, karma is created through body, speech and mind."

So you could kill someone accidentally and it wouldn't be bad karma, but if you intended to kill someone and failed it would definitely be bad karma.


Hi Dave,

Hope I am in time when u read this message. There is many guru in Thailand able to help u in removing the curse but must be very careful in choosing one... ... reason choosing the wrong person will led into a bigger problem.

Maybe some of the forum member might think I am insane or simply supertitious but the fact is that I ever get to know people who are really cursed.

I got a friend who once always went to thailand to find happiness... ... at one of his trip he happen to get to know one of a gal from Chang Rai, according to him she is really sweet and damm caring. But he dosn't know that the begining for his nightmare. During his stay in Thailand, he done a lot of sweet talking to his thai galfriend and I believe she really fallen in love with him not just deeply but super duper deep. ANyway when he came back to my hometown, he found out that his penis couldn't erect... .... hahaha no joke man. He went to see alot of doc and even went to see a psy but non able to help him. But when he went back to thailand to find his chang rai galfriend.. .... thing changed. His impotency just simply solve when he was with his thai galfriend. Then he relasise something is wrong and start going around in Thailand to find a guru to help him... ... ... till he found one old archan in the province of Surin. This archan in the later part help him to remove this curse and everything return back to normal.

Well to all guys out there... .. be very careful on the food, drinks offer by your galfriends as all these might be 'dangerous' to u in somehow... .... at nite time if u happen to see her bring out something like a wooden ruler... ... be on high alert


Henriot :o


Hi Terry,

I have only been there once, was sleeping all the way from Bkk, don't really know

is it within the town or outside....

But It should not be difficult to locate the temple,Wat Petburi as LP Hong is well known in Surin besdie LP Thammarangsi.



THE KEY to breaking through the wall of our bad karma and creating future happiness lies ONLY within ourselves—in our own actions. Taking a step towards Buddhist practice is not only most beneficial of actions, but also the key to transforming any baggage that we carry into creating good causes for future benefit.

Many thanks again,I am really getting very interested in this subject, and my thoughts are turning from being negative and vindictive to more possitive and wanting to move on in life

I may have been called Dave in a past life but I never use it as a rule ("wooden Rule" sounds interesting)


I met this tibetan monk in the lobby of hotel once. we shot the breeze for a while. before he left, he gave me an amulet. told me to mumble a mantra that I have since forgotten.

should I be wearing the amulet for the good luck to materialize?

didn't think much about it. so, I just hang it over my bed.

I met this tibetan monk in the lobby of hotel once.  we shot the breeze for a while.  before he left, he gave me an amulet.  told me to mumble a mantra that I have since forgotten.

should I be wearing the amulet for the good luck to materialize?

didn't think much about it.  so, I just hang it over my bed.

It's not a question of magic imbued in some inanimate object . More of making you own luck (if you wish to term it as such). As the discussion on 'karma (above) has highlighted.

Isn't there something in Tibetan Buddism about it not being the breeze tht moves but your mind, by the way?


To slightly change the subject, what are buddhist teachings regard the telling of lies.

And What would be the correct action to be taken by a buddhist if they had been cheated (from a large sum of money or property), (I dont mean physical actions...shoot or kill, as would be most common answer)

It seems a little had to believe they would just say never mind it all happend for a reason?, as my basic view leads me to believe

this may sound aload of bull to some members but I really believe that I have been cursed, over the last 2 years I have lost almost everything in Thailand and now problems with Family etc in Europe...NO not to bargirls, but thro being ripped off by numorous people mostly farang!.

Anything I've touched has gone terribly wrong, not only business or money wise.

Prior to this I have been very succesful in Thailand.

I went to a kind of Curse removal by a elderly Monk 3 months ago,He told me that yes I did have something around me and I must return 7 days later with numorous small items of food and drink,and that he would make an offering to help remove the said curse.This i did and as such nothing is much better.

Does anyone have experience with similar situations in Thailand, I believe Surin is the place for bad curses to be removed, any imput would be very well recieved, as I am banging my head against a wall.

Any Idea where is the best place to find genuine Amulats,on Samui

I think its all about if you believe it or not! The more you think you are cursed the more anytime anything goes wrong you can blame it on "the curse" stop believing it and i am sure it will end!

yeah..you better beleive to yourself. :o

To slightly change the subject, what are buddhist teachings regard the telling of lies.

Don't tell them. It's one of the five precepts.

And What would be the correct action to be taken by a buddhist if they had been cheated (from a large sum of money or property), (I dont mean physical actions...shoot or kill, as would be most common answer)

It seems a little had to believe they would just say never mind it all happend for a reason?, as my basic view leads me to believe

Since you can't change the past, I think the correct action would be to look at what happened and see if any of your actions contributed to it. Then resolve not to let it happen again. Learn from the experience.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Regarding Karma, are our thoughts connected with making merit and do bad thoughts have an effect on our Karma."

In Buddhism, thoughts are, in fact, actions.

One of your repliers was quite right in saying that it's intention that counts.

Any actions you now do should be done not with a goal of improving your lot, but with only selfless intentions.

Ritualised practices such as you are suggesting are not absolutely necessary, and can be ignored by some, but the fact is that ritual, ritual worship for example, can affect us in very subtle ways, as we are complicated human beings.

Tzu Yen in China walked an unbearable distance across China and out of it I believe prostrating himself every third step because he felt he'd upset his parents by running away to become a monk. He later became fully enlightened and lived to 120. Good luck.

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