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50 Ways To Leave Your Lover


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On another thread I described my problem and I have come to the conclusion that I should stop my relationship with my current GF of two years.

I don’t want to leave the area where I live. And I don’t want to leave my condo.

I have come to the conclusion that the best method is to tell her I have come upon some business problems and don’t have the money to give her any more. Presently I give her 300 baht a day allowance and take care of our living expenses. She pays for any personal expenses like cell phone time and beauty salon and so forth. If she wants gold she buys it. If she wants to send money home she does so out of her allowance.

I am not much for midnight moves and I would not consider anything that could cause her harm.

Opinions would be appreciated.

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Start more subtley - cut her down to 150 Baht a week first.

Let's see how strong her love is for you then.

Note: If she buys any more tattoos, red card straight away.

Don't think you'll find Love on wages Mr Chaimai..

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Someone I know has gotten rid of unwanted admirers on numerous occasions by saying he has no money, or even asking if she can lend him money as he has none, that normally does the trick.

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It sounds as if your set up is based solely round the Thai Baht anyway so i reckon your idea will do the trick.

For me it is based on baht. For her? I don't know I would assume it is. I am not young, handsome and I had a vasectomy years ago.

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

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Someone I know has gotten rid of unwanted admirers on numerous occasions by saying he has no money, or even asking if she can lend him money as he has none, that normally does the trick.

I think that may be the least uncomfortable way to go. Say your son/daughter back home needs money and you have almost none now, or you had an investment flop, something like that. She will read your body language and understand what is really going on. Face saving for her. Good luck.

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10 suggestions -

1. tell her you turn gay

2. tell her threesome or more ladies would help the relationship

3. tell her your "wife" coming from your country to live with you

4. tell her you like "cyber" better than the real thing

5. tell her you fell in love with one of the MODs on TV :)

6. tell her TV excite you more than being with her

7. tell her you think Woflie and Rimmer have sexy avatar

8. pack her bags and tell her you need space - like forever

9. tell her you are out of money coz need to support 12 kids from ur last 3 marriages

and finally....

10. tell her you just bored of her and need a new girl (do upgrade your insurance first)


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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

I tried that. She threatened to stab me in the middle of the night in the heart and lock the door and go to Malaysia.

Then I tried getting caught with another woman on a lunch date and she threatened to destroy my two computers.

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

I tried that. She threatened to stab me in the middle of the night in the heart and lock the door and go to Malaysia.

Then I tried getting caught with another woman on a lunch date and she threatened to destroy my two computers.

ok scrap my number 10 suggestion

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

I tried that. She threatened to stab me in the middle of the night in the heart and lock the door and go to Malaysia.

Then I tried getting caught with another woman on a lunch date and she threatened to destroy my two computers.

Cut the $$ completely, immediately.. :)

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

I tried that. She threatened to stab me in the middle of the night in the heart and lock the door and go to Malaysia.

Then I tried getting caught with another woman on a lunch date and she threatened to destroy my two computers.

Don't mess with this lady. Change your locks and go for a two week vacation somewhere.

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10 suggestions -

1. tell her you turn gay

2. tell her threesome or more ladies would help the relationship

3. tell her your "wife" coming from your country to live with you

4. tell her you like "cyber" better than the real thing

5. tell her you fell in love with one of the MODs on TV :)

6. tell her TV excite you more than being with her

7. tell her you think Woflie and Rimmer have sexy avatar

8. pack her bags and tell her you need space - like forever

9. tell her you are out of money coz need to support 12 kids from ur last 3 marriages

and finally....

10. tell her you just bored of her and need a new girl (do upgrade your insurance first)


I have thought about telling her I am gay. I actually think gay guys have a much better time in Thailand than straight guys anyway. But I am afraid to mention anything sexual because of the duck thing.

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

I tried that. She threatened to stab me in the middle of the night in the heart and lock the door and go to Malaysia.

Then I tried getting caught with another woman on a lunch date and she threatened to destroy my two computers.

Don't mess with this lady. Change your locks and go for a two week vacation somewhere.

Easy to say but first I have to get her to pack her things and leave before I can change the locks and take a vacation.

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Being realistic, if you want peace and quiet………………Pay her off.

Seeing as you wish to live in the same area then whatever you do try and make sure the split is an amicable one.

Once you announce the split her grubby mates will be advising her to seek a pay day and just in case you don’t know this, 99% of Thai’s have a violent streak in them so just be careful you don’t fall foul of the baseball bat wielding ‘brother’ whose just had his umbilical cord severed.

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Promise her 50,000 baht if she finds you a suitable replacement at 150baht/day :)

Taking off on this: Tell her you have good news and bad news. The good news is you will be giving her XXXX baht, when (the bad news) she moves out tomorrow because you just want to live alone.

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Tell her that you have seen ghosts in the house. Rig up some strange noises going peeeee! Distribute a few dead mouse heads around the place. Try to make your eyes bulge when you speak with her.


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Move , baby move .

I would move everything inside , rent a new place for a while and if really stubborn

just sell the place and buy a new one . :) I agree don't give any money , but it probably wont be

respected now they know you were never serious in the first place , some ladies are a dangerous lot ,

all depends what kind of lady she was before you met her ofcourse .

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