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50 Ways To Leave Your Lover


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Its really not easy. I had a similar girl once, and she said the same crazy things to me about stabbing when sleeping and even slept with a knife under her pillow some night. I really did not know how to rid myself of her since she seemed to be a crazy girl. It was many reasons why I could not easily just kick her out, since many things could get back and bite my ass. She was really something for her self, and seemed to have a split personality at times. She had a so-called "Golden Baby" in the room, AKA Guman Thong, and many told me to try to get rid of this, as she would normalize. But even mentioning it she would go mental and start being more crazy than ever.

I had to do as the others have suggested, and just vanish and stay low for a while. Her treats amounted to very little. I said to her that if anything ever came back to me, she would have to do a very good job, since whgatever treaths I would have would come back at her. I showed her I had a copy of her ID-card, and I had gathered some stuff on her too, like a reccording of her treaths to kill. I said I would turn this over to the police if she would not leave me alone. She said she knew so many police, but usually they all say this, and the police will usually never care about what comes out of their mouth. Also realise that she would have to pay other people off to join her in any efforts to do anything at you. And since they do not know you, and have no reason whatsoever to do bad to you, she would have to come up with some real money to pay them off. Usually they would tell her to calm down and find someone else.

If I ever have a girl in like that again, I will really have fun with her and mess things up for her. I really hate her kind, since I used so much resources of my valuable time, that I could otherwise enjoy, to fight her verbally. Not to speak about wake-nights, where she could keep me up until 8 o'clock in the morning with her crazy bullshit. Now I know how weak she really was. So subtract at least 80% of what she is saying. And try to get evidence about her treats and hand it over to the police. By law a death treath is as serious here, as in the country you come from.

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True story, friend of mine went into the Vietnam battle fatigue/shell shock relapse mode. He would go into the house with an object of choice (hammer, ball bat, shovel, use imagination) walk in varying circles, tap valued objects (no damage) look at the gf in that flat appraising way of a lecher, disgusted etc way. Top it off by waiting until she is asleep , turn on light and let her wake up to you holding your favorite object just leering at her. When asked what is going on, mumble I thought the VC were back. Make individual changes to fit your mood and she will either move out or call the men in white coats who are easily misled. He had 100% success and it never took over 5 days.

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Telling her you don’t have money any more will defiantly work especially if she sends some home. The family will definitely make her leave you even if she doesn’t want to. I have had this kind of experience couple times, so just try and you will have results

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Rent another condo for a month.

Move all your stuff out when she is out.

Do not answer any calls from her, when she leaves, which will probs be very soon, move back in.

(like I suggested in the tattoo thread, slip out the back Jack)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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True story, friend of mine went into the Vietnam battle fatigue/shell shock relapse mode. He would go into the house with an object of choice (hammer, ball bat, shovel, use imagination) walk in varying circles, tap valued objects (no damage) look at the gf in that flat appraising way of a lecher, disgusted etc way. Top it off by waiting until she is asleep , turn on light and let her wake up to you holding your favorite object just leering at her. When asked what is going on, mumble I thought the VC were back. Make individual changes to fit your mood and she will either move out or call the men in white coats who are easily misled. He had 100% success and it never took over 5 days.

I like this one.

He's been with her two years, and I missed why he doesn't want to see her anymore. It really isn't easy till they are made aware, by having them lose face in front of other Thai's where you live, that they are no longer welcome. By growing a setta balls, I think he meant prepare for whatever happens at that moment. If you don't want to have to go through this, try bring sincere, and telling her the truth. Ignore her. Make her feel you. Their threats are, generally speaking?, BS. However, they will leave if they are well aware you don't want them there. He coulda meant that, the setta balls thing, in how you handle that. If you fail, it's cause you want to.

Quick edit: A reasonable payoff will help ease the skids.

Edited by Shotime
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Grow a set of balls!

Assuming you have a set and live and work in Thailand what did you do in a similar situation?

Er yes been here over 11 years and had a situation where enough was enough, mind you 'she' in question didn't get a daily wage.

Informed said 'she' living with me was no longer a viable option

Being the nice kind 'jai dee' fellow that i am previously i went to Big C and brought a large suitcase

On delivery of the 'news' I the Filled the case with 'her' stuff gave enough cash to get her somewhere better than my doorstep and that was that - only extra things i did was to give a copy of 'her' ID to the condo security with a small tip and told them under no circumstance was she to enter the condo block.


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Making yourself disgusting can't hurt either:

Execute unbridled flatulence, preferably under the sheets

Clear sinuses with a loud snort, collect and spit often

Cease brushing your teeth, using toothpicks, and smile a lot after eating

Adjust and scratch every few minutes

...you get the idea. Not 50 ways but probably 500 ways. Just be yourself. :)

Edited by Lopburi99
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A friend of mine took up with a woman in Hua Hin.

He was suspicious, but deeply enamoured with this lady.

He was happy the way he was, living in a rented app'tmt, but she wanted him to buy a nice big house.

Unknown to her, he rented a house and had a deed made up ( from a local street vendor) to look like the real thing...stamp & all. He had a formal dressed friend pop round to get her to sign it. The document was all in Thai and proclaimed her the outright owner of the property.

From that day forward, he watched her attitude change. In the end, she made his life hel_l. He had good grounds to believe she was seeing someone. Most others knew this as a fact.

When the penny dropped; he said he would leave. He said they should sell the house and come to an arrangement. She said it was all hers and he would not get a penny.

She said he could have the car. He said he would like the motor bike too. She accepted.

He went.

Her lover moved in.

2 weeks later, the owner arrived requesting the rent arrears.

She was enraged & showed him the title deeds.

She was homeless within days.


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A friend of mine took up with a woman in Hua Hin.

He was suspicious, but deeply enamoured with this lady.

He was happy the way he was, living in a rented app'tmt, but she wanted him to buy a nice big house.

Unknown to her, he rented a house and had a deed made up ( from a local street vendor) to look like the real thing...stamp & all. He had a formal dressed friend pop round to get her to sign it. The document was all in Thai and proclaimed her the outright owner of the property.

From that day forward, he watched her attitude change. In the end, she made his life hel_l. He had good grounds to believe she was seeing someone. Most others knew this as a fact.

When the penny dropped; he said he would leave. He said they should sell the house and come to an arrangement. She said it was all hers and he would not get a penny.

She said he could have the car. He said he would like the motor bike too. She accepted.

He went.

Her lover moved in.

2 weeks later, the owner arrived requesting the rent arrears.

She was enraged & showed him the title deeds.

She was homeless within days.


An astounding story, if true.

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Give her a shave, Dave.

No, wait...that might actually bring you two closer and lead to reconciliation.

so just

Give her a kick, Dick.


Tell her to go, Bro.

And you'll be fine, Stien.

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Sleep in the park, Mark.

Breaking up is always hard to do. Only you know what the gal might do. I understand that you don't want her to lose face in the parting, but you've got to do something logical. I would rent her another place for a month if she is actually living with you. She deserves something for her time with you. Just kicking her to the curb is not a manly thing to do.

If you suspect she might get violent then best you move your small stuff slowly to another place of your own and then make one fast move when she's not around.

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well some that have worked for me in the past:

1.) tell her you dislike her and end it right away

2.) pack your stuff and go, tell her your leaving... or dont, both work

3.) cancel your lease on your place... and move, just dont invite her to move in with you

4.) send her out for the day pack her bags, change the locks and take a 2 week vacation

5.) stay out for a few days in a row every week... she will get the hint

Next time some one asks to move in with you .... just say no... personal space man, try dating for 2 or 3 years before you move in....that will give you plenty of time to weed out the crazies :)

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I was considering taking her off the OPs hands, but at 9000 baht per month plus living costs, she`s too expensive for me.

There is a sure way of getting rid of her without the hassle and stress of having to explain or throw her out. Stop the money and she will soon venture onto gullibles anew.

So that`s it. Be a smart bunny and stop the money.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Possible problem with stopping the money.......she may hang in there for 6 months or more until an alternative situation is located........no real hardship for her and potential for the relationship to become 'angry'.

In my opinion, as has been suggested, best bet has got to be to create an alternative, without her knowledge......then be honest.....tell her it is not working.....one of you will have to leave.....ask her if she can keep on the accomodation without you and offer to go.......react and act according to her response.

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Why the hedging around and excuse making...

Why not just tell her that she has offended you in a way that makes it impossible to continue the relationship, so it is over - goodbye.

Besides "No need to be coy, Roy", an excellent answer.

Tell the truth & take the consequences...& be free.

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